
Chapter 476: [Cheating father ...]

A lot of military affairs need to be dealt with in the military camp outside the city, which makes Charya very speechless. Those guys who have been crippled one by one have joined that "wedding preparation committee". Charya really doubts those guys are It is not an intentional excuse for passive idleness. Full text novel (see novel)

In the barracks, he checked the atlas of the most recently counted land, and issued a roster of the sealed land, and then signed a few documents of land statistics sent by local officials in Siltan County.

The work in these cases made Charlie very helpless. He is not good at these things at all, and he does not like it very much.

After daring to look at it for a long time, Xia Ya suddenly patted her head.

I am not good at this, but there are people who are good at it.

Soon, he summoned his captain and sent someone to invite Sophie.

Sophie also arrived in the city of Denzel with the brigade and temporarily settled in the city. The place of residence is close to the Queen's Finney's house. After hearing that she arrived in Denzel, I have already visited the Queen in private. After all, she is a disciple of Cavill Hill. I probably knew Defeny before.

Sophie was soon invited by the captain of the guard. When she arrived at the barracks, the young girl rolled up her sleeves, and there was a little sweat on her forehead, and some white powder was stained on her face and buns, as if it were flour.

"What's the matter? Master military." Sophie looked very dull: "I'm doing it at home


"Dinner?" Charlie was a little confused.

"Yes, I'm preparing toast myself," Sophie said lightly.

Xia realized immediately that she seemed to have missed something: After Sufi followed her to Denzel, she didn't have much time to set up the **** the Throne of Seal. She lived alone and even the servants around her. They are very scarce and want to come and cook by themselves every day. bar?

"From today, I will call two waitresses from my house to take care of Sophie. Also, send a small team of guards to protect Sophie's security. Just follow her tune. From now on, she is me. Chief of Staff. "

Xia Ya-reiterated the title of "chief chief of staff", but in fact he even blushed a bit. Because this so-called chief of staff is simply a bare-headed commander.

Sophie was unconvinced of Charlie's arrangement, but Charlie looked a little embarrassed: "From today on, your daily diet will be taken care of. As my chief of staff, you have the right to look through these documents and help me. I give you the power to decide. You just need to report to me every day. Besides ... what is your remuneration ... "

Xia Ya thought for a moment, "Do you have any requirements?"

"I am an lonely girl, so much money is useless." Sophie's tone was very flat. "It is enough to have food and clothing, but I have some requirements. I don't like living in military camps. I live in the city. You give me a carriage that is big enough to pick me up and down from the city to the barracks outside the city every day. I also need a warrant from you, I can go in and out of the city at will, no matter day or night. And ... Xia ● I need you Ten 7 promises c> "

"Promise?" Charlie looked at the girl in doubt.

Sophie sighed: "Since ancient times, you have to promise me, no matter what I say to you, if you have any dissatisfaction, even if it will make you angry and make you hate me, you must not kill me because of my words. I!"

Xia smiled, and he found the request absurd: "Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"Now is not, the future is ... difficult to say." Sophie's tone was serious: "Anyone who has been sitting in a high position for a long time will change his mindset. Since ancient times, the emperor has killed many loyal ministers, and it is not necessarily faint The emperor, the wise emperor will also kill people because of dissatisfaction. "

Xia couldn't help protesting: "Hey, I'm not the emperor!" Sophie had retired, walked to the door, and smiled gently: "Let's see."

He appointed the chief of staff directly, and Xia threw these case files to the young girl. He would not feel irresponsible at all. Anyway, the land instead of the reward was also the idea of ​​Sufi. And she couldn't do better.

After getting rid of one of the biggest burdens, our general has a shameless bad idea.

"I haven't visited our dear dwarf brothers for a long time. I have to visit them.

That's good.


Charya's "dear dwarf brother" has been living outside Denzel for months.

The four hundred dwarfs who came to give gifts last time were arranged to live in a separate barracks outside the city. The gifts sent by these dwarves have not been officially taken over by Xia, and the dwarves are very stubborn. I can see Mei Lin in person.

Of the four hundred dwarf leaders, the guy named Rock has inherited the glorious tradition of stubbornness of the dwarves.

In his words, "Our dwarven King Greybeard ordered me to celebrate the general's wedding, so we cannot go back until the general is married."

Therefore, the four hundred dwarves lived their lives here in peace.

I have to say that although the relationship between dwarves and humans is not harmonious, dwarves like people very much

Kind of food.

Compared to dwarves, human food is more exquisite and delicious. Soft bread and meat with various sauces cannot be made by dwarves.

This is really a wonderful thing.

Dwarves are good at metal smelting technology. They can build the most sophisticated weapons and equipment. At a glance, they can identify the advantages and disadvantages of various iron ore, but they can't tell the difference between sweet tomato sauce and honey sauce.

Although Xia has also experienced war here, the food is not rich, and even a little humble. "But for dwarves, it is already delicious.

