Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 85: : Hey, I'm looking forward to it

"I didn't do anything."

Amamiya Noriko raised her hand innocently to prove her innocence. Could she have predicted that Xiaolan came in and put on an aggrieved expression in advance? Pure coincidence.

Kudo Shinichi's nerves are too sharp, is this a detective?

Because Shinichi was already riddled with holes and had a tenacious mind facing death with indifference and tranquility, Amamiya Noriko took the initiative to explain to Xiaolan: "Shinichi really didn't bully me this time."

"I never bullied you!"

Kudo Shinichi held his mouth shut and couldn't speak well. Anyway, Amamiya Noriko found out once, and this was what he attracted.

After hearing Noriko Amamiya's explanation, Xiaolan patted Shinichi with satisfaction: "Shinichi, you should do this in the future, and you get along well with Noriko."

"Ha ha."

Kudo Shinichi smiled reluctantly. He was very easy to get along with. It depends on when Noriko Amamiya's character is not so bad.

Thinking about it, he even saw Amamiya Noriko wink his left eye secretly at him, as if they had a tacit understanding, Kudo Shin once rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."

Amamiya Noriko immediately pulled Xiaolan and Sonoko away to chat about the weekend banquet of the Suzuki Foundation.

When school was over in the afternoon, Amamiya Noriko was going to leave Kudo Shin for a taste of being alone, and then give him another chance.

Who knew that Kudo Shinichi took out a football with his backhand and was about to go to work in the community.

"I'm meow, straight enough..."

Amamiya Noriko went back and dragged Kudo Shinichi on board. She would rather go to play with a group of guys from the football club and not know how to keep up. Then you should follow me.

Anyway, the four of them screwed up everything in the ministry.

go shopping.

This was discussed by the three of Noriko Xiaolan Yuanzi in the morning.

The banquet of the Suzuki chaebols is relatively formal, and after the last meeting between the Suzuki family and the Amamiya family, Xiao Lan felt that she would also dress a little more formal this time, but her clothes were relatively small.

Sonoko naturally proposed to buy it.

Don't look at Yuanzi going out to take the bus or tram, but there is still money to be had, and he went to a shopping mall in which the Suzuki consortium has shares. a moment.

Of course, you can only buy things in the mall, which her father Shiro Suzuki gave her to entertain her friends.

Sonoko doesn't have much pocket money, so this is a local tyrant experience card.

This time, Noriko Amamiya was with her. Her dresses and kimonos are not bad at home. In addition to her online appearance, Amamiya Emi is eating and sleeping, and then shopping. Buying clothes for her daughter is one of the more interesting ones. an item?

To tell the truth, her mother Amamiya Emi is definitely the most carefree person. She has a super rich and loving husband. She is beautiful and tender-faced. Her daughter is also... her daughter is grown up. She's cute but her behavior isn't cute at all, and she rarely feels like she's a mother herself.

However, although her daughter's personality and behavior are not very cute, her clothes are still cute, so Emi Amamiya is very interested in buying clothes for her daughter, usually mother and daughter... ah, no, it's sister clothes.

Kiko Amamiya's cute clothes are basically from her.

With a large wardrobe full of them, Amamiya Noriko occasionally has to turn to the bottom to wear a handsome dress, which is more difficult than digging for diamonds.

She also buys most of the dresses and kimonos, because Emi Amamiya herself is sometimes the image spokesperson of the Amemiya Foundation, and she also wears dresses when she attends banquets, and it is often a matter of time for her daughter.

Amamiya Noriko was watching Kudo Shinichi being at the mercy of Sonoko and Xiaolan. As the only boy, she was not very active and willing to choose formal clothes. She had pockets in her pockets and looked like I could wear anything. Xiaolan and How could the garden let him go?

Amamiya Noriko also dressed him, with a white shirt as a base, a azure blue dress, and a red bow tie...

"What a strange match this is!"

Kudo Shinichi subconsciously felt that there must be something wrong with Noriko Amamiya's selection, and was very resistant.


Amamiya Noriko is scornful. When you become Conan's little brother, I will see if you will dress like this.

Let Xiaolan and Sonoko step up their efforts and give Kudo Shinichi the best fit, while Amamiya Noriko went to the side to pick the earrings.

She didn't have her ears pierced, so she had fewer choices.

