
Chapter 499: [Night Belt Knife]

The news of the Queen's return to Osgilia shocked the capital once again.

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Although the news announced by the royal family is to ensure security, the news of the return of the queen has been blocked, and it was only announced when the queen himself arrived in the imperial capital. The news, coupled with the sudden arrival of the queen from the sky to the emperor who has the heart, can taste the hidden meaning of these two messages.

The queen arrived in the capital and officially entered the palace. At the same time, the queen's family was revived and reused by the royal family. Such news has completely declared: the power of the imperial capital needs to be redistributed.

Because Garcia ’s coronation of the throne took place during the war and Definy was always in the north at the time, this return to the palace was also the first time she officially officially stood as the queen in public.

And according to tradition, the Queen's first public appearance should be held in a formal ceremony.

Sure enough, on the day the Queen returned to the palace, almost at the same time, the nobles and nobles of the imperial capital received invitations from the palace: in order to welcome the return of the queen, a banquet will be held in the palace tonight, and it is also For the first time, Finney appeared as a queen in front of everyone and accepted the worship of the nobles.

Such a ceremony was not originally intended by Her Majesty Garcia, but the Prime Minister insisted strongly that the Emperor would host such a banquet.

Because it's not just a matter of etiquette, it's not just the royal face. According to the Prime Minister's words, the respect to the queen represents the emperor's attention to the Minas family, and the Minas family has just been re-used. At this time, it is not good to be too cold to the queen. If this ceremony is not held when the queen returns, "but leaving the queen directly back to the palace in obscurity will inevitably make the newly loyal Minas family give birth again.

Therefore, Garcia accepted the proposal of the Prime Minister, although he was not willing.

The banquet organized by the royal family will naturally not be hasty.

Even if it is now in the time of war, although the banquet is far less luxurious than in the past, the scale and specifications of the banquet guests are still considerable.

At the same time, because of the wartime period, all the luxury of entertainment was cut down. Those nobles who were full of meals and do nothing in the imperial capital finally found such an entertainment event, and paid special attention to this banquet.

In the evening, canopies had gathered in the palace. Anyone who is eligible to be invited to the banquet is naturally a first-class imperial nobility of the empire, celebrities in the upper classes, and power figures in the core circle of power of the imperial capital.

The nobles wore their most gorgeous dresses, and the nobles also wore their most expensive luxury jewelry.

The banquet hall of the Royal Palace was brilliantly lit and melodious. In the field of "Guang" outside the palace, the carriages, guards, and shì of the major families almost filled the field of "Guang" in the palace.

In order to show the importance to the queen and the courtesy of the Minas family, Garcia even specially dispatched a guard of honor outside the banquet hall for this banquet.

In the large banquet hall, the well-dressed aristocrats politely shivered at each other, and the noble-dressed nobles were shaking with a small folding fan. In the air, the faint aroma and the smell of alcohol mixed together to form A strange smell.

This is a typical social place in the highest society of the empire. The guests are gorgeously dressed, elegant and reserved, and form a circle one by one according to the relationship between each other or the factional circle. They exchange quietly. Opinions on the current situation, and those women, naturally more concerned about the gossip and gossip news spread in the imperial noble circle.

According to management, Her Majesty and Her Majesty have not yet arrived. But the atmosphere in the hall was a little different. This banquet tonight is very clear to the eyes of the people. It was organized by the emperor to deliberately win the Minas family. It was even clearer. "The emperor carried the Minas family out and made it clear that he would fight Adrik in the army. "Taiwan opera" suppressed Adrik's excessive influence in the military. But this evening's banquet missed the protagonist in several events.

Imperial Minister General Adrik did not attend the banquet because of heavy military affairs.

In the newly restored Minas family, the old duke said that he was not present, and the young Lord Rodi did not appear at the banquet.

Without the two parties playing against the Taiwanese opera, such a banquet would inevitably look indecent.

The two big men in the military did n’t even have to be there, but the other top empire of the empire, the old prime minister Saran Bō Nili, was absent from such a banquet, which made people think about it.

It is foreseeable that after the resurgence of the Minas family, within the next period of time, the top core rights layer of the empire will be the situation of the three giants: Prime Minister Saran Bō Nili, Old Duke of Minas, Military Secretary General Adrik.

But tonight at such a banquet, the Big Three are all absent. What kind of political signal will it release?

Finally, at the banquet, it took a third of the time to seal the throne, and His Majesty and Empress finally entered.

