Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 501 Suspicious Package

Conan was stared at by Toru Amuro.

He moved behind Jiang Xia's legs, and then moved behind the novelist as if nothing had happened: Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like Toru Amuro is always looking at him today? And the look he used was quite meaningful... In the future, he must be careful to restrain himself and behave like a real child, otherwise if his identity as a "fake child" is exposed in front of the black organization one day, the consequences will be disastrous.

Conan secretly regretted it.

However, after thinking about Toru Amuro's trendy clothes, he felt a little relieved.

So far, all the members of the black organization he had seen were wearing black. Miyano Akemi also said before her death that black is the color of that organization.

But Toru Amuro rarely wears black. Does this mean that although he is mysterious and does not look like a good person, he is not actually a member of the organization?

Conan simply comforted himself, and did not dare to say anything for a while, for fear that something else would leak out.

He sat next to Jiangxia and Etsuko Tokura, facing the entrance of the cave, recalling Amuro Toru's suspicious things so far, and waiting for dawn.

After half an hour, it was really bright.

The rain had stopped long before sunrise, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun emerged from the sky.

The weeds, bushes, rocks, etc. on the mountain gradually become clear.

The four people left the cave and looked for a rest stop in the mountains based on their impressions from last night.

Finally, after passing through a forest, the sturdy wooden house finally appeared in front of us.

The wooden house looked quite peaceful. The doors and windows were still intact, and there were no corpses lying at the door.

The three people saw this peaceful scene and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before the breath of relief was over, a frightened scream suddenly sounded in the wooden house.

...It's Mao Lilan's voice.

After Jiang Xia was startled, he rushed to the hut with the other two detectives.

He looked slightly anxious, but felt very peaceful.

…Based on his experience, Maori students often don’t scream when they are actually attacked.

And a cry like the one just now, which is full of energy and has a long rhyme, is like the sound of being frightened after seeing a corpse...

What's more, there is a dedicated ghost beside Mao Lilan at this time - a precious classmate with a top-notch physique, who must of course be protected.

After Jiang Xia chased Amuro Toru and Tokura Etsuko away last night, everyone in the rest stop except Mao Lilan was risking murderous intent or shikigami.

Considering Mao Lilan's occasional behavior, Jiang Xia left some puppet clay in the hut and threw a smart ghost on Mao Lilan.

In this way, if something goes wrong, he can always show up at the rest stop with his vest on - although last night, Jiang Xia and the others seemed to have chased Etsuko Tokura for a long distance, but that was mainly because The terrain in the mountains is complex. In fact, the straight-line distance between the cave and the rest stop is not that far, and the information delay is naturally not high.

Four people followed the screams and ran into the rest stop, slamming open the door.

Then he saw Mao Lilan standing by the door with a frightened expression.

Apart from looking a little frightened, she was unscathed.

Mao Lilan heard the sound of the door opening, turned around and saw her companions gathered outside, and her panic subsided slightly.

She was pressing the button on her mobile phone at this time. After pressing the button, she found that there was no signal and could not call the police, so she put away the mobile phone again and carefully raised her finger to point ahead.

It’s very uncomfortable if you can’t get through 110. Fortunately, the detectives will be here soon...

Jiang Xia entered the small house that looked like a Gu farm, followed Mao Lilan's direction, and saw a man lying upside down in front of him.

——The woman in the couple was lying on the ground with a knife stuck in her back. She was motionless and completely dead.

Jiang Xia walked to her side, squatted down to check the fatal wound, and picked up a bit of murderous aura that dropped after she died.

The shikigami born in the woman was not in the room, and probably took the murderer's legs and left.

After a simple inspection.

Jiang Xia glanced at Toru Amuro who was approaching from the corner of his eye, and with a little bit of personal information, he analyzed: "From the angle of the blade's deflection, if she was attacked from behind, the attacker may be a left-handed person, dominantly left-handed."

When Toru Amuro heard "left-handed", he subconsciously glanced at the male college student lying dead in the corner - he remembered that this person was left-handed.

But considering his wounds, it doesn’t look like he could get up and kill someone...

So Toru Amuro returned his gaze and said, "The perpetrator may have been Silver Fox. In addition... if a right-handed person hugs the deceased from the front and passes around the right hand to stab the deceased from behind, it will also cause this oblique angle."

Jiang Xia said "Yeah", a little disappointed.

This time when "left-handed" was mentioned, Toru Amuro didn't risk murder...

It seems that keywords are not always useful. If you want to get a lot of coffee-flavored high-end murderous aura, you still have to find Akai Shuichi... Why hasn't this FBI appeared yet? Could it be that he has been undercover in the organization for many years and has also contracted the problem of paddling? ?

Conan suddenly noticed something.

He came close to the body and looked carefully at the deceased's hands:

"There is a little wool fiber hanging on her nails. This color... is the man who was with her before! By the way, if her husband suddenly makes a move, it may indeed be like Brother Amuro said, in the case of a hug, Being stabbed in the back.”

After reasoning instinctively, Conan remembered what Toru Amuro had just stared and observed at him.

There was a chill in his back, and he made amends with embarrassment: "No wonder brother Jiang Xia has been staring at her finger. There really is a key clue here, haha."


Toru Amuro didn't have any special reaction to this.

Conan's suspicion level in his heart has already been filled up a long time ago. Whether he fixes it now or not, the result will be the same. He just has to wait for Kazami Yuya to check the household registration and find out the result.

Toru Amuro silently looked away from Conan and looked around the empty rest stop: "Where are the others?"

Mao Lilan said: "After you rushed out, someone said that it was very dangerous in the mountains and suggested that we split up to find you back. I walked for a while and accidentally got lost and went back to the same place. I vaguely heard movement in the house. When I came back Just saw..."

Her eyes stopped on the dead woman and she sighed.

Jiang Xia also sighed, Lu Chi still dared to go into the mountains to find someone... Fortunately, Mao Lilan's luck was high enough, and she walked back to the starting point in a daze.

He looked towards the corner where the luggage was piled: "There is a backpack missing."

——This mountaineering couple originally carried a couple's bags, one blue and one red, stacked side by side next to their bedding.

But at this time, the blue bag disappeared, leaving only a pink one.

Combined with the wool on the dead woman's hands...

"It was probably the man who killed her and ran away with the bag." Conan recalled that on the road, the lovers carefully covered their bags, not daring to let others see what was inside.

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