
Chapter 424: [Apocalyptic Master] (10,000 words!)

[====== Hand-to-hand =====] Chapter 242, The Doomsday Master, (10,000 words!)

The time is close to the early hours of the morning, just before the dawn of the darkest hour. Seeing the gigantic city of Oscilia, standing tall, the naked eye can see that the city is full of fire, and many streets have fallen into chaos. (Octave.

Hughes looked up nervously from time to time, and to this day everything planned to this point has achieved almost all the goals. Right now the Wellington City Gate is firmly in his hands, and the brigade outside the city is moving continuously from the Wellington City Gate into this big 6 male city that is said to never fall.

The number of rebels entering the city at this moment has exceeded 10,000. The most advanced city is Hughes's Cavalry Department under the Armenian Military Region. More than 5,000 cavalry have entered the city. The subsequent infantry regiment is incessantly from Wellington. Come in on the narrow bridge outside the city.

Although the infantry's march to the city was slightly slower, there were still many heavy ordnance to be carried. But Hughes was determined.

Just a few moments ago, the garrisons in the other city defense zones on the sides near the Wellington gate had already launched two counterattacks towards the Wellington gate, but they were repelled by the rebels, and Hughes did not even order to send troops The area that took away the other city wall sections was just ordered to firmly hold the gate.

After more and more rebels entered the city, it seemed that the Imperial Guards on both sides finally gave up their plans to recapture the city gates, and the scouts sent out returned in return. The Imperial Guards on the other sides seemed to be withdrawing.

Taking advantage of the night attack on the city and winning it in one fell swoop, such a highly risky move was a great success. Hughes, on the other hand, was cautious, showing a full conservative and stable attitude.

The officers and generals of His Majesty are all spirited, and they have nothing to build for six months. Tonight, they succeeded in breaking the city. Many generals were eager to try. Several times they went to Hughes for a few times. Many people strongly demanded that the army commander drive straight in to cavalry. The brigade is a forward, focusing all cavalry. Immediately attack the palace, as long as you can rush into the palace in one fell swoop, then this battle is considered a victory.

However, in the face of the war-minded subordinates, Hughes resolutely rejected his petition. Facing the doubts and puzzlements of his subordinates, Hughes did not seem to show the slightest joy of breaking the city.

The nobleman ’s governor, at this moment, was indifferent, and explained to his subordinates, “Everyone knows that it ’s hard to break Oscaria, but tonight we entered, not our true strength, but It's half calculation, half luck! This is the best opportunity, but at the same time I also need you to understand that this is our last and only opportunity! Assault on the city is a risky act, a last resort! But it is now After breaking the city, we have grasped the chance of victory in this war, and we no longer need to take risks! Because this is our only chance! Half-risk adventures are impossible! Just assemble the army. Wait for the dawn, and then the army pushes past , Of course, this city can be flattened! We don't need to take any risk at this time, and a safe approach is the best choice! "

Some men worry: "Sir, what if the emperor runs away? If you run the emperor, let him run to the south."

Hughes smiled dismissively: "Run? Osgilia is the symbol of the empire. If the emperor ran away and left Oscilia, then the emperor would not be the emperor! If he went to the south, it would just be a funeral dog. There is not much climate. Besides, we are surrounded by copper walls and iron walls outside the city. Where does he run? Unless the kid of Garcia suddenly flew! "

"But the harbor terminal also has a Landis fleet. The sea is also controlled by the Landis."

Hughes looked even more disdainful: "Lantis? Well, if the kid of Garcia really boarded the Landis boat in order to escape, I would laugh even more! The Landis people joined the battle for the sake of gaining benefits. But if the emperor is still in the city of Osgilia, he will still be the emperor! If he really hides in the Landis boat, without his own place and army, he will be in another cage! If he was really stupid enough to do that, he would become a puppet in the hands of the Landis, and never be an emperor again! "

Forced to calm down the commotion, Hughes issued a strong order: "The whole army will continue to hold on! Continue to respond to the army outside the city to enter the city! Hold firmly the gates of Wellington, the empire guards on both sides and do not care about them, if they Dare to come back and fight them back. But order your subordinates and don't allow them to chase! Wait for dawn, the army will gather in the city, and level them again! "

When Adrik arrived at the Arc de Triomphe. The rebel offensive outside the Arc de Triomphe has ceased, and the fierce rebel army who showed great momentum was retreated the moment before, retreating like a tide, leaving dense bodies on the bridges outside the city. .

