
Chapter 290: [Histing's Motivation]

After Xia Ya led his army into the city, he immediately went to the garrison to meet Green.

When they met, Green looked calm, and when he saw Xia, he just smiled, "Oh, you are back."

Xia Ya took off his helmet and threw it to a guard at will. After taking Green to stride into the guard house, he couldn't help but ask, "What the **** is going on, tell me carefully what happened." . "

Green's expression was calm, his expression was not tense, and he was even a little relaxed. He only glanced at Xia Ya, "I thought you would choose to stay at Mesta City."

When Xia Ya heard it, Hui made a shudder and shook her head: "I thought so, but Mesta City is not in a good position, and once it stays behind, it sinks into the Jedi. Hmm ..."

After entering the chamber, Charlie sat down with a slump: "Well, I'm very anxious in your heart, let's talk."

Green nodded and stared, "Okay.

He glanced at the guard next to him: "Go out.

When everyone was gone, Green's complexion gradually dwindled and looked at Xia Ya; "You know, you don't know, you've taken a dangerous step."

"Well, what do you mean?"

Green shook his head: "In the letter I sent you, I didn't say what to do, just people to talk, please make your own decision one by one."

"Well, that's right." Charlie frowned and looked at Green. "I'm also very surprised. Why is there such a thing as important to you? ...

"I don't know how to do it, either." Green smiled hard.

Char ’s dumb-o-Green's military strategy is the best choice. Luer ’s guy admires him very much, and he is also a rare “star” in the Hawk generals. His previous record is also worthy. Called brilliant. But when Green himself admits he can't help it ... Charlie is still a little unbelieving.

"Well, listen to me first."

Green looked shocked and said slowly: "Seven days ago, our scouts were about twenty miles away from the city in the northeast direction, and they met the scouts of the Black Flag Army. However, the two sides did not contact each other, only to see the flag The two sides withdrew separately ... This is my order, scouting out of the city to patrol and reconnaissance. In the case of hostility, there is no need to contact, just report the situation quickly.

"Well, then?"

Green took a deep breath: "At that time, after receiving the reward, I immediately sent hundreds of riding formations to inspect the Northeast. As a result, I encountered four times with the Black Flag Army within three days. The two sides still had no contact. . However, there is a phenomenon that puzzles me. "


Green grinned bitterly: "The first time I saw each other was northeast from the city, and the second time I saw it was thirty miles away. The next few times were fifty miles away from Denzel City. At the furthest time, our scouts ran directly to the border of Moree County, and saw the Black Flag's patrol far. "

Charya was puzzled, too.

This phenomenon is indeed puzzling.

Generally speaking, when fighting in a march, scouts are the eyes of the main force. When scouts are present, the enemy's main force should not be too far away.

In addition, the Black Flag Army actually came to More County, so in normal judgment, it is bound to not only send a hundred patrols, there must be a team behind.

If Hastings had defeated the resistance of such a Byzantine empire, it was the army of the factions who came to destroy it.

So ... why is it farther than one farmer at a time?

It looks as if the Black Banner is stepping back, and his scouts are stepping forward.

The Black Banner's scouts have searched less than twenty miles from Denzel City, but why did they gradually go back later?

"Normally, one by one, one by one," Green continued. "I started to meet the Black Flag.) I was not surprised. After all, the rest of the Sixth Corps was with us. The Sixth Corps was defeated by the Black Flag. It ’s no surprise that Hastings acted cautiously and sent some squads to conduct a search. It is strange that if you are chasing the rest of the Sixth Corps, it is impossible to send only a few This team can score at least five or six thousand elite or more troops.

Moreover, after we are present, we will shrink our scouts ...

Later, I made an umbrella decision, sent hundreds of cavalry out of town, decided to conduct a power search, and contacted the black flag army's riders. "

Charlie nodded.

He had also done scouting work in the Rodría cavalry before. He knew that the so-called "power search" was actually sending a small group of horses to search for enemies. If he encountered a small group of enemies, he would go up and contact him. The contact was a small-scale battle, the encounter of the hundred cavalry, and the two sides fought a battle to test the enemy's attitude.

"As a result, after I sent hundreds of rides, it turned out that the Black Flag Army appeared again in the northeast, but this time, the Black Flag Army did not seem to retreat, but it was strong and hit our people fiercely. In one match, both sides suffered some injuries, but they were roughly equivalent. However, the attitude of the Black Flag Army surprised me. The opponent played very hard and was very tough. They did not flinch at all. In the end, everyone suffered injuries. , Each withdrew.

After this mighty search, the Black Flag Army did not retreat. In the next two days, the Black Banner's rangers often appeared around, and were getting closer and closer to the city of Denzel, and even once, hundreds of cavalrymen ran to the woods a stone's throw away from the city.

"I tried to catch a few tongues back, but these Odins were very fierce, and they had several small-scale battles. We did not catch a captive. If the other party was not matched, they would go away." Green sighed He breathed out: "I don't have many cavalry in my hand, and I can't do it if I want to set up a set to kill them."

Charlie touched his nose, and almost all of his cavalry was taken to Mesta. Most of the defenders in Denzel were infantry. No wonder Green was helpless.

"It's been almost seven days, and I have only seen a wave of horses, but the large army of the Black Flag has never appeared. I wonder in my heart, and I can't figure out what Hastings wants to do."