Moreover, staying here as a guest, there is no need to work every day, and there are people sending exquisite food to enjoy. The four hundred dwarves are not in a hurry to go home.

Even some dwarves can't wait for the general to have better never get married, just drag on for ten or eight years!

Anyway, dwarves live much longer than humans. An ordinary dwarf can live for more than two hundred years. Some of them have time to squander the throne of the Seal of God.


When Charya came to the dwarf residence, the dwarves had just eaten. These dwarfs eat five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, dinner, and night big roots to supplement the consumption of their sturdy bodies. Charya's arrival was welcomed by the dwarves.

At least that guy named Rock, after eating and drinking Xia Ya for a few months, finally gave Xia some good looks.

"Dear General, welcome. We are just having dinner. Would you like to join us?"-

The rock seemed very enthusiastic, but Xia secretly pouted: Damn, it's all Lao Tzu's food, which is used to invite Lao Tzu to eat, this kind of love is really cheap!

But there was a warm smile on his face: "No, no, no, I have already eaten, please enjoy me, I just come to see my dwarf brothers by the way, because the delay of my wedding, let You've been delaying too much time here on the Throne of the Seal of God, which really makes me a little embarrassed. "

Rock has pouted and wiped his mouth, and laughed out loud: "You're welcome, respectful puppet army, you are the most hospitable host, we have a great time here."

(Lao Tzu is not at all happy. The food for four hundred dwarves is worth two thousand!)

"I'm here today and I want to weigh something with you." Xia Ya smiled calmly.

Rock no longer knows where to bring a cup of hot water and put it in front of Xia, then sits opposite Xia, draws a cow bone comb out of his arms, and carefully combs his long beard.

He combed carefully and carefully.

This is also strange to Charlie: these dwarves can not take a bath for ten days, but they have to comb their beards every day for at least an hour. The dwarf cherishes his beard is unimaginable by other races.

If you want to anger a dwarf, the best way is to show contempt for his beard, then the other party will definitely thunder!

The beard of the rock can be dragged to his toes when standing. The long beard is also combed into two beautiful knots, and there are some dense braids beside it. This guy patiently combed the numbers one by one and listened to Xia's words. This seemingly thick dwarf revealed a cunning look that was not in harmony with his appearance.

"Dear lord, you are a warm and hospitable host, and the dwarf is willing to be your friend. But I must say that when we come, the task of the Great Greybeard is to give us gifts. For other things, just forgive me. We can't help, and if you want to build weapons for your army, I'm sorry, we can't contribute our craft to any other race until we get the order of the Greybeard.

Oh shit. Xia Ya cursed in her heart.

If you don't build weapons for me, what will Lao Tzu support you like?

What value is a dwarf unable to build weapons?

I didn't expect to stop the other person in a word, Charlie was a little reconciled: "However, you are idle here anyway, I just need to build a little weapon to arm my guards one by one. One one r "

"I can only say I'm sorry." Rock shook his head: "We can't build weapons for your army. But ... we dwarves have other abilities, we are good at digging and digging. If you want to do any project, we are willing to Give you some strength. "


Xia Yahan took a moment and thought: What do I want you to dig? Dig ten, has the big pit buried you all?

Charya was a little disappointed, and her expression was ugly.

After all, Rock is a kind and loyal dwarf. He hesitated a moment and whispered: "Although King Greybeard has orders, we are not allowed to build weapons for the human army ... However, you are our friend, although we cannot give your army Build weapons. But as friends, dwarves build one or two things privately for friends, which is in line with our tradition. "

"Oh?" Charya's eyes brightened, but then they dimmed: "Give me only one

Are people building it? "

"Yes, dwarves can only make things for their true friends." Rock said r's chop

Cut iron.

Xia Ya stood up, walked back and forth two steps, and suddenly threw a thigh and laughed: "Okay. Then it's settled! I'll ask you to help me build some equipment that I personally use. This requirement is not excessive!"

"Of course, we can do it at any time."

With a smile, Xia Haha laughed out loud: "Okay, I need ten sets of heavy cavalry, ten sets of heavy armor for samurai, ten sets of light armor ..."

"Wait! Ten sets ?!" Rock hurriedly called Xia: "You will not misunderstand me

Do you mean? I'm talking to you personally ... "

"It's for me." Xia Yazhengzheng, righteous words loudly: "You may not know yet, I'm already a nobleman of the Byzantine Empire! Duke! Do you understand? In the ranks of the aristocracy of the empire, except the emperor, In addition to the prince, the duke is the most noble! For a nobleman like me, a duke's equipment must have many sets! As a tutor, have status, have conservation, have traditional nobility Nobles, our gear must be changed! We wear one set on the first of every month, the second on the third, and the third is the day of worship of the gods, and we must change the white one, the fourth is our sacrifice. The day of worship of the ancestors must be worn in black! The number five is the day when I meet my subordinates and family members, and the red must be worn! The number six is ​​the day of worship for the gods--

"Wait, wait! You just said that you have worshiped the deities once." Rock resisted loudly.


