
Chapter 260: [Adventure 1 meter]

Although it is spring, the wild-fired Albaktor Corridor has not rained for many days, the land is dry, and tens of thousands of troops march past, causing dust to rise.

At this moment is the starry night, the sky is full of stars, and an army on the road is flying forward at the southern end of the Albaktor corridor on the ground.

During the march of tens of thousands of people, the torches were bright and matched the moon and stars in the sky.

On a high **** beside the wilderness, more than a dozen horses stood upright and looked westward, watching the army array flowing down the high **** like a long river, and looking at the torch in the forest, at night, it was like a fire dragon on the plain Swimming is the same.

Manninger was on the high slope, and his small eyes were full of light. After slowly retracting his eyes on the army, he turned his eyes to the south. Seeing the fire dragon on the ground moved towards the south, he suddenly shook He shook his head: "What time is the Seal of the Seal now?"

A strong man like a bear around him immediately answered with a thick voice: "It's two hours before dawn."

Manninger nodded. Although he was over fifty years old, in Odin, famous for his bravery, his age had already passed the age of bragging, but at the moment among the people above Gaopo However, he still looks the most burly and tall, even if the man next to him is like a bear, although his physique is similar to him, in fact, he is far from his magnificence.

"Order, the former army speeds up! Before dawn, I want to see the wildfire feed my flag."

After Manninger gave the order with a low voice, he did not look at his subordinates and immediately ran down the high slope, and more than ten rides behind him swept down like a wild cloud.

Manninger was riding a horse. In Odin, most of the cavalry used reindeer as mounts, and the more advanced rage beast soul warrior used tyrant bears as mounts. The use of horses is extremely rare.

But this Manninger horse was white and without any mottled hair, especially the long and lush mane on the horse's neck to the horse's neck. It looks like a curly lion! The physique is also much stronger than ordinary horses. The four hoofs spread out, and the hoof sound was faintly moving like a thunder! The entire Red Snow Army rushed, although it did not look as stormy as the sweeping clouds of Hastings' Black Flag. But these tens of thousands of troops rushed in the night. Only dull footsteps and wheezing sounds of soldiers were heard in the wilderness, but the tens of thousands of troops were walking, and they couldn't hear any loud noises! (The 8 side is such a delicate Shen Jiu, but it makes people feel the oppression brought by this army.

Manninger rushed down the high **** and came to the march, quickly rushing into the middle of the fast-moving team, above the high red flag, fluttering blood spots! This is the battle flag of the Chixue Army, and also the flag of the Odin Basak tribe to which the Chixue Army belongs! And Manninger is also the patriarch of the Basak.

The Basak tribe is one of the strong tribes of the Odin Empire, and it is also the largest tribe in the Odin Empire.

For thousands of years, the Odin Empire has been different from the Byzantine Empire in the south.

The Byzantine Empire was ruled by a feudal emperor and a centralized government. And within the Odin Empire, it has always been ridiculed by the Byzantine Empire and even the Landis as a barbaric country.

Because until now, Odin has still implemented a tribal union system. Odin is located in the northern part of the Big Six. Most of the land is covered with snow and cold. From ancient times to the present, tribalism has been practiced.

Within Odin's territory, there are countless tribes, large and small, with a small population of just a few hundred and a large population of tens to hundreds of thousands. The most powerful of these are the six tribes.

These six tribes are also the oldest and most legendary strong tribe among Odin.

In Odin's legend, it is natural to worship Odin as the supreme deity. At the same time, in Odin's legend, there are various other gods who control the nature of human beings, but these gods are all based on Odin's main **** Respect.

According to legend, these six strong clans are the most intimate people of the gods in the world.

Of the six strong clans, the most powerful one is of course the Saul of the royal family, and the current Emperor Odin is also the current Patriarch of the Saul. Regardless of the size of the territory and the size of the population, the Saul is the crown of all tribes, and even the strength of the other top five can only be equal to the Saul.

