
Chapter 443: [Extraordinary shot]

"It's the emperor that offends!" Adrik tasted the sentence carefully.

Immediately, before Adrik spoke again, Charlie slowly tossed a word, and made Adrie sell the bottom of the building!

"Master ... have you forgotten how the Duke of the Last Tulip died? It is a secret that no one knows. How could you not know the core general in your Imperial Army like you.

This sentence, like lightning, pierced Adrik's heart!

Duke of Tulips ... Duke of Last Tulips!

The death of the Duke of the Last Tulip is naturally a big secret of the empire! It is also a big scandal of the royal family!

Historically, it has been said that the last Duke of Duke Jin died of illness. However, in fact, the real lords of the empire, a few people knew that the Duke of Tulips in the past had offended the royal family, no matter how high the tulip family ’s high weight and how the meritorious deeds! Offended the royal family, The stability of the throne also had to kill!

If the emperor really hates you and treats you as a nail in the eye, then ...

It seems that this is an unsolvable problem.

After a long period of silence, Adrik sighed: "So you want to be a soldier general, stay out and hide in northern Xinjiang to protect yourself? But how long can you own soldiers to protect themselves? Ten years? Twenty years The emperor is still young, and the throne of the Seal of God will be very long while he is in office. You can't continue this way.

Xia Ya smiled: "Then I can't help it, I'm not too old, it's a big deal, I'll live longer than the guy with Garcia, he lived for a day, I will lead the army in the north, not return to the capital, no Give him a chance to fix me. "

It's a bit of a relish. Whether it is Char's or Adrik's, they all know that the problem is by no means so easy to solve.

Now the empire is in distress, the central government is weak, the imperial power is weak, Xia ’s troops are out, and the emperor has not been able to harden it. However, with the passage of the Seal of Throne, the situation of the empire will gradually come to an end. After waiting for the empire to settle, the imperial power to be stable, and the strength of the emperor, he will absolutely not tolerate a guy who is not in harmony with himself and leads so many soldiers and horses outside, and is not loyal to himself ...

But at the moment, there seems to be no other way.

Aderick had a headache, and thought of it, he felt helpless for a while.

Fortunately, there is a hint of comfort in my heart: after all, Xia has no such big ambition.

At this point, Adrik could still be sure. This boy followed him around when he was out of the mountain. He was a guy brought out by his own hands. His lazy temperament was not the way he wanted to be emperor.

As long as Charlie has no rebellious mind, even if she does not touch the bottom line of Adrik's heart!

…-… -OK ’, I ’ll ask you a few questions, you think about it, answer me carefully. "

Adrik narrowed his eyes, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes, his voice soft and low: "Sia, what would you do if you led a soldier in the north?"

As soon as Xia Ya heard it, he felt a shock in his mind. After he had prepared the answer in his heart, he immediately said without hesitation: "Jingzhi governs the place and protects the peace of one side! Respect the empire, all legal systems are in accordance with The imperial system will never change. "

"Huh, that's just not enough." Adrik smiled at him, looking at Xia.

Xia Ya took a deep breath: "Are there anyway ... there will be danger and relief, those rebel military areas around the north, as long as the imperial officers and soldiers have the intention to crusade, I will immediately send troops to help, there will be no words!"

"It's still not enough." Adelaide shook his head.

Xia Ya thought for a while and continued: "Mor County and Siltan County are grain-producing areas. Historically, the central and northern empires have been relying on the grain production of these two counties. If I govern one side ... According to the old empire, The annual taxed food will naturally support the central government. "

Adrik was a little bit more complexion, but he still shook his head: "... It's not enough! Xia Ya-sighed:" Sir, what else do you need, just say it. Adrik stared at Charya, then stared at the young man word by word.

"I want you to be the northern barrier of the empire! If it is invaded by the outside, you must do it! If the empire suffers from the inside, you must do it! In addition, I want you a word from Xia Lei Ming! In your life, you Charlie is in the north and you are only a Byzantine minister. There is no rebellion! There is no will to peep at the throne! "

When Xia heard this, she looked so calm and immediately raised her hands without hesitation, solemnly saying, "Yes, I swear! I will never violate these words!"

