Conjurer? I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 258 The struck [World Eater] battleship

The annihilation battle against the [Word Bearers] ended with an unknown entity escaping with Lorgar, but the [Ultramarines] still successfully joined forces with the [Night Angels].

Since then, except for the Blood Angels, two of the three giants of the empire have successfully merged.

The action of a certain evil god made the situation more complicated. Llane El'Jonson also understood that most of what Robert Guilliman said was true. This unprecedented rebellion had begun.

And he and the entire [Night Angel] were wiped out by Horus.

As for the emperor's appearance, it can only be said that he is trying to repair the damage to the webway caused by the magic pony as much as possible, and a back-up plan deployed in his busy schedule has been triggered.

But these are not important. For Isayama Norimei, it is really hard to cry without tears.

"Alas, the cooked duck flew away."

Isayama Norimei recalled that the [Word Bearer] disappeared not only with heartache, but also with a loss of blood. He clearly had the opportunity to become the first person to kill the Primarch.

Although I don’t know if the headless senior sister of the [Iron Hands] Primarch is dead, but if I miss this opportunity to kill Lorgar, it will be difficult to find a way to force a Primarch into such a desperate state in the future. .

Sure enough, these guys are hard to kill. Even if he wanted to kill the forces behind him who had already planned to divide the spoils among these Primarchs, they would all come out to protect him one by one.

That is to say, those loyalists, Dad Bu Huan, all met a terrible end.

Isayama Nomei has a sense of powerlessness like that of a certain monkey, and the monsters he wants to kill have a back-up.

"Are you the sage of the Martian Mechanicus who helped Guilliman and thwarted Lorgar's conspiracy?"

Now standing next to Robert Guilliman, he looked extremely majestic, a strong man with golden eyes that seemed to reflect light.

The green power armor he wore looked quite noble and majestic.

This guy really lives up to his reputation as the Lion King.

Ryan El'Jonson's whole person is really as strong as a lion, and his majestic and majestic aura comes directly to him, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

When he felt the looming hostility and vigilance of Isayama Norimei facing the opposite side, he was actually not surprised by this.

It is normal that the Lion King is not so friendly to the Martian Mechanicus.

[Night Angel] As the first legion, it is the only legion that can be self-sufficient in all its battleships and all equipment without looking at the face of the Martian Mechanicum.

The Night Angels may be the Emperor's biological sons. They possess quite a lot of black technology from the Golden Age (the period of human technological explosion), all of which were thrown to them by the Emperor.

The STC module, where mechanical beasts can be encountered but cannot be sought, is a product of that era. How can individual legions have such treatment?

The technology tree of the Night Angels is second only to the Emperor's Custodes, so it has always been used to check the Mechanicum of Mars.

This guy looked at me strangely, as if he didn't trust him.

The [Night Angel] Legion really doesn’t need to have any plans against the people of the Mechanicum of Mars like Horus did.

Being suspicious by nature, he began to doubt Isayama Nomei's identity.

Because he is so perfect, so perfect that everything seems to have no flaws.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

If, as Guilliman said, an unprecedented rebellion was unleashed throughout the Empire, then everyone's identity must be carefully verified.

There should be absolutely no problems within [Night Angel] himself. The only trouble is that it is difficult to believe that these external members are true.

"Zhuang Sen, Sage, his identity has been confirmed."

Robert Guilliman saw that Llane El'Jonson seemed to be questioning his choice of outstanding talents who could vigorously develop the Second Empire, and he was suddenly dissatisfied.

"I have personally confirmed it."

"It's okay, Guilliman."

Isayama Nomei did not make it difficult for Guilliman to ask him not to argue with the "Lion King" over such things.

He took the initiative to explain his origins to Ryan Al'Jonson.

Isayama Nomei clarified his identity to Robert Guilliman, rather than explaining his origins to "Lion King" Llane El'Jonson in person.

