Comeback 1992

Chapter 668:

  Chapter 668

   "I haven't made detailed statistics on this, but according to the situation around me, basically every family has more than two children!"

   As she spoke, Zhu Xiangping didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

  Jiangzhong doesn’t care about Xinghai Group’s employees’ overbirth, anyway, if you want to overbirth, you can do so, as long as you pay a fine.

  Xinghai Group's employees have a strong desire to have children, which has a lot to do with the policies implemented by Xinghai Group, and also has a lot to do with people's ideas today.

  Xinghai Group has an internal school. Although school attendance is not free, for employees, the fees of Red Star Middle School are not expensive.

  The essence of the establishment of Hongxing Middle School is to allow employees to work with peace of mind, so in the future, parents will face all kinds of homework tutoring for their children, which will definitely not happen.

  Family education is not for teaching children knowledge, school education is the place for teaching knowledge.

  Family education should cultivate children to be human beings, which should be more on the spiritual and moral level, and on the cultivation of children's personality.

  For Xinghai Group, it is definitely unacceptable for employees to spend a lot of energy on training their children's homework. In this case, there is no need for Hongxing Middle School to exist at all.

  So Hongxing Middle School pays great attention to cultivating students' independent living ability in school education.

  No one thinks that it is a bad thing for their children to have the ability to live independently; basically all parents know that their children should be independent, but they don’t know how to make their children independent.

  Often, the child is spoiled.

  At the beginning of each school year, the Red Star Middle School will send an education manual to the parents of each student. In this manual, it will list the education that will be carried out for the students this school year and what parents need to cooperate with.

  For example, from a few grades onwards, children have to wash their own clothes. How long does it take to ask parents not to help their children with anything.

  When they reach junior high school, the children will be divided. Some of them will go to ordinary high schools and take the normal way to go to college; some will go to technical high schools and take the route of technical education.

  In the future, people don’t want to have children. There is a large part of the reason that all children are crowded on the same road.

   This road is indeed a broad avenue, but the road is so wide, if you want to squeeze up, you have to work hard, not only the children are fighting, but the parents also have to fight together.

  How desperately?

   Fight for grades.

   Sending children to various cram schools and tutoring children at home, anyway, the purpose is only one, to improve children's academic performance, and then be admitted to a good university.

  As long as one person fights, the others have to fight.

  In addition to the various propaganda of the after-school tutoring institutions, don’t let the children lose at the starting line. As a parent, you will naturally be very anxious, and then the whole society is fighting.

  Going back to the root, there is a problem with Huaguo's education, and the road is too narrow.

  The road is narrow, so there are two options, widen the road or open another road.

  Now the technical high school in Jiangzhong is doing quite well. It doesn't mean that the children of the technical high school have no room to continue to rise. Xinghai Technical College has a high influence in Jiangzhong and the nearby areas.

  Nowadays, when recruiting skilled workers in factories in Jiangzhong, they basically don’t go to the society to recruit apprentices. They recruit workers directly from Technical High School and Xinghai Technical College.

   When recruiting workers in the society, we also recruit some workers who do manual labor.

   Workers who do manual work are naturally recruited in large numbers from the countryside.

  For factories, it takes time and cost to train an apprentice. After training, the wages and so on must be based on market standards, otherwise they will definitely not be able to retain people.

   Now that there are schools to train, that must be the best choice. You don't need to invest in it yourself, and you can use it when you recruit it.

  The entire Jiangzhong technical high school teaching system has begun to mature after several years of operation.

   Not only can train workers needed by factories, but also can train workers needed by society.

  In society, if children want to learn a technology, for parents, they have to find various relationships, beg grandpa to sue grandma, and have to give gifts to owe favors.

   But in the technical high school, the 360 ​​lines have basically been fully covered now.

   directly broke the previous form of mentoring and mentoring.

  Xinghai Technical Capability Level Certification has also expanded the scope of certification, not only for the traditional mechanical processing industry, but basically for all technical industries.

   Such as electrician, repairman, barber, carpenter, decorator, bricklayer and so on.

  In Jiangzhong, anyway, looking for people from all walks of life now depends on whether you have a certificate. If you don’t have a certificate, people think that this must be from Yeluzi, and the skills must be bad.

  Han Songlin turned the pen gently: "Where's your brother?"

   "My brother?" Zhu Xiangping was surprised, she didn't expect Han Songlin to ask about her brother's situation.

  Looked at the bookshelf in Han Songlin's office. On the bookshelf were the paper files of all the academicians and technicians of the seventh and eighth ranks of the Xinghai Group.

  For outsiders who want to know how many academicians there are in Xinghai Group, it is very simple, and they can find it on the official website of Xingchen Academy.

   But Xinghai Group will not announce the number of seventh- and eighth-level technicians.

  The existence of these people is the greatest guarantee of Xinghai Group's manufacturing capabilities.

  Zhu Xiangping's older brother, Zhu Xianghua, is now a sixth-level worker, so naturally his name cannot be left on this bookshelf.

   It was Zhu Xiangping's father, Zhu Guanglie, who was an eighth-level worker.

  Zhu Xiangping also knew where her father's files were stored, but she never took down her father's files and looked at them.

  Han Songlin nodded slightly. He did remember that Zhu Xiangping had an older brother.

   Thinking of her nephews and nieces, Zhu Xiangping smiled: "There are three children!"

  Han Songlin: "Do they have any opinions on the education of Hongxing Middle School?"

  Zhu Xiangping thought for a while: "It's pretty good!"

  Is it good?

  The education model of Hongxing Middle School is not about happy education.

  Happy education is an educational model specially designed by the American elite for the lower classes. In essence, it is to limit the lower classes to change their destiny through education. As for the geniuses at the lower level, who can still climb up under the happy education, that's also welcome.

  Climbed from the lower class to the elite class, they happily joined the elite class and continued to make the lower class people live happily.

  When the lower class is happy, the upper class can live with peace of mind.

  The United States has always offered a point of view, social resources are limited, if you occupy more, then I will have less.

  They never thought about making a big cake, they just wanted to keep their share.

  It is naturally impossible for Hongxing Middle School to engage in happy education, but to try its best to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

  If you want to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, the investment in education is relatively high.

   It is obviously inappropriate to promote this point in Huaguo at this time.

  Red Star Middle School can do this because it is a school affiliated to the Xinghai Group and has relatively abundant funds.

   Another point is that the tuition fees of Hongxing Middle School are quite high.

   There are three kinds of people who don’t have to worry about high tuition fees when entering Hongxing Middle School. One is students with good grades, the other is the children of employees of Xinghai Group, and the last is that Hongxing Middle School will give local places for admission every year.

  Besides these three, if other people want to enroll in Hongxing Middle School, then they have to pay a high price to attend.

  In the campus of Hongxing Middle School, there is a clearly engraved sentence: The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking. This is not the case with human nature, the loss is not enough to be given.

   Let me tell everyone clearly that Hongxing Middle School is expensive, and there is a reason for it. Because you are rich and your child’s grades are not good, it will hurt your surplus to make up for the deficiency of others. This is the way of heaven!

  (end of this chapter)

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