
Chapter 218: [Night out of town]

Although it was separated by a canal, the killing breath seemed to be enough to make people breathless. In the red zone across the canal, the garrison guarded the bridge and beams nervously guarding the bridge and beams. The garrison and the city guards of the imperial capital looked at each other across the river.

Both sides seemed to be waiting for what everyone knew. Once that order arrived, it was an unavoidable killing.

The night air was full of sensation. The cold metal seemed to be able to smell at least two thousand soldiers gathered on the two ends of such a jumping beam, but at this moment there was no sound at all.

In contrast, the guards in the Red Zone are more nervous. The city guards on the other side are still mobilizing in the dark. The soldiers running and the sound of horseshoes are heard steadily. The more the city guards are coming towards here Many buildings across the canal have been occupied by the city guards in the night on the high ground, and those archers who have been waiting for the vaguely can be seen.

At this moment the air seems to have frozen!

The moonlight dimly dripped on the water surface of the city. The moonlight and the shields in the hands of the soldiers appeared as cold as the cold light at the moment ... The only thing I could hear was the creaking sound of the bowstring tightening for too long.

Finally, a low applause from the end of the bridge in the Red Zone on the other side came, and then the running guards moved the horses on the bridge away from the wheels and rolled out two carriages slowly.

The crunching sound of the wheels rolled as if the axles that had not been oiled for a long time were fast and died all the way. The sound of the horses, like the old man's stubby, was full of mud and heavy hoofs.

In the almost touched atmosphere of the two sides, the two carriages slowly moved the road across the shore at least. Ten crossbow arrows were stopped by the city guards.

A few city guard orchids stepped forward nervously before they were relieved.

"It's a water tanker for water delivery." A soldier checked the huge buckets on the carriage and jumped down and gave the officer a look. "Two hours ago, these two vehicles went in for water transportation ... we have searched Stupid. "

The leader's officer hesitated.

Under the strict order above, the Red District has been surrounded for a few days, but because the last order did not come down after all, these days the city guards have only gone to blockade. The vehicles that carry food, vegetables and drinking water are still in and out every day. After passing strict inspection, even if the firewood is delivered, soldiers will poke it with a spear.

The soldiers on the carriage had opened the empty inside of each bucket, and there was only a layer of water rust left on the iron sheet of the bucket wall.

The officer hesitated and nodded, "Let it go."

After all, no final attack order was given. Even the soldiers of many city guards are hesitating. Maybe they will change their minds at the last moment.

Everyone knows that the red zone is the last bottom line! Once you cross this bottom line, you are finally declaring war and breaking.

"Let it go!"

The soldiers shouted nervously, and then the guard of the city separated the thick shield wall to make a passage to let the broken old carriage pass slowly.

The leading officer watched the car slowly pass through, and suddenly a little faint anxiety came to him. He suddenly grasped the men around him. "Bring today's records!"

He quickly glanced at the entry and exit record on the bridge today. "How many cars are today?"

"Six times." The soldiers replied, "Three times were transporting food, once was transporting firewood and coal, and twice were transporting water. There were a total of 33 trips. I checked the number of vehicles that were sent in and the number of vehicles that came out last And the compartments were checked for entrapment and suspicious things.

The officer was relieved. He smiled wryly and shook his head. It seemed that he was too nervous. This **** situation is making people crazy!

When is such a blockade a head?


Span led a team of cavalry around the intersection and raced towards the canal. At this moment, the commander-in-chief of the city guard's face was somber with a heavy feeling in his heart that was so overwhelming that he couldn't breathe, even if he was running wildly, he couldn't alleviate the feeling of dullness in his heart.

My chest is uncomfortable. "It seems to be raining this day?

The placket in his breastplate was soaked with sweat, and in his breastplate was also a handwritten warrant of the Emperor Cantos!

At this moment General Spence suddenly felt a sense of historical mission!

He knew very well that the order he had executed might not be or was about to come! The fate of this empire is about to change! !!