Adrik listened, exhaled a long, and took a deep look at Xia Ya: "If you are today, remember a lot in your heart. If you have been in the high position for a long time, you will inevitably have other thoughts. Come, I just hope that when you get older, you will have a high weight. If you have any other ideas, think about today. "

Adrik had a bitter tone.

In fact, in his mind, this is by no means a good solution. Although he trusts Xia at this moment to have no rebellious mind, the heart is unpredictable!

The most difficult thing to guess in this world is the human heart! Even though Xia Ya still has a simple mind, she only has a self-protection mind, and this boy is very old and has his own presence, and can still hold him firmly. But if it is ten years, twenty years later? After the death of these old empires, he and the young emperor were intolerant. At that time, he could really guarantee that he would never rebel ... I am afraid that no one can tell.

It's just now ... I can only look at it now!

Adrik knows at least one thing: At this time, the Empire needs Charya in the north!

The empire needs the tens of thousands of male soldiers in the north of Xia to serve the place! It needs Xia to be the empire's barrier in the north! Char's army is needed to help the Empire calm the rebellion! Even Adrik himself needs Char's army to help him stabilize the situation! Although the rebels have been defeated, don't forget that there are tens of thousands of troops from the Landis!

At this moment, it is difficult for the allies to turn their faces and become a strong enemy! Because of this, Adrik had to choose, this village supports Xia! In the future ... let me say the future.

Adrik was so bitter in his heart that he sighed a long time, then felt something out of his arms, and put it on the table.

"This is your commission order. Your Majesty and I have already signed it below. Xia Ya was so happy that she walked up and picked it up, but suddenly she stayed." Uh? Blank? "

In this hand, it is a blank appointment order signed by the Imperial Military Department, and the appointed official post is empty!

Adrik snorted and glanced at Charya: "Fill in the empty space yourself.

After hearing this, Xia Ya was shocked, and then a joy!

God ... yourself ... fill in? !

This is an official order! Both the emperor and the military secretary have signed it!

In other words, the empire's military position, as long as he wanted to be the official, what official? !

(If I were to marshal himself, wouldn't it be a problem if I wanted to come?)

But Xiaia immediately saw Adrik's smirk-like look, and his heart was suddenly stunned, then he put the thing back to the table, and smiled bitterly: "General, you still don't worry about me, and finally come out like this Something tempted to test me .... "

"Huh, you're smart." Adrik sneered: & t; if you really dare to confuse yourself with some ridiculous official position, you will be torn off by hitting it back, and someone will call you tomorrow The emperor's decree, then I will personally receive your troops! "

Charlie smiled and said with a grin: "Since you have said so, it seems that this matter will not happen. Well, what official position should I be in the end, you can speak straight."

Adrik raised his finger: "Weiyi, you do n’t need the name of the northern war zone. This battle will be finished one day. You are now called the" war zone. " Excuses, after the battle, what 'war zone' is needed? When the war zone is cancelled, you will be speechless. "

Charlie-nodded immediately, knowing that Adrik was thinking for himself, and a little gratitude came into his heart.

"Since it is not a war zone, it might as well be called a" northern guard zone ". The name guard can be used in wartime or peace time." Adrik said lightly: "Your identity is the leader of the guard zone. The general is fine.

General Wei Wei ...

Charya could not help but grin.

I ’m good in the north. Anyway, I ’m still a “Marshal”. Now I ’ll give General Cheng one by one. “Hum, do n’t you grin, what marshal you self-proclaimed before is simply nonsense! Imperial Army! The marshal is the highest position. The non-gai meritorious officer is not sealed, the non-military veteran is not sealed, and the non-employee is not closed. How old are you? It ’s ridiculous to marshal the soft label! A veteran in the army like a duke has never really taken the post of Marshal! "

Okay, but it's just a name, the general is still the marshal, anyway, he still cares about some people. It's not necessary for Xia to call a title.

