
Chapter 145: [Home fortune]


Philip's head was standing upright, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes fluttered one by one, even though the soil was laughing again, how could he agree to this request? Damn it! That day, Philip saw it with his own eyes. This guy directly pierced the magic defense mask of the magician with a sword!

"Too bullying! I, I, I fight with you !!"

After all, Philip was also a high-level samurai. At this moment, he was forced to the corner and couldn't retreat. :

The situation at this moment, either you die or I die! Seeing Xiaya persecution step by step, he was horrified, and when he shouted, he lifted up the silver cross sword. The silvery spirit of the spirit fell down, and he held the sword handle with both hands, struggling to cut it off.

It can be said that his sword has brought out the strength of his life, and wherever his fighting spirit went, a half-moon-shaped light blade surged out. The level of fighting spirit was actually waving in a state of despair!

Xia Ya's eyes narrowed, and he saw a light blade cut off. Although he was slow before, he was already alert in the dark, with his breath in his chest. Seeing that light blade was in front of him, he lifted the fire fork and severely chopped it.

With a bang, the light blade was split into pieces, Wen Xiaya shook her body, and her heart stepped back slightly. The right hand holding the fire fork was shaken from arm to finger! After all, Philip is very good. Under the desperate situation, the momentum is naturally amazing. I saw that this guy has rushed up crazy, the sword trembled, and one sword after another was as crazy as if he wanted no money. Light enveloped Charya!

The surrounding stands suddenly applauded. In the preliminaries, a high-level samurai was so full of strength that they stirred up the enthusiasm of these audiences, especially looking at Xia Ya, who was shrouded in silver light. I was afraid that I would be seen immediately. The scenes of chaos and corpses are divided, so how can these viewers who want to see the cruel and exciting scenes not be excited?

I saw Xia suddenly standing there, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes. Instantly, Xia's line of sight was straight, and the silver light that shot was suddenly delayed, as if the degree had slowed down. Times!

It seemed as if the fighting spirits shot at the same time suddenly appeared in Xia ’s eyes. In the light, there were gaps in the sequence, and in the originally dense sword net, in Xia In Asia's view, it is just a lot of holes and flaws! !!

The soil turtle laughed wildly, then stepped forward at his feet, never regressed! I saw him with a cat's waist, just like a lynx or a cheetah, and he "squeezed" into the dense sword air!

Obviously, the dense Jianguang that arrived at the same time, but none of them fell on him! At the moment, Charya ’s body was in the eyes of thousands of spectators in the stands, just like a ghost. Under the sun, he suddenly seemed to be so non-existent. With a few steps, he twisted and twisted, It turned into a residual image and shuttled from Jianguang!

Philip had no regard for it, and his whole body was destroyed. The sword edge was spattered out like a violent storm. He was fighting to cut this guy under the sword. He was crazy and chopped here, and his ears were all around him. It seems, but clearly see Xia Ya approaching step by step! The countless swords were furious, but they were always passed by Xia with strange movements. After finally approaching a few steps, Xia shot.

The fire fork was still a black line rippling out, snoring a few times, and a few vindictive rays at close range were directly crushed by him! Finally rushed in front of Philip, Philip strove to support the sword and stabbed, but Xia put the fire fork across his waist, and slammed it hard ... The silver cross sword in Philip's hand suddenly broke into two! Charlie hit Philip with an elbow. !!

The original splendid silver breastplate was suddenly smashed into a pit, and the fragments of the silver armor were cracked. In the sound of the metal cracking, there was a sound of "cracking" bone bursting!

Philip lifted his head, a sip of blood soared into the sky, flew backwards, and fell out!

At this time, Xia Ya suddenly accelerated his action! His pace was like lightning, and people rushed forward. Seeing that Philip was leaning back, his body was parallel to the ground, but Xia flew up to catch up! Before Philip landed, he punched him on the shoulder!

A heavy punch from Tusong came out in the state of destroying crimson and murderous power. How terrible was the power? !! With this punch, Hao 23 Chinese net fist style even with a faint red light, tore Philip's shoulder armor directly, and when Philip hit the spot, he spun up suddenly, spinning a few tumbles. In the midst of being blasted into the ground!

In this battlefield, the original ground was yellow, but Philip was directly buried in the soil by Xia Yahong, and most of his body was buried in it! After the person fell to the ground, the armor was already out of shape, and the blood spouted in his mouth!

At this moment, the audience fell into a deadly silence! !! !!

It seems that at this moment, tens of thousands of people in the audience widened their eyes and held their breath, staring at Xia and Philip in the contest!

No, you read that right?

A high-level samurai, a few face-to-face were directly knocked out? !! !! That's not a cat or a dog! But a real high-level samurai! !! !! !!