"The person who sounded the death knell" Span suddenly felt a tragedy ridiculous immediately. "Will my name be left when future generations record history? I will ring the death knell of this millennium with my own hands? "

Thinking of the general's low mood here, he immediately bit his tongue hard and kicked the belly strongly to force himself to cheer up.

He is a soldier after all! He must carry out his orders!

Span's cavalry turned across the street in front of the intersection. At the end of the street was a bridge and canals. At the intersection, I saw the two empty water trucks. The two sides came slowly and met each other at the intersection. The two water trucks turned in the direction of the other side of the intersection slowly.

Span slowed the horse's running speed subconsciously, probably because the crunching sound of the seductive wheel broke his mind. The general naturally looked up at the two water trucks.

The cavalry behind him all stopped.

There were only the sound of crunching wheels on the street, and the sound of a heavy "throat" sounded by the horses pulling the cart trampled on the blue pavement.

Suddenly, some of Spoon's hearts were envious of the two water trucks ... because at this time they could be lucky to leave the place where the fire was about to be lit!

The spitting horse's hoof sound came from far away and combined with the sound of heavy wheels. Span saw a bit of strangeness flashing in his mind. He frowned, then shook his head, and then re-led the horse slowly toward the canal.

Span came to the side of the canal, turned over and dismounted, immediately summoned the officers who had traveled here. After listening to the officer's report, Span nodded.

Nothing seems abnormal.

There was no change in the red zone. The garrison inside it just refused the bank along the canal. This was also an expected situation.

(Perhaps neither they nor I ... didn't expect His Majesty to be so crazy.)

Span is very clear that although there are a thousand elite defenders in the red zone and according to previous information, it seems that this thousand defenders are far more elite than their own city guards, whether it is the opponent's weapon armor or single soldier. Quality.

But after all, one thousand elites who are trapped in an area in the Imperial City have absolute superiority in the strength of each other's army. Even if they are filled with more people, they can fill the other side!

If it's just the red zone, then this task doesn't seem to be too difficult at all

But standing on the bridge and looking at the "red zone" on the other side, why is the feeling of oppression and anxiety in his heart getting stronger?

Are you afraid? Afraid of the doomsday that the impending empire collapses after the red zone?

Doesn't seem like ...

Huh no matter how much it is, grab it here first! Even if the empire is to end in the end, the heads of those warlords in Salvador will be cut off first! Generals need to be deadly swords and stained with the blood of those enemies.

Span slowly pulled out his sword and whispered, "Line up!"

The officer who heard this order first glanced at the staring dog and stared at General Span.

Span took a complicated look at his subordinates "executive formation"

Seeing the instructions of the commanders, Tao silently watched all the stunned, ten-armed soldiers such as forests, spears, and wall shields in the moonlight. It was bitterly cold in the mouth of Span. How good it would be if he could leave at this time? ?

go away"…"

Span took two steps to lift up the long hanging and was about to say a few words of mobilization. Suddenly, the idea of ​​the infinite expansion of the thoughts on the road saw the scene falling deeper and deeper into his heart!

Suddenly Span suddenly changed his face! !!

He was full of weirdness and anxiety when he passed by just passing through his heart. The anxiety when he passed the last intersection increased by several times. He originally thought that he was too tense until the moment, but at the moment he felt it was not! !!

That ... horse hoof! !!

The hoof of the waterwheel! !! !!

The sound of "Dideo's horseshoe" on the long street mixed with the rolling wheels in the night!

For a short while, General Span reflected where his anxiety had come from!

That horseshoe sound is definitely not what ordinary horses pulling carts should have! !!

The powerful and short horse hoof sounds like a horse's majesty and full of power! And the vomiting sound that fell to the ground can only make such a sound! And Span is an experienced veteran, after all, he knows it! Only the sound of the good hoof on the texture of the new hoof just nailed will be so crisp! !!

Obviously there is no need to nail the brand new horseshoes of the kind used to pull a carriage!

Even in the cavalry, only the best horseshoes can be nailed to the horses before the cavalry's large-scale war to keep the horses motive for long marches!

