
Chapter 445: [2 into the Imperial Capital]

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Chapter 445 [The Second Imperial Capital]

After staying outside the city for another two or three days, a new move was finally made in the city of Osgiriya.

First, the royal family sent a labor force led by an earl noble. The earl noble was probably the heir of the royal family. The army came along with the army. In addition to a few nobles, there were also the deputies of two imperial finance ministers. , And the special envoy of the Prime Minister.

Speaking of which, the city of Oscaria! Is very scarce. After fighting for more than half a year, most of them depend on the supplies of the Landis at sea.

However, after all, Xia ’s army went south to serve the king. In any way, “the empire ’s central government must show a gesture of consolation. Otherwise, if the people go south to serve the king, the army will be stationed outside the city. If it is passed, it may be too expensive.

There are not many things, and the cost in the city is already tense. I heard that even the emperor himself has shrunk to diet. The so-called labor force is nothing more than a cut-off. It was originally a procedure that should have been in place.

These people sent to the army were all drawn from the city guards. I heard that for the royal family's system, the emperor specially assigned a small team of Yulin army to accompany them. However, when this army team came to Xia ’s army station, it still shocked Xia ’s army.

——This is the empire's most elite Imperial City Guard? This is the Yulin Army, which is said to have the best equipment and the highest treatment? It's just a group of beggars!

The Yulin Army was barely able to guarantee a full set of weapons and equipment, and those of the city guards were much worse. Most of them even had a complete set of armors that were difficult to get together, and the weapons were very complicated. Many people were not using the city. The swords of the Guard's standard, it seems that quite a lot of people's weapons, seem to have been seized from the rebels to make up temporarily.

As for the supplies delivered, it is even more inadequate. The grain is not much. The emperor now hears that he only eats a few pieces of bread per meal. There are some rewards for gold and silver utensils. It is said that the emperor moved out of the old library in the imperial palace to reserve some old foundations.

But such a thing, if it is distributed to everyone in the army, it is really unsightly.

Therefore, even the Earl, who is in charge of the labor force, seems to have some embarrassment on his face. When will the empire become so poor!

However, Kea was very polite. He took the Lord Earl and spoke for a long time. Everyone had a lively meal, and when it was pity, Xia also quietly put a box in the box and sent it to him. In the carriage of the Earl.

The box contained some goodies that Charya had previously seized from the large number of rebel prisoners of war captured.

Those rebels spent many days in the imperial capital, but they really grabbed a lot of good things, but unfortunately in the first few battles, the rebels defeated, and after the seizure of the things, they were cheaper to our Lord.

Xia also sent people to select some “boutiques” among those spoils and belongings. Those rebels snatched a lot of noble giants in the capital and really made some treasures. Xia chose all the best goods and kept them. Important use.

The box for the Earl of the Army was a precious vase, fine bronzes, and inlaid gems. It was a valuable piece of art! I did n’t know it was a rebel Copy from which aristocratic family. It was the old Earl of the army, who opened the box on the way back to look at the vase, and immediately felt in his heart.

This army ... what did it look like!

Those labor items that I brought with me! $, 78.8 are all added together, I am afraid that the value is not enough for such a vase! Alas, the empire is slightly so, it is really nothing to be a messenger of the army , But it makes those country guys from the north laugh behind.

The Earl received this great gift from Charlie. After returning to the city, he would naturally say a few more good words about Charlie, so there is no need to say it.

The labor is just a cutscene, this cutoff is over, and the following is the real reward!

Charya waited for another two days, and thought that the formal appointment order should come down soon, but who knows, this waited another three days!

What is the emperor thinking about? It's all been the case, and the reward is not ordered quickly.

However, while Xia was annoyed, she couldn't help but imagine the Garcia emperor, as long as the other person was really depressed. The emperor was imperious, but he was compelled by a place in the north to condemn land Sealed, obviously killed the other side in the heart ... but can only hold it down with his nose.

The emperor has been reluctant to order formally, which is probably the last bit of injustice in the heart.

Charlie waited until the fifth encounter, and the official decree finally came down !!

This time it was the Count who came to the army the previous time. This Count was the one who had received the gracious gift from Xia last time, and this time he ran again. Naturally, his attitude towards Xia was more affectionate.