Moreover ... I closed the door. Even if he claims to be emperor, no one else can control him. Humph……

"... Second!" Adrik slowly said, "Generals in the garrison area naturally have the power to control the garrison area. Your majesty is in the rank of general, and you have the power to appoint the garrison area. Now, after all appointments, you can send someone to the Imperial Ministry for reporting. The Imperial Ministry will not interfere. "

This is a benefit. Charlie nodded.

"Third." Adrik said: "The empire has always been a decentralized military and government! In the places you control now, in several counties, the empire must re-send officials to serve as county guards and govern local government one by one. "

"What ?!" Xia Ya quit at once: "Let the emperor send someone to manage the place, I am one by one."

"Stupid." Adriatic frowned, looking at Xia: "If the emperor did not send people to serve as local officials, would it not be equivalent to giving you the land of these counties as an independent kingdom! Even if the emperor himself would bear it The empire has so many powerful ministers who can't stand it !! The empire has just finished the civil war, and the most taboo is the war zone separatist! The following is to conquer the local military zone and level the separatist warlord! At this time, how can a warlord be sealed Isn't that the emperor hitting his own face? The emperor can never tolerate it! If you make it clear that the chariots and horses will become warlords, the empire will turn its back! "

Xia Ya frowned: "But if the emperor sent someone to decentralize power, local government affairs made him pinch, and the fiscal taxes were not in my hands, and my tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were all pinned to the supply of troops and troop, how could it be? -'

"So I said you're stupid." Adrik said lightly: "The army is in your hands, the sky is high, the emperor is far away, and a few civil servants come, what day can you turn? In your place, your army is there, isn't it? A few civil servants can really hold you back? If you are so useless, you should give me the thought of holding soldiers to protect yourself as soon as possible.

Charlie immediately understood what Adrick meant.

It seems that the dispatch of the magistrate was just a helpless act of the emperor. The emperor himself would not really be naive to think that by sending a few magistrates, he would really be able to rob the land from Xia.

Nothing more than an act of covering up people's ears, just a layer of shame.

This shows that the Empire did not "send" a large site directly to Xia. A signal that the central government still has control over the place.

What are some civilian officials afraid of? As long as the army is holding it in its own hands, how can it rub the magistrate? If he wants to be round, if he wants to be flat ...


Adrik only said one at the beginning, Charya's face was on the chair-"There is still a fourth?"

Adrik didn't change his face, Shen said: "The division of the garrison district is naturally in the county of Moren and Sirtan. The Corsican Military Region is yours. The empire has no power to take over. Counted in the Weiyi District. But the Besta Military District and Esria County are not among them. "

Charlie frowned: "Besta ..."

"Besta military district surrenders, the empire is naturally welcome, but the arrangements for them are different from yours. Esria County is occupied by the besta military district, and the empire is now unable to recover and can only tolerate it temporarily. This is also impossible. .

But the emperor's bottom line is that you can't tolerate too much unity between you and the Besta. The Besta Military District and Esria County, the Empire means to merge into a large county, which is called Besta County. The position of the county guard and the chief of military and political affairs were left to the Bestas themselves. "

Xia Ya thought for a moment, then laughed: "The emperor meant to use the power of Besta to check and balance me. Hehe, this is also normal. He was afraid of me in his heart and put the Besta people in front of me. It's a means. "

With a little calculation, the County of More, Shirtan, and Corsica ... The three counties in their own hands are also the places that they really control now, and they have not suffered.

As for the Besta Military Region, Charya had no plans to annex it. The Governor's wife is very savvy, and her strength is not weaker than herself. In the future, she is an enemy and a friend. It is hard to say ...

But he held the secret of a governor's house in his hand ... Huh, it was a hole card of his own.

"Fifth ..." Adrik continued calmly.

Charya is the only one!

He jumped up: "Don't do it! Don't do it! The conditions are one by one, and ropes are all around my neck! So many conditions, how can I do things ?!"

