
Chapter 466: [Triumph]

The news of Charya's return has been transmitted to Denzel City since he arrived in Newtown, the capital of Siltan County. (Kaihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet) The entire army and civilians in Denzel City have received this exciting news: the coach is about to return.

This is definitely a top priority for Denzel City!

Moreover, for some people with a keen sense of smell, they have more or less a hunch: this may also be the current star of the empire, standing on the stage of Denzel for the last time-the war has already To put an end to this, the future stage of the boss will change into a wider place, and is no longer limited to border towns like Denzel City.

At the same time, this is also a major celebration ceremony for the triumph of the soldiers: A few months ago, Xia led the army from the south of Denzel to conquer the Red Snow Army, wiped out the Red Snow Army, and leveled Siltan County. Head south to King Oscilia. The return after a few months is also the first time that this triumphant army has returned to Denzel City, the current home base of the Northern Group, after winning this unprecedented victory.

The victory of the Battle of Sultan County has greatly inspired the hearts and morale of the entire County and the military. For County County, Charlie completely defeated the huge enemies entrenched in the south, and provided peace and tranquility for County More Eliminate the biggest threat!

The things that the Red Snow Army did in Siltan County, and the evils that poisoned the locality, had already made everyone in Morr County self-dangerous. No one would be willing to let such a robber rush into his home to harm himself. Family and property.

And when the situation was the most difficult, Xia Ya was born. With such a glorious victory, he stood before the eyes of the world, as if a comet had landed on the earth. Almost within a short period of time, within the throne of the Seal of God, it became a new hero and idol of the entire continent, and became the pride of the entire County of More!

look! This is our coach! Defeat the hero of the fierce Odin bandit! County More and the Guardian of the Empire North!

After getting the news from the south: the coach is about to return with the triumphant general. Officials from the Northern Army in Denzel, County More, immediately announced that they would be celebrating a triumphal ceremony to welcome the triumphal generals.

When the news was released, it immediately received the warm response and support of the entire city. Most of the people in the city and the whole city devoted themselves to the preparation of this celebration ceremony with great enthusiasm.

In order to send a bouquet of flowers to the heroes in their hearts, in just two days, the flower shops in the city have become a sought-after product. Even if the price has increased several times, in a short time, the throne of God of Seals Inside, all the florist's inventory was sold out, and all the florist's signs were announced to sell all the inventory!

Even the wild flowers in the field outside the city have been picked up!

The logistics department moved out a large number of colored fabrics in stock and cut them into a large number of colored ribbons. Almost all residents in the city spontaneously produced various welcome signs and banners. On the road from the city gate to Gunte, the residents spontaneously posted various signs and banners filled with passionate words on both sides of the street.

The only downside is that when celebrating the victory like this, there is no wine to help sex-because before, Charlie enforced a strict alcohol prohibition in his jurisdiction! Because during the war, food became a shortage of military supplies, all food must be handed over to Xia ’s executive government for a centralized rationing system. Xia strictly forbids civilians from making any wine or wine, and does not allow valuable food Used to make wine.

Of course, although such an order has been executed well before, after all, drinking has already become a habit that human beings cannot completely ban, and there are still some sporadic winemaking behaviors in the folks, just to hide from the official. There were also a small amount of drinks that were previously in stock ...

In addition, on these two days, a business group rushing from Yehuo Town suddenly brought a lot of wines produced by the Chamber of Commerce in Yehuo Town. These goods immediately became the most sought-after in Denzel City. The goods-this caravan was obviously caught off guard by this snap-up. They originally intended to ship this batch of wine to the mainland of the Empire for sale, but they did not expect to encounter such madness only when they reached Denzel City. Buying boom.

A total of four hundred barrels of wine loaded in twenty cars were sold out in less than an hour! The leader of the caravan looked at the empty horse-drawn carriage, and looked at the pile of coins that were harvested like hills. After a long pause, he laughed suddenly and excitedly, and immediately sent someone to ride the best horse. Rush back to Yehuo Town to send a message at the fastest speed, and let your chamber of commerce move all the stocked drinks at the fastest speed!

