Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 123: ancestral craftsmanship


The chasers saw Kant drive down the cliff.

Immediately they heard a loud falling sound.

Below is a turbulent river.

Everyone was shocked and quickly came to the edge of the cliff. The moonlight was bright and sprinkled on the river, reflecting silver waves. The violent splashes and ripples had not yet dissipated, but the river was wide and deep, and it was pitch black.

"Can't drown him!"

A mage in the lead shouted: "He will definitely take this opportunity to escape!"

The mage lifted his wand, and the end of the wand shone with magic light. One after another light group flew into the air, and threw it into the air in all directions, emitting a bright brilliance, illuminating the darkness of the surrounding fields.

Those light clusters slowly descended in the sky, like lanterns suspended in nothingness, illuminating the river surface and both sides of the river, just like daylight.

"Overy Mage! Northrend Mage!"

He ordered: "Each of you choose five warriors and a number of soldiers, march upstream and downstream respectively, build an intercepting ice dam with frost spells, and search for that Aurora with the help of current perception spells!"

"The river is turbid and the undercurrent is turbulent. Even if he wants to run, he can't run too far!"

Just then, a knight called out, "Mage Risak! Look!"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the knight, but found that the depths of the river below were lit up.

The warriors were on alert, and the casters' staves lit up with beams of destruction, but what happened next shook the minds of the people and left them for a moment.

The mechanical sound of the symphony of gold and iron reverberates through the world.

A knight murmured, "...Gods."

They saw the steel giant stand up from the water, and the broken water continued to slide down the cold iron armor. Under the moonlight, the pure beauty of machinery stretched wantonly, and countless metal parts were folded and reorganized, snapped, spliced, and transmitted. Flip, from small to big, every change contains infinite beauty, cold, precise, efficient, the humming sound of gold and iron is like a beautiful movement.

Otherworldly humans are witnessing all this.

Their brains were blank, and such a scene had never been seen before. They only knew that compared with the scene in front of them, the mechanical skills that the dwarves and the imperial craftsmen were proud of were nothing but scrap metal.

They looked at all this, the steel giant stretched his body, arms, waist and hips, thighs, and gradually approached the human form in the rumbling and vibrating deformation sound.

The head was turned out of the body, it moved its neck, the small and delicate nails stretched and fit, and then the giant opened his eyes, and the blazing purple light shone brightly.

In the end, it reverently and carefully folded its hands, took out the person inside, the seat was retracted, the final transformation was completed on the chest, the remaining water splashes slipped from the powerful arms, and the steel giant standing in the water lifted the human in his hand high. Hold up high, keep the other party away from the icy river water.

The moonlight poured on it, reflecting the halo of steel.

This scene is like an epic picture scroll.

The throne of steel, machinery and power is holding up his master, his creator, his king.

Kant stared at the face that was close at hand.

He can feel that what he has with the other party comes from the connection in the soul.

Then, when he heard the other party's words, the steel giant lowered his eyes, lowered his head, and avoided his sight. The other party spoke Chinese, and his voice was calm and full of power.

"Father, I was born for you."

Kant took a deep breath and calmed down.

It worked.

he said in his heart.

Excited, excited and unbelievable.

This is obviously changing [beep-] King Kong, it really is this right!

When I experimented with the white fog enchantment rules, I also thought of this. After all, this is a childhood memory, and a man's romance. How about a man who doesn't like all kinds of cars? When your car can be transformed into a super car A handsome and super-playable robot, adding two romances together, of course, it is more romance!

But all the tests failed, and the cars filled with white mist all collapsed into slag.

But now, it was successful.

As a materialist non-chief, he doesn't believe in face, let alone metaphysics. He believes that there are laws to follow in everything, and low probability of success must have its own internal reasons. The success of fog enchantment is not simply a matter of probability.

But now is not the time to think about it.

Kant immediately eliminated the superfluous emotions.

The experience in another world over the past year has honed him, making him more calm and decisive at critical moments.

Kant's eyes swept across the body of the steel giant in front of him, and saw the justice on his left arm and arm, as well as the various parts all over his body that indicated "I am very good at fighting".

Then he turned to look over the cliff.

The natives of the other world are still shocked by this scene just now.

So Kant immediately shouted: "Kill them all!"

The Autobot immediately raised his head, his eyes were full of purple awns, and with a clanging sound, his visor closed.

Mage Risak was the first to react.

Although the scene he saw was too shocking, and the mechanical truth contained in the giant made him, the mysterious explorer, amazed and moved, but the human being held by the giant was the one they had hunted down before. If it's a person... things are another matter.

