Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 217 Kidd doesn’t want to be robbed again

However, facing Jiang Xia's expectant and oppressive gaze, Wutian Gou did not dare to say a word.

It thought nervously for a moment, then hesitantly opened its wings and took a deep breath.

...After a lot of hard work, Wutian Dog has indeed grown a lot bigger.

From a small pillow, it became a small pillow that expanded a little...

Jiang Xia looked at this subtle change and sighed tiredly.

Forget it, let’s exchange the mermaid’s rations for life-size pillows when the ghosts are fed regularly in the future...

Although this trip is troublesome, the rewards are not small.

The puppet has been strengthened, which is an unexpected surprise.

Of course, you can also get some basic benefits after signing in as a new ghost - the mermaid lights up her skills as expected.

She can make a person breathe in water.

If a mermaid puppet is summoned and the puppet appears within one meter of the target, the time limit of "water breathing" can be extended until the murderous aura is not enough to maintain the puppet.

If you don't summon a puppet and just use the whoring skill, it can last for about 5 minutes.

Although this fish is not easy to get along with and always covets his ghost mints, his skills are quite practical and he doesn't do anything weird like Xiaobai or Kiritengu.

In addition to skills, getting a new ghost also means getting a new puppet shape.

Jiang Xia looked at the mermaid ghost's conspicuous big tail with mixed emotions - I'm afraid this vest still won't be able to drive down the street normally...

As expected.

After throwing the mermaid ghost into the puppet clay, the puppet turned into a mermaid without any fuss.

Perhaps because the gender of the monster is relatively ambiguous, the puppet's shape was neutralized by Jiang Xia's soul, and it no longer looked so feminine. The original shell bra became a flat scale armor that covered the ribs.

This made Jiang Xia secretly relieved. If the puppet doesn't change, let him drive a female vest wearing only shells... Even if the vest only appears in water, it feels very strange.

Now like this, I can barely keep my lower limit of shame...

After Jiang Xia counted the harvest, she turned off the lights and fell asleep with satisfaction.

The next afternoon, the storm on the sea gradually subsided, and the police finally arrived by boat.

They examined the bodies of the two deceased people and listened to the islanders' statements about the situation at the time. They also felt that although the two incidents were accidental, there seemed to be someone behind them.

After checking the belongings of the deceased, the police found a letter from "Saori" on Kuroe Nao's mobile phone.

As a result, Kadori Saori became a major suspect, and her "disappearance" was also given a strong "on the run" aura.

Both Hattori Heiji and Conan felt that the matter was not that simple, and they speculated in their hearts that Kadori Saori might have been killed.

But the clues they have now are very scarce, making it difficult to make complete inferences.

In addition, the long vacation is coming to an end and they have to go back to school...

The detectives could only book the boat tickets with great reluctance.

At the same time, Shimabukuro Junhui also secretly packed his luggage, left a letter at the shrine, and prepared to board the ship to the outside world.

Previously, she had been staying on this island to follow her mother's last wish, so that Mermaid Island would always have a "mermaid" spokesperson, so that the island could continue to rely on tourism.

But Shimabukuro Kimie did that before because she thought there were no real mermaids in the world, so she had to dress up as "Mate", a virtual character used to indirectly prove the existence of mermaids.

And now, since mermaids really exist... maybe she should hand over the island to the mermaids.

...Okay, the above are all excuses.

The truth is that she no longer wants to stay on this island.

——Previously, when the police entered the mountain and took out the body of Kuroe Nao, many islanders watched.

Shimabukuro Kimie was also in a mixed mood among the onlookers, wanting to see his enemy for the last time.

It was dark at that time, and several old people on the island had poor eyesight. They did not see Shimabukuro Kimie behind them, and they whispered in a low voice that Kuroe Nao was probably "staring at Naoko's bones and was revenged by the dead soul."

It was at that time that Shimabukuro Kimie suddenly realized that the neighbors on the island who lived together day and night were not as ignorant as they seemed.

——They knew the true identity of the "Destiny" and the mermaid, and even vaguely guessed the cause and effect of the fire three years ago. Just for the sake of the prosperity of this island, no one was willing to tell the truth.

That night, Shimabukuro Kimie didn't know how she got home.

She thought about the shrine all night, and finally decided to pack her bags and leave.

She no longer wants to protect this island, nor the people on it.

The world is so big and she is still young. She wants to see the outside world.

On the boat leaving Mermaid Island, the two groups of people met suddenly.

——A group of high school students looked at the miko who was carrying large and small bags and looked like she was planning to move. They looked shocked.

Hattori Heiji and Conan coincidentally thought of the two "accidents" that looked like accidents but had obvious human traces, and a complicated light appeared in their eyes.

But when they looked at Shimabukuro Kime's relaxed and happy appearance, they felt that this was not at all like the state she would be in just after killing someone - especially since there were three detectives sitting next to her.

And if I remember correctly, just now Jiang Xia accidentally looked at her, and Shimabukuro Kimie asked him kindly if he wanted to eat a small cake... Unless he was a pervert who regarded killing as natural as breathing, he probably wouldn't be able to do it like this She is the same.

It's really just a coincidence.

Moreover, Shimabukuro Kimie may not have wanted to "move and escape", but she just took more things with her when she went out...

Jiang Xia returned home with a new ghost and a fruitful harvest.

When he arrived at the detective agency the next day, the first thing he did was check the mailbox.

However, there is still no invitation letter for the serial murder case.

Jiang Xia has gone from being disappointed at the beginning to becoming accustomed to it now.

He sighed in an ordinary way and cleared the mailbox that was filled with various advertisements.

Then suddenly he saw a piece of news in a certain newspaper that he was concerned about.

- Kaitou Kidd is about to take action again.

This time, Kidd's goal is a sapphire.

Jiang Xia carefully wrote down the time and place on the notice letter, and planned to go to the appointment on time to pick up the energy core.

Ever since he discovered Kidd's ability to produce energy cores, Jiang Xia has been paying close attention to news in this area.

——Before this, he had already gone there twice in the foggy dog's vest and robbed two pieces of Kidd's target.

Although the energy inside is not too much, it is a rich reward compared to ordinary robbers.

That night, Kidd adjusted his equipment and set off vigilantly to the venue.

If the only opponents were Officer Nakamori and his men, Kidd would treat the process of taking away the gems as an interesting game.

But ever since I met the foggy dog ​​on the Suzuki family's boat, everything has been different...

All plots, details, etc. are subject to change

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