
Chapter 308: [Hasting's ambition! 】

Do you believe it?

After hearing this sentence from Hastings, Xia suddenly felt a strong sense of absurdity in her heart!

Do I believe it?

Do I believe it! !!

nonsense! Change to someone else, after hearing this sentence from Hastings, you must be unbelieving!

But Lao Tzu ...

Lao Tzu letter! !! !!

See here, see the remains of this ancient goblin! I thought of the "Creation Area" nbsp; nbsp ;, which made me almost lose my life,

Think of the "God Creation Project" that ancient goblin did.

Looking for "God"? !!

Hahahaha! Lao Tzu letter! !! Lao Tzu letter! !! !!

At this moment, Charlie's expression became extremely wonderful.

Probably it was the time he had been stunned, and the Seal of the Throne was too long, and Hasting looked at Charya astonished. But he misunderstood, thinking that Xia was shocked by his words. (Hasting did not know how much Xia knew about the ancient goblin.)

Hastings took a deep breath, then slap it on Charya's shoulder, smiling slightly: "What? Silly? Or do you think I'm crazy nonsense? I tell you, I'm exactly looking for" God! Broken. "God is not empty words. Nor is it a spiritual idol! It is the true" God. !! One that still exists in this world, the real "God!"

After a pause, he looked at Char ’s eyes, his eyes were a bit pity, probably thought that Char ’s frightened by his words, Hastings even had a difficult patience, and his tone softened a bit: "I want to come You're still a little lost, but I'll tell you, you'll know. "

Xia just felt that she instinctively twitched.

Tell me, I know? !!

Haha! joke!

I already knew that! And I'm afraid I know so much more than you! !!

Gradually returning to God, Xia, but a movement in his heart, simply continued to look surprised. Staring at Hastings with wide eyes.

"In fact, the history here is too complicated." "If you want to say it, you have to talk about it tens of thousands of years ago."

immediately. Hastings slowly. In short words, tell something about the ancient goblin.

He is very brief, but most of the descriptions of ancient goblins are not much different from the local diary that Charya has seen.

"How? Surprised? You mustn't imagine it. Those goblins that look dirty, cheap, and stupid now dominate the world in the ancient times. They are the smartest, smartest, and most powerful race." Stin smiled bitterly: "When I knew this, I was also surprised, my expression. It's almost the same as you are now."

Hasting's shrewdness, even though Charlie hides his expression. Somehow he would be a little bit odd. But Hastings was excited at the moment. Long-term hopes are about to be achieved. I finally found the place I dreamed of. Under the emotional turbulence, I couldn't help but weaken my vigilance.

"What you said just now is really amazing." Xia Ya said deliberately, "But. These things", how did you know? "

Hasting snorted, looked at Xia, and answered a word.

But this sentence almost twisted Charya's nose.

"I won't tell you."

Hastings turned the **** on the wall as if he just turned it around casually. To a scale,

His movements seemed random, but Charlie saw something unusual in Hastings' light movements!

This guy, "He seems to be able to read ancient fine text ?!" Do you recognize the symbols on it? "Xia Ya pretended to be blank.

"The text of the ancient goblin," Hasting said coldly. "I've learned a little and barely understand it."

"Fuck, this ancient goblin is afraid of more than ten thousand years. Where did you learn these skills?" Charlie didn't pretend to be stupid this time, but was really confused.

Hasting glanced at Charya. But suddenly frowning, "I, eh? He didn't teach you these?"

This sentence immediately made Xia Ya's heart mad!


he! !!

Hasting said "he" is there anyone besides the wicked old guy! !!

(The old guy laughed at Jiuquan nbsp; nbsp; times.

Charlie is upset! Very very upset!

This old guy actually has the text of ancient goblin! !! So no need to ask, what Hastings knows about ancient goblins must be learned from the old guy!

This old guy! It's just like this! Such precious information was told to Hastings, but he didn't tell himself this adopted son? !!

However, Xia has no time for the Seal of the Throne to be angry.

As Hastings turned the **** on the wall. There was a rattling sound in the wall of the cave. Soon, the original intact wall in front of me opened a gap! As the wall separated left and right, a room appeared in front of it.

(It's the same set again, "Xia Ya lamented. The things the goblin built were so weird. When I entered this room this time, I didn't know where I would be sent when the door opened.

After Hastings had walked in first, Xia naturally followed.

As the wall closed slowly, a little tinnitus reappeared after a while. Immediately after a sudden pause, the walls slowly separated. "Let's go! I'm sure you're looking forward to it like me, what exactly is this inside?"

Hastings strode out, but Charlie was full of heart, but when he followed him, he couldn't help it.

