
Chapter 515: [Monthly Chase]

New town.

Sophie gently lowered the goose pen in her hand and looked down. "But a drop of ink did not know when it landed on her white wrist. She smiled gently, wiped it away, and felt a little sour. Eyes, looked up, and looked at the candles.

The window is open. "The night breeze blew in, the candlelight swayed, and the shadow of the person seemed to be a little wagging.

Sophie sighed softly, looking worried in her brows, and looked at the hourglass in the room.

At this time, it is already late at night.

She seemed to be waiting for something. "As the fine sand in the hourglass slowly flowed, the anxiety in her eyes grew stronger.

(Teacher, what you leave to me is "a really heavy burden."

Finally, a moment later, there was a rush of footsteps in the outer corridor of men. Soon "Fang Men was pushed away" a strong figure walked in, it was Juncker.

Junker's face was dignified. "After entering the men, he nodded to Sophie first," and then turned to close the room, before walking to the desk and standing.

"How's it going?"

Despite the anxiety in my heart, when I finally asked, these emotions were not shown on my face at all, and Sufi's **** se seemed to return to the calm and calm look again, and even the tone of speech was as calm as ever.

Juncker took a deep breath and looked at the nv boy who was light this year in front of him. This disciple, who was hailed by his teacher Carvey Hill as the most secrecy ... hesitated in his heart, and finally said: "Not great."

Upon hearing Juncker's answer, Sophie's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she glanced at Junker: "Specifically."

Juncker smiled bitterly: "The other day you asked, I started to pay attention to these people." He paused. He looked out of the window subconsciously, and then lowered some voices. "Said:" According to what we have learned before In the Northern Army, there were four with the old duke's old relationship. Three of them came out of the original Seventh Corps. A few days ago, after you ordered, "I quietly began to pay attention to these people. Both targets are now placed in the garrison for idle duties." I judge that it may not be large, so the focus is on two people. These two targets, in the past few days, a lead soldier has been performing a pull-out c-play, and has not returned in the wild, so there is no problem. The problem is the second target. "

"Sophie nodded." She knew who Junker was talking about as "No. 2 target". In fact, "these suspicious targets were all her own delineation."

This No. 2 target came from the 7th Corps. Later, in the reorganization of the Northern Army, it was also the first batch to fall to Xia Ya, posing a cooperative attitude "so it was not affected during the cleaning process." The first Army Corps of the Northern Army was also established, and still has a part of the military power, a banner-level general.

None of this would have been a problem originally ", but with the news from the Imperial City", after the return of the Duke of Minas, Sophie immediately caught the dangerous signal!

As Cavihill's most disciple, he was taught and taught by Cavihill for many years, and it was in a place where the power of Emperor Capital was the most intense. He was very familiar with all kinds of struggles.

With the return of the Duke of Minas, the impact and severe situation brought about by Sophie can certainly be judged.

And "she immediately keenly anticipated" the role of Xia in the high-level military confrontation of the imperial capital: Adrik's powerful foreign aid.

The return of the Duke of Minas must be "the best channel to start with" the emerging forces in the north ", and it is to secretly draw back the old ones.

It can be said that at the beginning, when Sophie asked Juncker to quietly "attention" to these goals, Juncker objected.

Juncker's reason is simple: In the Northern Army, we are all newcomers from outside. We have not really joined this group. Now doing this kind of "surveillance", if exposed, it will cause the generals in the Northern Army. Dislike.

However, under the strong insistence of Sophie, Juncker had to agree to Sophie's request.

"Target No. 2 has behaved abnormally in recent days." He sold off the land that was sealed up in Siltan County and nominally gave it to the middle and lower rank officers in the army. I think this may be a kind of buy-in. " Of course, more importantly, he was afraid that he would not have a long stay in the north. According to what I know, "in recent times in the military discussions," he mentioned many times, 〖Central〗 Central Army, and the Seventh Corps "And it seems that he is deliberately or unintentionally trying to test the response of some other officers. Also, he recently mentioned a few military plans, documents, etc. These things have not yet reached the date mentioned, but they were handed over to the commander's office in advance. He did not go to the commander's office. Theoretically, the master should hand in the documents of this level. If there is a problem, the boss is better to ask in person. Therefore, I think he may have deliberately hid the eyes. Those documents are not qualified. Go and stop, but ... "

"But nothing." Sophie was very calm, looked at Juncker, smiled, and said, "What do you mean, Green?" Green!

