Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 408 The balance between Uzo and vodka

Thinking of this, Gin couldn't help but press his forehead.

Smart people and honest people do have their own pros and cons when it comes to being teammates.

If only Uzo could follow directions like vodka.

Or maybe vodka can become as smart as Uzo.

...Tsk, he should think about how to capture Akai Shuichi back to the organization when he returns to Tokyo and make the FBI's biggest rat pay the price for his betrayal.

Not long after, the boat slowly set off, speeding from slow to fast, heading towards the sea.

——It’s almost dusk now, and when we get to the main island, it’s getting dark, which is convenient for night fishing.

Jiang Xia returned to his cabin,

The room rate includes a dinner with fresh ingredients.

When it was time for dinner, Jiang Xia hesitated between eating and not eating, and finally decided to have someone help deliver the food to her room to avoid the detective's presence affecting some people's fragile minds.

——In fact, eating in a restaurant has the most atmosphere. If it was normal, Jiang Xia might have gone out, but this time it was about seven...eight ghosts, so he needed to be cautious.

Gin and vodka had no intention of leaving the cabin.

In the corridor, only two guest room doors were opened one after another.

——Kazuyuki Kawai, the manager of the utility store, and Tsuneo Yamazaki, the financial president who was invited by him, walked through the corridor and came to the restaurant.

After finishing the meal and drinking a few glasses of wine, Kazuyuki Kawai brought the topic to fishing, took out his fishing rod and showed it to Tsuneo Yamazaki.

"This is what I told you before, the new carbon fishing rod from the fishing tackle shop next door to us. It is lighter in weight and has good toughness - it can pull in any fish of any size." As he said that, Kazuyuki took the fish He handed the pole to Boss Yamazaki and said with a smile, "You can try it tonight."

Seeing Tsuneo Yamazaki playing with the new fishing rod with great interest, Kazuyuki Kawai also took out one of the same style and secretly sneered.

He specially chose this season when there were few people to invite Tsuneo Yamazaki because his plan was most convenient to implement in a place with few people.

So just now, when I heard that three more passengers were coming on board, Kawai Kazuyuki was inevitably worried. He even took out the laxatives he had prepared in advance and decided that if something went wrong, the other three passengers would be trapped in the bathroom and unable to go fishing on the deck together. …

Fortunately, none of the three people came out.

Kawai Kazuyuki felt better when he thought of this - judging from this perfect start, today, the goddess of luck was finally on his side!

After a leisurely meal, the boat gradually stopped and arrived at the fishing spot.

Kawai Kazuyuki and Yamazaki Tsuneo came to the deck together.

The light on the deck was normal, and the two of them were separated by a distance, fishing in silence with their own thoughts.

After fishing for a while, Kawai sneaked to the lamppost while President Yamazaki wasn't paying attention.

He took out the lighter in his pocket and burned the casing of one of the wires, exposing the metal inside.

Afterwards, Kazuyuki Kawai gently put on the rain boots and insulating gloves on the deck, then placed the prepared blade on the edge of the boat, leaned out of the boat, and fixed one end of his fishing line to the side of the boat. outside.

everything's ready.

Kawai Kazuyuki took a deep breath and struggled to pull the fishing rod. At the same time, he turned around and shouted excitedly to Tsuneo Yamazaki: "The black float is floating! I can't pull it, come and help me!"

There are no fish biting the hook on President Yamazaki's side, so he is getting a bit bored.

Hearing this, he didn't think much and ran over to help Kawai and Xing pull the fishing rod together.

After pulling twice, Kazuyuki cleverly moved the fishing rod and brought the fishing line closer to the blade embedded in the edge of the boat.

When the two touched each other, the tough fishing line suddenly broke.

The two people holding the fishing rod and pulling hard lost their balance at the same time and fell backward.

Seeing the right opportunity, Kazuyuki Kawai collided and forcibly changed the direction in which President Yamazaki fell to the ground, allowing the fishing rod in his hand to hit the exposed wire. At the same time, they knocked over the fish barrel containing seawater next to it.

The fishing rod that President Yamazaki was holding was connected to the wire, and there was a burst of electricity.

There was a vague smell of paste.

Kawai Kazuyuki couldn't hide his joy when he saw this scene.

He quickly threw off the rubber shoes on his feet, tore off his gloves and stuffed them into his pockets. He fell down in the same position as when he cut the thread just now, and stacked up with Tsuneo Yamazaki, pretending to run to the rescue. Unfortunately, they were both electrocuted.

——Yamazaki Tsuneo has a bad heart.

Yamazaki couldn't survive the same electric shock, but he could survive, which is very reasonable...

A few minutes later, the captain's daughter Sayuri Umihara took two glasses of beer and prepared to give them to two people who were addicted to fishing.

She walked out of the hatch with a smile and looked around, but saw no one.

Take a closer look - on the dark deck, two middle-aged men overlapped and fell to the ground, with a long fishing rod pressed between them. The bucket containing bait next to it has been overturned, and the bait and water are spread out on the ground. The two people soaking in the water are motionless, looking...

Like dead.

Sayuri Umihara was stunned for a moment, and the beer glass in her hand fell to the ground with a click.

The next second, a scream sounded like an assembly order on the ship:


Before the screams dissipated, a figure anxiously approached. Seeing that Sayuri Umihara was okay, he seemed relieved, and then asked softly: "What's wrong?"

——As he said that, the enthusiastic detective Jiang Xia who came after hearing the sound took a look at the deck.

Tsuneo Yamazaki had already suffered a cardiac arrest due to the electric shock just now, and missed the first aid time.

As he turned into a corpse, the seven shikigami clinging to his legs also fell off one after another, and were then hugged one by one by the ghost fetuses lining up next to him.

One ghost and one shikigami, exactly seven.

There was no fish that slipped through the net and squirmed into the sea, it was very orderly.

Jiang Xia looked back with satisfaction.

Then he ran to the two people who were lying together, first lifted up Kawai Kazuyuki who was lying on Yamazaki Tsuneo and pretended to be faint, asked twice, "Are you okay?" and threw them aside.

Then when Kawai Kazuyuki performed "Yuyou Wake Up", he returned to Yamazaki Tsuneo who fell to the ground and probed his neck.

Soon, Jiang Xia's expression changed from worried to solemn: "There is no pulse..."

He turned around and looked around, his eyes pausing on the wires for a moment.

Then he took out his gloves and put them on carefully, and carefully opened the corpse's hand.

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