Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds

Chapter 115: Hard evidence

"Praise the sun!"

The righteous Sun Knight began to charge.

The female ghost had never seen such a battle, but when she saw the holy light shining brightly like the sun, she almost burned her ghost body to the ground. God is pitiful. After she woke up consciously, the object of her bullying and torturing was nothing more than How can these weak and pitiful mortals jump out of such a guy with a wrong style of painting today!

She couldn't help screaming, turned into a black fog, and tried to hide and abscond.

But it's too late!

Kant slashed with a sword!

RUA's only sword is slashing in the center of the black fog, and it strikes a crit, but it seems to have made a colorful black for the product manager, silver of vindictiveness, transparent of physics, white of holy light, and red of flame. Mixed in the deep black ink, a hair will roll out.

The female ghost screamed, showed her true shape, staggered backwards and flew back, her face full of fear and resentment.

Kant shook his sword and stabbed again.

This thorn is just like opening a copy, and the dog team members slashed the boss side by side, but seeing physical damage, vindictive damage, magic damage, fire damage, and holy light damage, it rose in one shot.

The female ghost was burned by the holy light, and the strong radiance annihilated the thick black fog around her. She had been severely injured, and the insubstantial phantom body was collapsing layer by layer, from the inside to the outside.

The Holy Light is purifying everything about her.

Purifying her grievances is also purifying her evil, those things that are bloodthirsty, resentful, vicious, and should not exist in the human world after they have turned from humans to ghosts.

The black pupils gradually faded, and a ray of light appeared on the pale face, as if it was splitting. The screaming female ghost was struggling. , while being a ghost after death, grievances blinded her eyes, making her crazy, hysterical, and hating all living beings indiscriminately.

Perhaps knowing her own destiny, although the female ghost was crying and struggling, her eyes looked at Kant, and her face showed a huge resentment.

"Don't hate me."

Kant said lightly: "When I was sleeping, I was awakened by the chill and felt that a very evil spirit body appeared in the living room, and showed me great hostility and malice. According to my principles, once I found this situation, It will immediately exercise the right of unrestricted self-defense until the other party dies."

"Besides, this is the first time I have encountered an enemy like you. I didn't know you were so weak, sorry."

There was no sarcasm in his tone.

Because what he told was the truth.

It does.

When he saw the appearance of the female ghost now, he could almost guess that the other party might have great attachment and resentment, or that he had suffered an extremely unfair and tragic grievance before his death.

If encountered, he is actually willing to take care of it.

But who made the other party do this? If you want to blame it, it's the female ghost who is ruthless and leaves no room for it, so she didn't leave any chance for her to speak.

The female ghost seemed to understand Kant's words, and howled more miserably and angrily, but with the further purification and dispersion of the Holy Light, her ghost side gradually dissipated.

The calmer, weaker, and more rational side of being human is revealed.

She looked at Kant with a pleading look on her face.

Kant sighed: "What's your name? Who killed you? Is there any evidence?"

The female ghost was stunned for a moment, then nodded in surprise, and then she showed panic, because she couldn't speak, and she didn't have much time.

Kant said: "Write it down, just write it down."

The female ghost immediately raised her hand, her body was almost completely purified by the holy light, and a halo flowed from every gesture, Kant watched the trajectory of the light floating.

Li Jing.

Xie Guangjun.

Then she hesitated.

Looking at Kant, he showed an apologetic but frightened look.

"Is the evidence gone..."

Kant nodded: "It doesn't matter, people are doing it, the sky is watching, even if the physical evidence wears off, the human heart can't deceive the world, as long as his people are there, there will be a chance to get to the bottom of this matter, right and wrong, and its own justice. , this matter, I took it."

Li Jing showed a look of tears.

Kant nodded calmly: "Then, rest in peace."

Holy light sweeps.

The female ghost's expression had become extremely calm. She looked at Kant with a calm and grateful smile - if the grievances in her heart hadn't been swept away, who would want to become an ugly and crazy ghost.

Then, she dissipated in this intense glow.

After a moment, Kant turned on the light.

All traces disappeared, and even the faint cold and rotten atmosphere in the room completely disappeared. He drew his sword into the sheath and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then suddenly came back to his senses.

"...Fuck! It's a **** ghost."

And, so weak.

He plans to make do with one night in this bedroom today, and go directly to the White Mist World tomorrow to get a gun.

