
Chapter 539: [Big Wedding (6) Wedding]

Chapter 539 The Big Wedding (6) Wedding

Chapter 539 The Big Wedding (6) Wedding

early morning.

All the gates of Denzel City were wide open at dawn. The city's garrisons and patrols all changed to the latest armor and uniforms, and everyone wore a colorful silk scarf that symbolized the festival.

Before daybreak, there were already people from the auxiliary barracks lined up on the streets.

In the streets around the city's Beifu, every family is lit with lights, and even the trees along the street are colored with ribbons. And when the morning sun came out, hundreds of mighty soldiers were already wearing bright armors, lined up in two rows on the road leading to Shoufufu. The red carpet was spread out for hundreds of meters.

The sun shone on Denzel, and the whole city was filled with a tense and festive atmosphere.

Only the patrol team is still on the alert, tight and tight-the mysterious and beautiful woman who attacked the patrol cavalry yesterday has not been found, and the whereabouts of General Nene are still unknown. The search by the patrol throughout the city was fruitless, and they could only report things layer by layer. Therefore, today ’s wedding, in addition to the heavily armed army, there are one hundred and ten elite soldiers. China stands ready to respond to any sudden crisis.

In order to meet the commander's big wedding, the entire army of Denzel City is like a sharp arrow with a bowstring!

This matter must not be in the slightest trouble!


Just last night and early in the morning, all the generals of the Northern Army who had been sent out had rushed back to Denzel City in six consecutive days. It is reasonable to say that the commander-in-chief wedding, these generals at all levels should not have been Only arrived at this last moment, but in order to meet the subordinate officials of the imperial capital, the place was evacuated first, and it was also hard for the officers of all levels of the Northern Army. Fortunately, we did a great job below, finished the work, and then Hurrying back, but none of them missed the time.

Hundreds of officials from the imperial capital came to the city of Denzel yesterday and received a warm hospitality. The dinner was even drunk. Several of them were still in the hangover in the morning, and they were almost unable to climb. stand up.

Because Denzel is a small town in the border county and there is no church. In addition, everyone knows that the Lord Xia Leiming is not of Byzantine origin. I am afraid that it may not be a Byzantine state religion, so there is no one. Think of organizing the wedding into a religious form.

The wedding ceremony was arranged in Futaba.

This defensive mansion in Denzel was once the place where the former enemies commanded during the empire's foreign wars. After it became a place in Charia, it was expanded. After Charia established the Northern Army, it was once here. Temporarily used as the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army-Although the Commander-General of the Northern Army has now officially moved to the new town of Siltan County, the scale of this garrison house in Denzel City has been expanded after several expansions. But it has survived.

Fortunately, the place is large enough that this wedding can only be held here.

The gates of Shoubei government opened four times. The front door and the courtyard wall have been demolished and rebuilt in these days. The door has expanded four times than before. The courtyard and the hall inside can be squeezed into thousands of people. Stand up.

The red carpet ran from the hall to the door.

The people who watched the ceremony, including officers and generals of the Northern Army at all levels, were all on the left side of the carpet, arranged in high places in the army. From top to bottom, Green was naturally the first to the left. The other subordinate officials who came from the imperial capital were all placed under the ranks of the Northern Army.

On the right of the red carpet, there is a rather distinguished visitor from the front ceremony. The people in the Besta Military District were the most prominent and stood in the forefront for an officer in the Besta Military District. It is said that they had won the trust of the Governor's wife and regarded it as a core confidant. In addition, there are basically no people sent by other forces to come to congratulate-after all, Xia conquered four military regions, and even if they stand on the hostile side with the Red Round Table Alliance, the warlord party's military district governors We naturally will not send someone to congratulate you.

Except for the visitors from the Besta Military Region, the rest came to the congratulatory only those who have heads and faces in the area of ​​Char ’s rule, there are local nobles or big businessmen and rich people, and some have previously held official positions. Character on the place. The most prominent of them was a group of people who were gorgeously dressed but looked strangely-these were the original rulers of the four military regions conquered by Charlie.

The original governors were naturally fired by Xia, but in order to appease the people, except for killing the "Notting Tiger" who killed his wife and seeking honor, Xia didn't do much to kill the other places. Those former rulers migrated to the new city to manage them together, and they were not allowed to stay on the original site to avoid accidents. In addition, it was quite preferential. Even selected a few younger generations of children from several homes, and sealed a few less important idle duties, which can be considered to appease their hearts.

