
Chapter 77: [Valkyrie Hastings] (8000 words)

[Explain, this is the amount of two changes today. I ca n’t update it at night, so I posted it together.

More than eight thousand words! !! It ’s a lot more than the two on weekdays ...]


Chapter 77 【Valkyrie Hastings】

The cold morning wind blows through the wilderness of the wildfire field, and the rising sun is still bred under the horizon, but only a hint of fish belly is faintly revealed, and the first rays of sunlight have not yet arrived. In the icy wind, the Empire Eagle flag on the flagpole fluttered.

This is a station just north of the town of Wildfire, stationed here by the Byzantine Empire Second Corps.

As one of the Byzantine Empire ’s regular corps, the Second Corps is a pure infantry army. It is also the middle of the three-way army against the Odin invasion on the wildfire field in the Byzantine Empire military plan. force.

In the morning, the large garrison barracks was still silent. Only the vigil patrol was wandering. The soldiers on the checkpoints were tightly wrapped in leather robes, and their heads shrank in the cold wind. The eyes were filled with bloodshot all night, and the only thought in my heart at this moment was to be able to hold the value early and go back to sleep.

This **** wildfire is too cold in the morning ...

The General of the Second Corps, General Perizzoli, has stood up, dressed neatly, and has just stepped out of the big tent. He glanced at the door of the night, and his protagonist crouched with a spear in his head and dozed off. He smiled casually, and went up and kicked his relatives gently. With a nervous look after the soldiers woke up, he just left with a broad smile.

General Perizzoli is forty years old. Although he was born in a large family and has a distinguished noble status, he can still be regarded as a qualified Imperial soldier. The style in the army is simple and stable, and there is never a lack of courage when fighting. Although he has not made any significant credits, he has not made any serious mistakes. The so-called "no credit and hard work", In general, it is the most appropriate evaluation of people like him.

Perizzoli did not investigate the malfeasance of his relatives sleeping on duty. He took a few deep breaths, and the cold air in the morning stabbed his lungs a bit, and he just whispered and took a few An officer, his complexion began his patrol with ease.

In fact, at this moment, everyone in the Second Corps is just like their generals, with a relaxed attitude.

According to the military's plan, the Odin invasion was blocked in three ways, but the Second Corps was assigned to a very relaxed location: they were stationed directly in the middle of the wildfire field, and two north through the station The woods, about two days away, face the dwarven territory, and the northeast of the right wing is the red wilderness occupied by the goblins.

This geographical location gives people a very safe feeling: even if the Odins really want to fight over, it is unlikely that they will choose this direction: the dwarven territories and goblin territories are in front, and the Odins want If you want to fight from here, you will inevitably pass through the territory of the dwarves, risking conflict with the dwarves. Probably no head commander will do such a stupid thing. Everyone knows that the dwarf's combat power is not bad. No general will understand how to consume troops in such a place. The dwarves and goblins that stood in front of them became the natural barrier for the Second Corps.

In fact, the Second Corps in the Byzantine Empire is not known as the elite ace Corps. Their strength is probably in the middle of the second line, so they will be sent to such a relatively safe position.

According to General Perizzoli's guess, the reason why the military kept their troops here was just to prevent the small Odin army from sneaking in from the gaps in the dwarf's territory and sneaking in-and this kind of The possibility of sneak attacks by small forces is also very small.

Nevertheless, Perizzoli made some arrangements that seemed to him quite safe: he set up four checkpoints on the north side of the station, each of which had a distance of several checkpoints, and the garrison stationed rotated every two days— —If the Odins really hit and wanted to send a small group of soldiers to sneak in and sneak in, they would not escape their eyes. However, Perizzoli thought that this was unlikely, and there were some considerations in setting up four checkpoints, but it was to prevent the dwarves in the north from suddenly running crazy to challenge themselves.

As for the Odin ... According to the usual practice, they should go south from the Albakt Plain, where the Thirteenth Corps is stationed, and according to the practice of the Empire, the most difficult battles are given to the Iron Army.

On a quiet morning, General Perizzoli took a tour around the station. This was not his habit, but he knew that after this war he would be transferred from the army and worked here for four In the years, Perizzoli still had a lot of affection for this army. Before leaving ... see more.

