Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 380: Chaotic true species

Wu Tie lifted his own soulprint in the Chengshou token and handed it over to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi pointed a finger, left his own soul mark in the token, and nodded with satisfaction: "Huo Xiong is it? Very good, you, well done. His Majesty the Emperor already knows your merits, go back. After that, there will be a reward."

Wu Tie bowed to Sima Yi, and then stepped back and took dozens of steps to give up the space to the senior generals of the Shenwu army.

How can a long time stay at Sima Yi's side?

However, the things here have already alarmed the Emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty?

What is the strange place in this blood flag battle?

Jiang Ping probed his brain and joined the Wu Tie. He lowered his voice and cautiously said: "Hear, all the rewards in this blood flag battle are all given by the gods, all of them are the best things... Big lotus seeds, what baby?"

Wu Tie frowned. At this moment, his skull was still faint. All the power of the spirit was swallowed up by the germinated lotus seeds. His residual soul power is that he can't do the internal organs. I don't know the situation of this lotus seed at all.

Spreading his hands, Wu Tie said very bluntly: "I don't understand, he took my mana out, my power of the soul, most of the blood was swallowed by him. At this moment, my strength dropped, and there was no hard work for several months. Basic cultivation does not go back... But I still don't know, this is what a grandfather."

Jiang Ping’s face was pumping. He pointed to Wu Ting’s eyebrow: “Where is he?”

"Life is in the middle!" Wu Tie smiled and looked at Jiang Ping: "Yingtou can be heard, what baby is so beautiful?"

Jiang Ping stayed for a long time. He grabbed his head and muttered for a long time before he muttered: "It seems that some secret treasures dedicated to guarding the soul and even the future of the gods are like this. But those secret treasures are extremely rare... ..."

Jiang Ping lowered his voice and sneaked and said: "Hear, this secret treasure that specializes in sheltering the soul is only owned by the royal family of the 寥寥 core, such as His Majesty the Emperor, such as His Royal Highness... 啧..."

Wu iron slowly nodded.

This lotus seed directly entered its life pool. Perhaps, as Jiang Ping said, this is a secret treasure to protect the soul of the soul?

Generally speaking, in the treasures of the same class, the treasures of the defensive class are several times more valuable than the treasures of the attacking power, while in the defensive treasures, the treasures of the sacred protection class are hundreds of times more rare in the armor, shields and the like of various physical defenses.

If it is really a secret treasure to guard the soul, many secret spells and curses that specifically attack the soul will not kill the witch iron too much. Even Wu Tie will immunize all kinds of secrets to spy on the soul, which is also a great guarantee for his safety.

"Good things." Wu Tie nodded seriously.

"Of course it is a good thing... the treasures that the gods rewarded are naturally good things." Jiang Ping was envious and envious of looking at Wu Tie, and then gave him a punch in the chest.

"Since your mana, the power of the spirit and the blood of the spirit are sucked up by this baby, simply, you will rest for a while." Jiang Ping pointed to the officers and men who are concentrating on the life pool: "They are basically Under your command, you are responsible for leading them, as a reserve team... these guys, all of them will be baby 疙瘩..."

Jiang Ping said and couldn't help but laugh.

These baby babies, according to the compilation of the genus, are the subordinates of the third battalion of the former martial arts martial arts of the former martial arts army, and they are all subordinates of his Jiang Ping. With such a group of powerful subordinates, Jiang Ping's future scenery in the Shenwu army can be imagined.

‘嘿嘿’, even the squadrons of the royal family where Sima Yi and Sima De are located... can’t match the battalion of Jiang Ping in the future.

Jiang Ping sang a song and went to find Jiang Hu. He had to tell Jiang Hu about the change of combat power after Wu Tie had won the reward. The next battle would not involve Wu Tie. This kind of future is bound to brighten the good seedlings. Their gods and martial arts still have to be properly cared for.

Sima Yi, the top-ranking big man, came to the battlefield and even brought the will of His Royal Highness. Such a big battle, one more ‘Huo Xiong’, or one less ‘Huo Xiong’, didn’t make much sense.

Inside and outside the castle, shouting and killing.

The rich **** smell filled the air, and the **** atmosphere almost condensed into essence, drowning everyone inside.

The Shenwu army came, the gods and the army came, the town magic army came, and the sorcerer army came... Several major army groups of the Dajin Kingdom, all levels of generals rushed through this small transmission array to reinforce.

Sima Jun of the town's magical hall, Sima Yi of the Dram Temple, the commander of the Shenwei army, and the only army of the great squadrons of the major corps, who were not the royals, also took the savage and rushed through the transmission array.