At this Xia ’s wedding, these courtiers also offered to offer a generous gift and came to observe the ceremony.


In the morning, the military bands lined up outside the gate of Beppu House immediately played the ceremonies, and then the guard of honor lined up an array outside the gate. The military capacity was all right. It is amazing that these guards of honor However, all of them are wearing armor that is attractive, the armor is extremely delicate, the leaves are very finely lining, the gaps are hardly visible, and the materials are all of superior quality, but it looks like I ’m afraid Even the Qiu Shan armor worn by senior officers in the Byzantine Army has been compared!

If such a good armor is placed in other army, only senior officers above the regiment level can wear it, but here in the Northern Army, there are hundreds of honour guards to wear it. undoubtedly!

Some people also thought in their hearts that I was afraid that it would also be a heavy face, and temporarily transferred all the good armor of the army to the honor guard.

However, only the high-level people in the Northern Army knew that these seemingly fine first-class armors were actually only the first batch of products in the short artificial farm outside Denzel. The subsequent equipment had been improved several times. It ’s getting better and better, and this first batch of armor has so many hundreds of places. In order not to waste, it is simply thrown to the guard of honor for a temporary use. The real good things are actually still in the warehouse of the General Logistics Department. Among them, only the next year will be batched down to the front-line combat department queue.

Even if it is the first batch of goods that have been eliminated, it has also surprised all the guests.

The time for the wedding has reached the throne of the Seal of the Gods. The first to appear is the actor today, the Grand Duke of Imperial Knox County, and the northern guardian general Xia Yalei.

Tochigi wore a delicate jersey today, black outside and red inside, and under the uniform was an imperial general's uniform, with several shining medals hanging on his chest. He was originally tall and tall, so wearing such an imperial general uniform, underneath his straightened uniform, it seemed that Xia Yaying was superior, and he was young, full-bodied, and vigorous. Full!

Xia ’s appearance immediately calmed the original whispering noise in the hall!

His leather boots stepped on the red carpet, and the meteor strode up to the front, facing all the guests below, slightly owed.

At the moment, Charya had a calm face, but she was a little disturbed.

Because, until just now, his men reported that Master Meilin, the adoptive mother, had not yet returned.

Is Merlin going to miss her wedding? This really made Charlie a little weird.

Originally, according to imperial traditions, weddings were mostly conducted under the auspices of the church. Xia is not religious, so according to tradition, naturally, there must be elders from both parties' homes to attend the wedding, thinking that the marriage is proof.

Xia Ya, here is naturally to invite Merlin to be his main wedding. As for the poor worm, Adeline, Adeline's mother is dead-it is impossible to find God Emperor Hannigan? That person was afraid that he would not appear on such occasions. As for the others ... Barely counted, only the rabbit emperor far away from the capital was regarded as the brother of the poor worm. But naturally Garcia cannot come.

In this case, Xia invited Yulia to come, Yulia is her own sister-in-law, and spent a lot of time with Poor Worm in Denzel, and the relationship is quite close, like sisters, please Yulia The elder princes who acted as poor worms can count.

But now, Merlin did not show up-if Merlin could not attend, Xia Ya was afraid that she would really leave a little regret.

Seeing that the throne of the Seal of God had arrived, the wedding could not wait any longer. Xia Ya looked at one of the captains under her, and the captain shook his head, and that was to tell Xia that Merlin had not been found. .

Charlie sighed and glanced at Green, who was standing in front of her, and whispered, "Go ahead."

Green turned back, looked at Xia, and hesitated a little, then he smiled: "Well ... then, I'm cheeky, so let's recharge your adult marriage partner."

Mad Dog Green is a general in the army. His qualifications are much harder and thicker than that of Xia. He can be called the eldest brother of Xia. If Xia is a homeless elder, Green can come forward to marry him.

Having said that, Green had already come to Xia's side, stood in the position of the main marriage, and nodded to the etiquette officer waiting below.

The orchestra in the yard was immediately instructed. The original ceremonial music changed suddenly, and the tunes became gentle and beautiful.

Immediately, a flower petal was sprinkled at the entrance of the hall, and the rain of petals fell, which immediately aroused the guests' cheers.

In this colorful scene, a slender figure walked in slowly.