After he circled around, and sweating slightly, watching a team of soldiers had stepped out of the tent to prepare for a morning exercise, Perizzoli had a loose smile on his face.

However, his smile bloomed for a moment, and it was frozen! !!

Because he saw something ...

Beacon! !! !!

A blaze of flames ignited on a sentry lookout on the north side of the tower, black smoke plumes straight into the sky, and it was blown up in the cold wind for dozens of meters before being blown away!

And this checkpoint is actually the one closest to your military camp! !!

Perizoli only saw the fire, his face was stiff, and the shock in his heart had not subsided yet, and a terrible voice was heard in his ear ...


Howling! This is a kind of howl of beasts, rolling howls, do not know how many, maybe dozens, maybe hundreds? The thick and violent roar was intertwined and came along the cold wind, making the scalp numb!

The dull roar immediately broke the morning silence.

里 Perizzoli froze for a moment, his face turned wild, he rushed towards the door of the station frantically, kicked away the soldiers still in the roar, and jumped up to the lookout and looked north.

Then, the muscles of the Empire general's face suddenly twisted, and a bean-sweat on his forehead dropped quickly ...

To the north, the nearest lookout is already in the blazing fire. A row of black squinting shadows has quickly flashed beside a high ground on the left side of the lookout. In the dim morning light, the row of black squinting The more shadows gathered, as if a dark cloud was pressing down the hillside ...

The chilling roar came from there. General Perizzoli standing on the lookout quickly saw the dark clouds ...

The violent black bears were crowded on the hillside in a row and densely packed. Each of these black bears was thicker and taller than ordinary bears. The black fur was also dressed with rough and heavy black armor and shoulders. At the same time, there is the armour on the arm of the upper limb, with a sharp inverted blade! These guys are standing there as if standing in a row, and they don't know how much behind them. The more they get together ...

What's more terrible is that on the backs of these bears wearing heavy and thick armor, there is a saddle-like thing hanging from the back of each bear near the neck, and there are people sitting on the back! Odin! The guys on the bear's backs are wearing metal armors that are extremely rare among the Odins, and they are made poorly but extremely heavy. Each guy is polite by Kong Wu, holding a large tomahawk in one hand and struggling with one hand. Holding his chest, his bare arms were covered with black body hair, and the roar of these guys was almost the same as the black bears under them.

Perizoli saw this clearly, and a heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, but felt that his eyes were black, and his heart suddenly jumped up. He couldn't breathe for a moment, opened his mouth hard, and bit his tongue fiercely. The severe pain made him finally take care of that huge shock.

Looking at the lookout, the general turned his head suddenly, his expression distorted and roared wildly.

"Enemys !!! Are Odin's" rage "!!!"

The screaming voice passed through the station instantly ...


No horns, no drums. The group of bear Odins on the hillside suddenly rushed down in a roar!

Black bears ran hard, hundreds of black bears gathered and poured down, like a black cloud under the wind, rushing to the Byzantine army station at a crazy speed.

The hastily bugle only sounded, and the Byzantine barracks suddenly cried out, and the officers were disheveled everywhere to drive the same disheveled soldiers. More soldiers had just had time to crawl out of the tent. The officers were madly urged to line up. Most soldiers even wore robes, and others even had no weapons in their hands.

里 Perizoli had a distorted expression and ordered the camp door to be closed, and the general's angrily roar ceaselessly.

The distance is too close! Every effort was made, when the garrison at the barracks barely gathered more than a hundred archers, and only had a round of salvo, those black bear fighters had already rushed to the camp door!

However, the wooden fence wall with only one person was easily smashed in front of the raging black bear. The black bear fighters stormed into the camp frantically and queued up the wall of the guards who temporarily arranged the camp guards. The black bear who first broke through the battalion gate smashed instantly. Under the black bear's huge palm, the soldier's flesh and blood seemed extremely fragile. Several soldiers were shot directly and their heads were broken. The soldier was then torn to pieces! Several officers also tried to organize a counterattack, and the black bear fighters who rushed in had already rushed into the crowd. Only one officer's sword was waved, and the black bear was directly hit by the black bear. Although the officer cut the black bear, the long sword was easily broken under the waving of the black bear's huge palm, and then the Odin warrior axe sitting on the back of the bear whistled past, and his head rose into the sky ...