This idol has existed in Odin for thousands of years, and the Sauls have always been the respect of the people, only in the legend of Odin, only the Sauls are the great Lord of Odin According to the legend, the ancestors of the Saul tribe flowed with the blood of the Lord Odin, and according to ancient tribal records, the Saul was also blessed by the Lord Odin. The people, instead of the gods, are in charge of this land, and other tribes must follow the leadership of the Saul.

In addition to the Sauls, the other five strong clans are also said to be descendants of other Odin gods.

And because of this tradition, the supreme leader of each generation of Odin: the emperor. Of course, they can only be born from the Saul, and other tribes are absolutely impossible. Therefore, the Saul is in Odin, which is the royal family.

The Basak people are among the top three of Odin's strengths, with a population of close to one million and thousands of miles of land. The current Patriarch Manninger is also an outstanding hero in Odin, and is even deeply influenced by contemporary Odin. The appreciation of the emperor, and was treated by the emperor Odin as a brother, he will be called "the brother"

The regime of the Odin Empire has always been much simpler and cruder than the other two human powers. The tribal leader has always been the unquestionable tribal leader. Each tribe must respect the royal leadership and must pay a certain amount to the royal family every year. At the same time, during the war, he must obey the mobilization of Emperor Odin. Once there is war, he must gather the soldiers of this tribe to fight for Emperor Odin.

So it can be said that in the Odin Empire, there was no so-called empire's national standing army. The army system of the Odin Empire has always been an important basis for criticizing various countries as "barbarians."

The army of the Odin Empire, with the Legion as the largest unit, seemed to say that Odin's legion level should be equal to the Byzantine legion level.

But in fact, a legion of the Odin Empire is often more complicated.

The first is the distribution of military power, and there is no fixed number. Taking the Byzantine Empire as an example, a corps of the Byzantine Empire generally has a fixed establishment ranging from 20,000 to 30,000, and the numbers will not differ much.

But this is not the case in Odin.

Odin does not have a fixed military system. In each foreign war, the Odin **** will warn several other tribes of soldiers to seek foreign enemies for himself. Once mobilized, several tribes of Oding, including the Basak Inside, they will each have their own legion number. For example, the Bashak legion number is "Chixue." However, it is difficult to generalize how much combat power this legion can have. Some tribes are strong, and there are more fighters in the formed legion. If some tribes are strong, the number of corps formed is smaller.

This gave rise to a strange phenomenon. There was a precedent in history: in large-scale wars between some empires, often after the mobilization, the enemy ’s congress had a headache. The army of the Odin Empire was too complicated and chaotic. Some of the Odin army, known as a legion, actually have a combat power of only a few thousand people. However, some Odin legions can reach 100,000 people! As for the current status of the Odin Empire, there are more than ten legions in the empire. Among the six tribes, in addition to the Saul, the other five tribes have a legion. But the number of each legion ranged from 30,000 to 60,000. Among them, the Red Snow Army of the Basak has over 50,000 combat power. If it is placed in Byzantium, it can already reach two regiments.

The Royal Saul has 3,000 soldiers and legions. Among them, the most famous in recent years is the Black Flag Army, which has been commanded by Hastings, but the number of Black Flag troops is actually not large, only 30,000, and The Byzantine Empire has similar numbers. The other two legions of the Saurs, one is the "Divine Punishment" commanded by Emperor Odin himself. The number of perpetuals remains around 50,000. It is the most legendary and powerful army recognized within the Odin Empire, but This army will only be dispatched under the circumstances of Odin ’s prosecution. On weekdays, it only guards the capital around the city of Odin. It is not a step away, even in the case of civil war within the Odin empire. The Divine Punishment Corps has also hardly participated.

In recent years, Emperor Odin has rarely made a step out of Odin's Divine City. He has not been conscripted for many years, so the reputation of this legion was gradually overshadowed by the Black Flag Army of Hastings.

