
Chapter 285: [Professional Robbery]

Chapter 285: Professional Robbery

The path is passing through the woods, and the terrain on both sides is slightly higher, and the forest is very dense.

Under the leadership of the leading horse thief, Xia Ya and others hid behind Po Zi He Shugen on both sides of the path.

These horse thieves are obviously veterans who are accustomed to this kind of trading. They do n’t need Xia ’s orders, they are all busy with tasks, Zhang Gong ’s arrows, and some people quickly pull down the path. Stumbling rope. They have all been painted with black paint, and in this dark forest, if you do n’t come near, you wo n’t see it.

The remaining two legs and feet ran to the front to explore the road, and two were ran to the distance of the forest to get wind. The rest were lying in the woods on both sides of the path with Xia, each of them cleverly searched the roots of the tree for a variety of hidden places by the rocks, no one asked, breathed one by one, just waiting for the target to come in .

Watching this group of guys already dressed in Imperial Cavalry costumes so familiar with all the work, Xia didn't know whether to cry or laugh. These guys, talking about such acts of blocking roads, are all clamoring and elated.

Still others prepared a few large bales of fine sand, but when the target came, they were thrown out to confuse the other's eyes.

"Fuck, it seems that these guys are more professional than Lao Tzu."

Tu Yan secretly figured in his heart.

Uncle Ben was thinking of doing this kind of part-time job robbery when he fell on the wildfire field, but far from being familiar with these professional guys.

As I was thinking, I heard the direction of the road ahead. There were a few whistles like birds tweeting, and the horse thieves heard. Immediately, his eyebrows fluttered, and someone nearby pulled Xia gently, lowering his voice, "The brother in front reported, the rabbit came in, master."

After a while, far away. This small path in the woods heard creaking wheels moving in the distance. Several fully-loaded carriages entered the sight of the crowd. There were also several cavalrymen wearing leather armor and sword-bow bows in front of the carriage. At the forefront, at a glance at the scene, everyone quickly lowered their bodies a bit.

Most of the gradually-increased teams have entered everyone's line of sight. The number of this team is not too many. More than ten large cars are indeed fully loaded with thick leather mats. I don't know what was installed.

The cavalry of the guard was about forty-five, except for the seven or eight open roads in the front, most of which were concentrated behind the carriage team.

And just after the cavalry, a fine four-wheeled carriage was pulled by two good horses. The carriage was well-made and the wood was black and bright with black paint. Obviously, it was not an ordinary person. And around the carriage, there were twenty cavalry, one. They all wore light armor and immediately hung their sabers. There are even ten people, and there are still rare military shorts hanging on the saddle.


At the sight of the short crossbow, Xia Ya was instantly energetic! The man who can prepare such a rare item is obviously a man in that carriage!

When the team gradually came to the ambush circle, a whistle sounded from both sides.

Then two rumbling sounds were heard. At the front and back of the team, two or three large trees along the road were brought down and thick trunks. Immediately blocked the blind road of this team!

The people in the convoy suddenly startled, but the horse thieves jumped out on both sides of the path, between the trees and forests, and after the rocky soil slopes. A round of arrow rain shot at the head, and when I heard a few screams, there were suddenly a dozen cavalry off the horse.

These guard cavalry were busy circling the frightened warhorse, and were about to fight back. There were just a few overhead, and the big sandbags fell overwhelmingly. Immediately, the sand and gravel filled the sky, and many cavalry were blinded.

There was a sound of shouting and killing all around. These horse thieves put out another round of arrows, and someone rushed down with arms swarming from both sides.

The path was originally narrow. There were big trees blocking the road before and after, and the cavalry rushed forward, but without a few steps, the horse's hoof hit a stumbling rope on the ground, and Huralah fell down and caught up. The horse thief was just a knife, smashing into the gap in the armor around his neck, and suddenly a **** hurricane came out. "

Many horse thieves rushed down and rushed down. One face to face, the remaining guard cavalry was less than half. The cavalry were confined to such a narrow space, and the horses could not gallop and could not perform. These horse thieves were assigned very well-organized, leaving five or six Shi Leng arrows on both sides, and the rest rushed into the crowd and wielded the knife and chopped.