Guarded the queue of hundreds of defenders at the gate of the camp, but was smashed between a few breaths, and hundreds of Byzantine soldiers were killed in the first meeting! The thick wooden gate of the camp gate has crashed, and the fence wall crashed after a hundred black bear warriors forcibly broke through. The fifty-meter-long fence wall collapsed.

More and more black bear fighters swarmed from the gap and rushed to the chaotic Byzantine army ...

It is conceivable that most Byzantine soldiers even just woke up from their sleep, most people did not have time to put on armor, even weapons, no shields, and the flesh and blood were under the impact of the black bear warriors, and they were slain without resistance. Ripped to pieces.

The chief officer of the First Banner Regiment of the Second Corps counterattacked with a team of patrols who just took turns, but barely resisted for a moment. The commander had good martial arts, and his sword cut down a black bear with his fighting spirit. , But then he was thrown down by four black bears rushing up in a frenzy at the same time. After a scream, the body was torn into several pieces! The internal organs and corpses are flying ...

Under the impact of hundreds of black bear warriors, they were just like small stones thrown into the flood, but they splashed a little spray and were soon swallowed up. ...

In general, the Second Corps did not form much effective resistance. Although there were only hundreds of Black Bear fighters, relying on the violent impact of the Black Bear, it was easy to bring down the first line of the Second Corps temporarily and barely. And the following ... can basically be regarded as a massacre!

The battalion of the Second Corps turned into a Shura field, and there were screaming and screaming everywhere. The soldiers of the collapsed Second Corps had no fighting spirit. Then he was easily killed by the black bear warrior chasing behind him.

The sharp minions of the black bear, and the big axe of the Odin warrior on the bear's back, are madly harvesting life ...

The chaos is unstoppable.

Hundreds of black bear fighters 'assault completely destroyed the courage of the Second Corps, and then, behind the first wave of black bear fighters' assault, a large number of Odin reindeer cavalry rushed out behind the hillside in front of the station, thousands The Odin reindeer cavalry easily poured into the barracks of the Second Corps through the gap in the fence wall, and then spread out, strangling around the second Corps' smashed soldiers ...


On the hillside, a back looked at the killing field in the distance quietly, a pair of slender eyes, eyes full of indifference.

背 This back is not very tall, even among the generally burly Odins, his body looks exceptionally thin and short. Such a body, even in the Byzantines, can only be regarded as medium.

But such a thin back, standing on the hillside, in the cold wind, a black cloak flutters, but with a faint awe of bravery, as if the owner of this back, standing under the hillside, the thin body , But trampled the earth under the mountain at your feet!

Hiding behind the back, hundreds of Odin warriors stood there quietly, and each Odin warrior's eyes looking at the back were full of fanatical worship.

"Blow the trumpet."

I looked at it for a while, and the back turned around. His face was mediocre, his lips were slumped, and he was so scared that he could not find it in the crowd. But those eyes are thin and long, and the thin corners of the eyes are slightly raised, even with a soft look. This man's eyes were indifferent, as if without a trace of emotional fluctuations, he ordered with a low voice.

Speaking, he slowly walked to the men behind him, and soon someone brought him a war horse. The war horse was tall, two meters away, but it was an unusually powerful horse on the horse's head. But there was a scar, which was cut directly on the horse's left face, and the horse's left eye was also blinded.

The horse was covered with light armor. The man turned over the horse and took a three-sided spear from his hands. He struck the reins gently, and the horse stood hissing, and the man stood on his feet. Run down the hillside and head towards the barracks of the Second Corps!


At this moment, the barracks of the Second Corps had completely collapsed. The last resistance was concentrated in the coach of the Second Corps. General Perizoli rushed to the rear as soon as the barracks were breached. He sent all the guards. He and his deputy generals gathered, and about two hundred chaos were gathered in the melee. Next to the coach's big camp, with the flagpole as the center, they barely assembled into a circular defense array.