The other Saul corps, known as "Thunder Cloud", has always had more than 100,000 establishments. In history, there have even been 200,000 peak times. The Thundercloud Legion is a standing army of the Sauls. It will be launched in every war, but more often it will play a role in the domestic war against the rebel tribe. In addition to this, Emperor Odin has the power to conquer other small clans other than the five strong clans according to the situation of the war, and temporarily organize them into legions to fight, and he can assign his own cronies such as his prince. Acting as interim commander.

But once the war is over, these legions will dissolve and return to their respective tribes.

In the last war with Byzantium, the mixed legion commanded by Crown Prince Kokoran belonged to this type.

However, in order to show respect for the other five strong clans, Emperor Odin would never directly send people to command the legions belonging to the other five strong clans, nor would he deprive the other five strong clans of command of his army. The other five strong clans are relatively independent.

It can be said that in the Odin empire, the relationship between the Saul royal family and the other five strong families has always been delicate and complicated.

Despite the existence of the legendary Odin's ancient iron laws, all races must respect the Sol. However, Bi Jing also has some declining times that the Saurs have experienced in history. Other strong races have become more powerful, disrespecting the Sauls ’orders, and even have a record of overhead royalty. But after all, according to Odin's legend, even if other strong tribes became strong, there were occasional records of oppression of the Saurs, but even in the history of the Sauls' most declining and weakest times, other clans did not. Dare to directly attack and destroy the Saul tribe, the royal family blessed and resigned by the Lord God of Odin.

In the same way, there will be an era when the Saul is extremely powerful. The other five strong races can only breathe their breath, but even so, the Sauls at most try to weaken them as much as possible, but they never really The other clans died directly.

The contemporary Emperor Odin is a rare character who is rare for Saul enemies for a century. His personal strength is also known as the strongest man in the world. Under his rule, Sol The Seoul ethnic group is also very strong, and the other five ethnic groups dare not to rebel in the slightest. But Emperor Odin was not a rude solitary husband. He did not use force to oppress other clans, but showed a method that even the politicians of Byzantium and Landis admired.

For example, this Manninger, his youngest daughter is married to the great prince of the King Odin, and at the same time as the brothers of the King Odin, and the Basak family has always been the most determined Sol Allies and supporters of the royal family.

In the contemporary Emperor Odin himself, his own mother was once the daughter of another strong tribe ’s patriarch. He married the previous generation Odin Emperor. After he succeeded, he naturally took care of his mother ’s mother family. Moreover, half of his mother's and mother's bloodlines also flowed on him. Natural mothers also fully supported his rule.

The six strong clan, the King of Odin, the strongest Sol royal clan, and the Basak and another strong clan also support him. How is the rule unstable?

For a time, the Throne of the Seal of God, under the rule of the current Emperor Odin, the current Odin Empire can almost be called the most harmonious and united era in the history of the six strong ethnic groups in the Odin Empire. The national strength is strong, while the Byzantines of the neighboring countries in the south have suffered from the Tema military district system. The national strength has gradually weakened. In recent years, in the war with Odin Emperor, there were nine defeats in the ten battles, and some were gradually overwhelmed I feel angry.

In the mobilization of this expedition, Emperor Odin even personally made a promise to Manninger, the Pasak patriarch, and his own ally.

"The Red Snow Army went south along the Albaktor Plain Corridor and passed through the wildfire into the Byzantine! I promise you one thing! You drive straight! All the places occupied by the Red Snow Army will be your Basak territory after the war. The Zaor and other tribes, no one village or city! The Byzantine people who occupy the land are all your slaves, and other tribes are not allowed to compete! The wealth that is taken is your Basak So you do n’t have to give me a gold coin! "

