
Chapter 211: [Zaku]

"This **** crazy woman !!!"

Xia Ya shouted all the way, clutching his ears tightly to the ears, the wind blowing the sky, and the wind blowing into the mouth, so that his shouting sounds deformed with hissing exhaustion.

Poor soil, he thought he should be a character who is not afraid today, but after flying on the flying carpet, he suddenly had a serious problem.

I'm so scared to die! !! !! Poor earth owl "I have a fear of heights ?!

I felt that the high winds that were traveling high in the clouds almost rolled him directly from the blanket on several occasions.

If the height of this **** falls, let alone the dragon's blood is smeared on the body, even if the dragon's blood is smeared, it will definitely be the end of the body! And looking at the mountains and lush woods on the ground below the clouds below, he felt the earth swirling from underneath. He already felt that what he had eaten last night was about to come out of his throat. I still gritted my teeth.

To the side is Dodoro, who has always been timid and cowardly, at this moment looks a hundred times more spiritual than Charya. The magician's look of excitement and excitement, although he also leaned forward with his hands on the edge of the flying carpet, but raised his **** high, but he kept screaming and cheering.

"It's amazing! It's exciting! It's wonderful! Master! Master! This feels really great! Oh my god!"

Just as the magician was cheering, Tu Yuan shouted angrily, "Shut up! You guy! I vomit !!!"

At last Tutu could not stand a spit and rolled his eyes on Dodoro's robe.

Totoro seemed to have been shocked by the wonders flying in the air and shouted in excitement without paying attention to the master's actions.

"This is the most exciting experience of my life !!!"

"Damn! This is the most terrible experience of Lao Tzu's life! Hell! We will all be killed !!!" Xia ’s despair roared "Damn Merlin! Curse this terrible crazy woman! She is a lunatic! A lunatic !!! ! "

This sentence was called out, and Dutoro suddenly screamed, "No! Don't say that! Don't say!"

Just talk

At the deepest part of this mountain forest is perhaps one of the world's most mysterious and hard-to-find areas.

Surrounded by lush and huge mountain forests for thousands of years, this ancient mountain range is a huge natural barrier that blocks everything from the outside world.

Protected by this circle of barriers is the tribe of the Zaku natives.

There is no doubt that the Zaku natives are "people." But the Zaku natives never seem to admit it, at least they always think that they and the "humans" outside are incompatible.

The children walking in the mountains are brave and sturdy. Perhaps in the hearts of many Byzantines, these Zaku natives are more savage, backward and less civilized than the Odins. At least the Ohan is still a country, but these Zakus seem to be just a group of barbaric indigenous peoples who are separated from civilization.

But in the eyes of businessmen, they don't think so. Because the Zaku indigenous people can almost be regarded as the largest gold mine on this Big 6. If not the Zaku people themselves are strong enough to have brave warriors and the protection of the surrounding dense and vast mountains, then such a gold mine is probably long ago It is no longer a secret to be hailed by mankind as to the gold of the Zaku, but the Byzantines are unable to occupy this mountain. It is too big! Even if it is sprinkled into 100,000 troops, it is just a drop of water in this green ocean. The dense forests are not suitable for military operations. There are not only the unpredictable terrible weather, but also the poisonous dead springs that swallow people, the radon that makes people die silently, and all kinds of vicious diseases and viruses.

The most important thing is that this mountain is full of dangerous Warcraft.

Compared to the outside world, this is almost another world.

Hundreds of years ago, a Marshal of the Byzantine Empire once said, "Conquer the Zakul tribe to get their gold? Don't be kidding! We don't have the elves who can conquer the chaotic leader, nor can we conquer the Zakul The only difference between these two groups of guys is that the Zaku people do n’t have long ears and terrible archery but they all live in the same wood. Gold! Although gold is lovely, but we have to calculate how much it will take to lay such a large mountain Only a large number of troops can fill such a large ravine! This military expenditure is enough to allow the imperial foes to collapse first. "

These remarks are undoubtedly correct and the emperors of all empires have clearly held the same point of view. Even the arrogant and violent Emperor Odin has never thought of the Zaku.

In addition to gold, the Zaku people also produce a lot of things that are popular in the six major regions.

For example, their tobacco is said to have been taken by Zaku girls on their healthy and smooth thighs. For this reason, smoking Zaku's cigarettes has become an interesting imagination.

There are also some weird herbs made by the Zaku people and all kinds of small Warcraft they tamed are good things that the caravans on the Big 6 are very welcome.

Many people think that the Zaku natives are just a group of uncivilized savages, but few people actually know that the Zaku people actually have a fairly sound social structure.

The tribe of the Zaku natives is not what people think of "a group of barbarians living together". In fact, there are more than a dozen tribes of the Zaku natives in the mountains. The largest one is directly led by the chief, and the other smaller tribes are located in the surrounding area of ​​the chief. Among Zakaku's supreme leader, Zaku also has shaman sacrifices and so on.

If you want to talk about history, the time of the existence of the Zaku Turks is that the Seal of the Seal of God is even much earlier than the history of the founding of the Byzantine Empire. "

They are as close to natural creatures as elves. They are good at taming animals like Druid in the legendary legend. When they are the son of Sishan, the dwarf, they also possess various human characteristics.

This is a strange group and a strange race.

In the deepest part of the forest, this place is called "Wang Valley". This is the main tribe of the Zaku Turks belonging to the Chieftain.