Sima Jun and Sima Yi’s repairs are just a matter of course. They are slightly worse than Sima Yi.

But the first army of the Shenwei army, ‘first’ is his family name, which is also the number one in the Dajin Kingdom. In the name of the 'military', the implication is that he can be a soldier and is the most powerful army.

The First Army did not marry his name. After he rushed to reinforce, he left the War Fortress for the first time. He was alone in the Tuling Army’s military camp. One person was alone in the army, and the Tu Lingjun Dashuai Tu Ling Wang Wu was undefeated. The commander and hundreds of senior generals were killed.

After one person annihilated the high-ranking army of the Tu Lingjun, the First Army succeeded in killing the 30,000-story ship of the Tu Lingjun. This was the result of countless scares of the savage sergeant, and slowly slammed the big knife and returned without seeing a trace of blood. Fort.

One person and one war directly caused the entire Tuling Army to collapse, and also directly let the Jaguar ride to close the paws.

After the First Army went out of battle, the Jaguar Ride and the Tu Lingjun had no movements for twelve hours, and even one arrow did not fall into the city.

The reinforcements of the Great Weis and the Great War Kingdom continued to enter the battlefields of the three countries.

In addition to the Jaguar riding, the Great Wei Kingdom, the three main legions of the Wolves, Longyan and Fengxiang Army also came.

The squadrons of the Three Great Forces of the Dawu Kingdom, the Demon Army, the Demon Army, and the Innocent Army also rushed into the battlefields of the Three Kingdoms, and the lord of the Dawu Kingdom, the prince of the Dawu Kingdom The Superintendent, who drove the lost spirits, launched a suicide attack.

Countless soldiers of the Tu Ling army were completely used as consumables by Wu Zun, and as a nutrient for the growth of the blood flag, they drove them to the wall, and then a wave of war died under the wall.

The Jaguar ride, which was also greatly frustrated by the war, was also attacked by the dying of the Emperor Wei.

In this round of offense, the Jaguar Rider and the Tu Lingjun have no retreat. They dare to step back, and the other main corps behind them will serve as the supervising team, and they will start to attack them.

Either break the battle fort, or die under the war, or die under the sword of the superintendent.

Jaguar Riding and Tu Lingjun, except for a few generals who came out of the door and were born in the royal family, all others fell into a mortal situation.

The witch iron plate sits in the corner of the fort. He is surrounded by nearly 4,000 people who have just broken through the life of the pool and are being fixed and repaired, and at the same time, the subordinates of the "six-turn yuan".

The small war castles are filled with the elite generals of the Shenwu army, the Shenwei army, the town magic army, and the sorcerer army. These guys are all repaired by the Tibetans. With these guys, are these men of Wu Tie participating in the battle? It has no meaning at all.

Thousands of lucky people who have just broken through the life of the pool, really fight, not enough for a hundred children will be killed.

Not to mention that there aren't many of these thousands of life pools, and the generals who flocked to the Fort Fortress are all jeweled and luxuriously equipped to the extreme...

Jiang Ping told Wu Tie in the battle gap, when he ran and Wu Tiezhen. Before these people came to the reinforcements, the secret library of the Dajin royal family was deliberately opened. The secret library did not know how many years of top patriotic soldiers were collected. But all moved out to arm these generals.

At half an hour, nearly a thousand soldiers who were armed to the teeth came to the reinforcements.

The defensive power in the battle fort is getting stronger and stronger, and as time goes by, the Jaguar rider and the Tu Lingjun outside the battle fort have also lost nearly half.

The main legions of the three kingdoms are extremely large, and the Jaguar and the Turing Army have hundreds of billions of elites. Even if the generals of the baby's hiding place drive the Xianbing, it is easy to kill hundreds of elite soldiers with one blow. It is also an extremely hard work to completely eliminate the Jaguar ride and the Tuling army.

The boundless people rushed to the small war fort, and countless people fell under the war.

The commanders of the Shenwei Army, the Shenwu Army, the Town Magic Army, and the Swordsmen stood facelessly on the wall and let go and kill... Everyone is like a clay sculpture, completely losing the vitality of any living thing.

They completely incarnate and kill the machines, and those who are crazy outside the city are far less powerful than their soldiers.

The generals of the Great Jin Dynasty are often invaded by the **** atmosphere of the battlefield, unable to resist the vomiting of the loud voice; more people are invaded by the **** smoldering spirit, and suddenly they dance like a madman, slashing their sword toward the side. Hacking and killing...

Whenever this happens, someone will quickly replace their position, and they will be forced to be subdued and stayed on medication.

When they calm down the blood, calm down the spirit, and stabilize the spirit, they will continue to walk on the wall with no expression, let go and kill.

