Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 859: war never changes

The continuous bombardment of artillery bombardment is like lightning flashes, and the tracer bullets ejected by the long and short bursts of machine guns and machine guns cut back and forth like beams. This is the battlefield.

Landmines, flamethrowers, grenades, rocket launchers... Those who have not experienced war cannot understand the true meaning of these words, which are the most efficient killing weapons designed and improved by the most intelligent minds on earth, and these words alone can Construct the concept of hell.

These weapons, which have been invented for decades or even centuries, have been mass-produced into the new century to wage new wars, defend inherent interests, or guard against potential enemies that can never coexist in harmony. They embody the wisdom and essence of a civilization that is proud of a civilization - launch engineering, mechanical design, metal smelting, industrial production, electronic control... But the purpose is so single, that is to kill and destroy the most efficient, and make impossible Reconciliation of cruelty and death.

Even if the stage of play is shifted from Earth to another world, its purpose has never changed.

The world has gone crazy.

"Hidden! Hidden!"

Alchemy potions and psychic spells are also useless in the face of a truly cruel hell. Soldiers who go into battle realize their fear, and the death they witness dispels the illusory courage that medicines and spells bring, but the world they are familiar with Has not returned, the cruel picture scroll of **** has been unfolded.

The third-level legal officer, the first-level warfare guard, Garden, called out to the surrounding soldiers to find cover.

He had served in the Senate Army for eight years, and had fought in many wars, but had never fought a war like this—it was a war of stragglers, no formation, no order, and the soldiers had to disperse as much as possible, otherwise they would be To die in groups, fall down like mowing grass.

In this chaotic death situation, he naturally became the leader of a small group of soldiers on the way to charge forward. Everyone knows that acting with Master Mage will increase the survival rate, just like now, Joseph raised the earth wall, Open a plausible trench with the Earthshaping Scroll.

He beckoned the soldiers to hide in.

The children, called soldiers, tumbled inside.

The earth was still shaking, distorted light was rolling in the dark clouds of the sky, numb and gloomy faces were sitting in the temporary shelter, and Garden looked around. Three people were vomiting desperately, five people were sobbing softly, and they were still alive. One person hugged his knees in silence and suddenly jumped up.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The pale soldier cried out loudly: "I'm going out! I'm going home! I..."

Garden instinctively raised his hand, wanting to use a soothing technique on the collapsed soldier to calm his emotions according to the field manual, otherwise let this poor **** run away, and in less than a second, he will be swept away by alchemy from the sky. Killed by weapon - he had seen a few minutes ago, a poor soldier had his head cut off by something flying from nowhere, still running a dozen paces, blood spurting from his neck.

But he immediately realized that in this tragic war, magic is very precious.

It cannot be wasted lightly.

So he jumped up and slapped the poor creature hard in the face, knocking him to the ground, a slap in the face more calming than a soothing technique.

So the experienced battle mage immediately put it into practice. He used both hands and feet to fight fast and well, so that the soldiers in the temporary bunker were also scared to shut their mouths.

Garden, panting, shoved the poor creature hard and sat down.

The roaring and flashing explosions from the outside continued to come, and this hellish war was still going on. A total of ten people were crowded into this temporary fortification. They were shivering, as if they were prisoners of war waiting to be buried alive. Blown in by the air waves, despair spreads.

"Listen!" Garden said fiercely, "If you stay here, you will be killed sooner or later. We will try our best to move forward. As long as we reach the position of Far Harbor and start a fight, Kant's alchemy weapon will..."

This is indeed the only way to survive. It is the conclusion drawn by the rational veteran. He looked at the nine timid faces and nodded shyly, which means that these young lads did not understand this tactic, but were willing to obey his orders. - just blind obedience, they don't know anything, they don't know anything.

Just wandering around like a lamb in this **** situation, dazedly gullible.

Like why they joined the army and came here.

Garden opened his mouth. He had served for eight years and had participated in many battles. War has always been a glorious and holy act, but today it has become a **** battlefield with blood and fire.

Looking at these lamb-like faces, he only felt that his heart was inexplicably clenched.

"I can…"

The words were drowned in lightning and roars.

