Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 362: Snatched Cases and Fleeing Fools

"Ha..." Mizumayue yawned and sat at the desk reading the newspaper with a confused face.

"Ha..." Sato Mikazuko lay on the table next to Mizumayuki, and yawned, "Haha." Suddenly, she laughed inexplicably.

"Ha..." Yawning is indeed contagious, and Mizumayue yawned again and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at the way you look like a **** now." Sato Miwako smiled even more cheerfully.

Mizuki shook his head helplessly, "You better rest for a while, otherwise you won't be much better than me." There was a circle of light blue around Sato Miwako's eyes, which already had the meaning of a giant panda, which made people feel distressed.

Miwako Miwako patronized and looked at Sato Miwako, but she couldn't remember that she also stayed up all night, and her mental state was not much better than Sato Miwako.

"Hmph." Mikazu Sato buried her head and fell asleep on the table, but it seemed more like she wanted to express "I don't care about you." This meant.

In order to let her rest better, Mizumayuki put down the newspaper and walked out of the office lightly.

Outside the office stood a large group of police officers who arrived early, and stood there casually looking at the surrounding scenery, as if they hadn't been listening at the crack of the door before. Just earlier, Mikazu Sato was sitting on the bed of Mizumayuki. On the side they consciously walked out.

Mizumayue ignored their wretched eyes, he felt that he needed to walk around to refresh himself.

As soon as he walked out of the crowd, he saw Chiba holding a stack of documents, trotting past him, and his round belly was shaking. Speaking of which, when Mizumayuki was still in the third line, she made plans such as running errands for Chiba to lose weight. The work is all handed over to Chiba's many rules, but Chiba's stomach has not grown much so far, and sometimes it is slightly smaller, and it will rebound after a while.

"Chiba! Is there a case?" Mizuma Yue greeted.

"It's the Mizuma Police Department. There was a case just now, and I was about to report it to the Sato Police Department." Chiba stopped.

Mizumayuki suddenly reached out and took the document, Chiba didn't have time to react at all: "Lend me to take a look."

It is a very common case of burglary and homicide. The reporter and the first discoverer are the wife of the deceased and not someone related to the detective, so this case will be investigated by the three departments.

"It's mine, I just want to move, you go to the management officer to change the registration." Mizumayue said suddenly, and turned around without waiting for the surprised Chiba to say: "Anyway, Miwako is with me, originally you I ran to the office just now and can't find her now."

So angry... Chiba, who was stunned by Mizumayuki's sudden actions, felt that Mizumayuki's behavior was very angry, especially the last sentence, which was really angry.

"The deceased's name is Tohira Takafumi, male, 42 years old, occupation is the department manager of the securities formula, the cause of death... Police department? Police department?" Half suddenly noticed that his police department seemed to be gone.

"Still sleeping? Get up quickly, the Mumu police department will come down to check again, do you want to tell him that you are helping me watch the house? Go back quickly and remember to lock the door for me when you leave, wood Well!" The sound of Mizumayue's phone call came from outside the door.

"..." Kato Kumano expressed his desire to resign.

"What did you say the name of the deceased was just now?" Considering the time when the Meguro Police Department came down to check around every day, she woke up Miwako Sato's Miwazuki back on time, and asked very solemnly, as if nothing had happened before.

"Please take a look." He shoved the notepad in his hand to Tsuki Mizuma very succinctly, and Kato Kuminobu rarely turned around and left without being talkative.

Suimayue picked it up and turned it over, but the cause of death and the murder weapon of the deceased caught Suimayue's attention.

Cause of death: Multiple blows to the head with blunt force.

Murder weapon: Rifle (real gun, with bullets inside, no fault).

That is to say, the murderer did not shoot the deceased when he had a good rifle in his hand, but chose to use it as a blunt weapon to kill the other party... Well, Mizuma Tsuki admits that the weight of the rifle is heavier than the ordinary shotgun Much heavier, it does have certain advantages as a 'melee weapon'.

(It is worth mentioning that rifles, as a type of shotgun, can be privately held in Japan with a gun license.)

In addition, the owner of the rifle is the deceased Torihira Takafumi. The deceased is a hunting enthusiast. In addition to this rifle, he bought a new shotgun and an air gun.

The time of the crime was roughly from 10 pm to 2 am, because the wife of the deceased went to stay at her parents' house in Linshi for one night, and only when she came back the next day did she find the body of the deceased lying at home.