Poor aristocrats like these imperial capitals, if in the past, such a precious vase, although it can be regarded as a valuable thing, where will it be placed in the eyes of his dignified earl? But this time the city of Osgiriya broke, most of the homes of the nobles were poisoned, and the bottom of the house was almost tortured by the rebels. That was a great fortune.

I heard that many noble masters can persist in fighting, but after driving away the rebels and taking people home to take a look, they will have to pull their swords and wipe their necks on the spot ... Many nobles are even going bankrupt directly !

The Earl, I heard that he is still a distant relative of the royal family. At the moment when the talents of the imperial royal aristocracy group are dying, his former fringe figure has gained the emperor's trust and appreciation at once. He came here twice. The choice of such a person by the labor force or the transmission of the emperor's order is enough to show that this guy is now heavily reused.

To Xia's surprise, this time to give the imperial order together with a deputy, but it is his old acquaintance!

At the sight of Shao's bloated and huge body in the group, Xia was surprised and laughed at the time: "Haha! You fat man! I want to die for you!"

With that said, he strode up, opened his arms, and hugged each other.

Ruhr grinned, but he still had injuries. found! Still want me to die! Be light, my old arms, legs, and feet are a little less intelligent. Charlie let go of Ruhr and took two steps back, staring at the fat man up and down.

After measuring for a while, his eyes gradually became warmer. Speaking of which, speaking of the many generals in the Byzantine army, Xia and the fat man had the best personal relationship. no

He is really two guys, one big and one small, one looks thick and fat, and one looks bold and straight, but actually two big and one small foxes, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but they are full of belly

This bad water is full of smells! The Byzantine emperor Lieutenant General, Charlie admires most, but the closest person is this fat man. Ad

Rick is the old boss of Xia, who has cultivated Fuya in one hand, just like Master Yan and his father. And this fat man is as close as a friend. They glanced at each other, their faces were exposed

With a sincere smile, Xia said, "Why do you send orders, but you are not sent?" Ruer hesitated and laughed twice, lowering his voice, "The city is almost noisy, old

Impatient for hearing, I looked for this mess and simply hid here, out of the city, out of sight, and calmer in my heart. Xia listened and glanced at the fat man: "Noisy? Ruhr smiled and glared at Charya: "It's not for you! Your ten thousand cavalry ran out of the city, which made many people uneasy!" Then they entered.

Going to the camp, the transmission of the emperor on the scene is naturally a cut-off. Xia convened the army officer general to listen to the earl read the emperor in public, and then naturally

Eat and drink. Speaking of them, many of the cavalry in Xia ’s hands were formerly Ruhr's old subordinates. This time, the two sides were naturally happy. Everyone took a swig,

When Qin was drinking wine, Xia and Luer went out of the tent, walked freely in the camp, and came to a quiet place. Dim looked at the fat man, and found something in his arms.

Passed. Ruhr took it, and his eyes suddenly flashed: "Tobacco? Good things of the Zaku! Haha!" Charlie smiled, and after firing him, looked at the fat man with a cigarette in his hand.

Kusaki "Mimi's swallowing clouds and mists, she laughed:" I guess you must like this thing. This time I came here with some, and I will leave it to you for a while. Ruhr squinted

, With a look of enjoyment, and leisurely said: & son is so blessed! The tobacco of the Zaku natives is rare, I heard that these tobacco leaves are all big girls of the Zaku tribe.

Rolling up one by one with your own hands ... Hey ... "Looking at the fat man's expression with a sullen expression, Xia Ya snorted, and then said positively:" What is the situation in the city now?

In addition, you tell me. When the fat man heard it, he smiled slightly, his face was a little weird, and he gave Xia a heavy look: "You little fox can't guess?" "Pause

He suddenly sighed: "What else can there be? It's just that everyone's heart is not solid. Your 10,000 cavalry is out of the city. Your Majesty and you are not in the same heart.

It's not surprising that you are afraid of you. This war was chaotic. This is a tragedy! At the moment, there is such an army outside the city that you are not at ease, and you let our emperor 陛

How can I sleep soundly? But the subtlety is subtle. Your Majesty is afraid of you, but he refuses to let you go back immediately, while I am jealous of you, but I need you 10,000 cavalry to stay outside the city.