A loud bang hit, a rocket crashed nearby, the earthen walls shattered, the ground was squeezed, the temporary trenches dug with the shaping spell fell apart, and the tumbling ground and surging air waves lifted people out.

Garden instinctively erected the magic shield, but even though the shock wave was attenuated, it still shook his body. He vomited twice and staggered to his feet.

The sky was gloomy, and the fountain of blood and mud exploded in the Shura battlefield. This distance not far from the cavalry became the most cruel desperation in the world. There was a man crawling on the ground like a maggot.

Someone was scratching his trouser legs.

The children who faced the war were shouting, screaming and crying.

Garden's muddy face was illuminated.

Under the cloudy sky, the flash of cannonballs bursting is the most poisonous sunlight, making everything in the world invisible. He saw Goethe's beautiful and picturesque plains as gloomy as smoke, the lush meadows polluted by the worst painters, the whole steppe undulating like a furious sea, the soil splashing like a fountain under the bombardment of cannonballs, like rain It smashed to the top of the soldiers' heads, and also fell on him.

He swayed slightly and took two steps back, but he felt that his feet were soft, as if stepping in the mud.

Then he lowered his head, but saw blood gushing out from his feet. He stepped into the abdomen of a soldier, and the soldier's painful face was filled with the new wound he just hit.

I don't know what ripped open this poor bastard's belly, and his intestines were flowing everywhere. He looked only in his early twenties, but his face did not have the ruddy and vigor that a young man of this age should have, but was as pale as ashes. He wanted to speak, but he had no strength to speak, he just waved his hands as hard as he could, his blue veins were exposed, twisted like chicken feet, his voice was hoarse and shrill, and even penetrated the roar of the cannonball.

Garden wanted to pull his foot out, but he only felt his left leg tighten, and he was hugged by the dying boy, as if the foot that had stepped into the abdominal cavity and the soles of his shoes were covered in mud and blood was the last hope for his life. , his face was pale, his lips trembled, and there was deep despair and pleading.

The Battle Mage pulled out his sword and staff and swiftly cut through his throat, right down to his brain stem.

There were air waves blowing nearby, and the dirty blood swept in, mixed with the burning aroma of meat.

His stomach was tumbling.

He has witnessed a lot of cruel battlefields, and he couldn't frown at a cruel scene more flesh-and-blood, but today, this third-level legal officer who has served for eight years has the urge to vomit.

Because he finally saw what war looked like.

Whitewashed by honor and named in the name of justice, but at this moment, the false face is torn open, revealing the true bloodthirsty appearance, enjoying the sacrifice of flesh and blood on the huge dining table.

Nearby there were broken arms, soldiers with **** legs crawling and crying, pale faces staring silently at the sky—only one face, resting on the excavated stone.

No honor, no courage, as far as the eye can see, the soldiers are hiding in embarrassment.

They hid wherever they could, curled up as much as they could, as if it were an impregnable shelter, but it was nothing but a hole blown out by a cannonball—the soldiers listened to the gossip that a certain alchemist had sworn It is claimed that due to the "recoil" problem, it is almost impossible for Kant's alchemical weapon to hit the same place twice, so the head nimbly hides in the crater.

But they all forget that Kant has more than one alchemical weapon.

Many people were thrown out by the blast of another shell that exploded nearby, and then were hit or chopped off by flying shrapnel, or smashed by flying bullets as they looked around in a daze or crawled in a panic.

There is no safe place on the battlefield.

like hell.

He pulled up three people who could still move and walked through hell.

On the way, five more people joined, and then it was reduced to six.

Amidst the blood, fire, flashes and loud noises that traveled through hell, an extremely bizarre thought came to mind—that a person could die like this, he thought.

Trekking through this terrible hell, everyone's experience grows rapidly as death approaches, Garden can accurately determine where the shells are falling from the whistling from the sky, and the soldiers also learn to lie down quickly and take cover. and survival.

They staggered forward, as if tireless, but also as if they had been unconscious, stepping over dying comrades, passing by their restless kinsmen, and crawling forward like flies in the sky. They have almost forgotten the meaning of their actions - whether it is to fight or not. They also almost forgot the end point that lay ahead—possibly a more horrific and brutal death.