After thinking clearly about this section of Spane's discoloration, he had already stood at the front of the queue and suddenly went crazy like he rushed past his subordinates and yelled, "In and out of records! In and out of records! ! "

Some of his subordinates were stunned and stunned by Span's dysfunction, and Span was suddenly sweating!

"Asshole! You idiots!"

Span yelled, "The cavalry is on the horse! Hurry up! El Salvador is gone!"

The subordinates of the "General" were still there. Span had already whipped an angry whip and said, "What a fool! Those horse-drawn horses are all good horses! The best horseshoes have been nailed! They are about to run away!"

He waited for his subordinates to report that Span had rushed to the side of the cavalry queue and yelled, "The cavalry chased after me! Catch up with those transport carriages !!! Hurry!"

But at this time suddenly a loud horn sounded suddenly in the red zone opposite the bridge!

On the other side of the night, the garrison on the other side launched a few ready-made crossbow crossbow arrows. The greased cortex was already tied up, and the torch was ignited. After the crossbow arrows were ignited, a number of rockets were directed towards the roar Shoot across!

The powerful penetrating crossbow screamed and suddenly shot a pair of houses directly next to the bridge here! "Boom" The top of a house collapsed on the spot, exclaiming the archer hiding in the roof, with lime dust flying in between.

The volley of several crossbows suddenly knocked down the bridge of the city guard who had lined up. A dozen soldiers were shot by the powerful crossbow directly and screamed.

In the fury of Span, he was hugged by the subordinates around him and rolled on the ground before he escaped a crossbow. But the officer who overthrew him was cut off by a crossbow that flew on the spot!

Span's face was full of blood. He just jumped over and jumped up. He heard the sound of shouting in the red zone across the bank!

A team of cavalry rushed out directly across the bridge beam. The soldiers who trampled on the bridge beamed their swords and screamed loudly. There were also a large number of infantry soldiers with red belts on their bodies!

"Welcome the enemy! Welcome the enemy! The enemy broke out !! Archer !!! Block the bridge !!!!"

Spoon waved his sword and roared! His loud voice oscillated in the dark and suddenly became the backbone of the city guard soldiers. The archers on both sides of the house reflected the dense arrow rain covering the bridge surface from the attack of the crossbow.

From time to time on the bridge surface in the night came the screams of the cavalry's arrows turning over and falling off the horse and the sadness of the horses falling.

However, in the dense arrow rain, many cavalry rushed out and whistled into the queue of the city guard. Span yelled at his long sword, which had already ignited the fighting spirit. One of the swords rushed to a cavalry company in front of him and took a horse to split into two half-bloods. The tiger shouted, "Stop them !! Stop them back! "

After all, the number of city guards occupied the absolute advantage. The infantry lined up and blocked the bridge heads. The cavalry rushed into the queue, but they were only forcibly opened. The gaps were soon added by more city guards. The more and more cavalry fell off the horse and died under the city guard's chaos, not even the entire body was left!

The infantry who rushed out behind was intercepted by archers on the west of the bridge, and the number of people who rushed across the bridge was severely injured. At this moment, the city guards had completely stood firm and the officers screamed and sang. The next step by step, the pressing step by step has gradually passed the small half of the bridge beam!

As more and more soldiers broke out, they ran back with a shout, and some flew their weapons into the canal.

But the battle here has caused too much movement. On the canal, a small boat arranged by the city guards has been rowed over the river ... The city guard in the boat wields a spear and jumps into the water to try to get leeches. A stunned and prepared team of City Guard soldiers took off their armors, bite their knives, jumped into the water, and the sound of water splashing into the water soon turned over the bodies.

Span had rushed to the end of the line and he grabbed a vice general and shouted, "Here it to you! Stop the bridge and kill those assholes!"

He turned over and shouted his warhorse, "The cavalry is coming with me! Damn it! El Salvador is gone!"

Point light

General Span's judgment was correct, but only slightly later.

El Salvador is indeed no longer in the Red Zone.

In the past few days, although the city guards surrounded the Red Zone with impenetrability, the cunning El Salvador had already arranged for a strategy to escape.