Because as long as you are here, the Landis will be upset! Before you come, the situation in the city is that the Landis are strong, we are weak, so we are strong and weak, and we

When the other party talks, there is no confidence in the contention. 8.n Now you 10,000 cavalry are swinging outside the city, no matter how you say, you are also playing the banner of the Byzantine Emperor, Landis

Always see you as our group. In the two days you were here, when the Landis talked to us, it was obvious that Shao was very polite. Hehe ... so, now the city

There was endless chatter, Your Majesty wanted you to leave early, and was reluctant to let you go. Your heart was tangled. "Xia Ya listened and smiled indifferently. Then said:" The emperor

Let me see you in the city. Do you think I can just go? Or drag on for two more? The fat man spewed a smoke from his nostrils and rolled his eyes: "Don't wait, it's time to take

You have all the benefits, and the emperor can no longer make any concessions. It doesn't make sense to wait any longer. You will go to the city to see you tomorrow morning. I think the emperor treats you

At least, the attitude will be very good. Even if it is shown to the Landis, he is going to play a concentric scene with you and his officials with his nose pinched. Charlie ordered

Nodded: "So, I'm going to the city tomorrow?" "Let's go to the city." The fat man smiled: "The emperor's order has already been written, and things will not change anymore. Your majesty is now

I also have to admit this fact, and I will never do anything to slap my own face. You are now safe in the city, and Your Majesty will not take any action against you.

You swayed into the city to see you, received the reward, took the official post, and then the scenery is a moment, you can go out of the city with your army to return home. "Stuck, the fat man thought for a moment

Suo, said: "Xia Ya, this time you entered the city, I will make a deal with you. Although our little emperor is not in a good position with you, after all, he is still young.

Duan is far less sophisticated than Xian Huang. You do n’t have to be too jealous ... it ’s our prime minister, Lord Saty Bonelli, but a great role! An old prime minister, no

In other words, it is an important banner that the emperor left to restrict the military forces. No matter what the reason, the prime minister will desperately restrict you to suppress you, so you have to do it.

Get ready to deal with this old guy. "Xia Ya heard it, and he laughed twice:" The title of my duke was awarded by the prime minister. "Lu

Seoul smiled, but he patted Xia's shoulder and made a comforting expression. Speaking of which, the fat man didn't do much for the title of the headache.

law. )) $ The next day, Xia took people into the city. The big picture is now set. The emperor's decree has been clearly written, so Xia need not worry about the emperor's attack on himself again.

He generously left the army outside the city. He took only a few of his army officers and a dozen guards, and then accompanied Besta's official with the total I $ L wife Monica.

Together, they entered the city and met the emperor. Entering the city is already via the Arc de Triomphe. This is the most magnificent city gate in Osgilia, a miracle-like building.

I've seen it once when the Imperial City, and this time I look again, the huge gates and walls are covered with traces of war.

There were dense and damaged marks everywhere on the wall, smashed stones from the trebuchets, rockets, and the color of the remaining blood ... There were also potholes on the ground, which made it difficult to drive.

Especially when I crossed the bridge before entering the city, there was a weird rancid smell in the air.

Oscaria has fought for half a year, and I do n’t know how many corpses have been sunk in the big river outside the city! The river that was clear and beautiful in the past has become a river full of clothes. The black water of the taste of death! The post-war clean-up of the river channel, I am afraid that people in the city will have a long headache.

Entering the city, the scene in front of him makes Xia unable to breathe again and again!

In the past, the great, magnificent, noisy, and full of vitality city changed into this look in front of it? !

Looking at it, there are broken walls everywhere. Most of the houses and buildings near the city walls were demolished, some were removed from the materials that enriched the city, and others were destroyed during street fighting! The streets in the city, The bustling streets of the past have long been completely unfaced! As they walked along, there were traces after burning, and there were almost no pedestrians on the path, most of them were people hiding in the ruins of the broken houses on both sides , Shot from the window a bunch of fearful eyes.

A large area of ​​the trip zone was burned, demolished, and even along the way, you can still see the civilized husband with a black cloth on his face. He is responsible for running back and forth in the neighborhood to clean up. The corpses were lifted out one by one and brought together ...

Fortunately, the winter is not over yet, and the weather is cold. If you do n’t rush to clean it up, in a few months, the weather will be hot. The waste city after this war will cause illness!