He promised such a big promise, while Manninger was also an ally of Emperor Odin, and the prince married his daughter. Now it seems that the prince is very likely to be the next Odin **** The emperor's successor, by then, her daughter will be the queen! And if you can give birth to the prince and be established as the heir ... From now on, for at least three generations, my own Basak tribe is properly tied to the Saul! So no matter what, the promise of Odin's Divine Bird, he will never give up! Go south! The land that belongs to me belongs to me! The people they occupy belong to me! I own the wealth! Think of the fertile land of the Byzantine Empire, the rich wealth, and the weak army ... How can the Odin soldiers not be moved and not excited? !! This time, Manninger had already trained the elite warriors of the Basak, leaving less than 100,000 soldiers to guard his homeland, and 40,000 troops to form the Red Snow Army. Before the war, he obtained the decree of Emperor Odin. Byzantium was chaotic in his life, he was too busy taking care of himself, the border was not prepared, and the army was dragged into the mire of the civil war. Therefore, Manninger also abandoned all the material weight, tens of thousands of troops, only carrying less than ten days of rations, marching south at all costs! As long as they rushed into the Byzantine territory, the unguarded Byzantine sheep ... Well, are the axe blades in the hands of the Odin soldiers afraid of not having food and clothing?

Thinking of this, even the refreshing night breeze could not blow the blood in my heart, Manninger was so excited that he could not help but jumped up and yelled, "Add! Add! Southbound!"

As the leader shouted, the little chiefs responded one after another, urging the soldiers to step forward.

But a moment later, someone suddenly reported that his forward cavalry sent someone to call for urgent news.

Manninger froze a little, and he was a little curious. The information before the expedition showed that the Byzantine Empire was unstable in the country, and the royal and local military district governors were incompatible. In this expedition, the enemy ’s army will not be blocked at the border at all. Happening?

Subsequently, it turned out that an Odin warrior came on a reindeer, which was his vanguard.

Manninger rode on his strange horse like a silver lion, and looked coldly at the forward cavalry warrior: "How? Have you already occupied Wildfire Town?"

But the other party's return made Manninger suddenly stunned! "Our forward cavalry has rushed out of the Albaktor Corridor, less than ten miles away from Wildfire Town! But suddenly the mountains and the trees everywhere were the banner of the Byzantine army.


Manninger frowned, his face gloomy: "Did you see clearly!"

The cavalry replied: "Look clearly! Several brothers were sent to try to approach, but before they approached, they were shot back by random arrows."

Manninger's expression was cold and cold, his head flickered for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked up and sneered: "Ha! Pretending to be a ghost! Want to block my army like this? Such a stupid plan, think I would be fooled!"

He immediately laughed at the many leaders of the followers of the tribe around him: "This must be a small Byzantine frontier ride! We have where our army is now! They have no power to stop us, so they will deliberately arrange such crude strategies, thinking Makes me suspicious and dare not march? How could I have such a bad trick in Manninger! "

He laughed aloud, and many of the leaders around him also laughed out loud.

Manninger arrogantly shouted: "The order! The former striker, first leveled the mountain, and chopped down the heads of the enemy forces inside! I expect that the enemy forces are only a hundred people!"

This Manninger is really powerful, but after a little thought, the result of the judgment is almost the same as the actual situation.

But when he gave the order, suddenly the order came from the Odin soldiers: "Leader! There was news from the front! Say ... the enemy sent a messenger to the war books.

Byzantine army envoy? Next book? !! Manninger, who was still confident just now, suddenly looked suspicious.

As Xia's single horse approached the Odin Army slowly, the Red Snow Army in front of him really turned out to be a strong army! Although the Red Snow Army had stopped advancing under Manninger's order, tens of thousands of troops suddenly stopped without any confusion. Among the army, those sturdy Odin soldiers were all at a glance. Elite and lined up, no one was noisy.

Charya approached slowly with a single gun, watching a team of mighty Odin fighters staring at himself with a hostile look. Thousands of eyes shot. Some Odins grinned and sneered. The axe in the room was cold.

The surrounding people are crowded, although a path has been set up to let Xia pass, but the sword is like a forest, and there are expressions of crickets around, even if Charlie is bold, she can't help but feel a little embarrassed, but she is riding on the surface. Immediately, he held his chest up and didn't squint, making a cold-hearted look.