In the chaos, the two reindeer cavalry and more than a dozen black bear ragers took turns three times, but this remnant gathered the strongest guards in the Second Corps, as well as Perizoli and several generals. Intermediate or even advanced samurai.

At this moment, everyone has understood the time of the deadly battle. The swords of several generals shone and formed a defensive circle. They stubbornly resisted the Odin's assault. The defensive circle continued to shrink. More than two hundred soldiers quickly The casualties left fewer than fifty people.

General Perizzoli's sword has been cut and rolled, and the armor has been torn. A deep scar on the chest is left by the axe of a black bear rage. He has killed six black bear rage and ten. Several reindeer cavalry, several generals under his command have also been killed and wounded more than half, the circle of defense has been shrinking again and again, the ground is full of human and horse corpses, broken flesh everywhere. Perizzoli was pale, and he had lost too much blood.

Everyone knows that they will never be spared today. At this moment, the only ending is desperate.

With a scream, a general's long sword stabbed into the body of a black bear, but under the violent power of the black bear, he stuck the sword in his bones and continued to hit it crazy. The long sword broke instantly, and the black bear The palm of the general shattered the shoulder of the general. The Odin warrior was about to harvest his head with an axe. Perizoli's sword screamed with vigour and divided a light blade to split the Odin into two. half.

里 Perizzoli gasped, his body was unstable, his feet soft, and he barely supported himself with a sword.

There were several more screams around him, and two more gaps appeared in the circle of defense. He roared, and suddenly a silver light came out from his whole body, his hair flew up, and in the course of heavy drinking, the sword was like a *. Out, suddenly turned into a lump of light and smashed out everywhere, a few bangs, the burst of fighting spirit completely shrouded the distance of more than ten steps in front of him, the dozens of Odin reindeer cavalry on the spot were taken by horses. The light group was smashed, and a black bear rage was directly smashed by the light group and flew backwards several meters. When it landed, the black bear's chest was a huge blood hole, and the internal organs were smashed. The Austrian on the bear's back was crushed. Warrior Ding's upper body has disappeared!

"Come! See who will harvest my Perizzoli's head!" Perizzoli stunned, but still straightened his body to support himself with a sword. His eyes were covered by the blood flowing from the forehead wound. There were still a few shards of internal organs, where his feet stood, the ground was covered with a pool of blood, and blood was flowing down his legs.

里 Perizoli grinned wildly, his eyes were full of anger, and he stared fiercely at the enemy in front of him. He was clearly unable to stand even, but his fighting spirit still dazzled!

After all, he is the commander of a regiment. He has the strength of a high-level samurai. At this moment, he is desperately as powerful as a tiger. Dozens of reindeer cavalry in the distance seem to be deterred by his prestige. He is hesitant ...

在 At this moment, the horseshoe sounds in the distance! A horse hissed, a flying shadow leaped high, and the horse's hoof crossed over the heads of the reindeer cavalry, and it jumped to the front in one step!

The whistling black flames on the three-sided rifle swept across like a tornado!

里 Perizzoli's eyes reflected two black flames in his pupils. He screamed loudly, his body was full of silver fighting spirits, and rushed up against the black flames ...

boom! !!

There was a dull voice, in the black flames, Perizzoli's body was cut off directly! The black flames were incinerated immediately below his waist, and even the spurting blood was instantly gasified by the black flames!

Half of the short sword landed on the ground, a ding, and then quickly made a few cuts! !!

Perizzoli's upper body stump fell to the ground, and his waist was broken. The visceral intestines had flowed out of the flesh and blood, the black blood in his mouth was flowing crazy, and a pair of godless eyes stared at the immediately before him like dead fish. An opponent holding a black triangular rifle.

"Hey ... Hes ..." Unfortunately, he didn't finish the name and stopped breathing.

Hastings stood on the horse, and those slender eyes scanned the dead enemies on the ground without any trace of emotional fluctuations. The eyes were still so indifferent as ash. The war gun waved gently and silently, and the flagpole next to it After being chopped off and crashing down, the black flames rolled up, and for a moment, the flagpoles and flags were reduced to ashes in the black flames!

Then the warrior of Odin turned his head and looked coldly at the Odin warrior behind him.

"... Order, the trumpet sounds three times. When the trumpet is stopped, if the enemy camp is not reached, all the forwards will be cut!"