As soon as I walked, besides this dazzling ruins, the most touching Charya was the eyes of those Osgilians!

The last time Xia Ya came to the Imperial City, here is the biggest feeling here. Martial King Qiankun created the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. The Da Zhou Royal Family is the pride born in the stocks of Oscilians! As the people of the imperial capital, Oscilians live in this largest male city, known as the largest miracle city of mankind, the most prosperous and most prosperous The lively Emperor Capital, once a man who walked casually on the street, was full of pride and audacious emotion in his eyes.

But now it seems that those who are responsible for cleaning up the corpses, and occasionally flashing from the corner of the street, in the eyes of these people shot, in addition to fear, fear, the most is a kind of numbness!

(This city ... is dead.) Charlie was in her heart. ))!

Xia did not immediately enter the palace to see the emperor. This is a Byzantine rule. As a local general, Xia went to Beijing to see him. He himself has no right to go directly to the palace to see his Majesty!

The foreign general enters Beijing. According to the rules, he goes to the military headquarters to report, and then waits at the arranged residence! Wait for the emperor to be free, and then send someone to summon you, then you will be eligible to accept His Majesty's advice!

This is a rule, and it is a practice that embodies the authority of the emperor

Before entering the city, Ruhr had a word with Xia, the emperor had already hinted that Ruhr had entered this city, and everything had to be done in accordance with the rules! Just to let Xia show respect for the imperial power.

Xia Ya naturally will not refuse this request-anyway, he has not lost anything, just selling the emperor's face.

Moreover, now that his identity is different, the elite cavalry outside the city is set there, and he enters the city ten times. I am afraid that the whole city will be up and down. I don't know how many eyes are staring at him secretly!

Especially those Landis!

At this time, you have to take care of the overall situation, even if you are showing it to the Landis, you must also show your respect for the royal power and explain it one by one to Ruhr, which is also what Adrik asks!

It was natural that General Xia Ya went away in person to report to the military department. His subordinates had already gone to handle it. He himself was temporarily living and waiting in a place in the city.

According to the management, all the generals are waiting for the emperor to meet. You must wait for a period of time before the throne of the seal of God! This time the throne of seal of God may be long or short. If the emperor is in a good mood, or not too busy, maybe it will be ten days and a half months to see your schedule. If the emperor is in a bad mood, or busy forgetting you ... I'm afraid they will have to wait for a month or two!

For example, when Xia entered the emperor's capital last time to meet the emperor, the emperor named him and gave him a visit to the emperor. In this way, she had to wait for many days to get the emperor's interview. !

But now his identity is naturally different. Since he gave the face of the emperor Garcia, went to the military department to report, and honestly waited to be summoned, he put on a stance of respecting the imperial power. Naturally, Garcia did not dare to go too far. Who knows, one of our Grand Master Xia ’s temper is "but donkey!"

You do things on the road, naturally, the emperor Garcia will not make you difficult.

From Ruhr's point of view, the emperor would order the summons by walking through the cut and waiting in the city for at most one day.

Xia ’s residence is a slightly more complete house selected in the city. I heard that it is the heritage of a certain nobleman. During the war, dozens of his family were slaughtered by the rebels. Yes, but because the house was valued by a leader of the rebels, it was kept intact as its own base.

It stands to reason that this kind of house is so insidious that it is not suitable for Xia Ya to live in a foreign minister who meets in Beijing. It is too out of order ... But at this moment, there are few inhabitants in the house in the city?

And Fuya didn't care much about such ghostly things ~ ~ In his words: "Lao Tzu marched and fought, killing people like hemp! His face was murderous, full of majesty! Even if there is a ghost, It runs away from Lao Tzu! "

He swaggered into the house with his followers, and was ready to close in peace.

The door waited.

Unexpectedly, when it was not dark, someone came to the door.

A young civil servant dressed in an imperial official's robe came to look very clean. When he came to see Xia, his look was calm and calm. the taste of.

When Charlie spoke, her tone was light. "General Xia, our lord invites you to come and meet. Xia looks at this person who comes to the door:" Your lord? which one? o39; o39; the other party smiled lightly, and smiled calmly: "Master Salem Bonelli, the prime minister today. The latest chapters are updated in a timely manner

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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