Perhaps at this time, in this experience, death may be the end of the Greater Mercy.

It wasn't until he took a breather in a natural bunker that had been blasted out that Battle Mage Garden came back to his senses and realized what he had done.

He looked around blankly, next to him, there were six soldiers sitting huddled.

It is already very close to the army formation in Far Harbor.

He could hear the screams of people and the sound of more intensive shooting, and he could even see the elemental beam cutting and sweeping, and it was obvious that there were brave soldiers attacking the defense line of the Aurora. He is not the only warrior who obeys orders and fights valiantly, and War Mage Garden should feel relieved and encouraged.

But he didn't drink the medicine, and the Drumming technique couldn't affect him.

On the contrary, a kind of unease and withdrawal mixed with hesitation and hesitation fills the heart.

This is not a fear of death. As the third-level legal officer of the Council's war sequence, he knows what he is doing. Received education in the national initiation class since childhood, and was admitted to primary school for free because of outstanding performance. He also received food and monetary subsidies every month to prevent families from forcing themselves to drop out of school due to lack of labor. In fact, few families do this. Do, everyone knows it's an opportunity to change destiny.

Garden seized this opportunity, learned to read in elementary school, learned mathematics, geometry and element theory, broadened his horizons, developed logical thinking ability, and then passed the element origin test at the age of twelve, and was judged to be qualified as a spell caster. And talent, obtained a recommendation letter for admission.

Garden knows that his mage aptitude can only be regarded as a mediocre, middle-aged person, no different from the vast majority of lucky people, but compared to the real genius is dust, the achievements on the path of the arcane are destined to be extremely limited - but for him For the family, this has been the passageway to change the fate.

Applying for a student loan, and then enrolling, he advanced the huge cost of potions, experimental materials, and auxiliary scrolls required to become a spellcaster, which required him to join the army as a battle mage and serve on the council to repay. He stopped at an elementary mage, which was the limit that most commoners with spellcaster qualifications could reach, but then again, it was enough.

So, serve, accumulate merits, repay loans, change lives, help family members.

But that's all.

For him, war was a duty, an obligation, and the council gave him the chance to change his fate, which he repaid with loyalty and even sacrifice. Even if he died in battle, the pension as a spellcaster was rich enough, and he had already made preparations for this. During his eight years of service, he earned every day.

It was something that didn't need to be shaken at all.


Garden stared blankly at the six soldiers beside him.

There are no spellcasters, not even professional soldiers, whose clumsy movements, panicked eyes, and fearful looks have revealed their origins—temporary recruits.

Poor recruit, poor...and brave.

They could only whimper softly, their bodies were covered with blood, they were only roughly bandaged, they were scratched by shrapnel, they were burnt by falls, and they were injured by shock waves. Sweeping over, he closed his mouth immediately. They must be very scared. This war can even destroy the courage of veterans, not to mention these children who have spent more than ten years of boring and dull life.

But they followed themselves, blindly obeying, charging, advancing.

Even if the front is a more terrifying place of death.


There was continuous firepower outside, and Garden hesitated: "You...why are you following?"

He realized right away that this was a stupid question.

Because the six pairs of soft and numb eyes showed the same meaning.

—You brought us here.

Why... come with me?

Will someone follow me just to lead?

- Do you know where this place is?

Are you going to join the army just when the recruiter arrives in your town?

- Do you know what a terrible enemy we have to fight?

The world seems to be divided in two.

Half of it is gratitude, grateful that the well-functioning education system of the Senate has won the opportunity for many ordinary people to change their lives. Just like the experience of Garden, he can only be grateful to this country.

But the other half is skeptical.

He has seen too many ways to die along the way, those who have lost their faces, those who have lost their lower bodies, and those who have lost their arms, as if people have become puppets, which can be easily removed anywhere. He saw the Far Harbor position just a short distance away. Half the corpses were hung on the fence made of iron wire. The blood was still dripping. There was also an eyeball falling from the sky and hanging on his shoulder. Soldiers, running around and dying, as if their lives so far had only been for meaningless death here.

It shouldn't be like this.

Should not be.