The opponent's guard cavalry could not move, sitting on a horse and trying to resist, but had to gather their waists to reach the enemy on the ground.

Screams abound. A moment later, the guard cavalry of the front team was killed completely.

Obviously, some of these guys were well-trained, and when they saw they were in trouble, the others shouted and gathered together around the luxurious carriage. Some of the elite guards took the short crossbow to confront the horse thief. Shoot.

This military short crossbow is well-made, shoots well, and is small and easy to hold in hand. It does not need to aim with a bow. The short crossbow is loaded with three companies. The horse thief who rushed in front fell down four or five.

The cavalry dismounted. An array was formed around the carriages, and for a while the situation was stalemate.

Although the horse thief in the distance also shoots with a bow and arrow, the opponent has an array, and also raises the cavalry's small hand shield, clustering together, and obviously the rest are elite. Don't be afraid. The horse thieves also hindered each other's sharp short crossbow, and rushed twice in a while without approaching each other. Instead, they suffered several injuries.

Charlie could see clearly in the back. Suddenly shouted: "Brothers step back and look at Lao Tzu!"

The horse thieves listened to the shouts from behind, and instinctively stepped back, and suddenly heard the sound of a wind blowing overhead, and a huge dark shadow slid past it.

With a bang, I saw a huge stone flying at the table from behind, hitting the top of the carriage.

The two cavalrymen who were standing next to the carriage suddenly burst into smashed brains!

The carriage's carriage cracked at the sight.

Charya clapped her hands in the back and turned to see that there was another bigger rock on the ground next to her. A few steps passed. Bend down and hold your hands down, hug, exhale, and lift easily!

This stone is the size of a door panel. There are no more than 10,000 catties. I ’m afraid there are five or six thousand. Xia Ya raised her hands, her arms and eyes faintly glowed with a red light, and she sighed and shouted. Flew over.

I heard a loud noise. The carriage was hit again, and the carriage of the carriage was completely smashed into the "slaves flying apart. Many guards next to it were affected and suddenly there were two or three: flying blood flew across.

Many horse thieves suddenly cheered. I just feel that this new collar is truly amazing!

But suddenly I heard a shout of desperation from across.

"The grandson is dead! The grandson is dead !!!"

Charya looked up, and saw that in the carriage with half of the carriage left, there were some pieces of cracked wooden planks under the stone, and a person was under it. The man's upper body was pressed under the stone, with only his legs still exposed. The robe on his body was obviously of luxurious texture. Looking at the shape, I was afraid that the upper body had become flesh. The dead can't die anymore, and the blood on his body is flowing down.

As soon as he heard the sad cry of the other party, Xia Ya waved his hand and pulled forward with a fire fork: "Brothers go up! Leave one or two live questions and talk!"

Although these remaining guards were elite, the people in the carriage were killed, apparently causing a devastating blow to their morale. It collapsed before Pian Xuan, and the remaining people saw more than half of the dead and injured, all throwing their weapons, kneeling on their heads and surrendering.

The fighting soon ended, and Xia made two prisoners with bloodstains on his face to ask questions.

The two captives were ashamed. The appearance on the body is obviously the appearance of an officer in a cavalry, and he said, "The master is dead. Even if we go back, there must be no way to live. Kill if you want."

Charya's eyes rolled: "I ask you, if I come back honestly, I won't kill you, and I'll give you some money and let you go."

When they heard it, they both clearly showed some expectations.

"I ask you, look at your outfit, is it someone in the Corsican army?"

The two looked at each other, and one of them sighed, "Yes, we are the guards of the Governor's House in Corsica. I am the captain of the Governor's Guard and my name is Gu'an."

"Governor's House of Corsica ?!" Charia blinked.