Unexpectedly, after midnight, a sudden chill woke him up. He felt an extremely cold and extremely evil creature appeared in the living room. Immediately activate the ability to return to the white fog world, and shuttle to the room of his own community, take the equipment borrowed from the treasure room of the Goode family, and kill him fully armed.

And then no more.

"And it looks like a ghost..."

Kant threw the helmet aside, touched his chin and muttered, "I always feel like I've missed a lot..."

Dissolve your attachments, repay your kindness, follow your side, and promise each other with your body.

Of course, joking.

He wouldn't have any idea of ​​being merciful.

Now that he has sensed an extremely evil aura, and sensed the enemy's hostility and malice towards him, the only principle of battle is to kill him!

But this does not conflict with his promise.

Self-defense is one thing, promise to do justice to the other side is another.

Ghosts and people are different.

He was just seeking some justice for a poor woman who was wronged.

Now that you have the power, why not do it?

"Xie Guangjun..."

Kant walked into the bedroom, sat beside the bed, picked up the phone, and turned on the [beep-] degree.

- Honestly, this scene is rather funny.

Because he was still wearing that mighty temple armor.

Do a search.

And rightfully so, a whole bunch of useless information.

There are more than one billion people in China. There must be a lot of people with this name. How can it be possible to find out the messy information...

Looking for Pharaoh's help?

— No, no.

Not to mention that Old Wang is now a little suspicious, even if he finally confesses to a showdown, he will never let Old Wang help investigate this matter. After all, it must have extremely cruel methods to make that female ghost so resentful. Xie Guangjun Either have a great social background, or is a very ferocious murderer.

He didn't want Pharaoh to get involved in this kind of thing.

"There's always a way."

Kant said to himself: "And, I'm not in a hurry."

People have become ghosts, what's the hurry.

If you can't find it for a while, it's nothing to let you relax for a while.

—However, there is interest.


Kant jumped up early in the morning, took a taxi back to his house, freed up two oversized suitcases, ran back to the haunted house, packed the suit of armor, and carried it back.

Although it didn't matter if it was there, he still had a feeling of uneasy feeling.

—From that Xie Guangjun.

He carried the two suitcases into the house, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Intermediary Xu.

In seconds, the other party's voice sounded enthusiastically: "Brother Kang!"

Kant exchanged a few words with him, and then said, "Junior Xu, I want to ask you a question."

"You say."

"Apart from you and me, how many owners of that house? Is there only that one?"

The intermediary Xu over there seemed to be relieved, as long as Kant didn't ask him to check out, then everything would be easy to say: "It should be more than that, but this family has been buying this house for a long time, and it's only recently that it started to make trouble... You I understand, so it's not even the trouble of finding the previous owner."

Kant's expression moved slightly.

He said calmly: "Then who is the previous owner, do you know? Or, can you find out?"

Intermediary Xu wondered: "Hey, this is a little more troublesome, because that transaction didn't go to our company, and even if it did, we couldn't reveal it..."

He apologized apologetically: "This is after all about the privacy of customers..."

Kant was not disappointed, and his experience in another world made him full of patience.

He said, "It's okay, I get it, and there's one more thing."

"Please speak."

"If during these days, someone calls you and asks about that house, and who bought it..." Kant said lightly, "You can say it, it's fine, just one point, don't say Xiaoman is for me Is it okay to pay for it?"

Intermediary Xu was stunned for a moment, and then said in a strange tone: "I understand, I understand."

- Beast, what do you know?

But Kant was too lazy to bother with him, and after a few words of greetings, he hung up the phone.

At this moment, Intermediary Xu cautiously said, "Brother Kang, is that room... good enough to live in?"

Kant said lightly: "I didn't live."

Intermediary Xu was choked: "Then why are you..."

Kant was very playful for a while and said: "Buy it for investment, for example, I can go online to spend money to hire a navy to speculate on the news, and then find a few online writers and marketing accounts to fuel the flames, and make it one of the top ten haunted houses. And so on, and then make it into a homestay or something, and deceive some of the [beep-] and [beep-] fish who are full of sand sculpture anchors and traffic beggars to come and shoot videos. If you operate it properly, this set of The value of the house will double in a year!”


On the other end of the phone, Intermediary Xu was silent for a long time.


Kant hung up the phone.

in a good mood.

He dragged two suitcases to the bedroom, opened the closet, wanted to stuff these two large boxes of suspicious things first, and then frowned.

A batch arrived yesterday, and he tried the fantasy enchanting Dajian, which he hadn't tried for a long time.

Although still harvested a bunch of semi-finished products.

But this time the result was better, and it more and more confirmed his conjecture.