Garden stared at the six surviving soldiers. Originally there were nine, and there were three or four left. Later, they were added, and then they died. He didn't even know if there were still the original survivors among the six. He had already recorded them. I don't know the faces of those people, these people all look the same, pale as stone, with blood and dirt on their faces, and the light in their eyes is shaky, they all look the same.

They are all the same.

Stupid, pathetic, pathetic, inexperienced, like a walking target.

Such people are everywhere in this country.

They worked in the fields, they sweated in the workshop, they lay flat on the field beside the stream and looked at the sky, they peeped in the bushes near the laundry room, watching the girls passing by, With a blushing face, he peeked at the woman who came out from inside, and then fell asleep while tossing and turning.

Just like his life should have been.

People like that are everywhere in this country and can be anywhere.

But the only thing that doesn't belong here, this is not where they should be.

He had seen so many ways of dying and dying, pale faces, lost of blood, left with pain, distortion or serenity, each face so young and so similar.

So...why are you following?


His eyes swept over everyone's face. He didn't know their names, or their lives and experiences. He believed that apart from their immediate commanders, no officer or general would know this, but As long as their names appear in the army roster, the same faces and different lives will be fixed as the same identity - soldiers, or consumables.

They join the army with a desire to change fate or seek honor, but they are greeted with ruthless use and meaningless sacrifice.

Garden even felt a chill to the bone. He followed the leader and fought hard because of trust, loyalty and gratitude, but everything was out of control, everything was subverting, and he was even afraid to think about it, to question the higher one. Voice, fearful to question the meaning of this war and death. He felt the overwhelming power of the Aurora Dragon in front of the Far Harbor. It was more terrifying than the legends, and it was completely different from the weakening theory propagated by the public opinion. If this can be questioned, what about the others?


His throat seemed to be on fire, but he finally sighed and whispered.

"Stay here." He said with difficulty, "Hide here... It is very close to the position of Far Harbor, and there will be no powerful weapons of the Aurora people attacking, you can survive."

The soldiers heard the words, from consternation to commotion, and even puzzlement.


Someone shrank: "Then what should we do?"

Garden was silent for a moment, then whispered: "This battle won't last long... After the offensive stops, the Far Harbor people will clean up the battlefield. You throw down your weapons and surrender to them."

The commotion became more pronounced.

"How... how is this possible?" the soldier who just spoke trembled, "The Far Harbor people are terrible, and the Dragon of Aurora is even more terrible. He killed many of us, many MPs, and wanted to destroy us. Everyone said that he was very terrifying. Cruel, even the nobles are not spared, if we surrender, we will definitely be tortured..."

"…Will not."

Garden bowed his head and said: "...Kant does not kill civilians, but is very friendly to civilians. There has never been a precedent for slaughtering prisoners. After the battle of the Blue Fleet, he even returned the remains of the dead."

The soldiers' eyes widened.

"But..." the man argued, "but sir..."

"Go to **** with your superior!" Garden suddenly became furious, causing the soldiers to shudder with fear, but soon, the civilian-born Battle Mage turned soft, he sighed and whispered, "Anyway, listen to me, just Stay here, pray to the gods, remember..."

The mage hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't go home until the war is over."

"Sir, where are you going?"

Standing up, Garden stopped the restless soldiers with a stern look, and he also used a tough attitude to cover up the weakness and confusion in his heart: "I...I'll go out and see..."

A flash of light flashed through his mind, and he found an excuse to convince himself.

"I'm going to see if there are any other survivors who rushed here."

After all, he took a deep look at these same shrunken faces and lowered his body.

The battlefield is like hell.

The position on the far port side is already very close.

The artillery fire is roaring, the sky is burning, the light is shooting, and the roar is endless.

Garden quietly changed the soil structure, covered himself, and looked around. The offensive had come to an end. He looked back at the battlefield, and there were few soldiers who could continue to charge. Looking to the side, he could see the courage The soldiers roared into the trenches of the Far Harbor.

But the brief engagement ceased immediately, and the outcome was obvious.

Soldiers were dying meaninglessly - the thought intensified.

And he didn't know what to do.