On the blood-colored beam, the surface of the blood-colored flag with a radius of dozens of miles began to appear with fine lines.

These lines make the **** banner more agile, more lively, and more scented.

Obviously, the soldiers who died in battle have indeed become the nourishment of this blood flag.

The witch iron plate sits in the corner of the battle fort, with a look of breath, squinting at the eyelids, and slouching handling.

His spiritual power has recovered a little, so he has been able to look inside the life pool and look at the changes in his life pool - he saw the sprouted lotus seed, he has fallen into the bottom of the life pool In the middle of the butterfly projection, a very fine rhizome slammed into the projection.

Witch iron swallows the heavens and the earth, and the pure mana is constantly growing, and it continues to fall into the life pool.

This whole body shines with colorful light. The lotus seeds carved like crystals constantly absorb the magical power of the witch iron. With the continuous integration of the Witch and Iron Mana, this lotus seed that has already sprouted a tender bud and a very fine rhizome His colorful light is constantly dissipating.

The colorful gods are too flashy, and after Wu Tie sat here for two days and three nights, the colorful lotus seeds have become full of gray, and the silky atmosphere is coiled on the surface of the lotus seeds. Occasionally these extremely fine sighs will Sketch one or two lines that contain the mysterious lines of the infinite avenue.

Wu Tie carefully communicated this lotus seed with the power of the soul.

He clearly perceives that there is a very subtle vitality in the interior of this lotus seed, and there is a bit of primitive chaos, but the spirituality of the agility is looming. This kind of spiritual knowledge is like the first light between the heavens and the earth. Although it is weak to the extreme, it is eternal and eternal, just like a little magical pearl in the hurricane, letting the hurricane raging, it can never be extinguished.

Build, vitality, the absolute desperate in the world.

Wu Tie and the lotus inside the lotus faintly communicated for a long time, he roughly understood what it was.

He didn't understand where the lotus seed came from, but he was a general existence of a 'failed warehouse'... There was a great existence that was shattered, and this lotus seed was the one that stood before the great existence was shattered. Hygiene machine.

Inducted into the air machine of Wu Tie, this lotus seed took the initiative to smash out and actively merged with Wu and Iron.

The subtle vitality inside him has endless possibilities.

He will use the body of Wu Tie as the 'mother body', quietly pregnant and gradually grow.

He has no specific appearance, no fixed form, what he will grow into in the future, what he has, what great power he has, and everything is unknown.

Like the gods who open up the sky, the moment when the big axe smashed toward the void, the gods themselves did not know what their axe would pick up.

However, Wu Tie was very keen to discover that this lotus seed felt the existence of water and fire gourds and water and fire guns hidden in his body.

Moreover, Wu Tie is very keen to discover that this now dying lotus seed has unabashedly displayed a kind of water fire gourd and water fire gun...disdain!

The same inspirational fireworks and water fire guns, there is no opinion on this, it seems that they defaulted to this lotus seed to look down on themselves.

"Interesting, I can't help but look forward to it, expecting you to become a baby." Wu Tie smiled and shook his head.

"However, this uncle, can you please raise your hands, don't swallow every mana that I have condensed? How much, give me some points to show my magical powers, and finally save my life?" Wu Tie is helpless This lotus seed is recommended.

In the next moment, in the rolling mana of Wu Tie's reunion, there was a trace of mana that escaped the madness of this lotus seed, and fluttered to the bottom of the life pool.

That feeling, it’s like a piece of snow falling on the big Gobi in a million miles. Witch and Iron don’t know. According to this speed, it’s going to be a hundred years to accumulate enough mana to release a magical power. Or a thousand years?

I was preparing to sing a few words with this weird, self-proclaimed chaotic seed, and Wu Tie was suddenly kicked.

Wu Tie looked up and he saw that Sima Yi had brought a few royal-born squadron generals, just like a screen in front of him.

"Huo Xiong, I heard that your lotus seed may be a secret treasure of the soul defense class. This is a good thing, the secret treasure that can defend the soul, mostly the nine refinery soldiers... you are lucky."

Sima Yi smiled very brightly at Wu Tie, just as he squatted on the ground.

"Let's do this, let's talk about it... You can't give me the qualifications for the cultivation of Xuan Gong. But the secret treasure of this spirit defense, I will give you a chance to make a knot."

Sima Yi was in front of Wu Tie and looked at him very seriously: "Remember, I will give you a chance to marry me. Give me this secret treasure, I will keep you in the head of the Dajin Shenguo, and the predecessors will prevail. Very incomparable."

"I want to be clear, not everyone, are qualified to Bajie royalty!" Sima Yi smiled more and more brilliant.

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