Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 738 Attempted murder of boss

Conan was startled, stabilized his body and looked back. He saw Jiang Xia coming over at some point, and it was Jiang Xia who bumped into him just now.

Conan rubbed the back of his head in confusion, suspecting that Jiang Xia was responsible and came over to help with the aftermath. However, he was distracted by the sudden car accident just now, so when he got closer, he accidentally tripped over himself.

I was about to pat my neighbor's leg and comfort him not to worry. At this time, my phone sank slightly, followed by a short "beep".

Conan was startled again and turned his eyes back. When he looked at Jiang Xia, the man in black on the ground reached out and pressed the emergency number he had just dialed.

Conan: "...?"

The man in black let go of his cell phone, raised his head slightly, glanced around, and finally stopped at him and Jiang Xia.

After a thoughtful pause, "Kurosawa Zuo" said: "I'm very busy and don't have time to go to the hospital for a check-up. If you feel guilty, why not send me to that hotel."

As the man in black spoke, he raised his hand and pointed south.

Conan looked along and saw a tall and magnificent building in the distance. He had some impressions of that hotel. Its first floor is a multi-functional banquet hall, where many large-scale events are held. Soon, I heard that there will be a very high-profile game launch event.

"..." Conan was a little suspicious at first, but at this time, his suspicion of the man in black became a little lighter.

——Is the person they bumped into actually a senior white-collar worker who regards his job as his life?

If he is about to be late for something important, this kind of workaholic may indeed ignore the check and go to the appointed place to show up on time... Speaking of which, this person was not angry when he was knocked down by them and delayed something important... Due to his guilty conscience, Conan's impression of the man in black actually improved a bit, and he felt that he had a good temper.

But if you don’t go to the hospital, what if something goes wrong...

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia seemed to have finally come back to his senses. Hearing the request of the man in black, he walked over without saying a word, helped the person onto the motorcycle, and took the briefcase away with him. It seemed that he really planned to obey the victim's request and not go to the hospital, but take him to the hospital first. Go to work.

Conan: "..."

Wouldn't this car accident victim really die suddenly in the middle of the road? Conan was very worried about this - although his sight was blocked by the helmet just now and he couldn't see clearly, but just by hearing the movement, he could imagine how violent the impact was. Judging from the various marks on the ground, the man in black was indeed knocked far away at that time...

Thirty minutes later.

Conan stood on the roadside with a tangled expression, sometimes looking at the hotel door, sometimes looking at Jiang Xia.

Just now, Jiang Xia waited silently with him for a while. Seeing that the man in black never came out again, he took out a tool bag from somewhere and started tapping around his motorcycle, as if he was repairing it.

Conan squatted nearby and watched for a moment, looked at his watch, and then looked at the hotel building behind him.

The hotel seemed calm, and it didn't look like some workaholic had delayed the onset of car accident symptoms.

After Conan observed the situation, he looked at Jiang Xia again and felt that it would not be possible to continue like this - Jiang Xia actually looked abnormal. Although he was not as distracted as before, he still occasionally fell into a daze. Apparently, he was in a daze due to the car accident just now. And deeply shocked. Conan thought about it and felt that from various aspects, it was time to change the environment at this time.

He then walked towards Jiang Xia and suggested: "That man went in without saying anything just now. He didn't come out for such a long time. He may have forgotten that we were here. And he seemed to be in a hurry to meet someone just now, and until now No one called an ambulance for him, so it shouldn’t be a big problem... Let’s leave a note for the doorman and ask him to hand it over, and then go about our business.”

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, hesitated for a moment, then took out her phone and clicked it to see. Finally he nodded: "Okay."

The two left their contact information for the doorman, asking him to pass it on when he saw the curly-haired man in black coming out.

However, Jiang Xia felt that this note should not be handed over - there was no banquet being held here today. And just to enter the lobby, you don't need to show any credentials. So just now, after Matsuda Jinpei drove the puppet in, as soon as he turned the corner, he threw away the bag and dispersed the puppet - the bag contained a few stones found on the roadside, opened the window and threw them out, and they disappeared into the grass. , instantly invisible.

A friendship that was hit once should not be easily forgotten.

In this way, in addition to showing Conan his new vest, it also created a reasonable intersection between the two parties - Conan is not as cautious as Haibara Ai. When facing suspicious persons, he prefers to break the casserole and ask for the truth.

In the future, when Conan meets "Kurosawa Zuo" again, it will be easier to attribute the reason for the intersection between the two parties to today's car accident, rather than immediately thinking that "Kurosawa Zuo" is related to Jiang Xia. As the number of incidents and interactions with black organizations increases, Jiang Xia feels that his identity as a "peripheral member" will be discovered sooner or later, but before that, there is still a lot of fun to be discovered...

After getting back on the road, Conan was too embarrassed to bring up the topic of "going to a fraternity party and staring at strange muscular men" that caused the car accident just now.

But soon, he discovered that Jiang Xia actually remembered this incident very interestingly and went all the way to the place where the sorority party was held.

And on the road, although he was still a little distracted, his speed on the motorcycle dropped a lot, and he finally looked like a law-abiding high school student.

This time, although Conan had a lot to say, he even wanted to discuss the suspicious aspects of the "workaholic" man in black just now. But thinking about the consequences of asking Jiang Xia to talk to him just now, he finally shut his mouth firmly.

We arrived at our destination soon.

In front of him was a spacious yard, with a "Minagawa" nameplate hanging at the door and surrounded by a half-high but not low fence.

Looking through the railing, you can see that the vegetation in the yard is dense and carefully arranged, which not only improves the beauty of the yard, but also cleverly blocks some prying eyes from the outside.

Conan stood on tiptoe and tried his best to peek in for a long time, but saw nothing. He could only faintly hear the lively chatter and laughter carried by the breeze.

He thought about the joyful social scene inside, his forehead jumped, and without Jiang Xia's help, he climbed up the railing several times higher than him under the slightly shocked eyes of his classmates, climbed in, and landed neatly.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Conan turned around and confirmed the plan with him: "When I change positions, you can knock on the door."

Jiang Xia nodded silently.

Then he took two steps to the side and looked into the courtyard from a distance.

It was some distance away from the house, and his senses were a little blurry, but the ghosts clearly felt it at this time - there was murderous aura in the house, and there were more than one.

...Conan is really useful.

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