His duty and mission was to obey orders and fight for the benefit of the council, and he recognized this, and the reasons for it were not to be shaken or questioned, and it was his duty.

But these people... these people...

He was lying on the ground, and out of the corner of his eye saw a recruit sprinting with a roar, and then his arms and legs were cut off by a few rays that suddenly flashed, and he fell to the ground.

these idiots.

There were three soldiers hiding in the crater that exploded in front of the right. They were holding enchanted crossbows, weeping and cheering each other up.

"...I am the third-level legal officer of the Army Sequence of the Austrian Law Council, the Lava Legion 156 Yandao Battle Team! There are some recruits who should not die here. Please accept the surrender of these recruits. They don't know anything, please allow me to persuade them to surrender!"

shouted out.

Garden, who was lying on the ground, mobilized his magic power, sent his voice out, and sent it to the Far Harbor position not far away. After shouting it out, he only felt that the whole person was relieved, because there was no way to retreat.

He shouted over and over again: "Can you hear me! Please have pity on them, they are not regular soldiers, they are just recruits who have been recruited for several months, and cannot cause any threat or damage to your army. I will persuade them to lay down their weapons and surrender. , please give me a moment! A moment!"

Then he gritted his teeth, slowly got up, and threw the sword and staff to the ground.

Raise your hands.

After maybe a few seconds, maybe more... The Far Harbor man's deadly, precise attack didn't pass over his body, and nothing happened.

Garden's heart jumped, and he turned back slightly excitedly, even though he was not responsible for the war, but at this time he also felt a sense of redemption. He wanted to gather the remnants, but hesitated for a moment, and continued to raise his hands towards When the Far Harbor position is out, he must obtain the promise of the Far Harbor people.

There was no attack, no shots were fired, and he could even see the figure on the opposite side.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The battlefield seemed to have quieted down, perhaps as he judged, the tentative offensive had come to an end, the battlefield was full of death, and the tragic battle ended pointlessly, and the soldiers who participated in the offensive had lost their lives and even The long-range offensive of the two sides facing each other gradually disappeared.

Only he roamed the battlefield, slowly approaching.

Certainly possible.

Even if only these six were saved.

Faster, faster...

The next moment, the shining elemental light arc rose from the position and rushed into the sky.

Then, there was a violent flash, and a long river of howling flames rushed back like a waterfall.

The light shone on Garden's dazed face, and amid the tyrannical loud noise, he faintly heard shouts from the position. He didn't know what was going on, but just turned his head blankly.

On the dead battlefield, the black soil glowed with blood, and under the cloudy sky, the surviving Battle Mage turned back. He saw a picture scroll, like the night of the corridor in the midsummer. In the fragrance of roses and the cool breeze of the corridor, he was alone, looking up at the boundless starry sky, and saw the star sword and the throne shifted, and the thousands of wood stars in the sky, the night sky In a bright green aurora, the stars shine.

Just like this moment.

Countless bright green arcs of light rose from the council army formation and streaked across the sky.

Falling like rain stars.

In a trance, he heard the alarms and shouts of the Far Harbor position.

"Death Cloud Technique—"

"Prepare to purify the defense—"

The battle of spells between the two sides collided in the air, cracked, devoured, and incinerated. The artillery group in the far port opened fire again with rolling anger, and there seemed to be ghostly figures quietly advancing in the smoke and dust of the battlefield.

The battle is not over, the war continues.

A series of poisonous spells crashed to the ground, and the poisonous cloud spread.

The wooden figure went from dazed to trembling, as if struck by lightning.

He rolled and crawled and rushed to the bunker where he had been sheltered before.

The six soldiers waited here with panic and vague anticipation.

Until just now, they didn't know what was waiting for them.

After Garden tried his best to blow out the poisonous mist and purify the air, he only saw blue faces, and only two people were still alive, but the death cloud technique had completely penetrated into the body. He coughed out the last piece of lung.


The body that was half-kneeling on the ground trembled, and the hand that subconsciously stretched out slowly retracted.

- It is very close to the position of Far Harbor, and there will be no powerful weapons of the Aurora people attacking, you can survive.