Out of this small room, there is a much larger cave outside. This cave is still circular, just like a huge round pot.

We "just grew old, but saw a cave in the altar? In the middle, put it in the middle." The small round turntable. This turntable is like a **** that has been magnified countless times. There is still a circle of scales and different goblin text marks on the surrounding base.

But inside this round cave. It's not the walls around, it's the doors! !!

Charya saw at a glance that there was no doubt about these doors. Made of iron!

"What is this place?" Charlie frowned.

"Storage room." Hastings pointed to those surrounding doors: "There are sharp words on it. Here is the experimental results storage room."

Experimental results "storage room ?!

Charlie jumped in his heart!

Storeroom, so what is the result of the "creation of God"? !!

"Don't worry, God won't stay in the storeroom." Hasting smiled lightly. "Ancient Goblin's plan to create gods is huge.

Such a huge plan naturally created many incidental results while creating the gods. Such as a variety of powerful weapons, as well as the level of enhancement to biological race. It even revealed some extremely powerful technologies. "

Charya's heart was beating.

Hastings strode to the huge turntable in the middle, looked at the scales and text above, and frowned, "The text above is clearly written, here is the enhancement of biological species fortification." Not What I'm looking for ...

With that said, he seemed to have lost interest, and began to walk to the wall to find a turn to other places.

But Xia Ya has already run to the huge turntable in the middle, under the impetus of curiosity. He tried to push the turntable a bit, and it was on the first scale. "

Hastings heard Charya's movement, but looked back at him, and said nothing. There seems to be little interest in this.

A few clicks as the turntable pushed. In the circle of doors around, one of the doors rose slowly, and suddenly a room inside was exposed.

Charlie let go of the turntable and walked to the door of this room, but hesitated and didn't dare to walk in. "With the last experience, he didn't dare to walk into these goblin-made rooms! God knows if there is a teleport. I do n’t know what ghost place I was sent to,

"Come in. These are storage rooms, not elevating transfer rooms." Hasting said lightly: "You are interested in these things. You can take a look."

Charlie hesitated. But thinking that Hastings can't harm himself, he walked in with a loose heart.

The room is not large, but it is only five or six meters wide and has three rows of metal shelves. Just like bookshelves, there are transparent glass-like jars on the shelves. Cover it with each jar. They all have something like a small bowl. In those bowls, there are round things about the size of a thumb. "

"These are" muscle fruits "

Hasting's voice suddenly sounded behind Charlie. It turned out that he had come to Xia's side in an instant.

"Damn! There is no sound to walk on, in such a ghost place, it will scare people to death." Xia scolded. Then he said, "What did you just say? Muscle fruit? What is it?"

Hasting frowned. Think for a moment. Looking at the boxes of transparent utensils on the shelf. Slowly said, "Well, according to what I know, this muscle fruit should be an ancient goblin. Borrowed from the magic of the elves' botanical system, and imposed research on race, a product finally came out. . It is said that there are some legendary crazy spell changes in the demons. But this thing is not very useful. "

"What's the use of that in the end?" Xia refused to give up easily.

Hastings sighed: "Muscle fruit. It should be able to be planted on the body of the creature. After still being integrated with the subject, it can strengthen the host's physical body. In simple terms, it is to enhance the strength and toughness of the muscle. Added a kind of madness-like magic in it, once the host is injured, as the degree of injury deepens, "the host will be stronger and stronger in battle!" The strength and toughness of **** meat will become stronger with injuries! To a certain extent, the degree of resistance to hits and injuries will also become higher and higher! "

"Damn! Isn't that invincible?" Xia could not help but spit out: "The harder you hit, the more hurt you get ?!" "Of course it is impossible." Hasting shook his head: "There is also the greatest strength. Load limit. Over the limit. It will cause a crash. Once it crashes. " Many, you imagine a scene where a big living person suddenly melts away like snow and ice. "

Charlie jumped in her heart. His complexion changed.

But Hastings looked at Xia Ya, and said positively: "This kind of thing is not the right way! Strengthening. After all, there are limits. Moreover, martial arts cultivation. It is the realization of the realm, the blind strengthening, even if the body "It's tougher than steel" "Huh, it's just a target hit by someone!" Of all races, the dragon is the strongest body, so what? I urge you to put your mind on the right path, don't always think about speculation, and strive to improve your cultivation is serious! "

Xia Ya nodded at will.

In fact, Hastings didn't understand that Charya didn't want to plant this kind of muscle at all.


But "

Humph. I can't use it myself. I do n’t need it ”, but if you take it back, you can use it for those around you!

