
Chapter 267: [Collection of wildfire]

Brother Chapter 267, the collection of the wildfire original Green's worry is not without reason.

The choice of Morka outside the city was also very wise. He only had more than 5,000 people. After killing the mounts, a small number of cavalrymen had mostly turned into infantry. If it was only in the outer city, there would be no problem. Good luck. It is not impossible to capture Denzel.

But since there is reinforcements, and it ’s two thousand cavalry, ”then the contrast in power has changed dramatically. With his more than five thousand infantry. In the field, two thousand fine horsemen will win, and the odds are too small, and if not even If you evacuate, in case of being entangled by the enemy, it is not impossible to be eaten raw by the opponent in the field. In this case, Morka simply resolved to give up Denzel, and the leader immediately left. Go, this decision, I have to say that it is also very brave.

Nene's cavalry brigade slowly chased along the way outside the city, because Morca retreated very rigorously, Nene did not find a chance to pursue. Just hanging the team far behind, the two sides kept a safe distance, and then watched the Odins go south and leave.

The city has become a sea of ​​joy at this moment. The garrison in the city was originally not morale. Only the idea of ​​defending their loved ones will be kept intact, but they also know that they are really not afraid of winning. It ’s just one day, but I did n’t expect that the miracle was really alive. The Odin left and lived in the dead. How can they not be ecstatic?

Green has ordered people to quickly remove the earth and rocks blocked under the city gates and put reinforcements outside into the city. Charlie watched Ranwei cheering. I was sighing. But suddenly looking back, now Via's face is a bit unnatural.

Via naturally saw the cavalry outside the city, and Nene Nene of the cavalry, who was more impressive, was very eye-catching among the crowd. As soon as Via saw her, her expression suddenly became a little weird, and immediately she didn't wait for Chardado to say anything, and she could go down to the city.

Nene did not rush into the city, but took people around the wilderness outside the city, after inspection. After confirming that the Odin people really went away, they slowly came towards the city wall. By this time, in the city, Via had asked Charia to prepare her two horses.

"You leave now? Are you too anxious?" Xia was puzzled.

Via did not want to meet Nene again. Already turned over and shook his head: "I still have something urgent, I can't delay."

After she sat and looked at Charia for a moment, she whispered, "This city cannot be kept. At this moment, the Odins are heading south, but Moore County has become behind the enemy! Manninger is also an Odin star. Before the husband invaded the south, he would never allow a Byzantine army like you to be behind him! So once he frees up his hands, he will first pull out your nail. I still recommend that, if you want to survive, Just abandon and detour to the south to escape. "

When Xia Ya heard it, she looked dignified, but after thinking about it carefully, he laughed, and said, "Being kind, you can't fail to report it! The old emperor treats me well. If things come to an end, I just run away and escape I ca n’t do anything like this for Xia Leiming, and I ’ve got your kindness. ”

"Penalistic." Via sat looking at Charlie coldly, slowly shaking her head: "You want to die yourself, don't blame others."

Speaking, although the earth and stones under the city gate were not completely removed at the moment, a gap was cleared up, and Via stepped away immediately. At the sign of Xia, the garrison cleared the way, let Via pass, and Via rushed out of the city gate, but suddenly screamed, stopped the horse, and then turned his horse and ran back, and came to Xia In front of him, looking up at Xia Ya, the look seemed a bit complicated, and finally sighed: "It's nothing. I know that if I see death and not save, the person who entrusted me to save you will be disappointed. I have an idea, After you listen, how to make your own choice. "

After a pause, she leaned down and lowered her voice: "The only formed army in the north of the Empire is the Seventh Corps. The Seventh Corps is stationed in Lin County, More County, not too far from here. Far away, at this moment their situation is more difficult than you. There are rebels on the left and right, and there are Manninger's Red Snow Army going south. If you want to go south to Osgilia, all the rebels are on the road. This is an infantry regiment. It is impossible to pass through the enemy-occupied area of ​​thousands of miles to reach Osgilia, so they must now enter a dilemma. If this time, you

"You let me fight the idea of ​​the 7th Corps?" Charlie's eyes flashed!

Via sneered: "Of the standing Byzantine Central Corps, the strength of the Seventh Corps can only be counted backwards, but after all, it is also the Central Standing Army. The equipment and the quality of the soldiers are always better than those of the black people you have now. If you want to defend the ground, how can there be no soldiers! And they just need a foothold, if you can move this corps, hum, the commanding general of the seventh corps was appointed before the last war and took office In less than half a year, the throne of the Seal of God has insufficient prestige and unstable foundation. I heard that it is also a rice bucket. If you can master this army, you will have at least a little capital to protect yourself in the north. "

Xia Ya's eyes suddenly brightened, but he stared at Via awkwardly: "You, you imply that I take the military power? I'm just a small county guard,"

Via sneered: "You can't do it alone, but the Green beside you" Well, you don't know, did he serve in the 7th Corps that year? Now five in the Seventh Corps. In the banner group, there are three chief officers who are his colleagues and subordinates of that year! Have him help you if you

Having said that, a flash of murderousness flashed in Via's eyes, then she shut up

Charlie heard the thumping in her heart.