Outside the Arc de Triomphe, the corpses under the city gate were piled up more than one meter high, broken swords and residual knives were even seen everywhere. There were still screams from time to time in the corpse, and the rebels retreated very quickly, even There was no time to drag the wounded soldiers down.

The garrison at the Arc de Triomphe had just stopped and welcomed the squad brought by Adrik.

Span is no longer in the Arc de Triomphe. Adrik learned that when Span left, he took away nearly half of the Arc de Triomphe's strength. If it was not because the rebels outside the city were still attacking the city, Span would even order the entire army directly. withdraw.

The news that Wellington's gate has been broken has not yet spread. At least here in Triumph, the defenders have not yet received the news. Span tightly controlled the spread of the news. I am afraid that the army ’s heart will be chaotic. Also taken away, then really go for it!

Only two Guardian infantry soldiers staying at the Arc de Triomphe, but the actual combat strength, plus the wounded soldiers who can barely enter the battle, will not exceed 3,000. The rest of the men and women were taken by Span and retreated in the direction of the palace.

Although Adrik knew that Span was helpless, the imperial order was pressed down. After all, Span was a long-time emperor in the imperial capital. He was rigorous and stable, and never led the army outside, so naturally he was not as stingy as himself, defying the imperial order. This kind of thing, Span Wanwan, who is so diligent, cannot do it.

But there was still a rage in Adrik.

When Span ordered the evacuation of the brigade, the three thousand defenders who remained at the Arc de Triomphe were still fighting fiercely against the rebels outside the city. They did not know the other conditions in the city. (October can even say very clearly that these 3,000 people have been abandoned. Their only mission is to keep Chun at the Arc de Triomphe for a longer period of time, delaying the probation for a longer period of time, but the blanket soldiers have time. Go back to the palace and protect the emperor.

These three thousand people were abandoned.

Adrik has already been too bad to ride a horse. After all, he is half a horse. Even if he is strong again, he is middle-aged. He is not as good as before. Tonight, the sword on his waist is almost ready. His life, he was able to support another fierce battle in the middle of the night, and it was already his sturdy nature. Once loosened at this moment, he could no longer support him, and the sergeant around him could only find a carriage to dismantle the carport, so that the master would sit on the carriage and direct it along the way.

Adrik gathered several defenders in the city defense section along the way. Thousands of people have been brought to the Arc de Triomphe. Most of the people who have followed him have learned that the Wellington gate has fallen behind and the rebel group has entered. City news. Dangerous city in the last days, the imperial garrison can persist for half a year until now. Many of these factors are due to the presence of Adrik, a famous empire, and most of the city guards are natives of the imperial capital. The army was transferred from other places. Over the past few years, they have also settled in the capital, their homes are in the capital, and the thoughts of protecting their loved ones have been kept in their hearts. Only in the past six months have they fought and died. At the foot of Oscaria, it is also the 6th largest male city in the Big 6. It is said to be a city that will never fall. Although the situation is no matter how bad it is, there is always a hope in everyone's hearts. Zionxi City is in hand, maybe you can hold on, you can always wait until you turn around, and you will know that the rebels have retired ...

But all this. These beliefs are sustained tonight. As the gates of Wellington were conquered and the rebels entered the city, this never-fallen city was finally opened to a gap, and General Adrick, the pillar of the pillar, was also seriously injured. Thousands of people, but most of them are panicked in their hearts, and morale is inevitable.