The shopping guide introduced her to her in a gentle and graceful manner, and Amamiya Noriko looked at her casually, glancing at her face from time to time. This short-haired and capable woman has traces of disguise, because some care about her professional smile every time she smiles. radians are kept within certain limits.

No matter how professional shopping guides don't have to be so professional, it can only be to limit the reason why they don't show their original smile.

Because if a simple disguise technique is used to greatly change the facial appearance, an excessively large smile may destroy the disguise technique, and the second is to show a skilled smile, which is at risk of being seen through by acquaintances.

Amamiya Noriko thinks it is the second type, because the disguise technique is very good, she can't see the remaining traces very much, she can only judge that the smile is very deliberate.

She continued to look at the earrings while observing, and first confirmed that it was indeed a woman, at least a lot of men were pretending to be women.

There are basically three women who are good at disguise in the world of Conan, Kudo Shinichi's mother, Kudo Yukiko, and then Belmod, both of whom are under the tutelage of Kuroba Piichi.

The last one, her mistress Chikage Kuroba.

Amamiya Noriko knew that it was impossible for Sister Pei to appear in front of her to tease her at this time, so it could only be Yukiko Kudo and Chikage Kuroba.

Yukiko Kudo...Although she knows how to play, she probably won't come to tease her.

After the elimination method was completed, Amamiya Noriko said, "Master, is there anything you need to come to see me?"

"As expected of Noriko, she has a good eye."

The female shopping guide who introduced the earrings smiled slightly and praised Noriko Amamiya.

"Although Kiko is the youngest disciple of Pioneer, his level is already very high."

"It's alright, if Shi Niang's makeup is serious, maybe I still won't recognize it."

Amamiya Noriko spreads her hands, obviously she is throwing water, so easy to see through, if it is real, the gender of the shopping guide should be male, and the hairstyle will not be this short hair directly, maybe the face is darker and the body is stronger. So what can Amamiya Noriko guess, she has never been in the alchemy furnace, and usually rarely sees other people's disguise techniques.

Kuroba Chikage refused to make herself too ugly.

"This time I came here mainly to see how Noriko is doing. I'm relieved to see that Noriko is quite energetic and has good friends."

"Master, what's your next plan?"

Amamiya Noriko nodded and asked.

As for whether Black Feather Pirate is really dead, it's hard to ask, maybe he is really on his honeymoon with his wife?

Kuroba Chikage smiled slightly: "Maybe in a while, I'm going to work abroad. Noriko can go to Kuaidou to play."


Amamiya Noriko nodded, it seemed that she was going to work in Las Vegas, or to secretly investigate the organization that assassinated Kuroba Rouichi, or to go on a honeymoon.

She really can't determine which one it is. There are still some differences between the original book and the current world. At least she originally paid attention to the time when her teacher was assassinated, but it happened suddenly, and she couldn't react. At that time I can't do much in elementary school.

Kuroba Chikage chatted with her husband's little disciple for a while, gave her a pair of earrings, and left quietly.

Amamiya Noriko looked at the direction she was leaving. Chikage Kuroba was actually more sophisticated as a thief than Kuroba Rouichi, and it was also the factor that made Kuroba Rouichi become the phantom thief Kid.

At first, Noriko Amamiya also thought about asking her to learn skills, but since Kuroba Roiichi brought her to her door when she was in elementary school, there was no way.

It's not bad to be Sister Bei's little junior sister.

Amamiya Noriko took a look at the earrings that her mistress gave her. The black feathers carved from obsidian are quite delicate and beautiful. They sparkle in the dark under the light. The price must be expensive, but it is symbolic. bigger.

The handsome Noriko Amamiya said she liked it very much.

Amamiya Noriko put away the earrings, but when she put her hand in her mouth, she found a small box that looked like a business card case.

She found a corner and took it out to take a look.

On the top of the small box is the Kaido Kid's logo. To be honest, Kaikai Kid's icon is quite cute.

Among them, the card is a card with a white background, the icon of the phantom thief Kid and 'phantom thief キッド' in the lower right corner, the three words 'to complain' at the top of the middle, and the content below is blank.

On the back is a slightly larger icon of Kaito Kid in the center.

"Wow, does this mean that I'm already an officially certified Kaitou Kid?"

Amamiya Noriko looked around and was quite surprised.

But she saw a small note caught in the lid of the name-brand box: "Don't play too early."

Looking at the handwriting, it was Kuroba Pioneer.