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Army "is second only to Xia's core figure, maintaining the pillars of the Northern Army's operation. More importantly," In the Northern Army, the old Duke of Minas is old. If you talk about it in detail, Green is the most obvious one! He is not only the ordinary old, but the disciple of the Duke of Minas "is also a hawk hawk from the Imperial Academy!

However, only in the previous surveillance operations, whether it is Sufi or Juncker, it seems that the biggest goal has been deliberately ignored "Green avoided.

At this moment, without waiting for Juncker to speak, Sophie took the initiative to raise it, but his words were calm, but Juncker was somewhat surprised. Watching Sophie "Junk hesitated, but finally said nothing", but the expression on his face was undoubtedly the default.

Green, no problem. Sophie frowned, adding: "Even if there is, the problem is not big." His ngzi is very clear, he is a very pure soldier and will not participate in this kind of thing. Dayihe, I believe he can distinguish clearly and will not betray Xia. I'm not worried about this, I'm only worried about what silly things like him would do ...

Juncker sighed and looked at Sophie "whispered:" Sophie, it's enough, but I still insist on my opinion: as you and me "This time is not suitable to participate in such things, we are all "Incoming newcomers, there is no foundation in the Northern Army." This is an internal matter, and we participate in "if it is misunderstood, in the future ..."

Sophie nodded, and she flattened her nose: I understand. "Sufi smiled suddenly to Jun Kerou:" Junker, you are my brother and disciple who the teacher relied on during his lifetime. Now the situation is complicated, and the career left by the teacher is pinned on this guy, Charya. It is also pinned on the group of the Northern Army, so you and I have no room to retreat and choose at this time, and some concerns do not need to think about it. Believe me, please? "

Juncker sighed: "How can I not believe you? It's just ... Sophie, if this kind of struggle has always involved a struggle for authority, it will always cause death! I have been in the palace for years, and I can see it most clearly. Once this matter is revealed, let the officer generals in the army know that our quiet surveillance action will be offensive to us, which is more important. More importantly, our actions can be carried out without the permission of Xia, Xia Although that guy is good, but it involves this kind of power. If he is held accountable after he returns, after all, he will not be allowed to monitor the army general without permission. "This is beyond power! "

"He doesn't have something at home, he can't help but do it." Sophie shook her head. "Moreover, we do this" is to maintain the stability of his Northern Army, it is for his good. "

"That's what it says." Junker smiled bitterly: "Even if Xia understands our good intentions, if the general in the army feels disgusted with us, Xia will have to quell the dissatisfaction in the army, or he will be thrown out to calm the anger Be a scapegoat. "

"Oh, as a scapegoat, then," It's nothing bad. "Sophie actually laughed. The nv child laughed as if it was a little pleasant, making Juncker startled.

I just looked at Sophie with a smile as if she was inscrutable. "Junker sighed secretly: No, anyway, I can never guess her mind. This girl seems to be the most similar to the teacher. It is difficult for others to guess.

Sophie sank for a while, but suddenly stood up and smiled at Junker: "Come with me."

"Where to go?"

"Let's meet Green." Sophie slowly said, "To stabilize him now is to stabilize the overall situation." The other ghost actions "are not really a threat. Green, he won't come in 1un." I only worry about him doing stupid things. Speaking, Sophie had already strode to the men's mouth, and Junker behind was dull, but had to instinctively follow up.

At this time ... to meet Green?

Is Sophie "Sophie, she wants to face Green and face it?"


Sophie's "Chief of Staff" is also in the commander's house "is not too far away from Chief Green's military office. The military service.

When I arrived at the military office, Green's deputy told him that General Green was not in the room, but was out. .

Sophie listened and smiled. "Since this is the case, I will wait for the general to come back in the room."

Green's aide did not refuse this request.

Although Green's office is a secret for the entire Northern Army, such secrets have no restrictions on Sufi, the "Chief of Staff". In fact, Sufi's current decision-making in the Northern Army basically involves Sufi. Before Sophie came to Green to discuss things, there were also situations where Green was absent, and they could calmly enter his study and wait.