If such an army is in the field, I am afraid that it will be on the verge of collapse, but after all, this is a lonely city. Even if there is an escape in the heart, where can we escape? In addition, Adriatic's Jaeger-LeCoultre is still there, and he reluctantly gathers men and horses all the way to the Arc de Triomphe. There is no deserter, which is a small miracle.

After arriving at the Arc de Triomphe and joining the garrison here, Adrik immediately ordered the treasury to be removed and all the ordnance to be removed. All the troops he brought were pulled down from the defense areas along the way. Many people only brought their own weapons, and the archers did not even come to supplement their arrows.

Fortunately, the Arc de Triomphe has always been the most important part of the defense of the city of Osgilia, where a large amount of ordnance is stored in the barracks below the city. For a while, the sergeants were busy, and they barely dispelled the despair in their hearts.

Adrik sat on the carriage, though he could not move. But forcibly supporting the spirit again and again ordered the defense of the Arc de Triomphe to be set aside, the fortifications of the fortifications, and the fence apex, all sent additional staff to rectify. At the same time, dozens of passers were sent out, and along the Arc de Triomphe, they went in the other direction of the city defense, and brought Adrik with a blood-dipped military order to assemble the defenders.

He only hoped that Span's movements would not be too fast. He hadn't had time to let the city defense forces in the other direction also withdraw, and he could mobilize more troops.

As dawn approached, the bitter wind that night was getting colder, although Adrik was seriously injured, he insisted that he would not allow his subordinates to lift himself into the barracks to rest. He insisted on sitting on the open carriage, and even made people remove all the barriers on both sides of the carriage, and made the seat cushions under him a little higher, so he sat on the carriage and sat in the barracks. The most striking place in the world.

He knew in his mind that the battle situation was unavoidable tonight. At this time, he was the backbone of the whole army. He wanted to keep himself in the most conspicuous place, so that the soldiers under his commandment could see his existence by raising his head. !! This may also be able to calm down some military dispersal.

Adrik was seriously injured, though after coming to the Arc de Triomphe. Already some of the doctors have been recruited from the army by the chaos, and they do n’t even know where to drag a cleric from the church who can heal. He gave Adrien an emergency treatment. Under the effect of the heal, Derek's wound barely healed. But after wiping off the blood on his face, the general, who had always been full of dynamism, turned pale and scary, and because he had lost too much blood, his face seemed to have a layer of blue and gray air.

Sitting in the open air, dragging his severely wounded body and blowing the biting cold wind, Adrik was gloomy, but still looked around with those sharp eyes, and passed down a military order from time to time.

Next to his carriage, there were some officers in the army, who were staring at the general at this moment. No matter how much everyone admired the scar-faced general, the situation was the same, and everyone didn't dare to expect the general Adrik to rely on the strength of his hand to bring this situation back.

At this moment, everyone is waiting, maybe it is just the last heroic ending.

Chuanqi 6 sent back, Adrik finally waited for some good news, and Span retreated very hurriedly, perhaps with intention or perhaps unintentionally. Span didn't order the defenders in other city defense sections. Adrik guessed that Span probably knew he couldn't disobey the emperor's order, and intentionally left such a foreshadowing to give himself room to perform.

The Chuanqi dispatched brought back a number of defenders. At least one hundred and at least one or two battalions, in accordance with the order of Adrik, gave up the city defense zone, lost the barracks and ordnance, and came lightly to gather.

When the first faint white light of dawn emerged from the end of the sky, nearly 10,000 garrisons had gathered on the upper and lower floors of the Arc de Triomphe. With a large number of people, the momentum suddenly recovered slightly.

Adrik blew for a long time, and his body trembled. He looked at the officers who were watching him, and finally said, "Come here, military counsel! Military counsel at the battalion level." Not long, Adrik gathered more than a hundred officers by his side.

The imperial tiger coughed twice. Although his coughing sound was weak in the cold wind, he stood up against the cold wind and stood up on the carriage, although he was struggling to support it with his hands. On the pole, Adrik still refused to use his eyes to try to reach out to help his guard.