(Persecution! Fierce persecution! When the trembling fear in my heart ... well, that's the feeling ...)

Xia Xia was thinking hard, holding her head in front of her, with a fork and magic spar in front of her eyes, bloodshot eyes, like an idiot's vague thought.

He stood up arrogantly, took a fire fork and stabbed twice, then put it down again, frowned for a moment, then screamed fiercely, then jumped up and made two false cuts.

"Stupid, control your heart! Control your will! Crimson anger is not to make you really crazy! It is to use that kind of killing to inspire that power!"

Xia Ya listened to the voice in his head, and his face appeared to laugh wildly, laughing more and more crazy, suddenly jumping up, cursing:

"Control! Control! I control a ghost !!!"

He waved the fire fork like crazy and chopped around dozens of times, finally exhausted, and fell to the ground with a plop, wheezing and panting.

I waited for a while, the madness on his face faded away, and he grinned and touched his own face: "Fuck, is it still okay ..."

"How many times I have spoken to you is not to make you really crazy! It is to control yourself as much as possible, to control your calm consciousness at the critical point of going crazy! If you can do this, even if you have mastered this Power. "

Xia Ya closed her eyes and frowned, and after a while, a violent expression gradually appeared on his face again, and her fingers were trembling constantly, as if she wanted to grab the fire fork several times and chop wildly. However, he clenched his fist tightly, the blue tendons on the back of his hands were violent, the joints were pale, and Xia ’s body shook as if he had a cold, his face muscles trembled and his eyes bounced ... ...

Finally, he took a deep breath. Although his whole body was still shaking, he slowly stood up, moving slowly and heavily.

The eyelids slowly opened, and those eyes had completely turned red! !!

In Xia Ya's eyes, the violent and the clear flashes alternately, and finally stopped changing, and the eyes gradually calmed down, but the seemingly calm eyes matched the red eyes, which looked particularly strange.

He bit his teeth, his arms still trembling, but he gently held the fire fork, then took a deep breath, and hacked slowly towards the front ...

He was about five steps in front of him, and a wooden post about the thickness of his thigh was silently divided into two halves ...

Xia Xia stood on the spot, the tremor of his body gradually subsided, and a little blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he had just endured, bit his teeth, and his gums were squeezed out of blood!

The red in his eyes faded quickly. Xia Ya looked at the torch in her hand, and at the broken wooden post in front of her, walked over and looked, the cut was surprisingly flat!

"..." Xia swallowed, and then suddenly laughed: "Ha ha ha! It's done! It's done! That's it !!!"

But then he frowned again: "But ... it seems that the power is much smaller, and it seems that the red light that appeared two times ago has enveloped a large area of ​​red light ..."

The voice in my head sounded: "That's right. Although the power is smaller, it is because you have only so much power to control at this stage. If you blindly let the madness occupy your consciousness, you might be able to burst out of power Stronger red light, but your consciousness will also mad and lose your soberness. Unless you are an idiot, do n’t you understand that if you lose the conscious fight in the battle, even the powerful killing tricks, When you meet a really powerful enemy, you are dead. "

Charlie blinked her eyes: "Well, I understand this, it's like a drunk drunk man slashing with a big knife. Although the power is amazing, it is enough to deal with ordinary people, but when confronted with a powerful opponent, the other party can find a lot weakness……"

…… "... You're not stupid, though you are stupid."

"... ...... I spit!" Xia spit out the **** spit with dissatisfaction: "Don't think you are a dragon, you can just scold Lao Tzu! Now you are just a ghost. Anxious La Tzu, I ..."

"How are you?" The voice was cold, mocking: "Kill me? If you want to kill me, unless you cut this stone off. But this crimson and murderous spirit must have this piece Magic crystal with the imprint of your soul! Can you bear it? "

Sheiah was speechless.

He just found a little knock on the door and tasted a little sweetness. This crimson murderous power is very powerful. If he has n’t learned it, it ’s fine, but now he has already begun. He is required to break the stone and give up this trick. Never be reluctant.

土鳖 did not speak, the sound of that dragon seemed to sigh.

人类 "Humans, how about we make a deal?"



