Comprehensive Manga: Saiyans Beginning in a Dream

Chapter 18 The Next Plan For The Dragon Ball World

After being immersed in the dream, Qin Chuan did not appear directly in the Dragon Ball world this time. Instead, he saw a special pop-up window in the darkness.

[Dear kobolds, please choose the mission world you want to enter: 1. "Dragon Ball"]

This is obviously a selection interface used to choose to enter the mission world, but there is only one Dragon Ball world on it, and Qin Chuan still doesn't know how to unlock the second world.

Judging from what he has observed in the Dragon Ball world now, it is unlikely that he will be able to improve his soul and mental strength in the Dragon Ball world in a short time.

However, the physical combat effectiveness of Dragon Ball World is really strong, which makes Qin Chuan quite satisfied.

However, Qin Chuan actually loves and hates the Dragon Ball world.

Love, because the overall level of the Dragon Ball world is very high, so after Qin Chuan randomly obtained the identity of a Saiyan, he almost reached the sky in one step, possessing combat power that is too extravagant for the real world.

Hate, because the combat power in the Dragon Ball world is too high, so the main mission is extremely rare. Qin Chuan estimates that if he is unlucky, it will take a long time to complete the mission of defeating Frieza with 100% power.

And more importantly, if the way to unlock the second world is to clear the main mission of the first world, Qin Chuan will be really stuck.

"I can only hope that the way to unlock the second world is simpler."

Qin Chuan, who was a little confused about his future, sighed and chose to enter the Dragon Ball world - he had no other world to choose from now.

The next moment, Qin Chuan felt the darkness in front of him fade away instantly, and his figure appeared in the woods again - he knew this woods, it was the same woods he was in when he quit the game last time.

The hole blasted out by the Qigong wave that destroyed Elek's body was still at his feet.

After realizing that his position had not changed from the last time he exited the game, Qin Chuan immediately suppressed his anger and reduced his combat power to a low point.

Sure enough, the next moment, a beam of light shone from the distance - a large lighting equipment was lighting everywhere, and it happened to shine on Qinchuan.

Stretching his head out, Qin Chuan looked into the distance. There was originally a Cyrillic city, but now it has completely turned into ruins. Now a large group of Frieza Army's handymen are cleaning up.

After all, Frieza's business is to sell these planets to aliens in need. Since they are commodities, the appearance of them is naturally very important, and these urban ruins naturally need to be cleaned up.

Of course Qin Chuan knew about this, so he suppressed his anger immediately. In this way, even if someone from Frieza's army accidentally detected this area with a combat power detector, they would only see two people. digits of combat effectiveness.

With double-digit combat power, which is equivalent to that of large beasts on some planets, Frieza's army will naturally not care.

The planet they are selling only eliminates human civilization, but does not eliminate the biosphere - a planet without even animals, I am afraid not many people are willing to buy it.

However, besides Frieza's army, there was another group of people walking through the ruins of the city.

These people were not uniformly dressed, and there was obviously no discipline. They did not obey the command of Frieza's army, but the orders of a small blue-skinned woman with dreadlocks.

Just from her hairstyle and skin color, it is not difficult to tell that this woman is of the same race as Elek - Qin Chuan knows her, this guy's name is Maggie, and he and Elek belong to the same Sita clan.

Elek, the leader of the Sita clan, disappeared on Cyril. This was of course a major event for the Sita clan, so Maggie asked someone to search for Elek's traces.

Unlike Frieza, although the Sita clan has businesses all over the universe, they do not have their own armed forces. Their source of manpower is mercenaries from all over the universe. As long as they can afford the money, there are many people to work for them.

Frieza is obviously not ready to break up with the Theta clan yet, so Frieza doesn't care about the fact that the Theta clan has hired a bunch of mercenaries to search Cyril.

In this way, there are now two groups of people on Cyril, the large number of mercenaries invited by the Sita clan, and the miscellaneous personnel of Frieza's army mixed together, each doing their own thing, with almost no communication.

"Very good, just as I thought."

Qin Chuan looked at this situation with satisfaction - after killing Elek, this situation was already within his expectation.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Qin Chuan that the two groups are mixed together, because it means that if someone suddenly drives away in a spaceship, the two groups will think that the person on the opposite side is acting without authorization.

The people in Frieza's Army looked down on those mercenaries, and those mercenaries also looked down upon Frieza's Army. The two groups had no desire to communicate at all. In this case, it was best to fish in troubled waters.

Keeping his combat power low, Qin Chuan quickly found the landing point of Frieza's army's spherical spaceship nearby. The ground was full of pits made by the spherical spaceship, and no one was even watching.

Perhaps in the eyes of Frieza's army, these spherical spaceships are not very valuable things.

But this was convenient for Qin Chuan. He directly picked a relatively new one among these spherical spaceships, then opened the hatch and got in, pinched the positioning system and pulled it off.

This positioning system is used by Frieza's army headquarters to determine the location of the spacecraft. Before departure yesterday, Qin Chuan asked the logistics staff responsible for maintaining the spacecraft and he told him everything.

After all, in Frieza's army, the status of combat personnel is much higher than that of support personnel.

Although Saiyans have always been nicknamed monkeys in Frieza's army, it is undeniable that the support staff did not dare to resist Qin Chuan's questions.

Before setting off yesterday, Qin Chuan had already made preparations to leave Frieza's army, so he naturally investigated these details early.

Throwing the positioning device outside the spacecraft, Qin Chuan closed the hatch of the spacecraft and began to set the destination.

The computer of the spherical spacecraft stores the coordinates of many important planets collected by Frieza's army. As long as the planets are set, the spherical spacecraft will automatically go to the destination.

Among these coordinates, Qin Chuan spent a little time and found the destination coordinates he needed.

——Zuno Star.

This planet, just like its name, is where a person named Zuno lives.

This Zunuo is a well-known intelligence master in the entire universe. He knows almost everything. He can even provide the location of the Super Dragon Ball. He can be called a fully upgraded version of the fortune teller.

This guy is Qin Chuan's next target.

Because Zuno is a well-known intelligence provider in the universe, Qinchuan guessed that the planet coordinates collected by Frieza's army should include the planet Zuno, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Of course, if the coordinates collected by Frieza's army are not included, Qinchuan also has a backup plan, which is to obtain the location of Zuno from the Theta clan. As a businessman who can also sell information, the Theta clan must have a way to get it. Zuno's location.

But it seems that it is not needed now.

As for the price of letting Zunuo provide information, according to the original work, it is that Zunuo must provide a kiss, and then Zunuo will determine how many questions the other party can ask based on his feelings about the person who provided the kiss.

This setting is undoubtedly the bad taste of the author Akira Toriyama, but turning it into reality is not just a simple bad taste.

Of course, Qin Chuan couldn't kiss that Zunuo. He had already thought about it. If the other party didn't answer the question, he would directly use violence to force him to ask.

Zunuo himself has little fighting power. With his rules, if the questioner is a person who abides by the rules, then there is no problem. But if the opponent does not abide by the rules and is powerful, Zunuo can't do anything.

In the original work, the King of Universe 10, Zamasu, once violently demanded information about Zuno's Super Dragon Balls. He, Zamasu, could do it, but why couldn't I, Qin Chuan?

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