The army and government of the Northern Army are now gradually separated, Green is in charge of military affairs, and Sufi, the chief of staff to handle government affairs, is also clearly indicated by Xia.

Moreover, even if you take a step back, there is really no such thing as "high-level secrets" in military affairs that Green would not let others know.

However, Sophie entered the study and waited, but the room was open. Green's escorts, deputies, etc. "are just outside the men, and that's what they should mean.

Sophie entered the study this time, but instead of just sitting in a chair and waiting as she used to "stand in the room, looking at Green's desk," there was a strange look in her eyes.

Green's desk left a few pieces of burnt ashes, obviously paper or something burnt out. "It's just a little bit of ashes," but it's obvious.

Sophie sighed, she knew she was afraid that something had happened! Green's traditional motto is: Everything can be said to others!

He has always acted brightly and neatly. Even if he deals with military affairs, he never has the authority to do so. Even if any confidential matters in the army are to be handled, he will be called up by the northern army to discuss it.

It seems that in the study, it is very rare to directly burn any document quietly, which is not shown to people.

The military affairs and government affairs in the Northern Army "have always tried their best to be transparent, and the documents submitted below" will be specifically approved.

This kind of burning of files without permission "does not meet the requirements. Green never never decides anything on his own. He is the" Core No. 2 "and he is very committed to his deputy's role. He pays great attention to his actions. Does not leave the impression of "authoritarian".

Thinking of this in Sophie's heart, she smiled and invited a Green's lieutenant outside Men to come in as if she only casually described a few words. She is the chief of staff. Although young, "these days since the Northern Army, both Green and Xia, have paid great respect to her. The following officers also have to respect her.

In the face of Sophie's greetings, the deputy was somewhat constrained ", but still asked Sophie to ask her the answer.

"The general seems to be in a bad mood today. He went into the study in the afternoon and never came out. He never even used dinner. At night, he went out for a while." He said that it was breathable and did not let us follow. Later, he came back and seemed to be emotional. It ’s still not good. I did n’t eat the food but just approved some of the following documents overnight. Let ’s send them out all night and finish all the things that we have accumulated. Then we went out again. Permeated and spread, and did not bring people, just let the guards lead the horse, want to come for a ride in the city. "

When Sophie heard this, her eyes changed immediately!

"You mean ... General Green went out once in the evening" came back, finished military affairs, and went out again? "

"Yes." The lieutenant smiled: "The general has not been in a good mood today, and it ’s okay to go out to breathe." The general is too busy on business. "There is very little time for the God of Throne to relax and go out. Good. "

Sophie smiled ps, looked at the lieutenant, and said: ... In this case, I'll talk to Lord Green tomorrow, and I won't bother tonight. "

She said that she had to leave. Although others were wondering why the chief of staff was leaving after a while, it was not easy to ask.

Sophie and Juncker left the military office and "speeded up immediately, Sophie was very anxious." They even ran all the way towards the commander's office. Junker was puzzled behind him and couldn't help but cry out: "Su Fe, you ... "

"Quick! Juncker, come and find two horses! Don't say a word, just say that I'm going out on horseback to relax! Hurry!"

Juncker looked at Sophie's face, finally calmed down, but anxious God came out, could not help but sink in his heart: "What's wrong?"

Sophie stomped: "Oh! Green! Green! I'm afraid he's gone !!!"

Juncker was shocked, and Sophie had taken the lead: "It's not the time to speak! Go and find Malay! Maybe you can still catch up with him! Alas, this fool! Fool! I am worried that he will be stupid He really did something stupid! ", Junker didn't dare to ask more." He immediately went and found two Malays. They rushed out of the command house and ran the horse. "Sophie ran a few steps on horseback. , But suddenly strangled the reins, frowning: "Go north men!", Juncker stayed: "He, if he wants to ..."

"You don't understand, even if Green leaves," he would never go south to Emperor Capital! He had no intention of betraying Xia, but he was also afraid that he could not let go of his kindness with the Duke of Minas. "It is not to go to the Duke to the Duke" but to resign and leave. This is a choice that has to be made in a dilemma! We will go north to catch up with him! "

Said, the two went all the way to the north city men, and sure enough, came to the city men's mouth, Sophie showed his token, the city men's garrison opened the men's release, Sophie asked a bit, and really heard the garrison said that An hour ago, General Green went out of the city from here. Green was the commander-in-chief of the army. The defenders did not dare to ask questions, but just let him go all the way north.