Garden shuddered and laughed wildly, staring at the absurd world, the pathetic battlefield, and laughing hysterically. He looked at the position of Far Harbor, and also at the position of the council, what the **** is going on, why is there such a **** war? Why should I participate? Why should these people participate? Why are so many people participating?

Why - why don't Kant and Griffin fight themselves! ?

Then, he used all the magic power, speed, heroic power, elemental wind, body shape like electricity, dodged and leaped, grabbed the sword and staff, and rushed into the trench not far away.

He laughed wildly, roared, and wept bitterly. Unspeakable power engulfed and destroyed him, causing him to lose his reason, his sensibility, his compassion, and his courage. He became a demon, a murderous ghost. , turned into a meaningless killing machine, a mad soul seeking deliverance.

"—you **** far-harbors!"

He roared, brandishing his sword and staff.

"You bloody-"

He choked up and rushed towards the enemy in sight.

The opponent raised an alchemy weapon, and the flames were sprayed.

Garden casts spells with one hand.

The magic power compressed to the extreme exploded violently, and a violent water element gathered in an instant, forming a dense water wall fluid, blocking it in front of the body, the incoming bullets were blocked and slowed down, and then the battle mage used the atmospheric shield to release, the right hand. The sword stick heated infinitely, melted into a sharp blade, and drove straight in.

The two figures intertwined, and with a loud bang, Garden looked down at the hole in his body, blood was surging, and life was passing, he sat on the ground weakly, and looked at the enemy who had been pierced.

With a desperate blow, he broke the armor of the opponent and penetrated his body.

It's dead.

Finally killed one.

If that's the case... it's a repayment.

Death is near, and his crazy emotions are restored. Garden even feels a little guilty. He looks at the Far Harbor soldier who is sitting across from him, and smiles apologetically. The smile is uglier than crying. They are actually just as sad. In this world, dying without meaning... doesn't make any sense.

He saw the other party take off his helmet and took two heavy breaths.

Younger than expected, there is no long-term wind and frost on his face.

Are you also a recruit?

And there was not much fear of death on his face, only a little pain and unease, and the eyes that looked over were even puzzled and pitiful.

-why? Don't you know you're dying? You don't feel like...

As soon as the idea came to him, Garden saw a shining purple light.

He saw purple light bursting out of the opponent's body, and there seemed to be a splendid star gate quietly unfolding. Then, in front of him, the enemy who was seriously injured by him in the way of perishing disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a few scattered light spots. , swayed away.

Garden realized something, an unbelievable look appeared on his face, he turned his head with difficulty, this vast position, fierce battle, constantly flashing purple light, he suddenly realized what it was.

"Dragon of Aurora..."

Tears rolled down his cheeks, and Garden murmured, "Dragon of Aurora..."

His vision became black, his body became cold, and his life was falling. When he was dying, he saw a spellcaster wearing black armor and a mask with magic swordsmen, carrying strange alchemical weapons, and throwing a lot of alchemical potions and spells. The scrolls, like a storm, slayed bravely, and the war did not stop, never stopped.

He stretched out his hand with difficulty and shouted, "Go, go, go..."

But the voice was so low that no one could hear it until it was silent.

The hand fell feebly.

Soldiers kept going over the trench above him, but at most they just turned their heads and glanced at him.

The Austrian Council Army Sequence, Lava Legion 156 Flame Blades lined up, and the third-level legal officer Garden Mister was killed on this day. It was the first day of the official land battle between the Far Harbor Army and the Northern Council Army. His body was frozen by the Far Harbor and sent back to his hometown after the war.

Whether it was the Far Harbor soldiers who collected the corpse or the family members who received the corpse, they all saw the remaining regrets and sighs on the face of the spellcaster. They knew that this brave warrior did not suffer too much before his death, but he could not Understand his remaining emotions before his death, unable to read his last regret.

Therefore, it is only natural that no one will know all the efforts and feats made by this council soldier before his death until after his death. After all—

He has not succeeded in saving anyone, nothing has changed, nothing can be done.


PS1: It's back.

PS2: I have to say that these days are the best and longest days of sleep in the past two years. I am in better condition today and should be able to resume the update. The specific situation will be reviewed next time. It is not a big game, just a little bit. suffer.

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