
Chapter 507: [Looking for gold]

Staring in surprise, Daer frowned, Charlie frowned and remained silent for a while before she said, "So, what do you need Dodo to help you?"

"Certainly help me do something that only a magician can do." Dahl took back his enthusiastic look and replaced his smile with a relaxed look: "What I want to do, I need a companion who knows magic Help.

It's a pity that I didn't know any magician. I originally planned to go to the north to ask you for help, but I didn't expect to meet this guy here, so I didn't have to stay close. But ... Charya, your little servant is growing fast. Master Merlin's training is very good. "

Xia Ya snorted, making it clear that she didn't intend to elaborate on the issue, but raised her eyelids and looked at Dahl: "What now?"

What he meant was very obvious. The implication was that you tied Lao Tzu's servant, and even if Lao Tzu wasn't there, he wouldn't even have to see it. Now that I, the Lord, have arrived, do you intend to tie me in front of me? Your servant goes?

That doesn't make sense.

"Now, I won't think of him anymore." Dahl smiled slightly. "With you, if you would help me, then," ... "

"I'm not free." Xia refused without hesitation.

I have a lot of things on my body. In the north of his own territory, various military affairs are new, migration offices, land factions, and so many things. He has been running as a boss for many days. I want to come back this time, and Mad Dog Green will make a lot of noise. Now, where is there any spare time to accompany this Dahl to do anything.

Besides, you dare tied Lao Tzu's servant, just to see that he did not settle accounts with you in the old friendship. Count on me to help you do things? On what basis?

Do you restore the dragon body, and what is the strongest dragon body? "What good is it to my uncle Xia? For nothing, I will accompany you to waste time on the throne of the Seal of God. Is I free?

Seeing Xia ’s refusal, Dahl was no surprise. He and Xia had dealt with many times. Of course, he knew this guy ’s xìng son, smiled slightly, and said, “What if I come up with the terms that are satisfactory to you? "

"Exchange?" Charlie moved, but her face remained indifferent: "What's your idea?"

Dahl looked at Charya's eyes: "I've heard that it's been a good mix recently. It is rumored that you were a northern guard general of the Byzantine Empire. You can be regarded as a vassal of a party, holding a male soldier." He heard that the duke was sealed. "

"You're welcome." Xia Ya waved her hand. "It's so sloppy, I'll make a living in troubled times."

Dahl laughed: "But I also heard that the Byzantine Empire is in a chaotic situation, warlords everywhere are separatist, and there are Odin army rebels in the north. Your northern guard is a general, and the pressure is not small. Surrounded by tigers and wolves, I am afraid that the days may not be so calm. "

Xia Ya snorted. "Dal gave a glance, but did not speak.

"Of course, I also heard that your General Xia Leiming's tens of thousands of soldiers are first-class elite troops. But if you want to level the Quartet," I am still struggling. What if I say ..., ... how many tools can I get for you? "

"Sharp weapon?" Charlie's eyes turned: "What is it?"

"Invincible weapon on the battlefield." Dahl's tone became serious.

Invincible on the battlefield?

Charlie frowned. "God was serious, of course. He naturally knew that this guy, Dahl, wouldn't say such big things for nothing.

"The ancient offerings that I stole from the magical unions record some of the history and legends of the Big Six ancient times. You know, the Byzantine Empire was established for hundreds of years, but the existence of the magical unions is much longer than the Byzantine Empires. Many of the ancient dedications preserved by the magical union are very old, and they also record a lot of ancient secrets and secrets. Although many are legends, but after my investigation, some of them are True historical data. The thing I got this time is an ancient battlefield. I have determined the location "not far from the nearby village. The bones of the ancient dragon I need are buried under this ancient battlefield! Similarly, under this ancient battlefield, there is likely to be Some good things from ancient battlefields. For example, some very powerful weapons. "

Xia frowned, and laughed: "Awesome weapons? Even if there is any ancient battlefield here, some weapons are left behind, such as some swords and the like, buried in the ground for many years, even if it was God Weapons, now I'm afraid that even the scum is left, right? "

After a pause, Charlie gave Dahl a suspicious look: "Are you talking about dwarven weapons?"

But even if he could dig up any dwarf weapon, Uncle Xia is now scarce. You know, there are hundreds of dwarves in his family who are helping him build weapons. That's a good thing made by a genuine dwarf. Where can the dug dug out of the ground be comparable?

"Not a dwarf. Yes," ... the goblin's weapon. "Dahl's God is weird:" I mean ..., magic gun! "



This time, Charlie stared at Dahl, and the silence of the Seal of God for a long time was even longer.

Magic guide deceives guide! !!

