Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 506 Look, the money paid to the organization Add more to the leader [Key of the Worlds]

Etsuko Hukura and Mo Lilan did not stay to search, and they were taken to the city ahead of time together with the male college student who fainted the whole time.

Etsuko Hukura stayed at the police station for a while, looked around, and found that Jiang Xia didn't come with him, so she wanted to wait a little longer.

But her husband arrived quickly, picked up the terrified wife, and showed off a wave of harmony between the husband and wife in front of the reporters who are usually guarding the police station. As a couple of novelists, both of them are quite famous, especially Husband of Etsuko Torakura.

The client, Chao Wenzao, has been following the search and rescue team. After discovering the body of Yinhu, he looked up to the sky and laughed a few times. The wallet of the daughter's photo, and went home with red eyes.

When he was leaving, Jiang Xia followed a few steps, sent off the client who was in a complicated mood, and picked up the murderous intent aimed at the silver fox that fell from the client.

After that, Jiang Xia returned to the scene, mixed with Amuro Toru and Conan's detective team, digging here and there, digging here and there, paddling carefully.

When it was dark, Toru Amuro finally temporarily gave up his plan to dig out Matsuda Jinpei, and went home in a police car in silence.

The next day, Jiang Xia took the time to go to the police station to make up the record.

Another two days passed.

When there are not so many people searching for stolen money on the mountain, and Toru Amuro stops wandering in the mountain.

Jiang Xia drove the puppet of Wutiangu, flew into Danyuan Mountain in the dark early morning, and took away the money that Matsuda Zhenping cleverly hid.


In downtown Tokyo, in the narrow alleys of Hirata-cho.

With a "bang" gunshot, a middle-aged half-bald man was bleeding from the back of his head and fell on his back.

Facing him, Gin took a cold look at the still warm body, turned around and walked to the side of the black Porsche, opened the door, and threw a briefcase full of cash into the back seat.

Then he got in the car, reloaded the pistol, and tossed a freshly-acquired floppy disk to the vodka.

During this time, Vodka had already stepped on the gas pedal with discernment and drove the car away. This is their secret of committing crimes and escaping from the law all the year round - run away after killing, never stay.

Gin leaned on the back of the passenger seat, looked at the time, and reviewed the schedule on the handbook: "I will arrive at the Yamazaki Credit Union in an hour. Now go buy dinner first."

Although the sun will rise soon, since it is not yet dawn, he still eats dinner...

Vodka has obviously gotten used to his elder brother's routine. The old sports car drew a black shadow, passed through the streets and alleys of Tokyo in the early morning, and soon stopped at the entrance of a quaint Japanese restaurant.

This is a chain restaurant owned by an organization company, open 24 hours. The organization will give subsidies, and the bento in the store is healthier than convenience stores and safer than other restaurants... This policy was born after several members of the organization were unfortunately involved in a poisoning case when they were dining out, and Chiyu was tragically affected.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Vodka consciously got out of the car and entered the store to pack lunch.

Gin took the laptop on the driver's seat and checked the data on the floppy disk that was intercepted just now. At the same time he lit a cigarette and half closed the window to let the smoke drift out.

Just after reading the beginning, there was an email notification sound on the phone.

Gin took out his phone, glanced at the address, and found that it was from Wu Zuo.


It must be beating around the bush again to ask for the assassination list.

Qin Jiu thought of the "cooperation" in Tottori Prefecture a while ago, especially at the end, the "Be careful" email that Jiang Xia sent, who didn't know whether it was a threat or a provocation, and the veins on his forehead twitched slightly.

He was about to press delete habitually.

But the moment he unlocked the phone, Gin saw the title of the e-mail from Wu Zuo - [100 million yen received] in bold black frame.


Gin's finger on the delete key paused slightly.

...It's not that I value the 100 million yen.

Instead, he instinctively began to wonder where Uzo had gotten the money.

Different from ordinary killings, killing people can run away without leaving any traces.

But money is different. The movement of funds, whether cash or remittances, can leave traces.

Gin remembers that many of the exposed members he cleared out were due to the flow of funds. In particular, there are a few older members who are not very used to the rapid development of technology. Online transfers think that there will be no traces, but they are tracked down by the police... Of course, before the police find them, Gin has already Arrived one step ahead, niping the risk of leaks in the bud.

After instinctively thinking about the secrecy matters, Qin Jiu shook his head secretly.

Uzo shouldn't make such a stupid mistake...

With a trace of inquiry, he clicked on the email from Jiang Xia and looked at it.

——[A few days ago, when I went out to relax, I came across two robbery and murderers who had an infighting for no reason, and both of them died in the end. Each of them memorized 50 million yuan. I thought it would be a waste to throw it away, so I tried to bring it back so that I can contribute to the organization's funds... Can you take some time to come and get it? By the way, let me show you my new handy tool]


After reading the email, Qin Jiu's previous dissatisfaction with Wu Zuo dissipated a little.

...The stolen money obtained in this way is indeed safer than planning a robbery directly, and Wu Zuo's sanity is still online.

Moreover, the money obtained from burglary is different from the money obtained from robbing the bank. The former is more difficult to track the number on the money, and it is easier to launder... After receiving the funds from Wu Zuo, check with the financial The source of the money can be included in the funds of the organization after a simple handling.

Speaking of which, Uzo didn't care about money in the past, and would even wantonly waste the property of the organization for his "drama".

But now, he's proactively finding funding for the organization—yes, proactively. As for the "going out to relax" and "encounter" mentioned in the email... From Gin Jiu's point of view, Wu Zuo's favorite way to relax is to see the bloody drama he carefully arranged performed as scheduled.

In addition, the two robbers who "caused internal strife for no reason" could not be "unprovoked", and the "reason" that caused their internal strife to death may also have something to do with Wu Zuo.

...In short, on the whole, after Uzo came back, it seemed that he had indeed reflected on the last time he disobeyed orders and sank the expensively refitted ship without authorization.

Whether it was Wu Zuo's attitude or the actual 100 million yen in the account, Gin's expression eased a bit.

After grasping the important points in his heart, Qin Jiu glanced at the last sentence again - the email mentioned "a newly found handy tool".

... Even if Uzo had a gun, he probably wouldn't come to him to show it off. Could it be that the swinging stick that has been modified itself has added other functions?

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