Green frowned. "I originally suspected that Hastings wanted to bluff. I was afraid that there would only be such a small stock rider and no big troops. Before the end of the game, they dared to fight with us fiercely. In fact, Instead, it is pretending to be tough ... but it is not reasonable to think about it. What use is it for them? "

After listening to Green's introduction, Xia ’s heart was relieved by half, one by one. Anyway, since there are no large troops of the Black Flag Army, the situation is still not in the worst one ’s own hands. Come out, at this time if hard and hard to fight with the Black Flag Army, you can't afford to lose yourself.

Xia Ya sat there, thinking for a long time, and smiled bitterly: "*, this thing is indeed weird. If Hastings is going to hit us, the reconnaissance of these days is also detected, and it is not enough to send an army directly. It always does A group of free cavalry is around, bluffing ...

Bluff, um, bluff ... "

Suddenly he patted his thigh: "You say a bluff, it's a bit possible ..."

"But why?" Green steady said: "Did he count on hundreds of scattered cavalry and scared us to run away from the west? This is also impossible. We have put on a tough posture, the cavalry on both sides. I have also touched it a few times. If they want to intimidate us, they should also understand that this is impossible.

Green smiled bitterly: "Anyway, these guys have always caused me a lot of trouble. I originally planned to return the people who had gathered in the surrounding villages in the city to return to their homes. The summer is coming soon. It's time to cultivate, and before the winter, I can stubbornly harvest a piece of grain, but these guys from the Black Flag Army outside the city are so harassing, but it's difficult for me. "

He sighed: "I don't dare to make a decision to summon you back ... because I can't rule out a possibility: Heiqijun deliberately tossed here to attract our attention. After you get back, think A sneak attack on Mesta. So, I can only let you decide for yourself. "

Xia Ya smiled: "Well, since I can't guess anything, I don't want to think about it anyway. Anyway, I have already returned, and I brought back a lot of cavalry, these Odin cubs, if they come to harass again, just They ate. "

Xia ’s idea is also very good. Green had a lack of cavalry in the past. There was no way to take these black flag paratroopers, but now Xia brought back a large number of horse thieves, and the city has sufficient power. Xia Ya intends to play fiercely.

In the afternoon, there was a sergeant's return. A small group of cavalry of the Odinhei Banner appeared in the woods outside the city. Xia immediately stopped without a break and led the five hundred horse thieves out of the city.

The Odins in the forest in the northeast direction of the city saw the Yin cavalry out of the city from Xia, and immediately divided into two parts, some of which were thirty and fifty riding fast away from the woods and heading northeast. The remaining five Ten rides put on a challenge posture.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the fifty Odin patrols did not fear, they fought a fierce battle with the horse thieves, and they were all wiped out.

Xia Ya cut off the heads of the seventy-eight Odins alone, but what made Xia depressed was that these black flag troops were really sturdy and would rather die, even if they were injured, they also put on a stance that all went together. After the battle, the last person was killed, and all died on the spot. Finally, someone fell into desperation and wiped his neck with a wave of his sword.

A battle was fought, and no one was caught. It made Xia very weird, and even finally counted the damage. Although all 50 Odin cavalry were wiped out, their own people also died and injured more than thirty .

In the case that the number of the two sides was ten times more than their enemies, they also killed and injured thirty people, showing the sturdyness of the Black Flag!

Xia was terrified of anger, but returned to the city for a night's rest, and the next day, hundreds of cavalrymen of the Black Flag Army appeared outside the city. Xia led the man out again, but this time, the cavalry of the Black Banner Army was not as hard as Xia, and when Xia brought the man out, he turned around.

Charlie was angry and chased after her. She chased until dark, ran out nearly a hundred miles, and almost reached the northeast border of County More, and then passed over More to enter the neighboring county. Xia Ya then ordered to stop and watched as the more than one hundred Black Banner troops passed by.

After returning to the city, Charlie said to Green: "I understand Hasting's trick! This guy just intentionally disgusted us! Damn! He has shown our strength, but for some reasons, he is not enough The troops were divided to deal with us. We could only send small cavalry to keep harassing, and we were exhausted! We used to scorch the soil. His small cavalry came to harassment, so that our farmers could not return to their homes to cultivate. , Delayed the season, we can not produce food here, missed the seal of the throne of time, sooner or later we will have food shortages! "

Green thinks that what Charlie said is three-pointed, but he still has doubts: "If Hastings already knows our truth, then this approach also makes sense ... except that we have May besides Denzel City. Star City, he is harassing here, we are not afraid, and there is Mesta City, the surrounding land has returned farmers to their homes, there should be no problem in terms of food. "

"Damn! What exactly does Hastings want?" Xia smiled angrily: "Is that guy bored, come and have fun with us?"

"He must have a plan, but we haven't been fully aware of it for a while." Green frowned: "Hasting is also doing everything, he can tell us here.}) I tell Manninger, after all, it is a red snow As long as Manninger sends troops to deal with us, why should Hastings intervene? "

The two discussed for a while ~ ~ both had no clue, but felt that this action by Hasting had no sense at all-in the end, Charlie could only rest dullly.

Back in the room, Charlie dropped the fork on the table, but heard Dora's voice in her head.


"What- ?!" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"I said you're stupid, your brain is bigger than simple." Dora's voice was full of mockery: "You and the guy named Green, they only think about the problem from the perspective of tactics and strategy ... That Green is a general and only considers The strategic factors are also good. What about you? Did fighting fights make your brain stupid? Has Hastings done this for other reasons? "

"Other reasons?" Xia Ya was about to refute, but suddenly her heart moved, she sat down slowly, and her face gradually calmed down: "You mean ..."

"Maybe ... this matter has nothing to do with this war!"

Charlie: "........."

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