After Sophie and Juncker rushed all the way after leaving the city, they did not stop for a moment, so they hurried for about an hour to ride the horse. It is estimated that the throne of time and the seal of the throne are already in the middle of the night. Sophie, of course, was tired and sweaty, but Juncker was a little bit asthmatic.

Although His Majesty's horses are good war horses, they ran all the way down without stopping. The two didn't care about horsepower. They blindly drove the gallop, and the horses gradually became unbearable.

Although Sophie was sweating, God Se calmed down gradually. She knew very well that most of this chase would catch up with Green.

Green leaves alone Although Green rides ngliang, the mount must also be a good horse, but after he leaves, "it must take care of the horsepower, not so desperately squeezing the horse's physical strength, but must take into account the future journey, and be harmonious. Ke was so desperate to chase it down that he had a good grasp of it.

At this moment, the moon and the sky are full of stars. ”The two ride along the road northward. Finally, they saw a forest in the distance. There was a faint fire in the woods. "

The wood was right next to the road, and the two rushed away with the birds. "Sure enough, I saw a bonfire beside the wood and a horse fell to the tree.

A figure "looking far away, it is Green himself" has heard the sound of horseshoes coming from afar. Green has stood up, standing by the bonfire, holding a sword tightly in his hands and looking at the coming Two rides, Shen se a little n sink.

Sophie rushed to the side of the fire almost to hold the reins. How good was her nv child to ride so quickly, she almost rolled off immediately, Green frowned, and finally came forward and reached out to help She grabbed the reins to control the horse, and at the same time held Sophie off Malay steadily ... Only before Sophie landed, she stared at Green tightly, Green took a look at Sophie and turned over and dismounted. Juncker, a little alertness appeared in his eyes, and the sword in his hand tightened.

"General Green." Sophie took a deep breath and waited for her breath to calm down. She stared at Green's eyes. "General, who bears the heavy responsibility of the Northern Army, comes here late at night, what is it?" Green ’s **** was deep. He had some wooden expressions at first. At this moment, he looked more dignified, looked at Sophie for a long time, and finally sighed. His voice was also a little hoarse: "I do n’t do dark Well, now that you're here, I believe you can understand what I mean. Lord Chief of Staff, "Are you going to catch me back?"

Speaking of the last word, the sword in his hand had crossed his chest.

When Juncker saw Green's straight sword, he grabbed two steps early and guarded Sophie's body. He already had a sword in his hand and looked at Green.

Seeing the confrontation between the two, the atmosphere was a bit cold, but Su Fei smiled suddenly, took a step and looked at Green with a smile: "What did the general say, after all, you and I can be regarded as colleagues, so friends travel a long way" How can I Do not come and get one free? "Suddenly, Sophie looked at Green's eyes still worrying." He sighed deliberately: "We are just two people, I'm just a weak nv. Although General Juncker is healthy, Master Green is a hundred years old. Fighting is naturally not fearful, so how can it look like an enemy? If I have intentionally harmed the general, it will not be the two of us, but a team of iron riders. "

Green heard this and snorted, dropping his sword and looking at Sophie.

Sophie sighed ~ ~ pointed to the fire and whispered: "Please sit down and talk."

Then, she didn't wait for Green to speak, and she sat on the side of the fire by herself, and Junker put away her sword and stood behind Sophie.

Green face was uncertain, hesitated, and finally came over slowly, sitting opposite Sophie.

Sophie turned her head to Juncker, and Juncker immediately passed a wine bag taken off the horse. Sophie opened it and smiled: "Since it is a gift, how can there be no wine! There is no wine vessel here Let ’s do three! ”

Speaking, she unscrewed the stopper, and she really drank three big mouthfuls. The drink was strong and spicy, and the sloppy Sophie coughed a few times. "Then the wine bag was handed to Greene, Greene frowned, and Solemnly took it and took three sips.

"Well, the wine has been drunk, Chief of Staff, if you come to send me, it will be sent, if there are other things ... I Green then went away two" Green left the wine bag in his hand "Aside" looked coldly at Sophie.

Sophie sighed, and suddenly smiled: "Where is the general going?"

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