This morning, I suddenly received a call from my mother. My father had high blood pressure, and he was very dizzy. The dizziness was accompanied by vomiting. The situation was extremely scary!

The whole family was terrified. Seven aunts, eight aunts, uncles, uncles, and cousins ​​from all walks of life came. They rushed him to the hospital for emergency treatment. It seems that it has nothing to do with the head, and it can be regarded as slowing down.

I just came back from this meeting, just sat down to touch the computer, and immediately sent this leave request form, I'm really sorry everyone!

It's obviously the climax stage, and there will be a bigger climax later. The author doesn't want to stop the update, but he has to ask for a day off.

Just take it as a way to slow down your brain, maybe you will write more smoothly tomorrow!

Of course, I have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning, I hope it can be resolved during the day, and I will update everyone when I come back at night.

All in all, please forgive me, Xiao Mo bows his head and thanks!

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