Adrik looked weird: "The fifth is a personal reward for you, don't you really listen?

Xia Ya stayed: "I-personal reward?"

Adrik smiled: "When the emperor was there, didn't you ever have an agreement with you, the hunting meeting of the emperor that day, the thing that the emperor promised in public, did you forget it yourself?"

As soon as Charya heard it, she immediately became happy: "Yes, I remember it ... killing 30,000 enemies will be counted as Earl, if you have killed Hastings as Duke ..."

"You didn't kill Hastings, but Manninger's death in your hands is a great achievement, so ... congratulations, boy, even when the Empire was founded, you never had you. Such a young duke! "

Duke, Duke ... Siaia grinned suddenly. Duke ... From a knighthood, he is already a prince!

The twenty-year-old duke, except for those who are hereditary and inherited, may or may not have, by virtue of his own ability to seal the teeth-come, never before! Even when the founding of the country, never!

"Fifth, Her Majesty Garcia obeyed the oath of the emperor, and raised your title from baron to duke, hereditary system! Sealed! Is your title temporarily undecided, you have to wait for the aristocratic council to discuss it. Congratulations! Boy, you can be regarded as a family. In addition, as the duke of the duke, you can have your own territory, establish your own army, empire system, the duke can have a private soldier of a flag group, two thousand! The quota of people is given to you, which can be regarded as the expansion of strength. Moreover, the realm of the nobility, you have true absolute power, whether it is military power, government affairs, you are in control of one hand, not subject to anyone's elbow! This title, It ’s also a talisman for you! Once you become a great aristocracy, even the emperor ca n’t easily treat you, otherwise, the other aristocratic class will have a bad idea and self-danger. What about this, I can also be yours to fight for Here's the capital to settle down in the future ...

Charlie-Listened, I was very grateful. Looking at Adrik, I said, "Sir, I am one by one."

"Don't thank me first." Suddenly, Adrik's look became weird. "I was kind in this matter. After several arguments, the emperor finally agreed to it, but I didn't expect it to be in the final joint. On the other hand, the emperor still thought of a way to pinch you ... Well, from this matter, can you be a seat of the duke without a word, just because the duke's reward may not be the same for you. That ’s a good thing ... Well, it ’s a bit of an anxiety, but it makes you awkward. ”

As soon as Xia heard this, his heart moved: "Is it my fief ..." He groaned a little, and said, "Mr. Fei, the emperor refused to grant me land?"

"No, I said just now that you are hereditary and sealed! There is a seal."

Xia nodded and said, "Then the land is too small? A barren place?"

Adrik looked embarrassed: "Your fiefdom is not small ... Speaking of which, if you simply count on the site, your fiefdom can be regarded as the largest among the imperial nobles! Your fiefdom is a county! A whole county It's for you!

A county? ! Charlie stayed.

The imperial system of the empire, the nobility of the nobles is not false, his previous title is a baron, it is just a small town. Higher noble titles are nothing more than towns. The title of duke, the empire is not absent now, most of the fiefdoms are a few cities to a dozen cities.

But to say that a whole county was sealed to a nobleman, the Byzantine Empire couldn't find one now!

"One county one by one, one by one" Xia frowned: "I see ... Is it the emperor who sealed me off and deliberately placed it in the southern part of the empire? The southern part of the empire is a centrally controlled area, and my old nest is in northern Xinjiang. The emperor deliberately placed my fief in the south, leaving me unwilling to worry about it. I was afraid of my fief and could not really control it. After all, I couldn't run to the south by myself ... hey, it was a means! "

"That ... isn't it." Adrik smiled wryly. "Your fiefdom. It's north. And ... it's right next to your nest ... that ... uh ... one step away from your County Morel. One by one one by one "

When Xia listened, she suddenly came to her senses, but she paused and opened her mouth: "One step away ... **** it! The emperor, shouldn't he ... put ..."