After a while, the audience suddenly burst into joy! Countless people stood up and applauded and shouted, while some people pointed at Xia crazyly yelling-this person annoyed and shattered the betting strip in his hand, probably all the gamblers who overwhelmed Philip. Xia Several of Ya's heavy hands directly knocked out Philip, and also turned the money of these gamblers into running water ...

The audience yelled and scolded, and some people cheered and cursed. In the thunderous noise, Charya came to Philip.

At this moment Philip could not even stand up.

Charlie grabbed his head and “pulled” Philip out of the pit. He was taller than Philip. At this moment, he held the other's head in his hand, and Philip's feet were hanging. But the strength of the struggle is gone.

Xia deliberately made no move but turned around to look around the surrounding stands.

Finally, there is movement in the stands!

Countless people, whether cheering or yelling, there are many gamblers who have bet on Philip and hate it, and there are some gamblers who have bet on updating Philip's opponent before, and hate him for losing. As soon as Qian took the throne of the Seal of God, almost half of the audience raised their handkerchiefs, and they saw a white flower tumbling in the stands, and countless voices shouted:

"Kill! Kill! Kill him!"

"kill him!!"

"Cut off his head !!!"

Listening to the rumblings, Charlie sneered.

It was these people who cheered Philip just a few moments ago, praising Philip and others like a hero, and at this moment, Philip was defeated, and in the eyes of these people, he could be killed like a chicken ...

Although Philip had been blown up, he still had sober consciousness. When he saw the rolling towel on the stand, listening to the voice of "killing" in the audience, he was desperate in his heart, struggling, and speaking He bleed and begged desperately: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me, don't kill me ... I, I give you money! A lot ... a lot, a lot ... money!"

He still had a bit of arrogance at the moment, coughing and blood rushing.

If it was just the end of the game, Charlie had decided to choke this Philip to death. After eating his ambush on the road, Tu Xun's temperament is not a **** to serve people with morals, his philosophy is to have revenge!

But at this moment, looking at the crooked, crazy faces of the grandstand, looking at these same faces, even cheering for this dying man a few minutes ago ...

Suddenly, Charlie had an irresistible feeling in her heart! I just felt that the frantic and twisted faces around me, the shouting "kill", fell in my ears so harshly disgusting!

He looked at Philip, who was dying in his hand, and suddenly he fired a fork ...

Huh! !!

Black light flashed, blood light burst!

Philip shuddered and screamed suddenly, and he saw that the thumbs of his left and right hands had been cut off, and two short fingers fell on the loess on the ground.

Xia Yasong dropped Philip on the ground, shouting and killing in the surrounding, coldly: "You have cut your thumb with Lao Tzu, don't want to use a sword and bow to shoot any weapon in your life. Your breastbone is Lao Tzu burst, his shoulders were broken, and from now on ... become an ordinary person! "

Philip mourned in sorrow and pain, his body curled up into a ball on the ground, and Charlie ignored it, turned around and walked to the edge of the battlefield.

His actions immediately led to a commotion in the audience. For the charismatic approach of Xia Ya, those enthusiastic audiences greatly refused to buy the account, and immediately attracted hundreds of people to yell and scream.

Charlie stood beside the arena and looked coldly at the enthusiastic audience above her, filled with contempt.

Thousands of insults and provocations, but Charlie stood there, sneer, and looked around, and suddenly raised a fire fork!

The fire fork was facing down, the handle rushed up, and looked around at the hustle and bustle of the stands around, making a loud laugh, even though thousands of people yelled at him, he never suppressed his wild laugh.

"Want to kill! Come down and do it yourself! Seeing that I'm upset, I'll come down and die!"

His action was simply against the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience. Seeing the excitement and swearing, Charlie looked contemptuous.

He stood for a full minute, and the people in the stands scolded and scolded him, but none of them really dared to jump down and challenge as Charya had done before.

Gradually, a scornful smile appeared on Charya's face: "I'm not a bird!"

He jumped up to the stand, and the crowds around him saw him coming up. The people who had been scolding suddenly flinched back and hid in the crowd. It seemed as if they had the courage to continue clamoring. Ignored and walked directly to the stands. Wherever he went, although the swearing continued, the people next to him stepped back and flashed a passage for him.

Walking to Afrecat, Charlie squinted and looked around: "Let's go! This bird place is a coward!"


The departure of Charlie and Afrecate is just an episode for the tens of thousands of spectators in the arena. I already liked the "safe place" standing in the stands, looking down at the soldiers killed and killed, watching the flesh flying, the heads rolling down, and then slap the audience, these audiences have long been used to this scene.

Standing aside and watching, crouching in the crowd, the courage is bigger than anything, but if you want to go ahead, then dodge. This is ridiculous.