In the past few days, because the emperor has been slow to order, the city guards only siege the Red Zone without attacking. They still allow transport vehicles to enter and exit every day, although they have been inspected.

The problem is engraved on these transport vehicles.

There is no problem whether the in and out of the transport vehicle is transporting food, drinking water or coal and coal itself, but the problem lies with the horses!

Every empty car has been replaced! In the red zone, the best long-distance running horses were replaced and the best horseshoes were nailed.

And every time the driver who goes in and pulls out the car is replaced with the most elite soldier in the red zone!

Although the guards of the city guards strictly inspected the carriages, they did not pay attention to the horses pulling the carriages. Originally, these excellent war horses were intentionally coated with a lot of mud marks. In order to confuse and listen to these high-quality war horses, they have never trimmed their mane and looked brittle and dirty. Even the driver who pulls the car is full of smudges, and not many people pay attention to these cool mud legs.

For more than 30 vehicles every day for so many days, they have quietly exchanged at least 100 elite cavalry from the Red Zone!

At the moment left in the Red Zone is El Salvador, who said that the next decades-old veteran who follows will have his only task to bring the remaining defenders in the Red Zone to make a deadly breakout and try his best to attract the city Guard's attention.

This strategy is almost ready to succeed!

At the time of the fierce battle in the canals, the last two tankers were crossing the road. After that, I quickly dropped the carriage in the alley!

More than a hundred horses who have quietly escaped from the Red Zone in recent days have been hidden in advance in a residential area near a block in the west of the city. More than a dozen strongholds.

At this moment ... just as the battle was going on in the ditch, countless city guards heard the sound of the bugle and rallied in groups towards the Red Zone, and rushed through the streets in batches of cavalry soldiers and leather boots The cavalry's horseshoes mingled.

Then, a hundred horses quietly gathered in a street in the west of the city. These cavalrymen all changed into the city guard's armor and standard equipment. While the chaos dogs swung into the street, they went in the opposite direction. And go to Xichengmen!

In the middle of this line of rebels is El Salvador!

El Salvador had just arrived. He was hiding in the buckets of the last two cars. Those buckets are specially made. The height inside is shallower than the barrel. There is a hidden space at the bottom of the bucket. Although it is narrow, it can barely allow a person to curl up in the most tense posture.

El Salvador's strategy to escape at this critical moment in the imperial capital's many years of operation is that he began to lay out those war horses that never cut their mane years ago. Even Gu Gu, how to curl up in this special bucket with the most clever posture in the most space-saving El Salvador himself has deliberately practiced on weekdays!

More than a hundred ride across the street and quickly went towards the west gate! In the middle of the night and night, he shouted to kill Zhentian in the direction of the red zone behind him. The most gratifying thing for El Salvador is that the direction of the west city gate in front is quiet as usual!


West gate.

In the middle of the night, the torch on the city gate was as bright as daylight. A black horse-drawn carriage with four horses had slowly arrived under the gate, and the guards guarded under the tower had gathered.

The carriage window opened with a clear and pleasant voice, "I want to see Master Giuseppe." A bright badge flashed quickly as he said.

Soon the officer guarding the West Gate immediately ran out and stood next to the carriage. The officer named Jusaipe saw the badge and saw the face of the carriage with the light of the torch. He was shocked. "... Little ... Miss

Duffini with a cloak in the carriage smiled softly and whispered, "I want to send a friend out of the city ~ ~ Although there is a strict order from the city guard general, Giuseppe who came out of the Minas family is nothing. Without hesitation, he took two steps back and turned and whispered, "Open the gate!" "

Although some of the men raised doubts, the officer just stared at him. No one dared to question his orders under his usual power.

Daifini in the carriage got off the Malay driver and untied the two Malays who pulled the carriage.

Dafini glanced at the officer and whispered "I'm making you trouble."

"It's my pleasure to serve the lady." Zhu Saipe nodded without hesitation.

Stephanie stood next to the window and said, "Care yourself all the way, walk straight north, don't stop, um, me."

There was a half-faced face in the window. Adelin had tears in her eyes, "Defini"

"Come on," Duffini sighed.

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