
Chapter 223: [Acai's Secret]

"The entire army is centralized, all of us are concentrated, heavy transportation, and auxiliary arms, no matter whether they are husbands or grooms, no one can fall behind! We steadily fight and then move towards the emperor! There is no need to make it like a bereavement dog, we are like this Push it all the way! "

This is Ruhr's final decision.

Looking at the Crown Prince's eyes, Ruhr took a breath and slowly said, "I must do this. Don't forget, we only have one corps, and because of the last war, the thirteenth corps has not recovered to the best. State, we have at most only 60% of the combat effectiveness before the last war. Moreover, we have only 20,000 people! This number seems to be a lot, but don't forget that we must pass through the enemy-occupied areas of the two counties in front! This enemy may have received the news of the imperial capital's change, so even if we run as fast as we ca n’t keep up with the spread of the news. So we cannot risk advancing! In case those rebels are blocking us along the way, if we only carry a small amount of equipment to move Heavy, we can deal with up to two battles, and we will be in a state of no supply! More importantly ... don't forget, we are cavalry !!! If the enemy blocks us with a solid wall, "the cavalry must not be used to hit the head The walls! The two flag regiments advanced violently and were too risky. We are likely to be pursued and blocked by the enemy on the road, and the entire army will be overwhelmed. "

Garcia looked at Ruhr. At this moment, the crown prince had restored his former appearance. He was dressed in a uniform and naked, and even each button was fastened, his head was neat, his beard was clean, and he looked at Ruhr calmly: "So, what do you mean? General, you are more experienced than me, and I believe your sheep are broken."

Ruhr nodded: "We gather our troops ... to push them all the way. If we split the army, the local army will be out of our minds, but if it is a full and complete Rodria Cavalry Regiment" I think those guys want to think of our ideas, we must weigh them carefully! Huh, although this guy is a group, I do n’t believe that military news everywhere do n’t have their own selfishness. Who would run the risk of fighting hard with us and hurting ourselves? These guys are not fools. If they fight hard with us and lose too much, then they will lose their status in their own group. So ... we are like a hand with our fists clenched and pushed all the way! To deter them, to give them no chance, I am more than half sure, maybe we can walk peacefully along the way! "

Scholars of later generations have given various evaluations to such an interesting phenomenon while studying this important event of the empire.

General Ruhr, known for his escape and marching, led a cavalry regiment, the most elite of the empire, and was known for its fast-moving forces. , Steadily moved closer to the emperor.

General Adrik, known for his bravery, precision, and stability, led a mixed infantry regiment, abandoning all the weights he could throw away, and marching in a nearly crazy posture.

This procrastination caused enthusiastic discussions among military history research experts for many years afterwards.

And just in this big change, the prelude to this turbulent event was officially opened. When the whole big six winds and clouds, outside of the northern border of the country, and in the vast forest east of the wildfire field, our soil, While still spinning around in the woods ...

"It's the third day! Aca, you're not taking us the wrong way!"

Tu Ying slaps a grunt on his face, slaps a mosquito trying to **** his blood, and slaps a piece of blood on his palm, muttering and cursing two words.

The look of that Zaku boy, A Cai, is calm, but it is almost somber. In fact, as long as he doesn't speak, Xia really can't see this. What exactly is the young man's face, because these Zaku people The skin is generally dark, and from the point of view of Xia Ya, these guys are all the same: a black face.

However, the girl Su Ling is a different kind.

Along the way, this little girl was riding on the back of her sika deer and barking non-stop, like a little sparrow, and always liked to walk around Charya. Complained that the air in the woods was humid, complained that it was too hot during the day, made her sweat too much, complained that it was too cold at night, complained that her delicate skin was bitten by mosquitoes, complained that the food was too difficult, begging ............ But she does n’t complain about the throne of God ’s Seal all the time. Occasionally, as long as Charlie and her say a few words, this chick just sends a string of laughter, even Charlie has to admit it, this The little girl's laughter sounded really good, just like the singing of the most beautiful yellow warbler in the forest, crisp and full of aura.