"Good red morning glow ..."

On the slopes of the valley, Ke Kelan stretched his arms freely, and the morning sun was on his body. Although it was winter, he still had a touch of warmth.

"Well, it's still good here. In Odin, in this season, people may freeze to death in the morning." Ke Kelan shook his cloak at will, and looked up at the red **** glow, a singularity flashed in his eyes. Glorious: "It's so bloody, it seems that I experienced a killing in the East this morning ..." He lowered his head for a moment, thinking with a smile: "... Hasting, have you won another battle? Odin Valkyrie, huh, add another stroke to your glorious record. Alas, unfortunately, the glory dyed with blood is ultimately ... "

This noble Odin smiled arrogantly: "... after all, ominous."

He said, he turned around, went down the hillside, and looked at a group of trembling servants standing under the hillside.

嗯 "Hmm ... is there anything in the thirteenth corps?"

没 "No, no ... Your Highness, they retreated, as if there was no intention to attack again."

Ke Kelan smiled with satisfaction, walked over and patted the attendant's shoulder, and the other party immediately fell to his knees in admiration.

"Well, don't be nervous ... let the soldiers take a good rest, at least until tomorrow night, those Byzantines will not move. Take time to enjoy the final peace." Ko Koran's face The stronger the smile, the colder his eyes. I looked back and looked at the **** sky ...

唉 "Well, such a beautiful morning glow, I really want to hear the music of the harp ..."

After a pause, he laughed, "Come here."

"His Royal Highness!"

嗯 "Hmm ... go, find me a harp. Your Highness will play a song!"

"........." The eyes of the people below were wide and small.

Although he is used to serving this singular singular highness, but ...

But sometimes His Royal Highness's messy orders are really crazy!


"You got my dragon scales, but there is no magic of dragons. Dragon scales are just a little harder armor in your hands. But I, the remaining soul still has the magic of dragon attributes. I can be a dragon Scales inject magic and increase its magic resistance. Also, the long life of the dragons has accumulated a lot of profound knowledge. Do you want to learn the dragons' warfare and martial arts? I can even teach you some dragon spells! As long as I am in you My soul crystal is left in the magic crystal, then in the future you can use this magic crystal as a conductor to cast a small part of the dragon spell magic, although it is only a little bit, but it is all real dragon spell magic! And ... … I can tell you the mystery of life, including how to use the power of the soul! Whether it is any life, a lower human being or a higher one like our dragons, the power of the soul far exceeds the power of the flesh, even when facing death As long as you learn this method, you can keep your soul immortal, and you will always have a chance to find a suitable physical resurrection ... "

土鳖 has no excitement on his face, but his eyes are full of vigilance.

"Fuck! That ’s so touching. What do you want Lao Tzu to do for you? Let ’s talk about it first, do n’t talk about it. Grandpa, I am very moisturizing ~ ~ An important notice.]

This book will be available in VIP on January 1st, this Friday.

After all, things on the shelves are inevitable. After all, I rely on writing books to eat. Let me tell my brothers in advance, and I hope you can continue to support me.

I also hope that you can subscribe to VIPs. Many friends have recently registered VIP numbers in support of me, and I am grateful for dancing. Everyone is my parents.

There are many friends who have given me a lot of money in order to support me. It makes me even more frightened and somewhat flattered.

I never ask for a reward. Well, this is the case. I ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket, but never ask for a reward.

总 I always think that everyone likes my book, and being able to subscribe to the VIP is already very supportive of me. If I can still vote for a monthly vote, I will be extremely grateful. As for the others, I dare not expect it. Besides, everyone's money is not brought by the gale, right? I don't want everyone to waste money.

So, if you support me, I hope that capable readers will get a VIP number, and I will be very satisfied when I subscribe when it is available.

In addition ... if you can, book a monthly ticket for January, haha ​​~

I think it's been almost a year that I haven't fought for a monthly ticket. This time I make a comeback, I really feel a little hesitant.

I'll rely on everyone to support you then ~

——Small five leave a message.

PS, I almost forgot the last sentence: To all my brothers and sisters who like my book, I want to say to you, I will try to prove that your support for me will not be wasted!

So watch me dance with words! ~




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