"Sir Zhuangson, I am the Forging General of the SRT-234 Forging World."

Of course Isayama Nomei will not show any cowardice. A mere lion king is not enough to scare him.

"[The Word Bearers] occupied my forge world in the name of supplies, and relied on the forge world to expand a large amount of military equipment. At the same time, they even wanted to incorporate me into the rebel army."

"In fact, there was a very serious rebellion within the Mars Mechanicus, and basically all the loyalists were liquidated."

And my only brother, Hubble Cawl, was the mastermind of the rebellion within the Mechanicus of Mars. "

Why is the concise and concise story related to the [Word Bearers], and why do you encounter the Ultramarines?

"Then I found the right opportunity and took the initiative to seize control of the Void King when the [Word Bearers] were engaging in a gang-hopping battle against the [Ultramarines]. The support and the Ultramarines achieved staged success in the battle against the [Word Bearers]. victory."

At the same time, saying these words also made Robert Guilliman feel more grateful to himself.

If you repeat your merits and tell all the good things you have done that are not known to everyone, you will gain their trust more.

"That's enough. I completely believe that this sage, the mechanical god general, will never betray the empire. The help he gives us is far from simple as you see."

Robert Guilliman protects Nori Isayama from the Lion King's eyes.

There is no possibility of betrayal by the great sage in front of him, but Jonson is so suspicious that Robert Guilliman can no longer stand it.

It's just nonsense.

If Ryan El'Jonson is like this, there is a possibility of betrayal. Then we might as well shoot him too.

Ryan El'Jonson shook his head helplessly, when he knew everything about the matter. I also understood myself. There is really no possibility of betrayal by that guy.

"I understand, if I offend you, I can apologize to you.

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Zhuangson also has business matters."

Isayama Nomei shook his head and said

"The premise of trust is mutuality."

Moreover, if there are any concerns about our cooperation, our alliance may be seriously affected.

It is not conducive to our further cooperation at all.

Isayama Norimei's honest announcement made Zhuang Sen feel much more favorable than the glorious achievements he just introduced himself.

After all, he prefers to go straight without so many circles than to go around in circles.

“So our most important thing now is how to bypass the subspace blockade.

"Arrive to Terra from here and carry out a brutal attack on those shameless traitors?"

Lion El'Jonson felt that it was a very good decision to return to defend Terra now. After all, neither of their two legions were arranged as Horus thought, and there were quite a few flaws in the plan.

If they could move to Terra quickly they could catch Horus off guard.

Horus was really stupid. He was a good war commander and turned into a so-called rebel.

But this way, the position of Warmaster must belong to me. Horus’ guy is just keeping it for me.

Ryan Al'Jonson laughed darkly.

I've been unhappy with Na He's bald head for a long time. It's just because of his father's order, so brothers can't kill each other.

Otherwise, the "Lion King" would have wanted to have a good contest with the Warmaster.

Ryan Al'Jonson has been waiting for this day for a long time, and now it's finally here.

Appearing in front of Horus, he had already thought of everything he needed to say.

"Hey, I haven't seen such a waste in a few days."

That would definitely make that guy very angry.

"As your Excellency said."

Isayama Nomei nodded. This was even related to his second ring mission. Only after arriving at Terra could his second ring mission be considered completed and the third ring begin.

The evil god has already appeared in the C-level simulation, and naturally it will be more dangerous in this B-level simulation.

Facing the power of the Primarch was an unprecedented experience for him in previous simulations.

Conrad Coze's strength was so terrifying that Isayama Norimei didn't even know how he was knocked unconscious, and if he hadn't revealed his murderous intent in an instant, he wouldn't even have been able to notice that he had touched his side.

This made Isayama Kenmei more intuitively feel the terror of the Primarch, but these were all within his expectations. As the simulation level increases, the dangers encountered will naturally increase.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?

[Midnight Lord]'s escape is really a pity, but he is really smart.

