
Chapter 287: [Bad news]

With the half-guard of the fat behind, Soyet leading the way, Charia came to the south of Osgiriya.

The south of the city is the area where civilians live. Cross the square in the center of the city and cross the arena street. (Xia ’s is not close to the arena now. It can only go far away on the side street. As for the reason, the samurai is near the arena. Too many, maybe knowing his identity the reception attracted challengers.)

Continue to the south of the city, the closer to the south, the closer to the beach, the street is no longer wide and flat, but gradually narrow and rugged. Obviously, the sweepers here are not as clean as those in the wealthy areas in the north of the city. There is stagnant water left after the snow melts everywhere, and under the trample of countless almond carts and horses, it has become a sewage pit, which is not so neat and clean as the north of the city. The buildings on both sides have also become low, and the low earthen houses and shacks have replaced those tall and mighty buildings. Passers-by on the streets are dressed in lower classes, without tall horses, only mules and donkeys, and no Chinese shirts. Clothing, only sackcloth. Occasionally, a small wheelbarrow was slowly pushed past, there were chickens screaming from both sides, there was noise in the neighborhood, couples scolded and scolded, children cried ...

Xia also saw two emaciated wild dogs screaming at him from a distance. Then he turned around and ran away. When he walked past a house, the hostess spilled a bowl of dirty water directly and almost spilled on Xia's body.

But then saw Xia and the riding guards behind him. The woman exclaimed in a terrified way, and the basin fell to the ground, and ran back to the house.

Not only this family, but as soon as they approached this neighborhood, the surrounding pedestrians and residents have covered Charya and his crowd with curious eyes.

What do these gorgeously dressed masters come to this place to do ...


Obviously, this is the civilian area ...

If you omit the big 6 first male city of Osgilia, the city of miracles, the ancient name of thousands of years of history. The center of empire's power, the great emperor's capital, etc ... wait for these auras-if you leave them all out, then in fact, here, the big six, the big one, the big six, and the small one will soon be the place where the poor live in the city, It's really no different.

Crossing a side street, looking at the low and crooked fences in front of the houses, Xia frowned. "Is it just ahead?"

"Yes." Soyt turned back in front. Whispering: "The late Lord Kevin's home is right in front. Usually this time of day, the lady should just come back from the tailor shop we saw before ..."

Walking all the way to the end of the street, I came to a two-story building that looked a little humble, and downstairs was a small garden with a simple layout-or it could not be called a garden, because it was too small.

Compared with the shacks I saw before, this small building is already very good, at least it is built with bricks instead of earthen walls. The atomic force floor is very flat, and some unknown wild flowers are planted on both sides-it is really liquefaction, just the white joke that is common in the suburbs, but it is neatly dotted around the yard, and it seems to live here The host is a bit different.

Charia motioned for Soyet to push the fence door open, and the door on the first floor of the small building was half-covered. Charya walked into the courtyard, and a grey dog ​​came out from the door, yelling at Charya, Soyout waved and shouted something, the dog recognized Soyt and ran to him and sniffed a few times. Wagging his tail before returning to the corner, but still staring at Charlie with a vigilant look.

With a creak, the door was opened and a long brown woman came out of it.

Soitlik bent down: "Mrs. Yulia"

Yulia, the hostess of this family, and the wife of the late Kevin, stood in front of the door, staring at the men walking in the yard in surprise.

The tight work on her face disappeared after seeing Soyt, and then a smile appeared-she had a brown head, a tall bridge of nose, a tall figure, and green eyes. The forehead is slightly slightly taller and slightly wider, and the distance between the eyes is also wider, in general. She is also an ordinary looking woman, but there is a taste between Meiyu.

She uploaded it in a large one-to-one official cloth with an open cloth. The brown length is **** casually. There are glittering sweat beads on the forehead, and the sleeves are rolled up, exposing the skin of light wheaten arms. Obviously, it is often busy with housework. The result of full sun exposure. Wet hands wiped a few on the robe.