People have prepared flowers, wine, slogans, warm welcomes, girls dressed up, enthusiastic kisses, waiting, waiting for the triumphant soldier to return ...

Finally, after a few days of anticipation, the scouts outside the city heard the news: General Xia Ya and the heroic cavalry had arrived ten miles away from Denzel!


When Xia arrived less than ten miles outside of the city of Denzel, he joined the cavalry scout team of the garrison who was stationed in Denzel. I also learned about the grand welcoming ceremony of triumph in the city.

After getting this news, Xia Ya just grinned, although I also knew that the cost of holding such a grand ceremony would be huge, and it was not a wise move for the Northern Army Group that had barely resolved the financial crisis. But Charlie still readily accepted, and did not raise any objections.

He is very clear that as a leader, sometimes he can no longer act on his own likes and dislikes.

Such a grand welcoming ceremony, perhaps he did not care about it, but for the cavalry soldiers who returned in triumph behind him, it was a great praise!

The hundreds of "strong riding camps" behind him were the biggest contributors to the Battle of Sirtan! They followed themselves across the northern Xinjiang in the ice and snow, ran for thousands of miles, ate and slept on horseback, and stayed on day and night, such as the high winds sweeping the land of Siltan County, smashing more than ten Red Snow Army defenders! He defeated the Red Snow Army, which was twenty times his number, took away the new city, copied Manninger's nest, and attacked the army. He wiped out the vanguard main cavalry group in Manninger's hands and robbed strategic initiative. For all the efforts to destroy the Manninger Chixue Army!

These heroic fighters, who were born to death, slayed all the way from the mountains and seas of swords and swords, and gave the greatest convictions, endured hunger and exhaustion, and defeated powerful enemies. Now, they have won such praise, and they deserve it. Get this treatment!

"The whole army stopped and rested for ten minutes, and all the military equipment and military equipment were rectified! Let us enter the city in the most glorious appearance!"

Charia's order was resolutely implemented. The cavalry who hurried on the road immediately stopped at the side of the road and made tense preparations. The lads tried to smooth the wrinkled uniform, wiped the scabbard full of dirt, and The leather boots can almost reflect the shadow of a person. Some guys even pulled out a dagger and looked for a puddle on the roadside, shaving off the messy beard.

It is learned that the city of Denzel in front is ready for a grand ceremony, and every cavalry soldier is very excited!

As a soldier, what could be more exciting than such a compliment?

Under Zou Macheng, the cheers of the military and civilians in the city, like a triumph of heroes, accepted the cheers and reverence of everyone ...

Many brave fighters who did not frown when facing thousands of Odins butchering knives, at the moment, were a little nervous and shivering. Many people even shaved their faces when shaving their beards with daggers.

After finishing dressing up and grooming nervously, the whole army re-launched the road, arranged in a beautiful double formation, from the main road to Denzel City!

When the heroic cavalry appeared on the road, the cavalry in front of them sat on their horses with their heads raised, holding the banner of the cavalry of the Northern Army in their hands, and outside the town of Denzel, the waiting celebration team erupted immediately. Cheers like thunder! Shouts retreat up and down the city!

Banners were inserted on the walls of Denzel City, and the welcome queue under the city was crowded on both sides of the road. The welcome people extended from under the city gate to the middle of the city to the gate of Juntefu!

As the team advanced into the city, the cheers of countless people immediately climbed to a new height! Countless people waved their arms, threw up their hats, and were at the forefront of the cavalry. The people on both sides of the road threw out the prepared flowers, allowing the cavalry's horseshoes to trample along the road paved with flowers!

"Long live! Long live General Xia!"

"Long live the Empire Heroes!"

"Long live Byzantine !!"