Under the guidance of the courtesy and guard of honor, the emperor Garcia in a gorgeous shirt headed into the banquet hall, holding the scepter symbolizing imperial power in his hand. And, as always, the young emperor was never willing to walk side by side with his wife on any occasion. This is how it used to be when he was the crown prince.

Duffini walked three or five steps behind Garcia, a gorgeous evening dress, a golden hair and a noble and elegant bun, and a gold crown must be on her head, Duffini When I entered the venue, my face was bland and reserved, and my steps were calm and elegant. I did n’t squint, but everyone could feel it. This beautiful queen of the women ’s winter coat m is not very beautiful. OK, and ... the eyes are too cold.

As the emperor took the seat together and sat down side by side, Definy finally accepted the courtesy of the dignitaries as the queen for the first time, even if she officially confirmed her queen's identity.

Public appearance as queen is also an important condition to win over the Minas family.



According to the convention, the dignitaries attending the meeting will come up in order of status and respect, and then salute the emperor. This is an essential process of tradition.

In the whole process, "Deffini's performance was very calm and decent. In the face of each aristocratic and noble figure who came up to salute in turn, her performance was reserved and elegant, graceful and noble, that is, she would not appear too warm" or Makes people feel left out.

This kind of generosity graced many nobles.

From the beginning to the end, Defeny was calm. She even knew the identity of the rich and valuable at the meeting. If the status was more important, she would get up slightly and even hold back a few words with the other party. She was originally Beautiful Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Jacket “M Extreme” is extraordinary. Anyone who can speak to her with two words feels like a spring breeze.

Many people couldn't help but secretly sigh: The emperor's manners are so good, I'm afraid that even the emperor around him will be compared.

Just someone found a detail.

From beginning to end, the queen of the beautiful woman's winter coat m on the beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao mall Taobao mall never lost a smile on her face.

Yes, she never smiled on her face.


The calmness of the banquet "seemed to be just a dull process.

At halfway through the banquet, the emperor and queen left collectively.

This is also a tradition. Unless it is a major ceremonial banquet of the empire, the emperor and queen always arrive late and leave early.

It was just the departure of the two Supremes that left many of the nobles who had wanted to approach the Her Majesty's attention of the emperor or the emperor a little disappointed.

After leaving Garcia, Garcia's face soon fell into blame. Although he had tried to be calm all night, he never said a word or had any communication with the queen around him.

In fact "they didn't even meet after Dafini returned to the palace today.

It was only when the banquet started that we finally got together to enter the venue.

Duffini's attitude was too calm. There was no resentment or anger in his face and eyes, just so cold and calm.

Such an attitude, on the contrary, gave Garcia some unease.

How bad the relationship between the two is, and her own intentions to kill each other many times, Dafini naturally knows "If Dafini sees himself clearly showing resentment or angry attitude, I am afraid Garcia Instead, it will be easier ", but the other party is so light-hearted, but it is unpredictable.

The atmosphere was silent and depressing along the way. "After walking straight to the palace, he had already walked away from the banquet hall, turned a corridor, and walked up the steps. Garcia suddenly stopped and raised his hand, shì 卫 shì behind and behind him. Never stopped immediately.

Garcia turned around and looked at Dafini.

Because he is standing on the steps, this kind of look has some condescending tastes. Garcia likes this condescending attitude of looking at others, so that he has a feeling of being supreme, and he is also very clear that this attitude can give The other party brings some extra pressure.

But this time, his intentions failed.

Dafini raised her head calmly and looked at the emperor, her eyes were not disturbed, nor was she nervous, still calm and annoying!

"I think, that's the way it is." Garcia deliberately spoke at a slow pace, with a low voice, and intended to put pressure on the other party: "Tonight's banquet, even if I expressed to the Minas family Respect. I believe you understand what I mean. "

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Queen replied lightly.

"Even the past things are gone." Garcia also wanted to make a magnanimous appearance, but apparently his gesture was not successful: "You still live in the old place and have been cleaned up, Serving shì Your shì obedience is also the old person who used to follow you, you will get used to it. "

"Yes, Your Majesty." Still a faint voice.

"I think it ’s a good choice for everyone." Garcia lifted his chin slightly. "It's not just me, it's your father's."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The goddess of Duffini was like sculptural glue.

"Don't walk around when it's okay." Garcia's **** sè was agitated, but remembering the prime minister's advice and persuasion, his tone finally relaxed a little: "What you need, let shì go. "What's missing" your requirements will be met. "

"Yes, Your Majesty." Defeny remained unhappy.

In the face of a sculpted queen, Garcia was annoyed, and there was a feeling of strength hitting the cotton huā, and she could not help feeling dull. He snorted and strode away.