Then he questioned again. After the two captives made it clear, Xia Haha smiled, patted his thigh hard, his face was strange, and his eyes were a little eagerly excited.

"*! Is it really a **** blessing? Doing a job for robbery on the road will kill the grandson of the Corsica Military Region?"

Send someone to clear the carriage immediately. Remove the body.

The upper body of the corpse was obscured and invisible, a head was like a rotten watermelon, but the clothes on the body were obviously not what ordinary people could wear, and a gold family crest was pressed in the arms, also Corsican Governor Carlos family.

This is not wrong.

Xia Ya exulted in her heart, but patience repeatedly questioned the two captives, and finally finally relieved.

Send someone to tie up two captives. After being kept in one place with other captives, Xia convened a few of the horse thieves to discuss.

"This is the eldest son of the Governor of Corsica, who is going to the Odin camp to negotiate. We stir up the fire in the middle, and the two are about to fight. This dead ghost is going to be a peacemaker, but his life is bad. , Let's die here for us, ha ha ha ha, "

A horse thief's head laughed and said, "Aunt, it seems that the gods are blessed. This dead ghost boy is here to die. Without him to negotiate, the two will definitely have a **** fight!"

There was also a smile next to him: "It's good, we don't seem to be in vain, so just hide and watch the show."

Xia Ya smiled for a while while touching her chin "Hey", her eyes fluttered. After a while, he shook his head seriously: "No, right, now the Odin are just bluffs. Although Manninger's old thing is arrogant, it is not mindless. He is just guarding himself, acting hostile and frightening Just Corsicans. He has a big picture and won't really go to war without authorization. "

Looking at the blank look of the horse thieves, Xia Ya smiled strangely: "They don't fight, but I have a way to make them fight. It is impossible to fight without them!"

A horse thief asked, "Aunt, how do you say that?"

Charlie was in a good mood at this moment, and she didn't even care that the other party called herself "aunt". A mysterious smile: "You think, Odin don't fight, but we can force Corsicans to do it!"

"How can this be forced?"

The local man laughed strangely: "Huh, the eldest son of the Governor of Corsica died in the hands of the Odins. Hehe, even if the governor of Corsica can bear it again, his own son died in the hands of others Can't it go? "

Below is a horse thief without a head. Someone cried, "Yi? Auntie, what the **** of a dead ghost? It's very difficult for them to die. Why did they die in the hands of the Odin people?"

The organic spirit next to him pulled the man for a moment, and said with a smile, "My aunt said that he died in the hands of the Odin, naturally there is a way to make this person die in the hands of the Odin, right?"

Xia Ya squinted her eyes, touched her nose, and then pointed at the corpse next to her: "Cut off the clothes of this dead man's son, get some water and wash the clothes!"

After a pause, he laughed again: "And the captives and the dead guards, sent a few brothers to bring their armor and weapons over."

Although there are still people who don't understand ~ ~, there are some clever ones among the horse thieves, who have already faintly guessed what the aunt's idea was.

After a busy time, a horse thief brought wet clothes to Xia, and the blood on it was almost clear. Sure enough, it was a good material. After cleaning, the stain was gone.

Xia put this dress on his body wet, and turned around in a circle, and smiled: "Look, Laozi doesn't look like a big master of a rich man?"

He was born in the wild. Where is there nobleness in the whole body? But all these horse thieves are old and rough, everyone laughs: "Nice and good! Aunt is naturally wise, let alone impersonation. Noble, even if you are an emperor, it is not bad!"

Xia Haha smiled, these horse thieves did not care about speaking, and he didn't think much about it when he heard it. But he snorted: "Fuck, I'm just posing for a moment, posing as the son of the dead ghost, Governor Carlos, is also a big loss! But it doesn't matter, this time posing as his son, next time posing as his father, I will not get it Are you here? "

After a pause, he touched his face: "These aristocratic guys speak softly, I need to dress up" (to be continued)

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