The success rate or progress of fantasy enchanting construction is directly related to the "reduction" of the enchanting target and the materials used. For example, he tried the Infinity Gloves again, and the only thing he found from the community was a sand sculpture made of pvc. The snake-style gloves of his younger brother will also shine, and this time he received a metal, alloy gauntlet with a rubber lining, which is obviously much thicker.

Although the final result is still a failure, the progress of enchanting is obviously a few big steps ahead of the plastic gloves, that is to say, Kant's conjecture has been verified.

"If I have money in the future, I can directly pay for the customization, and let those companies design and customize it from the most realistic and restored perspective. It doesn't matter how much money I have, what matters is the degree of restoration!"

Kant touched his chin and hummed: "In this way, if nothing else, the name of an ultimate true love local tyrant fan can't escape - although this true love fan may have a wider range of exposure."

He picked up the pieces at the bottom of the cabinet, put the box back, and put these pieces, broken blades, etc. on the box - take them together the next time you cross.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

Kant frowned and quickened the speed of cleaning up, but then the phone rang, he simply picked up all those things and stuffed them into the cabinet, letting them touch DuangDuangDuang randomly inside, and then kicked the side sliding cabinet door, He ran to the living room: "Come on!"

Open the door, it is Pharaoh.

Old Wang put his hands behind his back, stared at him, and was relieved to see that he was intact.

Then his eyes were a little bad, and he was a little confused.

Seeing her like this, Kant felt a little guilty.

He really did eat soft rice yesterday.

Although reluctant to admit it, although it is said that it will provide some gold.

But that's true.

After all, it is a little guilty.

And the old king's mood is also very tangled.

She thought about it over and over again last night, and the more she felt that the main **** space was a bit nonsense.

After all, it's just fiction.

It's the author's nonsense.

How could it actually appear in reality?

Once this idea occurred, other ideas appeared in her mind to support this doubt.

After all, her previous inferences were actually not that rigorous.

Maybe it's just a simple crossing.

The reason why it feels like a different world may be the flow of time between the two worlds. Kant may have been there for a long time... Maybe so.

She persuaded herself.

Because from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want Kant to go to a dangerous place like the main **** space.

But...what if?

It's not that I don't want to ask, I'm just afraid of what happens, what happens if it's obliterated.

This made her feel extremely confused.

The girl stepped into the room and went to Kant's bedroom.

Kant was startled: "Hello..."

Xiaoman turned his head and said, "Play with your computer, what's wrong?"

Because the bed in the bedroom is very clean, it is clear at a glance whether he slept here last night, Xiaoman can guess where Kant went last night just by looking at it. doesn't matter.

If Xiaoman took the initiative to ask, Kant would not be entangled any more.

Just tell the truth.

He said, "Let's play - what would you like to drink?"

Xiaoman said casually, "Black tea."

Really just casually.

Because at this time, neither of them is in the mood to play that stinky meme.

Kant went to the kitchen to boil water to make tea, and Xiaoman sat down on the chair.

The bed is clean, and it makes sense that Kant must have gone to that haunted house last night.

There are no ghosts anymore...

The girl swept it casually and found that the wardrobe was not locked, as if it was stuck by something.

She got up and looked over and saw a golden object, like a finger, and she crouched down and took it out—no, it was part of a glove.

And look at the colors and patterns...

As a veteran Marvel movie fan, Lao Wang naturally has a deep memory of this thing that makes countless people sleepless at night: "This is... Infinite Gloves?"

"Why is it broken?"

She wanted to open the cabinet door to find the other parts.

But the next moment, the girl froze in place.

-Wait a moment.

There is something wrong with this material.

Start heavy.

And the feel and the material... are also very wrong.

Not metal, not plastic.

That kind of color, that kind of texture, that kind of wonderful, mysterious beauty, even surpasses the feeling presented in the movie.

No other manufacturer can make such exquisite props.

Unless it's... true.

Wang Xiaoman instantly felt a cold air from the soles of his feet hitting the top of his head.

Just when she had doubts, an explosive shock of hard evidence struck again.

-Kant killed Thanos!


PS1: Update, 4,500 words.

PS2: Mainly after lying down until noon today, the symptoms of fever and fear of cold have been basically resolved, but the tonsils are swollen and swollen, and the pain in the throat is so suspicious of life, so I still hang up in the afternoon, I hope it will be better soon, but My head doesn't hurt anymore, so I can still write a little bit, but as usual, there is only one update. That's it, good night everyone.

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