For Xia, he was even more surprised. In other words, if he had been pregnant all the way, he thought that he had already thought out a set of rather rhetoric, but when he really saw the woman at first glance, Xia Ya stayed!

He was completely stunned, and his words seemed to fade away instantly. He opened his mouth wide and stared at the woman in front of him.

Just because ... the woman in front of me ...

Under her plump robe, her lower abdomen bulges! !!

Yulia ... Kevin's wife, this woman. She, she's pregnant? !!

For a moment, the picture in front of him shattered all of Xia's psychological defense lines. He even felt that his mouth was dry and his legs were a little soft.

Even against the mighty armies of Odin, even against the terrible black war gun of Hastings. Xia has never been more nervous than she is now.

"Soyet, you're back!" Yulia's voice was a little hoarse, and she smiled happily and cheerfully, and looked at Charya in the yard and Dodolo hiding behind Charya: "Well? Here? The two brothers are very eye-catching. Are they Kevin's new comrades? Come in now, huh, huh ... by the way, is Kevin? Is he behind? This guy. It must be sneaking to buy wine ... "

The woman said, stomped her feet and looked out of the yard, smiling randomly: "What are you doing? Come on, Soyte, go to Uncle Tom on the street and buy a little bacon, or you wo n’t have it at home Too much food to eat, huh. "

"………………" Soyett's face was unsightly, and he looked at Charlie for help.

Charya finally returned to God at this time. He took a deep breath, and then step by step. Slowly walked towards Yulia.

Probably Charya's expression, or his heavy steps made Yulia a little dare. As if guessing something, the woman still smiled reluctantly: "Well? Is this young man a newcomer to your army? I think you are not old, are you twenty? Come in, I just bought a little yesterday Honey, I can make some honey tea for you. "

"Yu, Yulia ..." Xia came to the woman in a heavy tone. The woman's complexion changed dramatically. She panicked and tried to step back and hide in the door. Xia grabbed her by the shoulder: "Yulia, my name is Xia, I am Kevin's comrade, and he is also ... "

"Don't, don't say!" Yulia screamed abnormally.

7. The savvy woman has already guessed something. She opened sixteen as if she was going crazy sixteen. She broke free of her hands and screamed, "What are you doing, say these things, let's sit down first! What's the matter? Wait for Kevin to talk to you later ... Kevin, what about Kevin ... "

"Kevin ..." Charlie's eyes were red and his fingers were shaking. "Kevin ..."

Yulia's body softened, and her face became pale for a moment. She stared at Charlie with her eyes widened. Watching Xia take a bag from Soyt's hand, the bag was opened, there was a helmet, eight daggers, several badges, and a ... full of charcoal writing Parchment with blood on it!

Yulia rolled her eyes and fainted.


Xia put Yulia into the bedroom in the room and put it on the bed. Soyet quickly brought a cup of hot water and poured it into Yulia's mouth.

I took a look at the furnishings in this room-very simple, rude cabinets, iron cladding on the corners of wooden tables and chairs are covered with rust, but they are clean and orderly. Obviously the host here is very diligent and loving clean.

The only thing that could show the identity of the host was a samurai sword hanging on the wall. There were also several horseshoes thrown in the corner.

Yulia woke up quietly for a while. After this woman woke up, she stared at the ceiling with no eyes, and Soyt shouted a few times, and her grandfather had no reaction.

Charya gritted his teeth, pulled Soyt apart, stood in front of the bed, kneeled on the ground on one knee, and whispered; "Mrs. Yulia, a hero of Kevin's history, he died very bravely, and he also saved My life! Your husband is the bravest and noblest person I have ever seen! "

He put those chairmen and sword helmets on the bed.

And Yulia finally moved at this time. She barely sat up, but instead of looking at the presidents, she grabbed the **** parchment and opened it anxiously.

After watching for a while, tears flowed from Yulia's eyes, and the woman's hands gradually clenched, holding the parchment in a ball, sobbing in a low voice, and shaking her shoulders

If he wailed aloud, maybe Xia could be a little better, but he just sobbed softly, like a knife. He rested in Charya's heart.