"I know, your hearts are desperate now. (Update it octave soon." Ah Xin, 2 coughing and wheezing sounds fell into everyone's ears. Someone knows the old fart, and some people drop their heads. Someone closed their eyes and wondered what was in their minds.

"Perhaps, you think to yourself, what else can I do in this situation? I don't know that Adrik is a god, so I can't cough twice, and then shake off the rebels who have already entered the city. Perhaps, some of you The thought in my heart is that everyone is together, and finally fights with the rebels, dying vigorously and heroically, asking for peace of mind, right? "

No one speaks below, but someone involuntarily looks at the coach. The meaning in his eyes seems to be the default?

"I need you to fight dead, and I need you to show strength not to fear death. But", I don't want you to despair! Adrik raised his tone a bit: "Because, I'm not dead yet! I stand before you and I can tell you! We are not desperate! We still have hope for victory! We still have a chance! I tell you, we haven't reached the end! We still have a chance to win this war! Although this opportunity is very small, but it is by no means what you think, killing one at the end, killing him vigorously! It's not like this! !! All I need to know now is, do you still have the guts to continue betting with me! Gamble on that already faint opportunity! Go bet on this difficult road to victory! !! "

Before his words were finished, many officers raised their heads and stared at Adrik, many of them showing surprise and excitement.

In such a desperate situation, the imperial empire, he actually ", he actually said by himself, really there is hope ?!

We, "Not a dead end ?!

Adrik spoke a few words, was choked by the cold wind, and coughed a few times, and some blood had appeared in the corners of his mouth, but he still stopped his guard who was about to reach out with his severe eyes, and straightened again. As soon as I got into my body, I shouted, "I've never told a lie in my life! I haven't known how many times I have fought for half a lifetime! I haven't never encountered a dangerous situation! I must admit that this is what I have done in my life until today A critical point, but I can still tell you that we have not lost! As long as you believe in me, trust me unconditionally, and resolutely implement each of my orders, then we have a chance to win! ! "

Finally, some officers could not help but shouted, "Master! What do you want us to do! Even desperately, the worst is just death! We have all reached this point. There is nothing dare to gamble ! "

Some even shouted: "Sir, we will naturally listen to your orders! As long as you say that we still have hope, we will bet on our heads and work with you!"

"The worst is nothing more than a death !!!"

Listening to the following officer's anger finally appeared, Adrik was relieved, but smiled proudly: "Don't open your mouth and shut up all dead! Although the opportunity is weak, we may not necessarily lose! Who can win? Willing to die! Haha! "

He finally sat down and sat down on the broken wagon, but at this moment, Adric showed the demeanor and calmness, as if he were sitting behind a rigorous tent table.

"I know you are wondering, where is our opportunity! I tell you, the rebels succeeded in attacking the city tonight, but they still left us a space to play! I can see clearly and lead the team into the city It's Hughes himself! I can't understand the character of Hughes's personality. He tossed the city tonight is already the boldest and most adventurous move in his life. He can do this because the situation forces him to do so If he doesn't take risks, he will die! So he fights and wins.

However, after breaking the city, he will certainly become cramped! The reason is not because he didn't want to take Oscaria! And it was precisely because he was too eager to win Oscaria! He wants to win this war too! And tonight, after he fortunately succeeded in a game, he has grasped the best and biggest opportunity since the war, and at the same time, the only opportunity! He will surely become prosperous, but he will act conservatively. "

Adrik became more confident and confident in his tone. "You see, the rebels took the gate of Wellington in the middle of the night. It's almost dawn now, come here in the middle of the night, However, he gathered his troops in a group without any follow-up action! He did not immediately send troops to go straight into the palace after entering the city, because he thought such a move was too risky, in case a melee scene formed in the city, His army's foothold is unstable, and he may be kicked out by us! So, he is no longer willing to take any risk now! Until now, we can safely stand here and arrange the defense calmly. According to the Arc de Triomphe, we still Can pull the troops of the defense zone little by little along the way and bring them together, but there is no movement in the rebels and in Hughes! Look up in the distance! The direction of the gate of Wellington, the fire has already It was extinguished, but the fire did not spread, and the rebels did not scatter into the army! Until Shuo Zai, nothing happened in that direction! This is enough to prove that my guess is a bit Not wrong! Hughes, he now seeks safe! "