Knowing the strength of their entire legion. The [Night Angel] does not attack head-on like the [Ultramarines], but often makes small moves in cases.

These little moves are definitely not only disgusting, but can also crush everyone in a terrifying manner.

However, [Midnight Lord] is certainly terrifying, but don't forget that in the small world of 500, there are not only [Word Bearers], [Midnight Lord] actually also has a [World Eater].

The Primarch of the World Eaters is also quite powerful in killing King Angron. The risk factor is more than one level higher than Lorgar. It is not a problem for that big bald man to kill Robert Guilliman.

It's scary to think about such a big trouble in Guilliman's 500 world.

So although Isayama Norimei really wanted to drag these two guys to Terra, the [Ultramarines] couldn't assemble at all.

They must be worried about their own 500 worlds and not being able to go to Terra for support.

But don't forget that Robert Guilliman's real idea is to establish a second empire in advance instead of returning to aid Terra.

As for Isayama Nomei going with [Night Angel] first and leaving [Ultramarines] behind, that's impossible.

Compared to "Night Angel", Isayama Norimei still prefers the pure and unpretentious nature of "Ultramarines". For this reason, it is impossible to abandon "Ultramarines".

At the same time, the [Blood Angels] legion has not yet been found. The Blood Angels headed by Sanguinius are definitely within the area of ​​500 worlds. Isayama Nomei can guarantee that.

[Night Angel] has been summoned by him, so is [Blood Angel] still far away?

The [Blood Angels] Legion is absolutely an indispensable and necessary force in this empire's counter-insurgency, and it is the support that must be obtained.

The three giants during the empire's rebellion will only be the three giants that scare the reactionaries of the empire when they are all gathered together.

The two giants alone cannot play a corresponding role at all.

Only with the joint action of the three Primarchs can the blockade of space be unlocked, allowing the battleship to reach the center of the empire's power, Terra, at mythical speeds from the empire's border thousands of miles away.

"Currently, we still hope to expel [World Eaters] from all 500 worlds as soon as possible."

Ryan El'Jonson also nodded.

It would be impossible to leave Angron's crazy troops alone in the Ultramarines' base camp.

Before fighting against the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside. This is an unmistakable saying.

If you haven't even sorted out your own 500 worlds, go to the Empire Center.

It is estimated that when he returns, the entire 500 world will have fallen into the hands of Angron and Konrad Curze. By then, it will no longer be Robert Guilliman's Second Empire, but the base of the Second Treason Rebel Army.

500 worlds will fall into the hands of the rebels, and most of the lives will probably be lost. Angron's methods are extremely cruel and wanton massacres.

As for how to get to Terra, Llane El'Jonson has his own ideas.

"Don't worry, I have a way to teleport all our fleets directly to Terra"

Llane El'Jonson patted Robert Guilliman on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"With my help, the crusade against Angron won't take much time."

With the dual blessing of [Night Angel] and [Ultramarine], the so-called [World Eater] is nothing to worry about.

"Report of a suspected Devourer warship."

[Night Angel] radar captured a small destroyer of [World Eater], so he immediately reported their discovery to these commanders.

"Just one?"

Robert Guilliman asked.

[The Word Bearers] is an entire legion wreaking havoc in his 500 worlds, and Angron's [World Eaters] naturally cannot be just three or five kittens. They must also be an extremely large fleet burning and killing 500 worlds. Loot.

So it seems unlikely that there is only one battleship.

It would be normal to have several warships, all gathered into a small fleet.

"This battleship is suspected to have experienced quite a fierce battle and is on the verge of being sunk."

The [Night Angel] intelligence officer projected what he knew about the battleship directly in front of these commanders, using lasers to display it.

On that crimson fleet, most of the armor on the outside had actually been torn apart, and shocking traces of explosions could even be seen inside.

It was obvious that he had gone through a pretty fierce battle, and it looked like a failed attack, very embarrassing.

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