Behind him, Duffini nodded slightly. Yi Jie knew nothing and could not pick out any flaws.


Dafini ’s residence in the palace was where Garcia or the Crown Prince lived. Of course, Garcia himself never lived here.

This is a four-story building with beautiful lawns and huā nurseries in front and back. ”As the place where the Crown Prince lives, the specifications will not be low. 〖Since〗, there is a group that is separate from the palace system. shìwei, gardener, chef "etc ...

Those who served shì Defeni were the old people who followed her in the past, but Defeni also noticed that there wasn't an old man in his family. Obviously, the emperor's idea was to keep it thoroughly with the outside world. Safe distance. "There are some raw faces from shì," apparently the emperor inserted to monitor his cronies.

But none of that, Deffini didn't care.

I have already made such a choice and I have already realized it.

Nothing more ... just to be a canary in a cage "and then ... to live like this until the day of death.

Although Garcia didn't say it explicitly, Defeny knew that living here would not allow him to leave as if he were imprisoned.

Back in my room, under the wait of a woman next to me, I replaced the gorgeous dress, washed away the thick makeup on my face, and screened off all the people around me, leaving me alone in the room "The calm and indifference on Definy's face finally disappeared.

She knows that although shì has retreated from the outside, ”shì is still closely guarded outside the corridor.

The movement of everyone here is under strict control.

Who you can see, who you can't see, where you can go, and where you can't go are all strictly restricted.

Probably, only in this room do you have a little faint [from] reason.

Taking a deep breath, she wore only a loose and soft white robe, she didn't even wear shoes, but walked to the platform barefoot.

As the crown prince's home, it is naturally gorgeous and extravagant, and the rug under the foot is also the most expensive luxury hand-crafted.

But stepping on this cloud-like carpet, Defeny actually missed the feeling of standing barefoot on the grass with that person.

The door of the lù platform was pushed open, and a slight evening breeze blew through the hair. Defeni could not help but open her arms and let the wind blow through her body.

Hmm ... his hug is also so gentle.

Perhaps, in this life, I will never have the opportunity to experience the martial arts. The sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne at night. The strongest abandoning the Shaozhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the night of the gods seal of the throne and seek the magic and proud of the world nine strongest days. Such a taste.


In the banquet hall in front of the palace, the banquet is still ongoing.

The band played passionate dance music, but Ruhr walked out of the side entrance of the banquet hall without any hesitation.

He was dressed in aristocratic clothes, a wide robe, and slick hair. Only the medals worn before ōng showed that he was once an imperial general.

The side door led straight to the picture, and when Ruhr stepped out, no one noticed him.

After all, no one would care too much about an imperial general without authority.

In fact, when Ruhr attended the banquet tonight, no one had ever cared for him, even when he did not pay courtesy to the emperor, and no one noticed it.

When he walked out of the side door, he met two servants, and when they saw Ruhr, they saluted respectfully. The fat man smiled slightly and pointed to the huā garden. The servants immediately politely let go.

The huā garden in the imperial palace is naturally extremely elegant, beautiful huā garden and manicured extra neat lawn. Walking on it will make people feel happy.

The fat man seems to be casually spreading, but he has secretly noticed the shì 卫 卫 and Yulin Army guards around him.

As an experienced general, he quickly confirmed the defensive forces around the banquet hall, the route of the shì guard patrol, the shifts, and even a few hidden secret whistle were discovered by him effortlessly.

For a veteran like Ruer, there is not much difficulty in avoiding such a degree of defense. He pretended to be walking in the huā garden for a while, and encountered a few who were also scattered in the huā garden. The guests were mostly a pair of young men and women.

Ruhr was very free and easy along the way and nodded, he even held a wine glass in his hand.

Secretly thinking about the patrol route and the surrounding whistle in my heart.

The fat man is very easy ~ ~ In this huā garden, at least four or five dead ends can not be found by the defense personnel.

After a while, the fat man disappeared into the huā garden.

No one noticed that such a person was missing from the huā garden.

Similarly, on a silent night, shì in the imperial palace never noticed that a black and strong figure, like a raccoon cat, passed quickly on the roof!

The bloated figure jumped over the roof in an incredible agile posture, and in a strange way, quickly rushed in the direction behind the palace.

Ruhr chose a clear direction ... He avoided the direction in which the emperor lived. He was a high-ranking general of the empire. He knew how strict the identity guard of the emperor was, and the mysterious master of the legendary court !!

But Ruhr's goal tonight is not the emperor.

With a dagger hidden in his arms, the snow was sharp and sharp! Also soaked with a precision formulated poison! !! .

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