Ning Chu's answer spread to every corner of the arena, the audience was quiet for a moment, and then broke out again.

Someone yelled and turned to look at Wus behind.

The news of Wu Si and Ning Chu appearing together outside the school this morning has spread. I heard that the two are very close, not only hugging tightly in the woods, Wu Si also holding Ning Chu's Hand, help him stand on his contract beast.

This relationship! Can we still be friends?

Same-sex love is very common in this world and is a normal thing. The students are at the age of gossip, not to mention the two top figures in the arena. .

They didn't dare to ask Wusi like this, but Ning Chu was different. The students who had met him said he was very gentle and friendly, and there were two people inside and outside the arena.

Many eyes were cast on him, and Wusi frowned more and more tightly.

He realized that the situation at this time is very wrong, what are these people doing?

Probably because Wusi's face looked so stinky, the roaring crowd gradually became cowardly and their voices became smaller and smaller.

When I looked inside the arena, Ning Chu had already left.

Ning Chu, who returned to the backstage, took off his mask, and Donald said with a gossip: "It's been a little quiet just now."

Ning Chu's expression was indescribable: "I don't know who is spreading the word everywhere, if I get caught..."

"Calm down..." Donald handed a glass of water, "So you really aren't..."

"Of course not," Ning Chu sat down opposite him and emphasized, "At most it's just a friend."

Donald rubbed his chin: "I heard those rumors too."

What to hold together, hold the contract beast hand in hand, etc

Ning Chu listened to him and was full of question marks: "It's not like this at all! We..."

He got stuck in the middle of his speech, and when he was in the woods with Wus, his mask was taken off, in order to protect him, Wus really...

As for holding hands with the last contracted beast, it was even more outrageous.

Seeing that he was silent, Donald stopped talking and quietly left the room to let Ning Chu rest alone.

There will be a second game in a while. Thinking of the situation just now, Ning Chu has a headache.

In fact, it doesn't matter to him, anyway, no one knows his true identity as soon as he wears the mask.

Wusse is different, he was also present in the scene just now, I don't know how he would feel.

Ning Chu stayed in the backstage room during the rest period, and waited until the second game was about to start, then put on a mask and went out.

Before entering the arena, Ning Chu took a quick look outside the arena.

Without seeing Wus, he left.

Ning Chu sighed silently while heaving a sigh of relief.

The rumors spread so outrageous, Wusi is probably quite angry... Fortunately, he denied it once in time.

In the teaching building of the college, the lights in the tutor's office were still on, and a black figure walked in and stopped at the desk in the corner.

Qiao Shi heard the sound and raised his head, squinting to look at the person who came: "...Wuss?"

"It can't be my eyes," Qiao Shi said to himself, fumbled for the glasses by the table and put them on, and then he was surprised: "It's really you, why are you here? Come here at this time?"

Wusse didn't come to class some time ago, and he couldn't even see a person. Later, he took the initiative to sign up for Warcraft Cleaning, and Qiao Shi barely held him accountable for truancy.

He rarely comes to the office to find himself, let alone at this time.

Wusse knew that Joe would stay in the office late every night before leaving. He had a question he wanted to answer, so he could only come to Joe for help.

"Teacher," Wus stood at the desk, "what do you mean by lovers?"

Wusse had never heard the word couple before, he probably had a guess, but he was not sure.

"Why are you asking this?" Qiao Shi stayed in the office all day today, not knowing the rumors outside, "The two like each other and confirm the relationship, they are lovers."

Wuth asked, "Spouse?"

Qiao Shi thought for a while: "It can also be said... No, it is not a spouse, it should be two people who are about to become spouses."

The relationship that is about to become a spouse... The conjecture was confirmed, Wus's face was tense: "I see."

He turned his head and left, Qiao Shi couldn't even shout: "Hey..."

Wusse left quickly and closed the door. Qiao Shi slapped his sore shoulder and cursed, "This brat!"

It was too early, Wusi did not go to the arena again, but went back to the dormitory first.

He almost forgot that he was still a humanoid, and halfway through, he realized that Bowen might be in the dormitory.

When the little black dragon got into the bed curtain, the three cubs and the fifth cubs were playing together. Ning Chu bought a small dragon climbing frame and installed it in the upper corner, with two simple dragon nests and vines ball.

The three cubs lie on the side of the nest and look at the five cubs below: [Come up. ]

The five cubs raised their heads and dangled their tails, and their front paws were planed on the bed, intending to jump on.

