
Chapter 277: 【ally】

Chapter 277 [Allies]

The city of Osgilia itself acts as a peninsula plunging into the sea. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides, but only the south side is a flat beach, and the other two are steep cliffs up to tens of meters! Under the action of the ocean tides, the perennial stormy waves, the perilous reefs and the tens of meters of cliffs have become a natural barrier to the east and north of the city.

The entire Osgiriya was built in such a unique environment.

In addition to the mainland's most majestic city wall to the west, the other way to get in and out of this city is on the sea. The only landing point is the flat beach that is inevitable in the city, the port and pier in Osgilia. .

Known as the "Invincible City of Heroes", Osgilia's western wall is naturally world-famous. Similarly, the defense of the port and coastline to the south is also known in this world.

Even Landis, the maritime power with the world's most powerful navy, can only shake his head and sigh in the face of the city's coastline.

Osgilia is only flat on the south beach. This is a natural deep-water harbour, with a half-moon-shaped arc of the harbour, with steep half-slope cliffs on both sides, and at the entrance of this harbour, the two sides extend The terrain, a city wall was built, and a two-mile-long seawall was built before the entrance to the sea!

Such a terrain makes the harbour of Osgilia look like a funnel shaped as a solid soup. Just on the coast, tall watchtowers were built. These towers were built from huge rocks, and the base was even cast from molten iron, making the scalp sturdy. At least 30 such towers are densely lined along this defense line of the harbor terminal. Looking down at the front of the harbor, first of all, there will be no dead ends visually.

Secondly, a large number of crossbow guns are arranged on these towers. These are heavy ordnances that specialize in attacking ships at sea. Each crossbow gun can fire a giant crossbow with a range of at least 500 meters. The power of this crossbow is huge. If you can directly penetrate the hull deck and shoot with mixed oil, you can directly cause huge trauma to ships at sea.

At the same time, the estuary also thought that a group of reefs and hidden piles had been laid! It is said that at the beginning of the construction of the city, in order to strengthen the defense against the sea, even a group of ships carrying a large number of stones was sunk on the sea! This makes the seemingly calm sea surface, in fact, there is a hidden killer underwater. Only after obtaining the permission of the harbor terminal, can the safe water channel enter the harbour of Osgilia under the command of the lighthouse.

Once in the war, the area suitable for military landing in the harbour area is very narrow, with less than a mile of sandy beach, and this beach is all shrouded under a high slope, and a number of towers have been built on the high slope. If the enemy releases a small boat from a long distance to try to land. Then there are two battalion archers on this high ground. The range of the bow and arrow can completely cover the landing beach. If an enemy tries to land by boat from here, there will undoubtedly be faced with Field slaughter.

More importantly, in order to prevent the threat of strong hostile ports at sea, a small Royal Fleet is stationed in the harbour area of ​​Osgilia. This fleet is nominally attached to the Imperial Navy, but in fact, from the beginning of the establishment of the army, it has been firmly controlled in the hands of the royal family, and the fleet leaders of all generations have been the most loyal to the royal family.

The size of this fleet is not large, there are only two thousand sailors, and more than ten small and medium-sized warships-although the scale is not large, it is enough to meet the defense of the harbor. Anyway, only a narrow area of ​​the safe water channel at the estuary that needs to be defended, this small fleet is enough. Moreover, in this small fleet, half of the warships are new-style warships produced by Landis, which the royal family bought heavily.

The line of defense on such a coastline ranges from high to low and from far to near and deep. Even a few years ago, an admiral of the Landis Empire visited Byzantium in the name of a visit to the two countries, after seeing this maritime line of defense in person. Can't help but sigh: Even if such a line of defense gives me one of the best fleets in the kingdom, I am afraid that most people will be injured if they want to land successfully.

In these days, Osgiriya was attacked by the rebels, and the walled area on the west was hot. But the rebels did not dare to attack Osgilia from the sea because of such a solid line of defense. The rebels themselves did not have any military strength at sea. They did not have the power to fight at sea. They could only gather all the ships and barricade them on the sea to achieve the purpose of besieging Osglia. But it can never be done. The size of the Royal Fleet in the harbour is too small, the defense is okay, and it is unable to fight at sea.