However, the original process of searching for magic coffee taro only took more than two days, and on the third day, she still found nothing, which made Xia a little impatient.

According to the plan, they should have found what they were looking for the night before, returned to the Zaku tribe to enjoy the Zaku fruit wine and tobacco, and then carried the gold given by the chief warrior home. But now they are still in the woods!

The Zaku teenager named A Cai is getting heavier. He just leads the way silently every day. He rarely talks to Xia, but only occasionally speaks two words during the break, which is simply: " Take a good break, or "Keep the police sails on, etc.

Xia noticed that every night during the break, the boy always sat aside, and then looked at Su Ling with a complicated look. At this time, Su Ling was always next to Xia.

A Cai's eyes have been strange for the past month, and the time has come to see the throne of the Seal of Seals more and more. Sometimes, the information revealed in his eyes is obviously hesitant about something, and it seems that he is struggling.

At the end of the day, such eyes finally aroused Xia's suspicion.

"This is the last day." Xia finally said, "Tomorrow is the fourth day! If we can't find what we are looking for tomorrow night, we will give up, then go back and go back to the tribe! We have been out for four God, it takes four days to go back, and eight days to go back and forth!

We cannot continue to waste so much time! "

He looked at Dodoro: "I'm sorry, Dodoro, we can't stay here indefinitely! If we can't find it, we can only give up your magic kiss."

Totoro at this time actually became more generous, and the magician actually answered: "I have no opinion, master! Anyway, we want to return to Lord Merlin! Who can learn by Lord Merlin, who cares about the **** magic union The broken badge awarded? Huh! When my magic is done, I will return to the Emperor with a big swing! Those guys who dare look down on me! At that time, they will naturally obediently give me a magic badge! Maybe It ’s still gold (senior magician)! "


A Cai, who has been sinking, has finally expressed her opinion: "Since this is your choice, I have nothing to say, I'm just a guide anyway."

When he said this, he couldn't help staring at Su Ling for a while, and he could see that this, the young man couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, and there was a sense of struggle in his eyes, but he finally made up his mind: forced Kind of.

Charya secretly remembered this look in her heart.

"Be careful, kid, that Zaku boy has a problem."

Dora in her head reminded.

"Hum." Xia didn't react to the next day ... that is, the morning of the fourth day when they came out, the group of four continued to move into the woods as planned.

After having breakfast, Charlie seemed to be very relaxed. She carried a machete in her hand and walked next to A Cai. From time to time, she ran to look at the big tree next to it, and occasionally folded one in the grass. The grass bites in his mouth, and sometimes he chases a few steps with a pheasant in the passing bush.

But in the morning, Xia suddenly caught up a few steps, holding down A Cai, who was waving a knife and chopping thorns.

He exerted a great deal of strength. When he pressed it, Aca ’s shoulder suddenly became short. The Zaku teenager felt that his shoulder was pinched by iron tongs. There was a sudden pain, and his arm was soft and turned around. Discoloration: "What are you doing?" Xia Ya snorted and pushed hard ~ ~ Pushed A Cai to the ground, took a step forward, and waited for A Cai to struggle, she stepped on A kick On the chopper's knife, Congo stared down at the young man tightly: "Boy, what are you doing ?!"

"Me?" Zaku's eyes changed, then he shook his head: "I don't understand what you say."

Xia Ya grinned, leaned down, stared at this, the teenager's eyes grinned, showing a white tooth "Oh? Don't you understand?" Hey, what are you doing? "Su Ling ran up a few steps, took her deer, ran to Xia's side, and pulled Xia:" What are you doing? " Why should we push A Cai down? "

Xia Ya held back her anger and turned to look at Su Ling: "Shut up, chick." His eyes were too fierce, and Su Ling could not help but flinch. Then she looked at A Cai on the ground, and gritted her teeth to continue the soil. Before, holding Charya's arm and trying to pull the soil! Get out of here first!

Do n’t bully A Cai, he is my friend. ”

"Friend?" Xia snorted. "Your friend obviously has an unspeakable secret. Your friend, more obviously, is taking us around the road!"

(The next one will be at 6 o'clock tonight)

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