The wings on its back slowly opened and trembled a few times.

The three cubs flew around it and rubbed its forehead.

The little black dragon flew in, glanced at them, and squatted at the corner of the bed alone.

It looks a little wrong. Two dragon cubs, one red and one green, are crowded into the same nest. The five cubs are curious: [What happened to it? ]

The three cubs lick their paws: [I don’t know. ]

After waiting for a while, Ning Chu came back.

He rubbed the head of each dragon cub one by one, put on his clothes and went to take a bath first.

The little black dragon stretched its tail when he touched him, and Ning Chu didn't notice it.

In the dead of night, Ning Chu and the dragon cubs were fast asleep, and the little black dragon quietly got up.

It approached Ning Chu, squatted by the pillow and looked down at him.

After confirming the meaning of the word couple, Wus's first reaction was anger.

Is it the turn of those irrelevant people to ask such private questions?

Then he realized that the "couple" in their mouths, another object of concern is himself.

What they asked was if Ning Chu and he were lovers.

He didn't know why those people asked that, but Ning Chu is now a human, and he is a dragon...

The appearance of humans does not conform to the aesthetics of dragons. Ning Chu has no hard scales, sharp dragon claws, and no dragon horns and wings.

Wuss began to uncontrollably imagine what it would be like if Ning Chu turned into a dragon.

The scales should be light-colored like silver and white, as beautiful as his current skin, perhaps with a pair of small antlers, brown pupils like transparent amber in the sun, and a soft cry of.

Actually...Ning Chu's human form, he also thinks it looks good.

Ning Chu is not a dragon, he is a human, will he think his human form is good-looking?

The next moment, Wus changed back to human form and appeared in the narrow bed.

The three cubs looked up, turned over and put one side of the dragon wings on the five cubs and continued to sleep.

The bed was a single bed, and Wusi squeezed into it, and he had to be careful not to press Ning Chu, and he had to make a noise to alarm another person in the dormitory.

He supported Ning Chu's side and reached out to touch his profile.

Not the touch of scales, very...soft? A little force will leave the illusion of red marks.

The warm breath fell on Wusi's hand, he suddenly returned to his senses, and withdrew his hand.

What is he doing now?

Wuss's mind was very confused, he took a last look at Ning Chu, turned back into a young dragon and flew out of the bed curtain, and went to the balcony to blow the cold wind.

The next morning, Ning Chu woke up knowing nothing of what happened last night, he yawned and got up to wash.

Today he is going to take a look outside too. I wonder if Wurse will wait for him at the door.

What happened yesterday...Ning Chu was a little embarrassed and awkward, but if Wusi didn't care, he wouldn't care too much.

It's not just rumors, they are frank and candid, and they can still be true.

Ning Chu packed up and took the three cubs out. When he came to the school gate, he did not see Wu Si.

He was a little disappointed and planned to leave alone, but just two steps away, someone called him from behind.

"The rest."

Ning Chu turned back, Wu Si was walking towards him.

It seems that he is just a little late today, and has no intention of avoiding Ning Chu.

Wuss approached, he deliberately restrained his emotions, his eyes were calm: "Let's go."

In the small town near the Nuba River, there is another wave of church people.

They blocked the news and no longer let anyone near the area where the dragon appeared.

Several men with magic wands and silver robes searched along the woods.

"It is indeed a fire dragon," a small disc in one's hand, the pointer on it pointing to red, "there are remnants of its magical elements here."

He walked around with the disc, capturing the position and trajectory of the fire element in the air.

Coming to the edge of the woods, he pointed to a direction in the distance: "Go look there."

This forest is not big, and a few people continued to search nearby, not missing a clue.

When passing another place, the pointer turned again and stopped at the position of fire magic.

"Huh?" The man was surprised, "There are also here?"

He continued to walk around, confirming that the Red Flame Dragon had also appeared nearby, looking at the direction of the extension of the magic element... Did you come back again?

Soon, the people who were sent to search far away also returned.

"There are traces of a few ordinary dragons passing by over there, but no fire dragons were found."

The leader hummed and looked around.

If he guessed correctly, the fire dragon led a few dragons to leave, but separated from them halfway, and turned back.

But all the students and the mercenary group who were present yesterday said that they have only seen the fire dragon once.

No, they didn't even count them, they only heard a dragon roar.

And the two people who really saw the fire dragon appear with their own eyes left early. "It's interesting," the leader put away the disc and instructed his subordinates, "Go back first."

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