This is something that Amamiya Noriko did not expect. Although Kuroba Rouichi's identity was disclosed to Amamiya Noriko, Amamiya Noriko would not tell others that Kuroba Rouichi also taught the disguise technique tacitly. At the same time, other technologies will also be Amamiya Noriko.

But I really didn't expect that Kuroba Piichi would have already prepared this for her.

This means that Amamiya Noriko can act as a phantom thief Kid.

Although it's not too early to say...

Did she allow her to do things when she was an adult? Or maybe after graduating high school?

Amamiya Noriko thinks it should be the latter. After all, Kuroba Pioneer knows that her learning ability is beyond ordinary people's speed. When she becomes an adult, what's the point of her driving a full-level number. If she wants to steal, the Sonoko family's vault is probably will shiver.

"Thank you so much, teacher."

Amamiya Noriko said sincerely, and backhandedly wrote the notice of stealing the gem from the Suzuki chaebol on the blank notification letter from Kaitou Kid.

You didn't want to steal something from a good friend's house, so when you turn around, "this is not the gem I want, I will return the original", right?

Just as her debut battle, Kuroba Chikage happened to send something, and the Suzuki consortium wanted to show off gems. Isn't this, is it clear that she wants to appear?

"Niko seems to be in a good mood? Did you buy anything good?"

Sonoko found that Kiko, who had returned, seemed to be in a very good mood, so she couldn't help asking.

Amamiya Noriko smiled and shook her head: "There are good things, but they are not bought."

At the same time, there is still a little guilt, Sonoko, my good sister, let me touch the gems of your house, I will rest assured that I will pay them back.

She touched her chin, and she had to prepare a dress.

Kudo Shinichi noticed the involuntarily raised corners of Noriko Amamiya's mouth, and was extremely vigilant in his heart, thinking that it was not something good happened, but something good to do, right?

He knew the smile of Noriko Amamiya too well.

After shopping with Xiaolan Yuanzi Shinichi, Amamiya Noriko went to make custom clothes. There is no need to find outsiders. Her cousin, Chieda Riho, is very good at sewing. Sewing is only one of the thousands of skills that Chieda Riho knows. item.

As the person who Amamiya Ludou personally selected and arranged for his daughter, Chieda Riho said that he was one in 100,000 miles.

Chieda Riho received a strange request from her young lady, but she didn't ask why. There were too many strange requests. It was not a trivial matter to make a dress. She made the finished product after a few days of work.

She is not the only one, she is the chief executive of Noriko Amamiya, and there are people under her command. She makes the key parts by herself, and the rest of the production is fine.

Anyway, when she finally looked at the finished product, she sighed, Noriko, why did she become addicted to fancy clothes, but when the lovely Noriko wears this dress, her style is very different.

Maybe there will be a little contrast.

You can still look forward to On the other hand, Amamiya Noriko not only went to Chieda Riho to make clothes, she also went to see Dr. Akasa.

Dr. Akasa, that is the best tool man. In fact, some of the equipment of Kaito Kidd came from the hands of Dr.Agasa, a friend of Kaneko Terai, the assistant of Kaitou Kidd.

Of course it was believed.

Amamiya Noriko asked Dr. Aga to make a paraglider. There is no way to make a paraglider the same as the Kaitou Kid. The only thing I can do is change it to another style. Anyway, the requirement is to shrink and open quickly, enough to slide dozens of floors, right? Gotta make it before the weekend, I'm going to play on the weekend.

It's just to satisfy her curiosity as a child. If she doesn't do it, I think you, Dr. Aga, are a little fatter? Obesity can cause many symptoms. Is it time to control your weight or lose weight?

I can totally ask a dedicated nutritionist to help Dr. make a good plan for you?

My Amamiya family has money, what is a nutritionist, ten!

Plus five fitness trainers?

Dr. A Li was really afraid of this little girl, and hurriedly made a paraglider for her to play with before the weekend. Who can stand such a toss at an age?

Amamiya Noriko left with satisfaction. Well, even if she doesn't ask Dr. to lose weight, she will be able to do so in the future. Doctor, let's be cool for a few years now.

Finally, on the weekend, Amamiya Noriko packed up and went out to the newly topped-out building of the Suzuki Foundation.

Anyway, it's an unremarkable building with dozens of floors. If you have money, you're done.

At the entrance of the hall at the bottom of the building, there are two rows of security guards standing guard and checking the invitations of guests entering and leaving. Even the ceremonial post feels level.

"Hey, I'm looking forward to it."


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