Viaton paused before speaking slowly. Her voice was cold and low: "The troubled world is approaching, and the northern empire is no longer owned by the empire! This lone army is either eaten by the rebels or the Odins! Eaten by you! There is no fourth possibility! Rather than destroy it in the hands of the rebels or Odin, "Huh. You measure it yourself! "

Via words stop here. No more to say, slammed a horse and ran away.

After leaving Denzel, Via immediately went to the southeast, watching far from Nene's group of horses and turning back to the city. Via stopped for a moment, looked at Denzer's walls, and sneered: The teacher said that he was a man who could be made. Now it seems "Dang, it still lacks a sense of decisiveness, mother-in-law. How can it be done! The teacher is afraid to look away". teacher. Teacher, is he dead?

Denzel was overcrowded. Originally, it was just a small town on the border, and its perennial population was only tens of thousands. However, in addition to the original population in the city, the scorched earth policy of the past few days has forced many people around the city into the city forcibly, and the population has almost doubled.

After Nene's two thousand cavalry entered the city, they saw the crowded roads, and the original square in the city was already full of tent forests, which became a temporary residence for the population.

Fortunately, the establishment of Denzel City was originally for a certain military purpose, and there was also a military camp of a sizeable size. It was enough to set up thousands of soldiers. After Nene's two thousand cavalry were placed in the barracks, Li Fu took his chiefs to see Xia.

Xia was too busy to drive more because he deliberately avoided hiding inside. But when people come to the rescue from afar, no matter how they hide, it is impossible to disappear.

Fortunately, after seeing it in Shoubei, Nene did not say anything that embarrassed Xia, and looked as usual. It was only after a brief salute, in an official tone: "Dear Lord, I have received a lot of blessings from the Byzantine Empire. I heard that the Odin siege was the only way I could do my best. My lord, please see that many of my people are the people of the Byzantine Empire, and give them a way out. "


Xia heard this. The faint taste tasted a bit, and looked at Green who was also in the hall. Green smiled slightly. Although he didn't recognize Nene, when he entered the city as early as possible, Shalpa had quietly He told him the ridiculous story between the "brother of the macho" and Xia, and Green heard it. He almost vomited blood with a smile, but after waiting for Nene to enter the city, Green observed the cavalry up close, but the more he watched, the more he moved!

The two thousand cavalry men under Nene were nothing more than a group of horse thieves, but in Green's view, most of them. Riding well, strong and strong, it goes without saying that the quality is natural, and the queue seems to have some rigorous taste, not as loose and chaotic as an ordinary horse thief, even from the perspective of an empire like Green A good group of elite cavalry. Although the personnel have mixed up some. Looking at these two thousand people, the older and older ones have white beards. The younger ones are immature and even some, they are actually women!

But if you can choose carefully, picking out a thousand elites is fine.

He was shocked in the heart. Such an elite is actually just a group of horse thieves?

And at this moment, Nene's tone clearly contained some hints of hope for inclusion. How could Green refuse? He immediately laughed and said, "Your Excellency is willing to serve the country. It is naturally good, but there are laws in the army. Let us discuss the matter of collection."

Then what else did Green want to say? Charlie was already a little dull and stared at Nene directly: "You, what do you want to do?"

With a deep smile in her heart, she remembered the day in Wildfire Town, and after talking with that Sofia grandma, the mysterious expert gave her a few suggestions before leaving. But at this moment, his face remained calm, and said lightly, "My lord, I don't have any thoughts, let's be honest. Although I am free and comfortable, but the situation is different now, I have to find a way for my brothers and sisters to live. Row."

Charlie listened. Just frowning, and staring carefully inside and looking up, this woman had to die a few days ago and had to marry herself. But when I saw it today, it was so calm and restrained, but it made Xia ’s heart murmur,

Nene immediately turned to Green, and said positively: "The Odins went south, and they have already penetrated into the Byzantines at this moment." Saying a disrespect, after the Byzantine battle, regardless of victory or defeat, the land in the north is no longer owned by the Empire. "

Although this sounded a bit harsh for Green, a loyal empire, he was not a pedantic person, and knew that according to the current situation, Nene was right in front of him, so he nodded and nodded.

"I don't know if the two adults have thought about it. Once the Odins occupy the northern land of Byzantium for a long time, it will bring a direct consequence." Nene sighed with a helpless tone.

Charlie and Green both had bright eyes and looked at each other, "You mean, Wildfire?"