Mizuki made a simple judgment. First of all, the murderer chose the time when the deceased's wife was away to commit the crime. The possibility of coincidence was relatively low. The relatively high possibility was that an acquaintance who knew about the situation in advance committed the crime or went through a long-term stepping.

However, there was no property damage in the house, and there was no trace of rummaging. It can be said that the purpose of the murderer was to kill the deceased. That is to say, acquaintances committed crimes, and the probability of vendetta was relatively high.

"Crack!" Mizumayue snapped her fingers, and casually ordered: "Investigate whether the deceased has had a conflict with anyone recently. Of course, don't let go of long-term conflicts and previous conflicts." Then, naturally, a police officer will go to the execution. .

After a while, more detailed autopsy results and forensic investigation results were sorted out.

The time of death was confirmed to be eleven o'clock in the evening, and the scar on the head basically matched the **** of the rifle, confirming that the murder weapon was the rifle.

The forensics class detected a large number of fingerprints on the rifle, and a large number of fingerprints that did not match the deceased were concentrated on the barrel. The fact that the deceased's head was in contact with the **** of the gun indicates that the murderer was directly holding the barrel and moving the rifle. Evidence of attack on the deceased.

"Is the direction and position of the fingerprints natural? Is it a place where a swinging attack is likely to hit?" Because she had not seen a idiot who killed someone without gloves and left fingerprints on the weapon for a long time, Mizuma Yue cautiously asked again.

"There are many and complicated fingerprints, so it cannot be completed in a short period of time, but the fingerprints are concentrated in two places, like holding a bat up and down." Shanxian Gongwang answered Mizuki's question and made a Posing of swinging a baseball bat.

"Then we have to check the acquaintances of the deceased, and then compare the fingerprints one by one." Mizumayue felt that this must be very troublesome, and waved quickly: "Hurry up and continue to find clues!" Chu's was written on his face.

Mizumayuki's phone rang, and it was Shiratori, who split up at the beginning. He was in charge of going to the deceased's company to conduct related investigations.

"Police, one person from the deceased's company did not go to work today." Shiratori said.

Mizumayue couldn't help but whistled, and it was a little unaccustomed to things going smoothly.

"This person's name is Enomoto Sugito, and he is a subordinate of the deceased. He didn't come to work today and no one answered the call to him."

"How is his relationship with the deceased?" Mizumayuki asked.

"It's hard to say," Shiratori pondered for a while, sorted out his language and said, "The deceased was actually very optimistic about Enomoto Sugito, but he was the kind of person who would be strict with his requirements, so Enomoto Sugito was often used by the deceased in the company. scolding people in front of everyone."

"Have you figured out the address of the Enomoto Sugi people?" asked Mizuma Tsuki.

"I just asked,...cho...street...number." Shiratori said.

"It's not too far away, I'll go take a look too." Shui Jianyue said with great interest.

"The police department? The police department! We're at the place!" Kato Kumano had a black line on his face, looking at Tsuki Mizuma, who was sleeping soundly on the co-pilot.

Previously, Mizumayue asked someone to accompany him to another site. He raised his hand to sign up, but it turned out that it was Suimayue who was missing a driver.

"Huh? Is it fast?" Mizumayuki opened her eyes and seemed to be smacking her lips in dissatisfaction.

I hope I can drive a little slower and get more sleep... Kumano Kato feels that his temper should be good, why is he suddenly a little angry?

Speaking of which, the Mizuma police department sat with the three-series Sato police department this morning, each reading a newspaper and taking a nap. Now this one is still so sleepy, it can't help but remind people of what the two of them did all night last night. Sleepless things.

Feeling that Kato Kumashin's eyes were gradually becoming wretched, Mizuma Tsuki glared at him.

In fact, he hadn't been able to fall asleep just now, and he felt a looming aura staring at him all the time.

This kind of feeling is very mysterious, and Mizumayue has never felt it before, but he believes that his feeling is true, so he does not fall asleep.

"Ha...ah..." Mizuma Yue yawned and walked into Enomoto Sugito's room.

It's the kind of apartment building you see everywhere, and it's the same type of place where you caught the Hammer man last time.

"Police department, we are late, and the people of Enomoto Sugi have already run away." Shiratori said after Mizuma Tsuki came in.