He moved forward: "I know very well that bringing such a bad news to you is an unbearable blow to you, but I"

"You needn't say anything." Yulia suddenly raised her head. The woman's face was full of tears, her face was stunned, and she was hoarse, but she had a strange strength: "You needn't say anything."

Her eyes finally fell on Charlie's face.

"I am a Rhoderian woman. As a Rhoderian woman, my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have ever faced such a thing. Husband or father and brother died in battle. Good at as if this is us. The destiny of a woman! "Yulia continued to cry:" But I didn't expect that I didn't marry a Rhoderian man, but I still entered the Rhoderian Cavalry Regiment, and I still encountered such a thing. "

Woman barely braced at the broker with both hands. She didn't fall down, she shed tears, why the tears mingled with the skin.

"Kevin ... Kevin doesn't know it yet. He's going to be a father ... more than six months ago when he last returned home, and after he left, I'm pregnant now ... I ... I haven't had time Tell him the news ... I don't dare. I know that he is going to fight in the wildfire field and going to the battlefield, I, I have never been afraid to tell him, I am afraid he will be distracted on the battlefield ... I just want to Wait for this battle to be completed before telling him ... I ... "

Xia suddenly knelt down on the other leg. He knelt in front of Julia, stretched out her hands, and held Julia's hand tightly. The muscles on Charya's face were twitching, and her heart was aching. Gritting his teeth, "Yulia ... Kevin is not my friend, he is my brother! He saved my life! Since the moment he died, his blood has been with my blood! Again We will not be apart !! We are brothers! We are brothers! You will be my sister in the future !!! Your children, I will be the children ’s uncle and the most beloved uncle !! "

Finally, Yulia could no longer hold back her emotions and burst into tears.

Yulia cried for two hours before she calmed down. If it wasn't for Dodro's imagination, she thought of a way and inserted a sentence next to it: "Madam, please take care of your body, don't forget your belly There is another child ... "Yulia heard this sentence, but it was more effective than listening to any consolation. He finally wiped his face vigorously and stopped crying. Several people sat in silence for a while, Yulia's face Squeeze out a smile: "You guys are all Kevin's comrades ... It's not too late for the Seal of Time. It must be hungry. I'll get some to eat ..."

Where does Charlie dare let her do it? Hurrying to help her lie down, they and Soyt ran to the kitchen behind them and made some hot rice porridge, and brought it to Yulia. Yulia barely ate a spoonful, as if she couldn't eat it. But looking at her belly, the woman frowned tightly, gritted her teeth and ate all the bowls of porridge.

"Thank you. The woman ate the porridge and rested for a while. She looked slightly better, at least not as scary as pale as before.

Baidu Hunting Country

Later, Yulia put up with grief and asked Xia some questions, and asked Xia to tell how Kevin died in the end. Xia didn't dare to elaborate, fearing to cause the other side's sadness ~ ~ only After speaking a few words, I helped Yulia lie down and rest.

Xia took out a cloth bag and put it on the table. The heavy inside was full of gold coins.

Here are the pensions in the army ... and what we said is to read and make up some comrades-in-arms, please take it down, we ... "

Actually the lynx lied.

There are at least three hundred gold coins on this table, and the army's pensions are very small. Although other comrades have made up some, but after all, everyone is a soldier and there is not much surplus money. All of them add up to seven or eight gold coins. . There were fifty gold coins in it, which General Adrik gave to Xia in private. Adrick was a connected general and did not have much wealth.

As for the others, it was Charya who took out all his savings, as well as the uncle, who was entertained locally by local officials. Gained some benefits and also spread out.

Seeing Yulia's refusal, Xia Ya resolutely said: "I know you don't want to collect it! Because no amount of money will be exchanged for appointment! But please don't reject it! Because this is everyone's mind, even if it is to be at ease , Don't let everyone feel bad, but please accept it !!!

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