Among the army formations, under a crimson banner that was several meters high, Charia saw Manninger and immediately confirmed the identity of the other party.

Manninger's figure was too dazzling.

Even among the generally tall and majestic Odin people, Manninger's body shape can be considered to be extremely sturdy, with a wild taste of silver. Although the eyes are small, they are full of light. Flashing, wide shoulders, at first glance, he was a brave man, even more sturdy and mighty, the others standing beside him seemed to be shorter.

If he is not Suenig, who is still?

Xia Ya sneered deliberately on the face, and slowly rushed the horse to stop ten steps away. Suddenly, a group of Odin warriors in leather armor gathered around and held the middle Xia with an axe. Axe light Blinking, as long as Charlie made any frivolous move, hundreds of axes around it would be cut off together.

Charya rolled her eyes and looked at Manninger, who was standing under the big banner, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahahahahahaha!"

With this laugh, he deliberately used his full breath, and the laughter flew far and wide in the wind at night, and it was loud and full of fear.

Manninger looked at Charlie, his eyes narrowed: "Byzantine army officer, what are you laughing at!"

Xia Ya raised her chest and proudly exclaimed: "I am just a single horse. Among these armies, you must kill me, like crushing an ant! But your army is so nervous and scared. Coming to the enemy, huh, it really doesn't look like the fierce rival Chi Xuejun spread from the mouth of my Rhoderian cavalry! Manninger raised his eyebrows and raised his hand, and suddenly Zhou Zhou ’s axeman retreated, and Manninger also I took a few steps up the horse, and I only stopped when I was only five or six steps away from Xia. After looking at Xia, I frowned after a while: "What are you talking about?" Rhoderian cavalry? "

"Exactly!" Xia Ya proudly raised her chest.

Manninger sneered two times: "I heard that you came to the war books? War books? Show me.

Charlie sneered, and sneered: "We are byzantine iron cavalry, we fight and fight, where do we write those garbled words! What I said is the war book! Your army suddenly waved south, aiming to invade my empire territory! Our army is stationed in the frontier and has already detected your whereabouts! Hum, since this is no need to talk nonsense! Our two armies once fought! Although our army had the upper hand, but after hearing our general said, the Red Snow Army is indeed worthy of Odin ’s strong army, if the war situation was not irreversible at that time, our army may not be able to win! Since you are here again this time, then everyone will happily, put on a posture, and fight hard! Look at it. The snow army is powerful, or my Rhoderian cavalry is mighty! "

In the end, Xia took a deep breath, and suddenly yelled loudly, "Odin soldier, dare to fight brightly !!!"

How dare you fight brightly! !! !! This sentence suddenly sent away with the wind, I was afraid that the surrounding Odin soldiers could really hear it! Seeing that Charlie is in the midst of the army, she is majestic and has no fear, coupled with Charlie's own physique and uprightness ~ ~ With this grandeur, even though it is a hostile stand, it respects the hero. From the Odin's point of view, many people have a little respect for their lives.

Immediately, without waiting for Manninger to speak around, some other leaders of the Basak tribe yelled, "What dare not!"

"Battle!" "We Basak Warriors, are you afraid of your Rhoderians!" "Then fight! See who the true heroes are !!!!" Charya looked cold and undeterred, staring at Manninger with a stern look.

Manninger was also sinking in water, raised his hand and made a gesture, and all the screams around him disappeared.

Manninger's eyes were like a blade, forced to look at Xia, his eyes changed, and he suddenly smiled: "So big tone! So make a strong statement! Humph, do you want to fool me with such a crude trick!"

He continued to sneer: "Rhoderia? Haha! Joke! If the Rhoderia cavalry is really gone, of course, the Red Snow Army is not afraid of World War I! We must be fully convinced after the Rodria cavalry! See you later I saw the flag of the Red Snow Army and fled !!! "He said here, but suddenly he turned his head, stared at Xia, and said coldly," But ... the Rhoderian cavalry you said ... hmm , I'm afraid it's not here at all!

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