After the war, the formerly prosperous harbour area has long been silent. The Royal Fleet of the military harbor took over the original civilian dock area, and at the same time, the city guard soldiers transferred to guard the coast firmly. And because of the blockade of the maritime rebel fleet, any foreign merchant ships can no longer enter Oscilia anyway, and the fleets of some chambers of commerce that had originally stayed in Oscilia were also forced to berth in civilian harbors. . The originally lively port city in the harbour area has completely stopped. Since the beginning of the war, Osgilia has entered the period of military control. The warehouses of some of the original business groups in the harbour area have also been occupied by the military. All useful supplies They have also been announced for requisition. Of course, the chamber of commerce that has been expropriated for ship supplies can negotiate with the central government in the city and get a compensation-this decision was insisted by Prime Minister Salenbonelli, who was firmly opposed to the army's free requisition of the chamber's chamber property. The prime minister's reason is clear: these chambers of commerce are dead and there are powerful forces on the mainland. We cannot offend all these guys in order to win a war. Otherwise, even if we win the battlefield for a while, we are facing enemies from all over the world!

Of course, the army also forcibly searched some chambers of commerce that secretly supported the governors of the Tema military region based on intelligence. This decision was also approved by the Prime Minister.

Because all commercial transactions have ceased, the port city where the huge seaport went to, at this moment looks deserted, all the shops are closed, and only some guards pass by on the road.

Only in the square of the port, the Empire Eagle flag was still flying on the flagpole.

Adrik led a group of people across the city, and the horse team rushed into the harbour area. Immediately, Adrik heard the screaming horn of a warning from the tower in the distance.

In the distant naval port area, the small Royal Navy fleet, several warships have been anchored and sails, and the sailors are busy nervously on board.

Adrik rolled over and dismounted, and immediately rushed forward to see the garrison officer from the harbour area running over.

"what happened?"

Adrick's look was complicated.

"Master, it has been determined that it is not a rebel warship."

The guard of the harbour area is a flag regiment of the city guard, and at the same time comes the commander of the Royal Navy Fleet. This commander looks mediocre-in fact, according to Adrik, the talent of this guy is mediocre It's just that the only thing that's good is calmness and prudence. But for this disposition, it is prudent to say that it is good; it is to say that it is uncomfortable that it will only act according to the rules, be more conservative, and less enterprising. The emperor chose such a temperament person to command the only naval fleet under the control of the royal family, but it was precisely this temperament: as long as the naval fleet defends a limited area and does not need to be aggressive, it only needs to act safely No error is enough.

Of course, more importantly, this guy is a noble group loyal to the royal family.

The admiral walked silently to Adrik, and after saluting, he handed a binocular to Adrik: "My lord. See for yourself."

Adrik frowned, striding up the high **** and looking out over the sea.

In the distance, beyond the horseshoe-shaped sea-ticket on the front of the harbour, on the vast sea, the two fleets spread out on the sea, showing a momentum of confrontation.

There is a fleet of hundreds of ships on the periphery, but most of them are small and medium-sized ships, and most of them are civilian ships. At first glance, they are temporarily recruited and the flags are mixed. Obviously, Belongs to those rebels.

The other fleet is obviously different. The **** ships are all the three-masted warships invented by the most advanced Landis. This new type of ship has a double-deck with long-range attacking crossbows and artillery. Sturdy. The draught is also obviously deep. Most importantly, the fleet has a total of thirty ships, four of which are large warships, and the remaining eight medium-sized **** warships. Twelve warships of this size made a very standard circular defensive array on the periphery of the fleet, and inside the fleet were large, large transport merchant ships.

This fleet did not carry any banner.

The fleet of ships of this fleet is very tight, apparently all elite. The warships constantly bombarded with crossbows in the surrounding area, deterring the rebel fleet in the distance from daring to approach, so swaying from the rebel's sea Walking through the blockade, the rebels, despite being distant, were afraid to approach.