As soon as Adeline debuted and entered the sight of the crowd, she was immediately amazed. When almost everyone saw the bride today, the first reaction was deeply. Took a breath!

Immediately, all the eyes projected on her gradually became envy, amazed, praised, shocked ...

So beautiful! !! !!


Adeline just came in in a rain of flowers. No one around her followed. Walking in the rain of rain, the gloomy sky became her set, and all the eyes shot. She couldn't move it anymore!

There is no doubt that Adeline is a beautiful winter jacket for women. She has a bright and charming appearance and can be called a first-class beauty. For today ’s wedding, Adeline was originally beautiful. The face of Taobao Women ’s Winter Jacket m was stained with a layer of shyness and joy, making the original beauty more beautiful. Three points.

However, at this moment, the most outstanding thing is the robe on her!

This robe, worn on her slender body, looked like a delicate flower. The texture of the robe does not seem to be visible, even the color ... it seems to be colored, but the ingenious combination of several colors is almost wonderful to the utmost, and they are perfectly matched together, but they are as many as possible. Women's clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter clothing jacket m completely set off. The color itself seems to have been forgotten.

The cut is even more amazing-if it is an ordinary skirt robe, if it is done well, it must be cut appropriately. However, this robe is peculiar. In some places, the cut is narrow and narrow. Fluffy, loose and soft, when Adeline walked in, every step, her slender waist and slender leg contours were looming under this robe, but they just seemed to come with a cloud of white clouds. Soft and fluffy ...

Tight and loose, the match is amazing!

The colors are colorful, but they don't grab colors.

So gorgeous, but unconventional.

Xia Ya looked at the amazingly beautiful Adeline of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s women ’s winter coat m. After a short absence, she finally sighed and convinced: Those elves really have the ability!

It was just that Tu Yuan looked at his bride's eyes, but it became sharper.

Adeline slowly walked to Xia Ya in the moving music, facing the eyes of Xia Ya wolf, and the poor insect's cheeks were flushed, and her head dropped slightly, and she did not dare to see Xia ’s nakedness Concealed eyes.

"Okay, does it look good?" Adeline said in a low voice. "The elves' sisters were finally finished last night."

"..." Xia Ya took a deep breath, then spit it out again, nodded strongly, very formal and serious tone: "Good-looking! You look better today than ever before!"

Adelin's heart was relieved, and she was relieved immediately. Her days of hard work was not wasted.

Charlie stared up and down at her for a while, and Adeline was panicked and whispered, "You ... what do you look at? Where do you look at people like this?"

Xia Yayi said twice: "You're going to be my wife. Isn't it just for me to dress up? Besides, let me look at my wife. Whoever dares to say half a gossip? "

Adeline looked at Charya's eyes, pouting and smiling, and whispered, "You ... you have such a temper, forever ... forever so domineering!"

Speaking, it was a sweet heart.

Xia Ya smiled and said, "Domineering? This is right, if I'm not domineering, I'm afraid you won't marry me in the end."

Adeline looked at Charlie, her tenderness in her heart, her eyes softened, but eventually her eyes became red.

Xia Ya was startled, took Adeline's hand, and whispered, "What's wrong? Why are your eyes red? Why are you sad?"

Adeline shook her head and whispered: "I ... I just suddenly remembered Defeni ... Well, she is my best friend, just like my sister, my mother is gone, in the capital It was she who took care of me. On my wedding day, she couldn't be by my side, she couldn't see me marry, I ... "

Adeline said emotionally, but our earth owl heard this, but suddenly there was a bit of confusion in his eyes, and he flickered his eyes away. There was an unspeakable guilty conscience in his heart.

Speaking of Defeny, where can the soil be guilty? The good thing that I did was to "finger finger" the dignified empire queen and my wife's best girlfriends. It was inevitable that Xia was smiling at this moment.

After the two said a few words, Yulia had slowly walked out, accompanied by several maids, and stood next to Adeline. Yulia looked at Adeline with a look in her eyes Compassionate, took out a handkerchief to help her wipe the corners of her eyes, and then stretched out her whole dress and whispered: "Beautiful bride."

The two have a good relationship in Denzel, especially after Defeni returned to the capital, Adeline in Denzel has only a friend who can talk to her heart.