"His current plan is to refuse to take the risk of letting the army directly drive in and fight with us in the city at night! His plan is to wait for dawn and pull the rebel group outside the city into the city as much as possible, and then take advantage He had a hard fight with us in a street fight and a battle of attrition. He thinks very well, there are few soldiers in the city, and the street fight is upright. Although they will be more difficult, they will be head-to-head. . This idea cannot be said to be wrong. But unfortunately, he met me Adrik. "

"If I changed to Hughes last night, once I entered the city, I would immediately mobilize all the cavalry and pounce on the palace with the fiercest and fastest gesture! Even if we cannot really win the palace in one fell swoop, as long as we can set a fire and let the palace There was a fire in the direction of the road, so what do you think, what will happen to our large number of defenders who are still on the city defense? I am afraid that everyone will see the shouting sound and the sky fire from the direction of the palace, and then they will be confused! Hughes did not grasp this An opportunity is due to his nature! Huh, although he is a **** governor, but this guy is a nobleman! He is not an introduction at all, an excellent general! Losing this opportunity will be his biggest wrong chess feud. It's another half of the night. Talent, "The team in each defense zone will stop hunger and gather here! Rectify military morale and prepare for war! All this time, I would like to thank Hughes for the stupid gift to us! "

With that, Adrik really looked up and laughed loudly and shouted in the direction of the Wellington gate in the distance: "Old Hughes hybrid, thank you! Thank you for your breathing time! Thank you Lao Tzu You! Thank you for being stupid !!! Hahahahahaha !!! "

Adrick's stance was an unconcealed tone of disdain, which immediately made His Majesty's officers laughed.

With such a smile, the hearts of everyone were heavy, and after a few minutes, the officer couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Master, you're right! The guy Hughes seems too brave! But you said We still have a chance. How can we fight this battle? "

Once the heart was loosened a lot of people's brains were alive, and some people even worried: "Sir, the emperor told us to give up the city defense and retreat to the Royal Guard Palace. Now, if we do this, does Adrik smile proudly:" This is exactly the opportunity for this battle! The palace is nothing but a small imperial castle. Although there are canals and walls, and fortifications are complete, an imperial city, as long as there is an introduction. Three or five thousand troops will be enough for a long time! Lord Span has gone. The troops he brought along with the patrols he gathered in the city and the original Imperial Army in the imperial city had a total of three or five thousand. Master Espan's ability, these forces It is enough to keep the palace! Even if we all passed, it would just be more spare human consumption. But we stay here and firmly hold the Arc de Triomphe stronghold is the key to victory in this battle! "

He paused and quickly said: "The rebels have already entered the city, and they will definitely attack the palace immediately during the day, but if we are still here, we will leave a big nail in the city! The rebels will concentrate on malaria. With all our energy to attack the imperial city, we must divide our troops to deal with us! We still have tens of thousands of troops here, more than self-preservation, and even some forces can go out to camp and rebel street fighting, and even support the palace. The palace, but there was some movement behind the **** of the rebels, so that they could not attack the palace with all their strength, and that was my goal! As long as we are still firmly here, standing firmly here and not falling down, the palace is safe! "

"But, how can this be the end if this stalemate persists?" Some officers murmured wistfully.

"We don't have to wait too long!" Adrik immediately yelled, then pointed in the direction of the distant harbor: "Did you forget it? On the sea, and the Landis! Hahahaha! You think those orchids Ties, why risk joining the war? "

As soon as this was said, someone suddenly laughed out loud: "Why else! Those sly Landis, naturally for the sake of gaining a lot of money! Miles rushed to help us fight the dead, where is the Landis? Kindness! "

Although Landis entered the war and became an ally of the Byzantine Empire, but in the army, he understood that these Landis were in the war. Naturally, it is for the benefit, so although it is the status of an ally, it may not have a good impression on Landis.