A few of my guys are not too strong at present, but if there is such a "muscle fruit"

No one else said that Shalpa was a stupid big man. From heavy cavalry, he likes to use weapon six. If he only uses the muscles of enemy muscles, Xia will not expect to cultivate an invincible master today. But it can greatly improve his strength in the short term! Imagine the one who was born with a tiger back. Guy, using this muscle fruit, the whole body muscles are as hard as iron, with great strength.

Even if you don't compete with any masters, but on the battlefield, you will become a fearful general!

Talking. Charlie frankly lifted those transparent hoods and packed the fruit of each muscle into her own pocket.

Hasting, who looked next, just sighed: "I said it already, you still want to make tricks, and no one will be surprised in the future. Hum."

Xia Ya took all the more than 40 "muscle fruits" of Jiang Cun in this room into the sac, but ran to the disc in the middle. He was greedy and turned the disc to the next scale.

With a clicking noise, a door next to the storage room of the muscle fruit slowly opened. This time it is still a small room. There are still rows of shelves in the room, and there are some transparent jars covering some utensils. The contents inside are one round and the size of a fist, dark and silent. It looks similar to the muscle fruit, but it's bigger.

"What is this?" Charlie asked, turning back to Hastings.

Hastings came over and glanced at the shelves with the words of goblin on a metal sign next to the shelves.

"War Tree Castle

Hasting's tone was a little dismissive: "Still borrowed from the Elven civilization. Well, these seeds are planted in the soil and will be in the throne of God's Seal in a short time. It quickly grows into a giant tree, as strong as metal Normal. And branches and leaves and tree vines can automatically attack nearby enemies. Lots of useless trash

Suddenly he turned back and saw that Charya's eyes were shining, and Hastings suddenly realized. Sneer: "Ah! I see! You are not trying to use these things for your own use, but you want to bring them back and arm your subordinates?"

Then he shook his head: "If so. Those muscle fruits may still be useful, but this" War Tree Castle is a standard junk product, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.


Pointing at the metal sign, Hastings sneered, "It is clear that this technique is flawed. Once the war tree fortress grows, it will of course attack the enemy automatically. But the goblin has a flaw that is not overcome, how?" determination. enemy! In other words, this war tree will automatically attack any creatures nearby! Regardless of the enemy! What's the use of that! Huh, what's more, when this kind of thing is planted, it cannot be moved. In the war, as long as the enemy easily bypasses it, it will have no effect. "

Xia listened, but no matter how much, she still swept away, and put all these things into the sac-nbsp; nbsp; These seeds can be much larger than the muscle fruit, this time, Xia's burden suddenly became Boss, can no longer be stuffed in his arms. Can only be carried on his back.

Looking at Hasting's disapproval. Xia Ya thought to herself, hum, do you say these things are useless? Uncle Ben seems to be very useful!

What about indifferent attack without discrimination? What if I cannot move after planting?

Isn't there any more?

I found a chance to run to Odin, to the capital of your Odin empire, to find a place in the city to plant seventeen or eight seeds, God did not know it! After these giant trees grow up, Lao Tzu has already run away! Hum, there are so many strange trees attacking people in Odin ’s capital, and Odin people can taste it!

Xia Ya thought so, but Hastings had said coldly: "Do you think I can't guess your mind? Such things may not be useful in the war. But if it is used to damage the enemy It ’s not bad, hum, you want to use it on Odin ’s site. ”

Charlie was pierced through her mind and did not hide: "So what?"

Hastings shook his head: "I don't care about you so much. I'm not Odin, and I'm committed to Odin, just to use his power to avenge it. As long as I succeed in revenge, it doesn't matter what Odin is, byzantine, I also Regardless of these

He paused for a while ~ ~ A ray of enthusiasm glowed in his eyes: "Even if you want to take this thing against me, what? Huh! As long as I find what I'm looking for here, Looking at these worlds in the future, there is something else I can fear! "

Charlie fastened her baggage and watched Hasting's madness: "What the **** are you looking for? The goblin-made god? What's the use of finding it? Could it let you avenge you?"

Hasting snorted: "Simple-headed guy

He looked at Xia, hehe sneered: "Don't forget. This **** was" made! " In other words, the ancient land shrewd a technology that can make gods! It is said that it is a complex and huge equipment that can combine all the powerful factors of many races into an individual, thereby creating a powerful God. !! I'm not looking for that "God" but for

Charlie's face changed suddenly, staring at Hastings. He blurted out and said, "Ah! I see! You want to find the set of ancient goblins that can make gods! Then ... you" you want to make yourself into "God ?!"

People in the field. It also stays updated. It's really not easy!

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