He saw the Aurora Man and looked over.

With your toes you can guess what will happen next.

The mage shouted: "Do it!"

The magic light of the wand shone, the ice-blue flowers bloomed, and the opponent was in the river, and attacking with frost spells and lightning spells would have miraculous effects—but just as the thought came to him, he saw the steel giant raise his right hand.

The fire shone with a sharp sound, and six rockets flew in the long flame tail!

In the sound of the explosion, the earth shook, the cliffs cracked and rocks fell, and a large cloud of smoke and dust rose up. In the chaotic firelight, the robot had already calculated the azimuth angle.

The Kant Confidence Explosion Modification Enchanted Gas Tank, which had not yet had a chance to be used, rose from the back, mounted on the launch pad on the Autobot's shoulder, and was ejected with a bang, like death falling from the sky, and the fire burst out. The air waves flew, and countless fragments of steel **** were scattered and shot, and the screams were endless!

The Autobot shook his back, stretched out his hand, grabbed a huge battle axe in his hand, and turned it around twice. From his grip to his temperament, he obviously followed Kant's.

The blade of the battle axe shone with electric light, the handle of the axe had an accelerator handle, and the back of the axe was equipped with two dangerous jets, which looked super dangerous. Jump up and fly down towards the cliff!

Like a meteor impact, the battle axe fell, and the violent shock wave spread!

The most elite of the pursuers gathered on the cliff. They had just been smashed by heavy fire, and a few who were directly hit were immediately smashed to pieces. The rest were slightly or severely injured. Raise the flag, the terrifying steel giant has already killed with an axe!

"It's here!"

Mage Risak lights up the shield to protect the whole body.

He heard the wind blowing violently, the staff gathered lava, and fired a spell strike at the raider, but the next moment, the mechanical giant broke through the fog, split the flame jet, and smashed him in the head with an axe!

The battle axe was blocked by the magic shield, but the heavy attack still oppressed the Mage's mental power, making his eyes black and his headache splitting. Before Lisac could counterattack, he was stepped on by the Autobot, and the tough magic shield Blocked heavy pedals, but only temporarily!

There was a low noise all over the Autobot, the output device hummed, the hydraulic system of the right foot increased the output, and the jet port on the sole of the foot released flames, the next moment, Lisac's magic shield shattered, and the whole person was hit by the car. The person stepped on it, and before he had time to let out a desperate scream, his body was trampled!

The Autobot's right foot also turned left and right, like running over a bug.

It grabbed the battle axe in its right hand, started the engine, swept its jets, and confronted the knights who were rushing in grief and anger. Even the fighting spirit had its limits. It flew out screaming, and was torn to shreds by the shock cannon in its left hand.

"Hostile attackers, I will kill you all, think about your last words."

But it spoke Chinese, and the imperial people present could not understand its language.

But it didn't prevent them from understanding the meaning of this sentence.

The warriors encouraged their fighting spirit, attacked at the same time, and launched an offensive against the powerful enemy. They either charged head-on, or soared into the air, or rolled and shoveled, or sent arrows to contain them, attacking and attacking in all directions.

The Autobots slashed with axe, blazing fire, bullets in the air, and outrageously confronted them.

Although it is large, it is flexible, and it will never let itself get caught in a tight siege. Once it finds that something is wrong, it will immediately dodge and retreat, or even directly change back to a Hummer, roaring and sprinting all the way, highlighting the surrounding, even in the form of a car. Guns were protruding from all over the body, and they were hard to guard against.

The battle was in full swing, and I saw Mage Ovelli waved his wand, summoned an ice cone electric ball, and vented his fear and anger to the Autobots. The Autobots reincarnated as a Hummer during the rollover and dodging, dexterously shuttled and dodged, and flew all the way after several knights. After rolling over and deforming again, the guns of both large and small calibers were protruding with both hands and fired at the same time. The dense barrage quickly tore the magic shield and beat the caster into a sieve.

The other mage was so frightened that he lost the courage to take action, and immediately rose into the air, ready to fly away, but the next moment, a fire axe flew out of the sky with three layers of enchanted brilliance, hit the opponent's heart, and passed through his chest. , knocked him to the ground, and fell into the dust.

Kant came to him and raised his gun: "You seem to have forgotten me?"

He pulled the trigger, then drew his battle axe, taking advantage of the Autobots to attract most of the attention, his eyes were quiet, his feet brisk, and he started the Kang family's ancestral craftsmanship.


PS1: The first update is three thousand words, and the second update is later.

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