Among the enthusiastic shouts, the cavalry stood tall and raised their chests. Each one was radiant, full of redness, and took on the fullest and most heroic gesture.

The cavalry team of five hundred people is in itself a first-class and powerful elite for the rest of the battle. If you deliberately so invigorate, the momentum is naturally extraordinary! The cavalry individuals are like tigers and horses like dragons. Their sturdy and sturdy posture makes the welcomed people express their sincere praise.

"It is indeed a man who defeated the Odin!"

"The Northern Army is so good!"

"My northern army is mighty !!"

"If you want to marry, marry a good man from the Northern Army!"

Although under strict military regulations, the cavalry still maintained a neat queue to enter the city slowly, and did not dare to loose, but there was enthusiasm and enthusiasm around the cavalry, and those enthusiastic words of praise still passed into the ears of every cavalry Here, the soldiers were in full bloom, but still forcibly tense, and tried to make a variety of "extraordinary" expressions on their faces-that is, expressionless, try to keep the cold look, only the red cheeks are faint The joy of the cavalry was exposed.

And the northern general, Xia Leiming, was in the ranks of the team and a uniform of a senior imperial general. He described it as extraordinary and in the eyes of people, it was even more like heaven and earth. At this time, the always-strict General Xia Ya naturally also appeared as a close friend, sitting on the horse's back, holding his arm in white gloves, waving it constantly, greeting the people around him, attracting With even more enthusiastic cheers.

Fortunately, there are garrisons lined up on both sides to maintain order, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have welcomed the people enthusiastically to rush forward to get close contact with these heroes.

As he walked outside the gate, Xia saw the officers and officers of the county guard who stayed behind Danzer while waiting under the gate.

Among the officers and officers wearing uniforms and military uniforms, the most eye-catching is the beautiful woman who is surrounded in the middle and stands in front!

Beautiful blonde long hair, tall body, charming and beautiful face, and a slightly sloppy look, plus that look like the look of flames ...

Charlie recognized it immediately, and that was Adelin!

Your fiancee, your lover!

My ... poor worm!

Then, Xia suddenly raised her left arm and made a stop motion. The moving team immediately stopped all silently. The cavalry's movements were uniform, but Xia's movement was just a movement. The cavalry queue came to an abrupt end, without any trace of disorder!

Immediately, Xia Ya rolled over and dismounted, and then took a deep breath and walked step by step under the gate. His eyes fell tightly on Adeline's face! With that fierce gaze staring, Adeline looked excited, her body trembling faintly, her lips biting ...


He came over! He comes over! Thank goodness! He is finally back!

He came towards me!

what should I do? It was like a noble nobleman who owed him a bow and said, "Have you worked hard?"

Or into his arms like an ordinary girl?

Or bow down before him like a surrender?

Is it reserved? Or simply desperate?

At this moment in Adeline's heart, it seemed as if 10,000 fawns were jumping around and another 10,000 small hands were scratching around.

At the moment, the girl's heart is full of thoughts!

In those eyes, there are countless thoughts: miss, admiration, resentment, sigh ...


If it was according to Adeline's nature, when she saw Charya, her first thought would be to run up desperately, and then slammed into the soil of this earthworm, and bite him fiercely. , Complaining about my thoughts for many days, crying and smiling, so that all of my emotions can be vented in the heart of this man in front of you ... well, it is best to have another extremely hot kiss! !!

But if she really did what Adeline meant, she would n’t even look like a welcome team appearing under the gate of the city—after all, the girl was still a little shy. Although she was Char ’s fiancee, the two were not married after all. She was a bit shy about appearing as a "hostess" in front of everyone.

If she was allowed to choose, she would prefer to stay obediently in the gate of Guntefu, wait and see, and wait for this abominable soil to go home, and then when no one else, throw it into this guy's arms ...

In some intimate actions, Adeline still did not want to do it with everyone's eyelids lowered. After all, anyway, a woman of noble origin, still pays attention to these manners ...