The fleet stopped outside the range of the harbour and maintained a defensive queue, except that one of the large ships set the flag in the direction of the harbour.

Although Adrik was an army general, when he was studying at the Imperial Military Academy in the early years, he also learned the slogan used by the navy. After a brief glance, he understood that this was the meaning of the other party's request to enter Hong Kong.

The admiral next to him whispered, "The other party has sloganed several times. Without your order, we don't know how to reply and have been waiting."

Adrik said "um", "Please ask them to identify themselves."

His order passed through, and the Imperial Guard on the tower immediately slammed the slogan, and within a short time, Adrik used the telescope to see the other ship with the slogan.

"We come for friendship."

At this moment everyone was watching Adrik closely, waiting for the command of the empire's current army commander. Adrik twisted his eyebrows, his eyes were a little weird, and suddenly a smile came out: "Let them send a boat into the port from the waterway. Well, our boat also went up, stopped the safe waterway, only one boat came in, If they act lightly, they fight back immediately! "

Time passed slowly in a tense atmosphere. After receiving the slogan on the shore, the fleet in the distance quickly assigned a small transport ship. In the harbour area, a small royal fleet was also dispatched. Several warships were blocked by the waterway, leaving only a gap.

The opponent's boat finally crossed the waterway and slowly entered the pier under the vigilant gaze of the Royal Fleet. When docked, a team of garrisons was already guarding the shore. Archer stands by.

A boat board was laid down from the boat, and immediately under the watchful eye of the garrison on the shore, a few sailors jumped down from the boat, tied the ropes to their hands, and stood with their hands spread out to indicate no hostility.

Adrik stood on the pier and looked carefully. The sailors on the other side were obviously dressed as Landis, with headscarves all over his head.

Soon, several people came down from the boat. These people were all in tight short robes. The first one was tall and burly, but the beard on his face was clean and tidy, and there was no stain on his headscarf. The leather boots under his feet were even more polished.

The man took a few strides to the pier and slowly walked towards the shore. At the signal of Adrik, the garrison cleared the way and let the man walk directly to the pier.

As soon as he saw the man, Adrik's complexion suddenly became very exciting. He took a deep breath and finally relaxed his eyes: "Well? Is this guy? I'll meet him."

Immediately next to him, his general advised: "Master! You are the coach of the army. The origin of these people is unknown, or ..."

"No need, I know this guy."

With that said, Adrik strode up.

Above the pier, two people came face to face. This guy saw Adrik far away, as if he froze. Then he smiled on that rough face and came to the front, ignoring the vigilance of the guards next to Adrik. With a loud look, he laughed loudly: "Haha, I can't think of the famous general Barbados to greet me. His Excellency, Mr. Adrik, do you need to go out to meet me like this?"

Adrik stood there, squinting at each other, and then sneered, "The famous 'Son of the Storm' is here. How can I not welcome it."

The other person suddenly looked surprised, and grinned and touched his face: "Do you actually recognize me? Is my face so famous already?"

Adrik was still standing still, and said lightly: "The famous 'son of the storm', the pride of the Landis navy, one of the three great navies of the Landis kingdom, the thirteenth captain of the legendary 'Freelander' , One of the thirty captains in the history of the Kingdom of Landis who was awarded the Royal Glory Medal ... Dear Mr. Gislent ... "Speaking of this, Adrik finally had a smile in his eyes:" Speaking It is also a coincidence that I remember your appearance because ... many years ago, when you were not famous in your early years, you once sent your country to the military missions in your country, and you also studied war at our Imperial Academy as an exchange student. Shi. ​​Hehe, you must remember one of your encounters during the time you were studying in Osiglia? "

Adrik deliberately slowed down and slowly smiled: "That year, at Imperial College, you and a group of exchange officials of the Landis Kingdom clashed with our students. Everyone was there in the evening. Try it in the alley behind Oak Street. A friend of mine had a fight with you. You broke his two ribs, but he broke your chin ... "

The guy named Gislent stunned: "Ah, I remember. It's Grimm, this crazy dog ​​... haha. Honorable Secretary of Defense, were you there at the time?"