Adrik sighed and patted Xia's shoulder lightly: "Since you guessed it, I won't hide it ... Yes, your fiefdom is ... Nords County. A whole Nords County, all Enclosed for you!

Damn it !! Charya suddenly became fierce! North County! A whole county? What a great fiefdom! Does this make it clear that Yin Laozi is the same! Notts County ... Damn Notts County!

You know, Knotts County is right next to More County! Knotts County itself is also a rich food producing area! Knotts County is not small, it is not a fake!

But the most critical issue is that Knotts County is not in the hands of the empire now! Now in Knotts County, it is the Odin Black Flag Army! The Black Flag Army, Black Sting !!

Xia Ya was annoyed, and after a few deep breaths, she gritted her teeth severely: "This Garcia, so insidious!"

Xia was insulting the emperor as the backbone of a royal faction like Adrik, and Adrik could only be regarded as not hearing. After all, the emperor did something insidious ...

A difficult problem before Charya is obvious.

Notts County, nominally the land of Charya, is the private property of the Byzantine Empire, which was given to Charya in plain text!

But this property was taken over by Hastings!

You Xia want Nords County, it's good ... you go with that famous Austrian? _ Valkyrie Hastings desperately! If you fight hard, you are welcome, Nords County is yours!

Of course, if your Lord Duke Char is no match for the Odin Valkyrie, the strength is greatly damaged, or you accidentally died under the Hasting's Triangular Warfare! Her Majesty the Emperor does not mind chasing you down. What warrior will give you something or something ...

Some people may say: Since it is clear that it is a complete set, I do n’t want to be fooled! In Nords County, I do n’t go to have a fight with Hastings, I will throw them to him. Can't help it?

But the problem is not so simple.

If the Holy Emperor simply uses such a method to disgusting Xia, it will not give Xia a real headache.

The key to this problem lies in a "fame"!

Xia Ya gradually emerged, and on the stage of the Byzantine Empire, she also officially became a higher status, and the more she paid attention to the issue of prestige !!

Charlie ’s victory over the Red Snow Army, and the resumption of land in counties will soon spread the big 6 "Become a rising force emerging like a comet! Especially at this time, the empire is weak, such a young hero like him The heroic birth is bound to attract the attention of countless people, and all people look up!

It is conceivable that Xia ’s prestige will definitely come to the top-to an amazing degree! And the emperor's approach is very clear when it comes to suppressing Xia's prestige!

Imagine you, Lord Xia Lei, the hero of the Empire, the Duke of Duke, and the character of the God of War who annihilated the Red Snow Army and made great achievements ... The Duke of Dignity can't even keep his own fiefdom and is occupied by others Now, you haven't had the guts to take it back ...

As time goes by, the throne of the Seal of God is long, and Xia ’s prestige will be damaged!

A hero who can't even protect his possessions, a hero who can't even keep his hometown, a coward who has been taken away and has no courage to **** it back ... How many people can get their true allegiance? ?

"... good way.

After careful consideration, Xia has figured out all the joints ~ ~ He sighed longly: "This Garcia is really insidious, huh ... I just didn't expect him to be so smart, this This kind of treacherous method can actually be used to show it, and speaking of it, Lao Tzu downplayed the rabbit. "

It was helpless for Adrik to blatantly insult the Charity against the Emperor.

But he knew it.

This old-fashioned method, if the weight is lifted lightly, gently rewards him, squeezing Charya to the corner, advancing and retreating, uncomfortable as if stuck in his neck ... Such a political wrist, such an effort, but not young Garcia The emperor was able to cast a puppet.

When this reward order was in hand, after Adrik understood the meaning, he had once marveled at the amazing wrist of Emperor Garcia.

But soon, the fat man in Ruhr just broke it!

At that time, the fat man concluded without hesitation: "This kind of ability is definitely not the ability of our young emperor! I think the idea of ​​this reward is mostly from the Prime Minister's hand! Hehe! He can and Kavie A demon like Hill has been fighting for more than ten years, and the means are naturally clever.

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