The tribal village's zhaizi presents a hexagonal prism.Although it is a rough wall made of huge giant wood and rocks, it is actually more solid than anyone imagined. If an empire general would stand here, he would definitely duck. The structural shape of the wall of the simian pattern.

Because the shape of the prismatic fortress is recognized as the shape of the strongest defensive fortress! The evolution of the Byzantine empire's war civilization to the appearance of a prismatic fortress wall was 600 years ago, and the history of Zaku people building this type of walled city is more than three times!

At sunset, the sun ’s remnants fell on the green of the earth forest and were dyed in a layer of the last brilliant afterglow. The distinctive round clay houses in the village of Zaku tribe raised smoke everywhere. If you think the Zaku natives It's the kind of barbarian who puts out four big bonfires every night and a group of natives smeared with oil paint, holding bones and drumming around and waiting for the fire to dance and howl ... then you are wrong.

Although the current Zaku natives will do the same, they are limited to the grand festival or the birthday of the chieftain.


A Cai was standing on the wall, holding the spear in his hand, obviously nervous. The spear tip of the short spear, he already grinded Xueliang's beast skin robe. His mother took three days to sew out the seal of the seal of the throne. He had a circle of animal teeth hanging on his neck. These were from He pryed out of the prey's mouth!

Young A Cai is a sixteen-year-old Zaku native, just like most young Zaku natives. He is robust, full of vitality and simple and brave in nature. But young A Cai still has her own troubles.

Of course, this trouble is not because the animal teeth on his neck still lack a tiger tooth. Although his neighbor Agra, two years older than him, has two snow-white tiger teeth on his neck, this dish makes A Cai envious, but he Very confident that he believes that if he meets a tiger in the woods, he will be able to get a tooth back!

He has two biggest troubles.

The first worry is that although he is already a ten-year-old warrior in the Zaku natives at the age of sixteen and his hunting and spear skills are very good, the people in the tribe seem to inevitably have a habit. Compare young A Cai with his brave and uncle. One of the words he heard the most since Ana was ten years old is, "Good boy, you must be as brave as your uncle in the future."

Uncle is one of the top warriors in the tribe. He used to give a lot of credit to the tribe and is an idol for the young children of Zaku, but A Cai is determined to surpass his brave uncle!

By the way, his uncle's name is "Azuo".

As for the second annoyance, it's more special. "

The sixteen-year-old A Cai is about to welcome his adulthood according to the traditions of all Zaku people. According to the Zaku tradition, each Zaku man must participate in the tribe's ritual of rituals this year when he is sixteen years old. This ritual of rituals includes requiring everyone to hunt and hunt a beast growing in the woods. This beast can It is a giant wolf, it can be a lizard or something, and it is required not to kill its own prey, because this prey will be tamed by itself to become everyone's first mount! Another important part of the ritual of becoming a human is circumcision.

This part is the most unsettling reason in A Cai's heart. Every time he looks at himself when he takes a bath or urinates, he thinks that he needs to make a knife on it. This fear will make him a little nervous.

He is sixteen years old and already knows something about men and women. Sometimes when he passes through the tobacco leaves field, he looks at the healthy Zaku girls in the clan wearing turbans and short skirts, laughing and picking off the tobacco leaves. His young heart gave birth to an indescribable throbbing inexplicable impulse that would throb in the bottom of his heart.

To cut a knife, "It must be painful."

A Cai is standing on the wall with some spirits. This is his first job as a guard. He hopes to fulfill his first duties brilliantly, but I do n’t know why he feels uneasy today. Maybe he heard it. The news that his uncle Azuo will be returning to the tribe with a few mysterious VIPs in the near future is too exciting for him.

It's just that after hearing this news, not everyone in the tribe was very happy. At least the face of the high sacrifice was better than the gloomy day. In recent days, the high sacrifice always kept itself in the house and did not see anyone.

The sun is about to go down, and by then, A Cai can complete the first day of guarding and then go home to eat.

He held a short spear and looked at the distant sky. Suddenly something appeared in his sight to stop him.

In the distance of the sky, in the light of the setting sun, there is a shadow flying far away, and the shadow flutters in the sky, but the degree is very fast. A Cai thought that it might be a mountain eagle or a bird of prey. But After that thing soon approached, the eyes of the young Zaku warrior were already widened!

That was a flying blanket! The most bizarre is that there are people in the work surface! !!

A sharp humming sound came from the distant sky, and the howling sound fell into the ear very much because the interference of the wind was not clear, but the sound became louder and the shadow on the sky was getting closer and closer. The flying blanket above it seemed to have lost control and was planted from the cloud and crooked towards the wall!


A black shadow almost glide past A Cai's head, and then slammed the sound of a piece of wood slamming on the lookout on the wall of the wall. Then the blanket fell softly, and then the two figures fluttered and smashed on. On the ground ~ ~ The first thing that fell to the ground was the poor magician Doodor screamed for the first time, then Charlie's body was smashed on his back, and the second screamed by the magician was The previous time was doubled.

Xia Ya got up and sighed and looked at the left and right. The first sentence was "Fuck! Finally alive! God testified that this ghost thing I don't want to take a second time!"

Totoro's tears almost fell out and mumbled, "Master, I reminded you not to say bad things about the great Mrs. Merlin! The spell on this magic carpet is in praise of Lord Merlin's words, so I have reason to believe that if you dare to stand in front of this The face of the magic carpet said that bad things would happen to her old man. "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xia Ya was in a good mood for the rest of the life. "We didn't fall to death anyway. This is great luck."

"" That's because I'm under you. Murmured the magician.

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