"Yes, wildfire was originally a place where there were no more than three, so it was in the thief forest. There were no fewer than dozen horse thieves and black tribes that occupied the mountains on the wildfire. Originally, the two empires did not care about this place. Surviving the original, naturally hate it, but once the Odins occupy the northern part of the Byzantine Empire. Then, Li Hai will make the situation change. "After that, the wildfire field became the Odin backyard! With their troops stationed in front, how can they allow the wildfire behind Bu to have so many uncontrolled armed forces, so come to think of it, everyone's free days will come to an end in the wildfire in the future! "

What she said was quite reasonable.

The Odins were already heading south at this moment, and several regiments took advantage of the unattended north of the Byzantine Empire. Once the land is occupied, where can it be easily removed? In this way, Wildfire has naturally become the site that Odin must control! Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain effective control of the Byzantine lands that fell down!

Xia Ya asked himself if he was Captain Odin. Once freed up, the first thing to do is to pull all the threatening nails behind you! Your own Denzel city is naturally a nail. But how can the large and small horse thief groups on the wildfire stay? !! It is necessary to send troops to Qingyu! Even the garrison in Wildfire is essential! You must pave a solid route for your rear! In this way, the army in front can be at ease!

Green thought about this, and nodded slightly to Charya. Charya didn't speak, and Green laughed, "In this case, Nene," Your Excellency Green didn't know what to call Miss. Hesitated, just call your lord. You are tired from afar. Please rest in the guarding house now. I will discuss with your guardian your resettlement. then

Nene said nothing more, saluted the two directly, and went straight without even looking at Charlie.

After Nene walked away, Green only laughed and looked at Xia, his face was extremely strange, and suddenly he whispered, "I said, you marry."

what? !! Charlie stared. "Fuck!" That guy Shalpa must be talking! !! "

Greenhaha laughed, looked outside the door, and lowered his voice: "Marrying a wife also comes with thousands of elites, why not do such a good deal? Such a wife, the more the better, if you can marry ten eights "We have tens of thousands of soldiers, even if Manninger's army comes again. With 10,000 soldiers, we are not afraid. "

"Oh! I want to marry you!" Charlie was so angry that she ran away, and Green caught him. Laughing: "Don't run! Hey, people are going to marry you, and it has nothing to do with me, uh, okay. Don't stare, I'll just leave without saying."

After he forced Xia to sit down, he whispered: "Aren't we worrying about the lack of strength in our hands? This lady Nene reminded me. On the wildfire, there is still a lot of power . In the current situation, some brains have to find a way out. If we can collect it, even if it is only part of it, it will be very beneficial! "

Xia Ya was also excited. The mercenary regiment, the samurai regiment, the horse thief regiment, and the large and small black tribes on the wildfire were all acceptable targets. The number of these organizations was small, although Cai's quality was not uniform Qi, but there are always some elites in it, such as following their own Hawk and Russell, these guys were mercenaries in the past. Needless to say, the quality of the individual is just a matter of being hone and integrated, it is an elite.

"It's an idea," Charlie said. But when he mentioned the collection, he remembered the words that Via told to himself before leaving, and came to the Seventh Corps,

Think about it, that. Via, who said such a thing to himself, blatantly hinted that she would compile and annex the empire ’s army. "It seems that Via does not have any loyalty to the empire! But Via reminds himself that to do this, Green's help is needed. Green is loyal to the Empire. Will he help himself,

"I have an idea." Green smiled gently. "The matter on the wildfire is urgent. We must act as soon as Manninger does not make his hand. Of the people under you, Hawke and Russell were both dead and wildfire. The mercenaries who used to eat rice, eh, even if Hawke, he is young and full of vibes. I'm afraid not. The Russell is old and smooth, and he has been mixing on the wildfire for many years. The people are also familiar with the tribal groups, large and small. ... all have more or less friendship with him, it is better to send him as a couplet, uh, and Nene. Let Russell and Nene go to the wild fire field together, Li Xuan will leave, if you can say a few If the gang comes to vote, our strength will be much stronger! "

"Nene? Where is Paine? What can she do?" Charlie frowned ~ ~ In his opinion, Nene had no connections in the wildfire, but Russell was a good candidate. .

Green sighed and stared at Charlie for a moment. Walk slowly to close the door and turn around. Staring at Charya: "Don't you really understand, or are you confused?"

Looking at Green's serious expression, Charlie suddenly moved her heart and immediately read the meaning in Green's eyes!

It seems that Spain does not have the championship spirit. It was Argentina to show its arrogance tonight, but it was exposed too early and I was really worried about the employment of the old horse. Although the small smoke gun played a hat tonight. But his ability to waste opportunities is stronger than his scoring ability. "It has long been proven that he is not a big shot shooter" or his favorite. Italy and France tend to be mediocre.

As for England, a team with no creativity and breakthrough ability in the midfield is not far away. Germany, it's younger, but the front line still doesn't work,

I am now most optimistic about the Netherlands and Brazil. Because often in history. The two teams play more gorgeously and die faster. Both teams have the strength this year, but they play very pragmatically. Oh, if Spain plays in the second round of the group, it may touch Brazil in the second round, and the fun will be great, haha "

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