How did Charya not know the power of the magic gun?

Originally in the underground palace of Damandras, the ancient goblin creation zone, while fighting with Damandras life and death, Dahl also launched a magic cannon found in the ruins. result. The power of one shot almost destroyed the body of Dammandras who used the deity to fight! !!

The power of the magic cannon is so powerful, it is indeed the strongest sharp weapon of the ancient goblin family to dominate the world!

Unfortunately, the magic cannons that can be found are too rare. Xia Ya just got it, and finally Merlin took it for research, and produced a miniature version of it for Dodoro.

But even if it is a miniature version of the magic cannon produced by Merlin, the power is enough to make people change.

However, this kind of thing, such as Merlin's magic masters, can only be transformed with those leftovers that Charlie got, "but it is impossible to create a new one alone.

Otherwise, if it can make one hundred and eighty magical guided guns ... What hundreds of thousands of rebels, the black flag army of Odin, dozens of magical guided guns bombed together, all disappeared!

"Merlin can't make it" because the materials used to make the magic cannon are too special. Nowadays, the special materials cannot be forged. The second reason is because the technology is too complicated. Technology, according to Merlin: "If you can get me dozens of doors, let me slowly dismantle and study them carefully for two or three years, and I can make a similar version for you. "

But the ancient goblins have perished. I do n’t know how many years. Where did Xia go to find dozens of magical guides for Merlin?

If you really find dozens of magic guides, I'm afraid they will be enough to sweep the Big 6!

"You said" The ruins of this ancient battlefield may be buried with magical guides? "Charlie's eyes began to light up.

"Yes, according to records, this should be a very large-scale battle. Several races have dispatched powerful elites and repeated battles. There is a clear record of it and the use of magic guides. And the number is said to be Not many. If you can dig it out, "Even if you only find a few, would you like to make a big profit if you want to come to General Xia?" "

Charlie no longer hesitated this time, and looked at Dahl: "Okay, I've done it! But first say yes, this time" It is best not to have any danger, and you better not to do anything with me! If it were like last time in the underground nest xué in Damandras, I could turn my face ruthlessly. "


The village that Dahl said was "not too far away, but not too close.

According to Dodoro, when he ran to hunt Warcraft, he kicked the iron plate and was cleaned up by Daer. Dahl didn't know how. He actually possessed the magic immunity ability. Totoro's magic "can't perform in front of Dahl, naturally he can only desert and escape." As a result, the two chased and ran for three days and nights. Running to the checkpoint, Doodor finally failed to run away and was caught by Dahl.

Several people went on the road together, and the picked-up child, Lancelot, naturally followed Charlie.

Charlie gave the horses to Dodolo and Dahl, and he used the elven wind wings to fly.

As a result, the speed of the journey will be quicker. Even so, it took a full day to seal the throne of the Seal of God before reaching the village Dahl said.

The location of the village also made Xia a little strange.

This is clearly a basin.

Around the village, there is a wilderness and the land is obviously barren. In the same distance, it is surrounded by mountains. The whole terrain is like a big pot, and the place of this village is just at the bottom of this pot.

Xia Yafei flew in the sky and looked at the terrain below, her heart muttered a little.

How could anyone build a village in such a place?

The mountains surrounding this circle obviously blocked the connection with the outside world. The village was built here, and the connection with the outside world was inconvenient.

But it wasn't until the village that Xia Ya finally understood!

This village is built in such a ghost place, and it really has a doorway!

There is no one in the village anymore, and all I want to see is to run out of the raging events of Warcraft.

The village was originally small, and it was only a few hundred households. But south of the village, there is not a small stone field. Everyone ran photon, and the workshop was naturally empty, with various stones and tools piled up everywhere.

A group of people came on foot, and Dahl smiled at Xia, "You just flew in the sky, should you see it?"


"The terrain here." Dahl smiled faintly. "It's surrounded by a circle of mountains ... you should be able to understand it with your knowledge.

"Um ... this is ... crater?"

"To be precise, it's a volcano." Dahl smiled.

Xia Ya suddenly changed.

"Don't worry, this is indeed a volcano, but it is an extinct volcano that has been silent for many years. At least, from the record, it seems that the crater never exploded.

Even so, Charlie still listened.

volcanic. ? !!

Just now he flew in the air with the wings of the wind and saw it really. This basin, the surrounding circle surrounds the surrounding mountains, making this basin like a large circular pit!

If this is a crater ... then, this crater might be too much!

"This basin" looks down from the sky, I'm afraid that the diameter is ten miles long!

If this is a crater ... there are ten miles wide volcanoes in the world. ? !!

If such a huge crater explodes, wouldn't the entire Big 6 be shaken? !!