"Nice!" Adrik yelled immediately: "The Landis are already in the war, and their goal is to get the benefits! To get the many benefits! But to get the benefits, the prerequisite is to win the war! If they lose, they will lose nothing! So, the Landis will not watch us lose! They are even more anxious than us at this moment, and they hope to win this war more than ourselves! The Lanes are firmly in control of the transport line. And don't forget it! Just in Catania, Landis has already registered the strength of two regiments, and is now stationed in the port of Catania! Catania It ’s just a two and a half day boat ride from the sea to Osgilia! There is a magic circle in the palace, and you can send the news of Osglia! Even if Catania gets the news, spend a little Time to gather troops, and then come here, full play and full calculation, in three days, they will climb over to rescue us! Landis have a fleet, the best sea boat! They are for their own benefit, no matter what We will do our best to rescue us! Three days! As long as we can stay here for the next three days, the Landis will definitely come from the sea! The two Legions of Catania ’s elite 6 army will Pounced from the sea! As long as the forces of the two Corps of Landis arrived, "Hum, this situation is another five or five points!" !! "

This analysis really gave a victory to the hearts of the desperate people! Although this hope is slim, although I know that I will stay here for three days, I'm afraid I don't know how many deadly kills I will experience, I am afraid I do n’t know how many people will die and how much blood!

However, in desperation, there can be such a glimmer of hope, even if it is so weak. The hearts of the people were suddenly excited!

Adrik shouted loudly: "We have come through in half a year, but in just three days now, in a blink of an eye! Everyone, I want you to trust me and fight with me! Because whoever waits for us is by no means dead It's the dawn of victory !!! "

In the end, Adrik raised his sword and shouted, "For the Empire !!!"

The following officers were enthusiastic. They pulled out long swords and pointed at the sky, yelling loudly, "For the empire!"

Adrik tried his best to drag the wounded, but this time, he said, encouraging his morale, finally reluctantly made the generals feel a little bit of war. To be able to do this in such a desperate situation, Adrik is already doing his best, and to be able to do so is already worthy of his status as an empire.

But after the public will be busy with a spirit of excitement, Adrik sat on the carriage alone, but secretly tightened his brow, a flash of deep anxiety flashed in his eyes!

The words that he had just said and the generals were not false words to deceive, they were the real intentions in his heart.

just. But this is not all! He had some deeper plans in his heart, but he could not speak to the generals!

He thought hard, gathered these men and horses, and did not go back to protect the imperial city, but placed himself in the barracks under the Arc de Triomphe to make a stance, if it seemed to others, it seemed quite unwise.

But at the moment, Ade? Ke had to do it!

Maybe it only takes three or five years to protect the palace for many days. Many reasons are true. But Adri Fangxin Shen, other plans!

In such a situation in the city, although my heart is still unyielding, and I still have the mind to win, but my own tenacity will not guarantee that others have such a strong mentality! Especially ", that young majesty in the palace!

Her Majesty Garcia seemed to be more radical and frivolous than the old emperor. He was too anxious to do things. From the rush to conclude a covenant with the Landis, the young emperor was too meticulous in doing things. some.

This kind of temperament, once faced with big setbacks, is very intolerable!

At this moment, one of the most feared situations in Adrik's mind is: in case the emperor in the palace is defeated by the situation of breaking the city, once the mentality collapses and is completely decadent, the emperor may choose to escape !!

The best option to escape from Oscilia is from the sea! There is also a fleet of Landis in the harbour. As long as the emperor ran to the harbor, drilled on the Landis warship and ran to the sea, the rebels had absolutely no strength to compete with the fleet of Landis in the sea!

However, this situation is what Adrik does not want to see anyway!

Because Landis was ambitious, he was naturally clear.