Charlie and Afrecat left the arena for a short while. The audience in the field was uninteresting and found a new interest. The other one was the test one, and the axe Wu Shi cut off an opponent directly. Down, the **** scene immediately caused a wave of frenzy ... As for Philip, who had just been defeated and carried down, and Charya who "have committed anger", who would remember?

What a life-and-death battle, what samurai glory, what courage heroes ... For these audiences, it is just throwing a few copper plates, watching a lively, a chat with a tea money after dinner.

Who really cares? !!

Out of the arena, there was still a bustling crowd on the street, and samurai warriors swarmed endlessly, all rushing towards the holy arena in their hearts. For these warriors, the arena is their reputation and their hope for survival. Once they are successful, they can win both fame and fortune, and once defeated and ghosts ... then they are dead! !!

Looking at these people on the street, although the walking samurai and the citizens were all excited and excited, in the view of Xia, these people were indifferent, and the eyes of the earth were full of disgust and contempt.

Afflecat next to see Charya ’s mood changes, sighed in a low voice: "Master, you don't have to be disgusted with such things ... For thousands of years, on this arena, I don't know how much bones are buried. . Countless warriors have gone forward and succeeded, but just boasted a false name. "

"Shit fame." Xia sneered: "Really brave and glorious, go to the battlefield to kill. Here, it is only reduced to clowns in the eyes of those who spend money on theater! This kind of bird affairs, and spend money with Lao Tzu Drinking flowers and making the chick sing "Eighteen Touches" is no different! What glory of a samurai is but a prostitute who has changed her style! Go. "

After all, Afrecate came from a competitive game. After listening to Charlie's words, she couldn't help but look a little unnatural. She turned to look at Afrecate, and said coldly: "If you think I'm wrong, it's not beautiful. Department. Anyway, what I do n’t like is unpleasant. After all, if you are willing to follow me, then these words will be made clear! Those who have the qualifications to be the companions around Lao Tzu, regardless of their skill, must be a person first! An upright person! For more chapters, please go for automatic identification instead of the name of some **** samurai glory and do that prostitute! "

Afrecat sighed, sighed, and said frankly, "Master, I don't understand these words. How many warriors are killed and killed in the arena, fighting for their lives, and causing heavy injuries, but only those who stand in the stands A few words of laughter and scolding—this principle, do you think I do n’t understand? But the world is so, otherwise, what do you call the thousands of warriors in this empire to make a living? Do everyone go to be a bodyguard? Be a mercenary? On this arena, at least you can win wind ghosts ... but how many warriors, embarrassed lives, lifeless chat!

Charlie no longer said anything, and patted Afrecat's shoulder to show understanding. Immediately, the two stopped talking, and Xia also had no playfulness, but the thought of searching for archery masters was also lightened. He didn't really think much of them and ran away with dignity and went to the arena to fight the Bo laugh. The so-called "glory warrior", how can there be any true strong among such people?

Where can real blame be allowed? !! How can a true strong person turn his martial arts into a circus watched by everyone? !!

The two returned to their homes on horseback, and as soon as they entered the door, they suddenly heard someone coming outside to visit.

I greeted from Soyet, and soon came along.

Charlie stood in the yard and saw a carriage parked on the street outside the gate. There was nothing to notice, but it was an ordinary chamber of commerce carriage with a chamber of commerce badge on it. .

The visitor who walked in front was a middle-aged man with a sword. The middle-aged man was ordinary in appearance, wearing a samurai robe and long leather boots, came to the yard and directly faced Xia Ya. It ’s not a samurai ceremony, but a courtesy to meet the nobility.

"Who are you?" Xia frowned.

The middle-aged man smiled, pointed to his mouth open, and the tongue in that mouth had been cut out in half! Charya frowned when she saw it.

The middle-aged man didn't panic, turned and pointed at the back of ~ ~ Two cloth servants behind him, carrying together a box and coming in, the box was not big, but the two carried them together, but heavy Yes, it seems even harder.

The box was lowered in front of Xia, and the middle-aged man bent down again to salute, showing a respectful expression on his face, but suddenly pulled out his sabre, and his movement was considered to be vigorous and stern! When Afrikat next watched his opponent's drawing of the sword, he immediately raised his eyebrows and pressed his hand on the hilt, but Charlie pulled Africat with a sneer on his face.

Slightly! !! !! !!

The middle-aged man slashed the wooden box with a sword, and the sword was actually very sharp. Under the sword, the wooden box was split open, and it suddenly broke down!

I saw a lot of gold glittering, and the crumbling boxes were exposed, all of them are Byzantium gold coins! !! A cursory glance at the past, I'm afraid there are as many as 2,000! !!

The middle-aged man quickly put away his long sword, pressed his chest with his hands, bowed deeply to Xia Ya, and then slowly backed away, straight back to the door, then turned around, and took the two servants out of the door and left. The wheels rolled, and they didn't stop for a moment.

(For monthly tickets ~~~~~~~~)

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