Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 480 Learn more about the contract

Running into a crowd of policemen at the beginning is really an overly exciting horror story for a current criminal.

The arsonist was so excited that he fled back to the car and drove down the road, knocking down many things along the way.

It was precisely these traces that allowed Sato, who had taken a detour, not to lose him immediately, but to follow him for a long distance.

However, once we reached Cupido Town and hit the main road, this tracking method was no longer useful.

At a traffic light intersection, Sato Miwako's car slowly stopped.

She frowned and looked in the three directions in front of her, not knowing which way to go.

Next to her, in the passenger seat, Jiang Xia leaned on the back of her seat and looked straight ahead.

——When he knocked the ghost on the head just now, he also threw the foggy dog ​​out and let it hitch a ride on the arsonist and act as a metaphysical locator.

At this time, Jiang Xia felt the location of Wutian Dog and was a little hesitant whether to make up an excuse to show the way, or directly push it to his "intuition".

I just thought about it and was about to speak.

But at this time, the ghosts around him started to stir slowly, leaning on the car windows one by one, looking at the sky diagonally above.

——Next to this intersection, there is a commercial building, which is the shopping center of Aipido Town.

Outside the commercial building, there is a slowly rotating Ferris wheel with a small commemorative plaque hanging next to it.

Jiang Xia looked at it, and then he was surprised to find that there was the aura of ghost fetuses here, and it was getting closer to him.

He followed the ghosts' gaze and looked upward.

I saw a normal-sized ghost tire jumping off the Ferris wheel on the side of the road and falling leisurely to where the car was.

It quickly succeeded in grabbing the car window, and then wriggled its way into the car along the window crack.

Jiang Xia's eyes were fixed on this new ghost who came to the door for nothing, and it was difficult to move.

——The adult male ghost he has always wanted.

- No weird wings and tails or anything like that.

——Although he is in the Q-version ghost form with a three-headed body, from the distribution of his facial features, it can be seen that he was a handsome boy before he was born.

Jiang Xia: "!"

...After such a long time, his European Emperor's power finally exploded again?

Jiang Xia moved the hand hanging by his side in slight surprise, opened his palm, and caught the ghost tire that slipped through the car window and fell off.

The new ghost rolled half a circle in his hand, quickly got up and stood up straight. Then he nodded to Jiang Xia in a humane manner, as if he was giving a hasty hello to his colleagues during an urgent handover of work.

After that, it raised its hand and pointed straight ahead.

——It happened to be the direction in which the arsonist fled.

Jiang Xia looked at the enthusiastic market ghost who jumped out to guide the way, and then glanced at the Ferris wheel next to him, vaguely guessing its identity.

Thinking of this, he looked to the side for confirmation.

——Miwako Sato was looking around, looking for traces of the arsonist's escape. But gradually, after realizing that the scenery around her looked more and more familiar, her expression changed slightly, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyes, as if she was briefly trapped in memories.

Jiang Xia nodded secretly and confirmed.

It seems that I picked up an elite police ghost this time.

——Matsuda Jinpei.

As we all know, Tohru Amuro had top grades when he was in the police academy, and all of his friends were talented people. The five of them formed an excellent small group.

Unfortunately, except for Toru Amuro, the other four people are now dead.

——One of them joined the organization as an undercover agent and committed suicide after his identity was exposed; another was Officer Takagi’s boss and died in a car accident; the other two joined the demolition team and then died seven years ago and three years ago respectively. A vicious trap set up by the same bomber.

In Jiang Xia's impression, the place where Matsuda Jinping was killed by a bomb three years ago happened to be in a Ferris wheel built on a commercial building.

Although the ghost's mind is not as sharp as a human's, it still retains some memories of its lifetime.

Judging from the appearance of Matsuda Ghost just now, it seems that it has been staying on this Ferris wheel looking out at the city. And from here, you can just see several of the arson sites.

...No wonder it would suddenly run out and try to give directions when Officer Sato was unsure of the direction.

Ghosts are innately aware of the medium's identity, just as mammals know how to eat as soon as they hit the ground.

Although Matsuda Jin was not inferior to Toru Amuro in boxing and was considered half a superman in his lifetime, now, as a weak ghost fetus with no source of food, he could only silently watch the arsonists setting fires everywhere in the past few days. Let alone arresting the criminal, it couldn't even call the police, and it was already feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Now, it was suddenly discovered that a psychic had slipped into the police force...

Although he was a little confused as to why the psychic came to be a policeman, once he thought that the psychic could see it, receive his prompts and arrest the criminal, Matsuda Jinpei couldn't help but float down and squeeze into the car. , wanting to show Jiang Xia the way and help them bring the people they are chasing to justice.

And yesterday, when the arsonist passed by here, Matsuda Jinpei saw a shikigami hanging on his leg - this meant that the arsonist was not only setting fires, but he was also carrying a murder case. If left unchecked, there is no guarantee that no one else will be killed later.

However, after floating into the car and announcing the direction, the psychic holding it did not respond.

Matsuda Jinpei tugged on Jiang Xia's clothes to urge him, and at the same time raised his head in confusion.

He saw the psychic looking directly at him, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Jiang Xia briefly admired his new ghost.

Then before the traffic light changed color, he opened the door and got out of the car: "I have something to do. You go straight first and see if you can catch up."

After leaving a message for Miwako Sato, Jiang Xia slammed the car door, crossed the road and ran to the sidewalk amidst the condemnation shouts of the police officer behind her.

Of course, I didn’t forget to bring the ghost.

Getting off the bus on the street is not actually in compliance with traffic regulations. However, Jiangxia thought about Hattori Heiji's motorcycle, Conan's skateboard, and Amuro Toru's car, and felt that there was no big problem - he was still a rare law-abiding citizen among detectives.

The traffic light quickly changed from red to green.

When the traffic surged again behind him, Jiang Xia turned around at the entrance of the shopping mall, stepped onto the path, and walked towards the deserted corner.

Matsuda Jinpei looked at the increasingly gloomy scenes around him and always felt that this development was not quite right.

It held Jiang Xia's arm slightly nervously, looked around vigilantly, and instinctively observed the retreat route.

But soon, after taking a look at the circle of ghosts on Jiang Xia's body that were staring at it curiously, especially those with eight legs and tails that were faster than it could run at a glance, Matsuda Jinpei was silent for a moment and gave up the useless struggle. It turned back into a quiet ghost pillow.

Jiang Xia walked for a while and stopped.

After confirming that no one was around, he lowered his head, looked at the new ghost who was looking up at him, and went straight to the topic:

"Sign a contract? It's painless, it only takes a few seconds. After signing, we'll go catch the arsonist."

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