If the emperor ran into the Landis boat once. It is equivalent to abandon Oscaria, abandon Oscaria, then you lose the war! After losing this war, "What is the use value of this Emperor to the Landis? It is nothing more than being a puppet, even a captive!" To seek protection in the army of another country, and this other country is still ambitious. ”Maybe from then on, the Landis simply held the young emperor to seek for a good fight.

Even with a rebellious mind in his heart, Adrik even preferred that Emperor Garcia died in Osgilia, rather than see him run away to the Landis warship!

Therefore, he knew that the situation was dangerous, and even willing to risk such a large sacrifice, he had to keep the stronghold of the Arc de Triomphe, just to give the emperor in the palace a signal: If there is a chance to escape, there is also a chance on the ground! The Arc de Triomphe is still in our hands! If the emperor wants to escape, he can choose the Arc de Triomphe, and there are tens of thousands of loyal empire defenders!

After all, Garcia is not an idiot. If there are other options, he will not actively enter the Landis army.

But Adrik had to "leave" the Emperor for such a 6-ground choice! Otherwise, with Garcia's frivolous temperament, maybe it would really run into the Landis boat once it collapsed! At that time, the emperor was in the hands of others, wouldn't Byzantium let the Landis rub it?

Another deeper idea: He desperately gathered the defenders of the city defense along the way, as much as possible to gather these remaining soldiers in the city in his hands, also to prevent His Majesty from escaping to the harbor!

There are so many soldiers left in the city. I gather more here, and there are fewer in Span.

Anyway, if it was to keep the Imperial City intact, the three or five thousand people Span took down would be enough to guarantee the day when the Landis would come from the sea.

If he also ran to the palace with his horse, in case the emperor ordered to run to the sea, he couldn't stop himself, but instead let the emperor have enough troops to choose to break through.

So you must not go to the palace! Nor can he leave the Emperor with too many troops to make him break through!

The best way is to give him the strength of his soldiers, but he has to break through but not enough to make him escape.

This kind of approach is really not in line with the position of being a courtier, and some even mean to gamble with the safety of the emperor.

But the country is like this, and Adrik really has no other choice!

With a long sigh, these thoughts in my heart cannot be said to the generals under his command.

Adrik pressed his waist firmly. Although the wound healed on the surface, how could the wound inside be so easy? The sword at night was afraid that it would also hurt the internal organs. Moreover, he had fought for many years, and the hidden diseases left over the years from the war created a bad health. Although sitting there at the moment, I felt a sudden pain in my waist.

Although in front of his men, Adrik tried his best to look energetic, but only himself knew how much he hurt!

The general took a deep breath of cold air, and the cold air penetrated into the chest and lungs, and there was a faint tearing pain, but this cold pain made people hurry up!

Adrik looked up at the sky, and in the distance, a bright white spread gradually.

After all, it's bright that day!

"Give me some more time! Bless the gods." Adrik clenched his fists and whispered to himself: "As long as I don't die, this adrift day, I Adrik must push it back! Empire Millennium National Games I ca n’t be buried in my hands! Because this is my country, my home! "

He vowed in his heart that Ade Keke forcibly cheered up and drank: "Come!"

Immediately after his guard came over, "Madam?"

"Go, find some of the largest horns! Then find a few mid-armed soldiers, and stand on the top of the city, blowing towards the palace together! Blow loudly, desperately! Not allowed for a moment Stopping and letting people take turns after being tired! I have to go from morning to night. The bugle sounds endless !!! To let the people in the palace must hear our horn sound! "

His guard asked: "Yes, Lord, what is the trumpet?" "

Adrien groaned a bit ~ ~ There was a touch of fine light in his eyes, and his face seemed to glow with a kind of light recommendation. He took a deep breath, and Adriar exclaimed: " Blow the triumph of victory !!! Let the people in the palace hear us and let them know that we are here !!! We are here "

I originally planned to increase it to about 6,000 words. Who knows that after writing this chapter, the more I write, the more I feel. "I finished writing in one breath, and now it ’s almost bright. I saw the number of words, more than 10,000, haha, I was very happy. (Dancing, 5.40 am)

To be continued)

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