It seems that this is indeed an extinct volcano. I don't know how many years have not only been moving. Otherwise, can there be no records in history?

"Because this is a volcano." In ancient times, this volcano must have been sprayed. The effect of magma makes the underground rocks here very unique. This place is rich in a crystal formed by volcanic magma. Hey, crystal is a good thing. Therefore, although the land here is barren and it is impossible to grow food at all, some people live here to form such a village. The people in the village all live on mining rock and live on this quarry. "If the crystal can be opened, it will be a huge income. Even if the crystal cannot be opened, the stone of this volcanic rock is also a good product. sè, transporting and selling can also satisfy the daily necessities of the village. "

Charlie nodded, so it turned out.

"Crystals can be mined here, and later occupied by the warlords in the area." An army was stationed in the stone yard and the crystals were mined on site. But after I arrived, I got some Warcraft and drove the garrison away. Now, even if you want to come, even if it ’s the nearest city to send troops to 〖Suppress〗, "It will take ten and a half months to seal the throne of God."

The group stayed and rested in the empty stone yard. People in the village ran out, but food was still found. I made some food to wrap my belly. This guy, Dodoro, did n’t take off the dog, knowing that he was not doing well this time, but he was afraid that he would be punished severely by the master. He found a barrel of ale from one of the villagers in the village, tasted it, and the taste was not bad. He quickly hugged Fangdiandian to please Xia Ya.

With wine and food, Charya naturally will not refuse. It was the little Lancelot, who was still quiet and not very talkative. "Charlie teased him and poured him a bowl of wine. The child did not frown and drank it, although the hot flushed face, But he did not say a word.

Charya looked in her eyes and felt emotion.

After rested like this for a night, at dawn the next day, several people got up. Xia Ya asked Dahl, "It's so big near here, where do you plan to start digging? Moreover, here are ten miles away, just a few of us, where can we find it?"

Dahl smiled: "Be assured, I have a way. Come with me."

Xia was undoubtedly big, and as Dahl went out together, far into the wilderness, Dahl stopped.

He took a small, thin bottle out of a bag he had with him, and unscrewed the bottle cap and fell to the ground.

A ball of liquid was poured out, and all spilled on the ground. Charlie smelled a lot of strong gas.

And as the wine poured out and fell to the ground, there were a few red, red, black, and black insects the size of the thumb. Charya just glanced at it, and God was a little hard to look at.

"Gold eater! Did you bring this thing here ?!"

Charya took a deep breath.

At the beginning, in the nest xué of Damandras, how powerful this gold eater was! He naturally saw it with his own eyes! Such a thing, if it accidentally flows into a densely populated area, spreads, but it is a great disaster!

"Don't worry, this is a worker ant that can't reproduce. Just a few of them will not cause trouble." Daer smiled: "I removed the wings of these things, they can't fly, they can only crawl on the ground. This thing Life is tenacious and not easy to store, even a metal can can break through and escape. But soaked in wine, it can trap them, and wine will stun them, and it will not die for a long time. "

As I was saying, under the sun, the gold-eaters that fell on the ground slowly moved, turned over, and they came alive.

In the sun, it seemed very uncomfortable. After taking a few steps back and forth in the stains of wine, the back wings vibrated, and it seemed to try to fly. Unfortunately, both wings were removed by Dahl. Naturally, it could not fly.

Dahl has taken Charya back several steps. He even took out a bottle and spilled some clothes on his clothes.


"A spice I made, these gold eaters don't like this smell and won't come near us." Daer smiled: "I'm not afraid that it will bite us, but I need them to help me find their way. They are soaked After so long, after waking up, naturally I am looking for food. The gold ants are naturally looking for places where there is metal. You and I have metals, but with the presence of this spice, they dare not come towards us. , Can only go elsewhere ... "

Xia Ya's eyes flashed!

metal? !!

If it is an ancient battlefield here ~ ~ Then ... Metal is buried underground! With these few golden ants searching, then ...

Sure enough, the gold-eaters crawled blindly on the ground for a while, trying to get close to Xia and Dahl, but quickly retreated. In the end, they turned abruptly together and quickly climbed towards the right.

Charlie and Dahl knew each other a little, and immediately caught up.

Several little bite ants crawled for a while, and finally drilled into the ground in a place where the ground subsided.

Xia Haha smiled: "It seems that this place is buried underground. What should I do now, do you dig?"

"Where do I need to dig by myself?" Dahl glanced at Charya: "I brought you that magical servant, did you eat dry food? Ask him to perform a soil magic here, create a seam, and turn the ground Come here, this simple soil magic is not difficult for him. " .

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