Yulia looked at Adeline's eyes and turned red, so she smiled, turned around and looked at Xia, and smiled: "Xia, you must treat Adeline well, and you must not bully her in the future. . "

Xia Haha laughed, but Julia suddenly turned her voice, and her voice was a little weird: "You guy, don't laugh so easily. Huh ... you have to remember my words well. This girl Ah, the heart is the softest and most fragile. If you guys do n’t understand, they often hurt the girl's heart because they were confused, and then left without asking, and patted their **** and left ... ”

Yulia said strangely, Charya was at a loss, and she didn't know why the sister-in-law suddenly said these strange words, but he didn't go into his heart now, but just nodded his head and answered.

Immediately, Yulia ignored Charlie, and whispered a few words with Green. After the two wedding couples agreed, they announced that the wedding would begin immediately!

The wedding process is not cumbersome-mainly because of Charlie's request, many procedures have been simplified.

In fact, according to the tradition of the Byzantine Empire, marriage of nobles in the identity of Xia requires a series of etiquette and procedures, but Xia is most afraid of those troublesome troubles, which naturally greatly simplified. In his opinion, getting married was his own business, and it was only under the persuasion of Sophie and others that he set up such a big scene. That is to be worthy of one's status, and the status of the Northern Army.

But since the pomp is set, that's enough.

The etiquette procedure of the process, then avoid it!

Weddings are not religious, and oaths are naturally eliminated. Jumping directly to the final step, a pair of young men and women saluted to the guests who watched the ceremony, and under the witness of the two masters, they exchanged the marriage tokens.

This is in accordance with the customs of the Byzantine Empire. The man gave the woman two things: a key and a sword.

The key is to delegate the things in the house to his wife, and the long sword is to assure the wife that he will guard the two's family.

The wedding token that the woman handed over to the south was two other things: a head cut off from her own head, and a short dagger.

As Charya, this last procedure cannot be skipped.

The two exchanged tokens, and Adeline cut off a strand of her own head on the spot. Charlie took it and solemnly packed it into a box made of gold.

The wedding was then completed.

At this moment, the two are considered formal couples!

Immediately, cheers and congratulations arose in the hall, and Xia and poor worms saluted to the guests, then backed out temporarily from behind.

The side door at the back was wide open, countless servants rushed out, a large number of desks and soft beds were carried out, and the hall and yard were set up as banquet venues. After the guarding of the government, one hundred chefs in the back kitchen already made Well prepared, wine and food are ready, a wedding reception will be held here.

The guests at the scene naturally will not let go of such a good opportunity, especially those officials sent by the imperial capital. It is a rare opportunity for the generals at all levels of the Northern Army to gather together so neatly. Now, it is not a bad thing to know a few friends with military power in the army.

However, to the disappointment of the people who came from the Imperial City, although the generals of the Northern Army were very kind to them, they were obviously very polite, their eyes were aloof, and they seemed to be about to take office with themselves. The magistrate had no interest in the slightest recognition.

Each of these officers had ordinary eyes on their heads, and indeed all the officials who called the Emperor were depressed.


Charlie and Adeline returned for a short break to change clothes, and then went out to dinner. However, Charlie looked at the beautiful robe of Ms. Adeline, and couldn't help sighing: "It's only been a while that I wore such a good-looking robe, but unfortunately ... no. Don't change, this robe is really beautiful. "

Adeline felt a joy in her heart, then she shook her head: "Going to the banquet for a while, it's not good if you accidentally soil it." He paused slightly and whispered, "If you like to watch, I will wear it for you in the future. . "

Charlie's eyes turned, but she deliberately lowered her voice and said, "Okay! Why don't you wear it tonight and give me a good quiet ..."

Adeline first glanced at it, then looked at Charlie's weird smile, and then came to her senses. She was afraid that she hadn't moved any good intentions, and she took a look at Charya, and went into her room to change clothes. ——Although the two became husband and wife, Adeline never refused to change clothes in front of Charlie.

Xia Ya naturally has his own lounge. He went in and immediately took off his general suit ~ ~ Although this general suit looked straight, he was actually uncomfortable wearing it.

Xia Yaxie was angry for a while, and in her heart was a loss of joy, and the joy was that she was finally married, and the loss was also herself ... It was actually such a marriage ...

The taste in my heart was really complicated. I was thinking, and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, Xia Ya looked up, but saw a figure flashing into the door quickly!

A pair of bright and beautiful eyes, just staring at myself so quietly! !!



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[... Chapter 539 [Big Wedding (Six) Wedding]]

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