"I guessed it when I knew that he didn't go to work. He could hide at home even if he didn't even go to work. This person should not be that stupid."

"Don't say that, this person is really not that smart." Shiratori shook his head and took out a large black wallet.

While the corners of Shui Jianyue's mouth twitched, she put on gloves and took the wallet, opened it, and saw a large pile of cash, as well as various bank cards, ID cards, driver's licenses, and so on.

"He can't run far, which is good news." Mizumayuki shook his head and said, "Without an ID card, there is no way to buy a train ticket, and there is not too much cash on him, nor enough for him to leave Tokyo by other means—unless he relies on Get your legs out."

"I have notified the local checkpoints to pay attention to this person, and asked for his ID photo from his company." Shiratori said that he was ready.

Shui Jianyue nodded, very satisfied with Shiratori's actions, and said, "Contact all the friends and confirm that this person has not reissued an ID card recently, so don't be fooled by him."

"Understood!" Shiratori's eyes lit up, he hadn't thought of this before.

"The next step is to deal with this person who is really in the situation as we imagined, without documents and bank cards, and there is not much cash." Mizuma Yue continued.

"Go to friends and relatives!" Kato Xiongxin called immediately.

"No need to rush to answer!" Mizumayue rolled her eyes: "Then I'll leave it to you to investigate the situation of his friends and relatives in Tokyo."


" the forensics class first." Mizumayuki called Shanxian Gongwang, who was still on guard at the scene of the crime, and asked him to call some forensics staff—the staff on Shiratori's side were all Those who went to the company of the deceased to learn about the situation were all police officers, and there were no forensic personnel.

"Fingerprints will be extracted for a while for comparison, and then..." Mizumayuki counts the next events with his fingers. Of course, he usually doesn't need to do this kind of action to concentrate, but now his state is obviously not enough. Pay attention and it will all be lost.

"The police department!" Another police officer came in: "A **** suit was found in the garbage outside the apartment."

"Yo, has the search scope been expanded?" Mizumayuki glanced at Shiratori in surprise. Shiratori did much better than he imagined.

"No!" Shui Jianyue suddenly screamed, and patted her forehead uncomfortable in the eyes of everyone's surprise: "Did anyone see you when you were turning over the garbage?"

"Many people saw us, and I explained our identities to them, but I don't think it's a shameful thing for the criminal police to turn over the garbage." The police officer Qi Yuxuan said arrogantly.

"Shameful shit!" There are some things in Shui Jianyue, and there are always some people who can't distinguish their priorities and add drama to themselves: "When you found the blood clothes, did many people see them?"

"Is there any problem?" the police officer asked blankly, "Can't our work be made public to the people?"

"Open... Open..." Mizumayuki almost got angry: "How much do you want to be in the newspaper before anyone is caught? You want the prisoner who is still on the run, just buy a morning paper and you will be better off. Is Zaiyou Zai aware of the police's investigation and the progress of the investigation?"

"This..." The police officer finally understood that his lack of caution ruined Yue Mizuma's thoughts.

"It's my fault." Shiratori said suddenly, "I should remind them of this when I ask them to expand their search range."

"Is it a matter of responsibility now?" Mizumayuki gave the righteous Shiratori a roll of eyes: "I originally planned to only report the murder and hide the progress here, so that the murderer mistakenly thought that the trap to come back to retrieve the wallet had not been discovered. Complete bankruptcy, just the **** clothes, the shark-like reporters who swarmed you can toss you for half your life, now there is no other request, let go of the investigation, anyway, tomorrow is not just the murderer, the whole of Tokyo will be Know we're after a criminal."

ps Mizuma Moon: "Why can't I sleep yet?" Origami: "I haven't slept for forty hours, you still want to sleep?" pss, the latest manga, Kudo Yusaku thinks that byiss may be Karasuma Renye (The rich man in the Golden Mansion). By the way, has anyone seen Best Friendship? How do I remember that the byiss of that book is Karasuma Renya? I can't seem to find him now. Anyone who still remembers the plot can tell me if I remembered it wrong or the author is a transmigrator? (I vaguely remember that when Mary was called Mary in Best Friendship, the manga didn't even mention the true identity of the "out-of-field sister".)? ? ! psss: The distraction buff on Mizumayuki's body is actually origami, and it's stuck in minutes...

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