However, she still appeared under the gate.

Watching Xia Ya step by step towards herself, Adeline's infinite thoughts suddenly remembered the words that Defeny said to herself this morning ...


"Adelin, anyway, you must be in the welcome team and stand where everyone can see! Let everyone, whether the army or the people, see your presence! You must start with This way, it shows your sense of presence in the Northern Army! In this way, you have to silently declare to everyone that you are their true master and mother! "

"But ... sister, after all, we haven't got married yet, so I suddenly ran to stand in front of everyone, I ..." At that time, Adeline was still very stunned, although the thoughts in her heart were infinite, and she wanted to shave that abominable soil, But after all, the girl's cheeks were thin: "I still want to wait for him in Guntefu, and there are many eyes under the gate, I ..."

"This is not the time to be shy!"

At that time, Dafenni, a beautiful Duke of Minas family and a queen of empire, was a beautiful girl. In a nearly serious tone, she faced Adelin. Calmly said: "If you still want to really tie up this man, if you don't want your status to be challenged by other women, you better do as I say!"

"Why, how? You say so seriously ..."

Looking at the ignorant younger sister in front of her, Definy sighed sighingly--although from a royal family, the princess, who had been away from politics since she was a child, had no keen sense of politics. Presumably, he came from a wealthy family and married the royal family very early. He was jealous of the royal family, but he is "sophisticated" than the principal: "My sister, you still don't understand ... now Xia Ya, it ’s not Charya a few months ago! Charya a few months ago is just a small army leader in the north, with a little land, a little soldier, and a horse in this troubled world. The warlord, even his northern military region, he made up himself-don't look at me like this, I know the royal strategy, it is absolutely impossible to seal any northern military commissioner and minister to any courtier All powers in military and political affairs belong to one person's official position! Such an official position cannot be afforded by officials! He was only a small independent warlord before! But now he is in love It's different! He defeated a legion of Odin, killed an Odin hero like Manninger, conquered the entire territory of Siltan County, conquered the Corsican region, and occupied the land of the three counties with one person. With the brilliant victory that the Emperor Team has never had in a century, it has become a hot character on the mainland!

Didn't you hear the news of the imperial capital that came back this time? He has obtained the official seal of your brother, the general of the northern guardianship, which is equivalent to the most authoritative and legal recognition of the empire. With his current age and the land and army he owns, it is conceivable that in the next few years, With the official canon, he has the legitimacy and righteousness, and will be able to cross the northern part of the empire, becoming the most powerful top figure on the real continent!

Don't forget, he is still young and not married! !!

I know that you and him have a good relationship, but for men, oftentimes, relationship is not the biggest factor in measuring things! Especially for a big man like him, who bears the fate of the entire group, what he is carrying cannot let him be emotional!

Don't look at me like that. For any political issue, marrying a relative is always one of the oldest and most effective means! He is now well-known on the mainland, and will soon become the object of many parties' forces rushing to win over. At that time, I am afraid that there are countless powerful men and countless powerful princes, who will scramble to rush to the most beautiful Taobao women ’s clothing Tmall Taobao. The woman from the shopping mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket M came to him!

As long as he can marry him, it is equivalent to having the most powerful foreign aid, which is equivalent to receiving the support of tens of thousands of sabers in the northern military region!