Adrik walked over with a few laughs, stepped forward and hugged Gislent, and when the two of them hugged in a friendly hug, Adrik whispered quickly in Gislent's ear: That night, it was me who was blindfolded beside Green and broke your head with a wooden stick. "

Gislent raised a brow, a smile in his eyes, and quickly said, "I remember, you hit me at the time."

After the two talked, they looked at each other with a smile, and then separated, Adrik looked at Gislent's eyes: "Dear General Landis came to our country, still in such a delicate period ... Gis His Excellency Lent, please explain where you are coming! "

Gislent smiled: "Our flag bearer has passed on the meaning, we came for friendship ... Of course, because you and I know the reasons, we will not show the identity of the flag."

Adrik took a deep breath and stared at Gislent: "Can you represent your country's position? So, is Landis the ally of my emperor?"

"His Majesty the King has something to say." Gislent also replied calmly: "We cannot sit idly by a distinguished king being kicked off the throne, because this is not in line with tradition."

Having said that, Gislent smiled: "I am the commander of this fleet. In order to show my sincerity, I have brought a few escorts ashore ... Such sincerity, I believe you will not doubt it anymore."

Adrik shook his head: "This reason is not enough. Although the life of the storm son is precious, it is not enough for me to risk your city breaking and let your fleet in."

Gislent looked at Adrik's face, and after a while he smiled again:

"A divided Byzantine empire is not in the interest of Landis-is this reason enough? We need a strong country on the continent to withstand the pressure of the barbaric Odin."

After a pause, Gislent laughed: "Of course, our support is limited ... I only brought my fleet and some transport ships with the most needed materials in your army, and my army was ordered , When it is absolutely necessary, we must not take the initiative to fight against the rebel navy of your country. And we will provide a precious and safe maritime transportation line for Osgilia-this is my friendship with Landis .but……"

Having said that, Gislent paused intentionally, shut up and looked at Adrik.

Adrik snorted slowly: "But ... if we are defeated unfortunately, then you won't admit to being our allies, or even immediately fall to the rebels to help them gain a foothold as soon as possible? So , Your fleet did not play the banner of the Landis navy at all, just for the relationship with those rebels, and still keep the last layer of cover cloth? Huh ... "

"I'm sorry, this is the relationship between nations-we just need a complete force on the mainland to hold back the pace of Odin's expansion. As for this force, are you or the rebels, essentially to us? There is not much difference. You and I are not unfamiliar with this kind of thing. "Gislent intentionally blinked:" Fortunately, based on the analysis of China's intelligence system, choosing to support you is better than choosing to support it. Those rebels are more valuable. "

Adrik said "Hey", turned to look at the guards behind him, and waved his hand: "Call the fleet and let the way."

He glanced at Gislent again: "Your warship must not be near the dock, only transport ships are allowed to dock, and it must be under the supervision of my army."

"This is a reasonable request, and I accept it."

Then, Gislent blew a whistle ~ ~ On a transport ship at the dock, a sailor took out a rocket and shot it into the sky.

"Let's go." Gislenter laughed, looking very relaxed: "I'm coming from afar. Your Excellency always invites me to drink two cups ... uh, by the way, I'm unofficial, um, no national scripture No envoys, no official covenants. Haha, Your Excellency, please consider us as a non-governmental business group that spontaneously sponsors your country ... So I do n’t have to meet with your emperor. See me, but no Wear military uniforms. "

Adrik smiled very implicitly: "Let ’s go, our Byzantines have always welcomed our friends ... when drinking, there is no problem. I remembered the kick you hit me back then."

At this point, Adrik paused, his eyes became very strange: "I have a question that is very curious-based on what reason your country's intelligence system analyzes, we have more supportive value than those of the rebels What about it? Is your country more optimistic about us in this war? "

"That's what politicians think about." Gislent waved his hand. "I'm just a soldier on duty. But personally, I also hope that you can win this war, otherwise ... we will return in the future. To find peace talks with the rebels, I am afraid that in order to make a difference and repair the relationship between the two sides, those politicians will also throw me out as a scapegoat. Ha! "

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