"I believe in two religions at the same time! We human beings are civilized nations! Our laws grant

We enjoy the right to religious freedom! "

Rock felt that his poor head was not enough.

As a traditional dwarf, he didn't know about human beings. He had never dealt with any human beings before, nor had he traveled in the human world.

The dwarf groaned: "God! Believe in two religions? Believe in two different gods at the same time? So, what about that? How do you humans actually have this law? But what if your two religions contradict each other? "

Charlie smiled weirdly: "Don't you know that we humans have something called 'parliament'? With disagreement, everyone quarrels well in parliament and convinces the other party to argue."

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable !!" Rock shouted again and again.

"Well ... where did you just say? Well, in addition to the armor, I need ten sets of lances, ten sets of sabers, ten sets of two-handed swords, ten sets of edge hammers, ten sets of riding shields, ten sets of step shields ... ····

Seeing that the rock was still protesting, Xia Ya had sternly exclaimed: "I am a noble noble! Within the empire, only the emperor and prince are bigger than me! With such a noble identity, would you think I would Is it like a beggar who only uses one weapon? Our aristocratic habit is to throw anything away just a few times ... "

"This, this is too wasteful!" Rock glared with 7 eyes.

"This is the tradition of our aristocracy! Please respect the tradition of our aristocracy!"

The position of iron.

"Really ... Is it possible to throw things away a few times? Too wasteful ... too wasteful one by one one by one"

Xia shook her head: "This is the life of the aristocracy. Thrown away things are thrown away anyway.

Rock suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Charya: "Then ... I've seen you twice ... The last time you wore this robe, exactly the same ... Are you going to throw it away? "

"Of course!" Xia Ya smiled and nodded reluctantly.

"If you throw it away ... give it to me ... this clothes feels like a human

Such a precious silk ... "

Rock couldn't help but slap on the corner of Char's clothes with his dirty hands.

"Here you are!" Charlie peeled off this precious silk robe and threw it to her.


Rock brow smiled and looked at the belt around Charya's waist: "Oh, this belt is made of lion's skin, right? I think you have worn it a few times ..."

"Here you!" Charlie also picked it off. "And the ring on your finger, it seems to be a fine crystal ... 'Xia Ya quickly picked it up and passed it over." Leaves one by one one by one "

Seeing that the dreadful dwarf would continue to speak, Xia hurriedly stopped him: "If you continue, I will go out naked."

Rock just stopped, holding Xia ’s fine silk robes, the lion and beast leather belt of the top grade, the precious crystal stone ring, and he smiled.

"You see, these are our traditions." Xia sighed. "Now, my dear dwarf brother, can you promise to make me some personal equipment?"

Rock's answer made Charlie vomit blood on the spot!

This seemingly honest man shook his head slowly and firmly with an honest smile, and said, "Sir ... maybe my brain is not smart, but I am not a fool.

Damn it! I was played by this honest man! Xia ate one of you and left in anger. Rushing back to the house in a breath, without even having time to put on clothes, he went straight to the backyard.

The backyard arranger was still staring there, and Xia yelled, "Are Merlin out?"

"No ..." the servant answered carefully.

Xia Ya rushed to the door and shouted loudly to the inside: "Hey !! Your son has been bullied! You can't get out !!"

After film 3.1, there was Merlin's impatient voice: "What's wrong?" "The dwarf bullied me! He promised me not to confess!" Xia Ya naturally refused to say that Baiji was given by the honest dwarf. Pit up.

Merlin's voice came from inside again: "Dwarves bully you? Why do they have this courage?

"That's the case anyway, can you help!"

After a while, Merlin's words finally came in: & t; go and say to the dwarves that if you mess around when they do, I will go and turn that gray beard into a frog for a year.

Charlie smiled immediately. And then-huh? ? !! Wait! Merlin is saying "re" to turn the gray beard into a frog ~ ~ Why say "re"? Does she blame it ...

However, these things don't need to be carefully considered. Xia Yaxiong rushed back to the dwarf residence outside the city. This time, he was too lazy to pretend to be a hospitable and warm host, and brought the rock directly to himself.

"Merlin said, if you can't please me, your Greybeard King will become a frog again. Choose it yourself!"

The wrinkles on the rock's face immediately tangled into a ball, and after a long time, he took a deep look at Charya.

"You hate it! Okay, let's make a list! '’

Charlie, who had left the dwarf residence, suddenly felt a sense of realization.

Damn, it's no wonder that so many people are envious of the second generation of officials, betting on the second generation of rich! It's cool to have a powerful mother!

Huh, didn't Rock want a list?

"Come here! Go and bring me the equipment update booklet prepared by our army's logistics department this year."

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