Even if he really loves you Xia Leiming ... but in many cases, men will choose to give up their feelings for the sake of career! If he can rely on marriage and form a strong foreign aid for his group, maybe he will ... "

"... No!" Although Adeline was said to be pale at the time, she still shook her head: "He ... he only knows my heart! I believe he is true to me, isn't he? meeting……"

"Well, even if his affection for you is sincere ... but if you meet someone he can't refuse? Adelin, don't forget, the news from the imperial capital, there is news that Xia Ya has already A marriage contract with the daughter of General Adrik! General Adrik is the core of the army, the current soul of the emperor team, and the prestige is the leader of the entire army! If he can marry Admiral Adrick, he can help He has established more foundations and connections in the Imperial team! It will be of great benefit to his career! Not to mention ... don't forget that General Adrik is his old boss who thundered in Xia, and he was in charge of Xia. Shi ’s guides have the honour of carrying and knowing him! In Xia ’s heart, I ’m afraid to respect Adrik as his father! The marriage of others may be rejected by Xia, but if you think, A man whom he considers his father and benefactor to open a relationship with him, will Xia refuse? "

Adeline was speechless.

No matter how confident she was, her heart suddenly shaken when she faced her last question.

It is because of her deep understanding of Xia that Adeline knows that Xia is a very emotional and nostalgic person, so she is not worried that Xia will abandon herself in order to marry with other forces. But ... if the person who made this request was Adlink, Adelin would really not have that confidence! It is precisely because Charya is a very emotional and old-fashioned person. If the requester is an old boss like Adrik who is regarded as his father's benefactor, I am afraid Charya ca n’t really refuse to refuse ...

"So you must appear in the ranks of welcome, and you must appear at the head of the team in the most striking way! Stand in front of everyone as the hostess, as the host of the Northern Army Group! With a welcome The gesture of the husband's home wife, stood in front of everyone!

Adelin, I must remind you! Your only reliance on Charlie is his affection for you! And you must know that the human heart is often the most unreliable thing in the world! I can even tell you that if your potential competitor is the daughter of General Adrik, your royal status will not give you any advantage in your marriage to Charlie! !! Although you are a royal person, your identity is invisible! Xia became a mainland star by fighting Odin's heroes, but you have the blood of Odin! Your princess identity cannot even be recognized by the royal family! Even if it is Her Majesty, I am afraid that those officials and the staff will not agree with him to marry you! Because if you marry a princess with the blood of the Odin, it will make his halo of "Fighting the Odin Hero" fade a lot! !! More importantly, General Adrik is a prestigious soul figure in the army. If he marries his daughter, those army generals under Charlie will raise his hands to agree! Don't forget, he has many Rhoderian cavalry people! And Adrik is the old boss of the Rhoderian Cavalry! If those generals were to choose, all of them would not hesitate to support Xia to marry Adrik's daughter!

Don't think that getting married is just a matter for both of you! For a leader such as Xia, his marriage is no longer a personal matter, but a major event that will affect his group at any time! If you want to win more support and friendship from the generals of the Adrik faction of the Emperor Team, it will be of great benefit to this new group of Charya! The aides and generals under his command will encourage Charlie to abandon you and choose Adrik's daughter!

For Xia Ya, the root of his life and his life is the army! If the generals in the army are against him from marrying you, and agreeing with him to marry Adrik's daughter, even Xia has to pay attention to the attitude of the army! "

Duffini said, the poor worm was pale on the spot.

The original firm heart could not help but shake it ~ ~ After thinking for a while, she suddenly sighed softly and said quietly: "If ... this is really the case, marry the daughter of General Adrik If it is really good for his career ... I am willing to quit and bless them ... "

When Duffini listened, her face suddenly changed, and her heart suddenly shook!

Looking at the innocent eyes of the girl in front of her, with a bit of sorrow, she softly uttered such words, so that Defeni could not help but lose his voice instantly.

It took a while before she grabbed Adeline's shoulders and exclaimed: "Are you crazy! How much conviction did you put in, and after so many trials, you finally came with him! You gave up your reputation And identity, so ambiguous to follow him! From Oscilia to Denzel, you have experienced several life and death dangers along the way! You have paid so much for this relationship! But you have to give up?!"

Adeline listened, and was not angry. On Qingli's face, she just smiled slightly, her voice was very light, and her voice was word by word, falling into Defeny's heart!

"If it really helps him, I'll just quit ... I, I just hope he is good ..."

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