Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 343 Shameless Detective

Conan: "..."

He quickly reviewed the previous phone call in his mind, and then realized that apart from calling Jiang Xia and the others by their first names instead of "Brother Jiang Xia" and "Sister Yuanzi", he had not said anything suspicious.

so far so good……

Conan stared at Toru Amuro for a moment, thinking of the mysterious person from Jiang Xia with unknown intentions. After hesitating for a moment, he finally revealed some details: "Brother Jiang Xia's classmates invited him to go to the concert this afternoon, but brother Jiang Xia said he has The commission was rejected. Then just now..."

He briefly told what had just happened.

Of course, all content related to "Kudo Shinichi" has been omitted.

Toru Amuro listened in silence, and the more he listened, the more he felt that something was wrong with this kid named Conan.

Although he is only a first-year elementary school student, his logic and insight are not weak. If it were any other child, he might have been easily deceived by the person who changed his voice, and would not have thought that "there is someone pretending to be on the other side of the phone."

However, when talking about first-grade children, Toru Amuro couldn't help but think of another figure.

——That was another little boy he met at the Izu Princess Hotel.

Although the child wrapped in a scarf is not as long-winded as Conan, he is good at playing tricks, calculating, and is very accurate in pricking needles. Moreover, Toru Amuro was confused by his appearance at the time, and he was careless and actually fell into the trap... so After a comparison, the doubts in Tohru Amuro's heart immediately faded away.

Perhaps he has been away from childhood for too long and lacks a correct understanding of today's children... The flowers of the motherland are really getting stronger and stronger, but the direction of growth is worrying. Especially the little boy who loves to stick needles.

Toru Amuro was distracted for a moment, and his thoughts quickly returned to normal.

Although he got the general situation from Conan's description, he still couldn't use this information to tell what the purpose of the person who took Jiang Xia's mobile phone was.

In addition, when talking about "voice change", he remembered a person.

Belmod, known as the "Thousand-Faced Witch".

According to Tohru Amuro's information, Belmode had secretly arrived in Tokyo from the United States not long ago.

...If it were her, she could indeed do such a thing. But the motive is puzzling - why would a new organizational cadre target the innocent Jiang Xia?

Toru Amuro: "..." Wait, if you insist on saying so, it doesn't seem to be considered "innocent". The impression was that Bellmode hated Shirley very much, and part of the reason she came to Tokyo was to track down the defected bottle of watered wine.

Among the few interpersonal relationships that Shirley has, Jiang Xia obviously ranks high.

If I remember correctly, Ginjiu approached Jiang Xia because of this.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Belmode came again.

...And Tooru Amuro remembered that Belmode had always liked to consume members of the organization, and his relationship with the boss was also very special. If this continues, Jiang Xia may be innocently persecuted by her even if she has done nothing.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro gradually frowned.

"Leave this matter to me." He touched Conan's head, got on his bicycle and left, "Children, don't meddle in adults' business, go home and study hard."

Conan: "..." Hey! You should talk about the commission Jiang Xia received today!

Toru Amuro left Conan's sight and called Jiang Xia to try to confirm, but no one answered.

After thinking for a moment, Toru Amuro dialed another number.

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