Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 358: Root by (1)

Congenital spirit treasure.

This is no wonder.

Wu Tie remembered the process of refining his soul and the sword of Beidou.

Heaven and earth are the big universe, and the human body is a small universe. The human body comprehends the heaven and earth avenue and wins a complete avenue. After being burned into the embryo, it is slowly warmed up and brewed. Naturally, it can refine the acquired dao.

Taoist, that is the powerful thing that is still above the fairy.

And if there is a spirit in the heavens and the earth, in the cave of heaven and the earth, or in the cave of the earth, there is a complete heaven and earth avenue blended into it, just like an embryo into the mother body - the palace, the essence of heaven and earth slowly nourished , gradually grow and grow.

I don’t know how many trillions of years later, with the heavens and the earth as the mother, the powerful things that are brewed are the congenital treasures.

The same as the "daodao", the heavens and the earth are great, and the "dao" that is refining the human body is much stronger, many, many, many times, both on the body and on the power after molding.

No matter the countless materials from the old iron, or the information obtained by Wu Tie from the blood memory, all tell Wu Wu an absolute ‘truth’ – the innate spiritual treasure, the strongest! The day after tomorrow, the ‘dao device’, even the sacred spiritual treasures of the most powerful sage refining in the heavens and the earth, is extremely difficult to have the power of the innate spiritual treasure.

Now, this old man in black tells Wu Tie that in this mountain of thousands of miles outside the flower worm city, a congenital spiritual treasure has been born?

Wu Tiezhen stared at the old man in black.

The three old black men smiled and nodded: "You can die without regrets!"

In the big laughter, the three old black men turned into black smoke at the same time, and the black mist in the ten-mile circle around the witch iron instantly, and countless miserable green light condensed into a tangled stream of light, silently and completely to the witch iron body. Hit it down.

In the dark fog, the **** who ran to the camp to take out a large body, full of blood and heavy weights, gnashed his teeth and pulled up the chords, put on three six-foot long arrows, and then The direction in which Wu Tie is located is a glimpse.

Three bloods and tears smashed into the void, and shot straight into the Wu Iron in the dark fog.

Wu Tie backhand pulled out the six refining knife, one knife smashed into three blood. The bang came, the Mars splashed, the Miao knives violently swayed, and the Wu Tie was slammed into the air by the giant force, and the swinging swayed back hundreds of feet away.

Three smashing arrows smashed on the seedling knives, and the seedling knives also cracked three tiny cracks.

The servant of the house slammed his eyes sharply: "I can't, my ‘blood wolf 弩’ is a six-smelling spirit, and your district is a lifeline...”

Wu Tie only snorted, and he glanced at the knife body, and there was a small knife that was sprayed out by Mars at the crack, and it was thrown away.

A bleak green stream of light rushed up with a bitter chill, and a layer of pale black frost quickly condensed on the skin of Wu Tie, which was still dead from the body. Countless flying knives swiftly cut through, the black net violently swayed, and each flying knife pulled out a thin black smoke on the Luo net.

The Vanguard car is spinning rapidly, and the Million Flying Knife is also crazy to cut three old black men at a terrible frequency.

The black net that they rushed out between them only insisted on a breathing time, accompanied by a harsh tearing sound, and the black net blasted open.

The intensive flying knife quickly passed over the body of the three people, and the screaming screams were heard. The old man in black, who was the weakest, disappeared instantly like the guardian of the house.

A group of black smoke wrapped in a ghostly spirit of the sky, the black smoke escaped very fast, but there is still no speed of the million-blade car million knives.

It’s just a bit of effort, and the soul of black smoke and black smoke is smashed.

The old man in black with two bruises screamed in unison: "The third child!"

There were so many pieces of treasure on them. After a round of knives and slashing, they endured severe pain. They also sacrificed a thick round shield to protect the whole body. Then they were difficult and turned into a black smoke, which was very slow. The hard-topped shot of the flying knife, a little bit of escape to the distance.

A dozen or so waters behind them were also crushed by the flying swords.

These masters of the family are all repaired by the life of the pool. They thought that following the foreign aid of the three-child hiding, they could kill Wu Tie on the spot anyway.

They never dreamed that Zhongheng State had a banned demon temple that did not follow the common sense. It was inexplicably given a small eight-pronged school and a three-smelling sergeant.

The sky-knife fluttered and fell, and the two old men in black were wrapped in countless flying knives. The Huaguang, which was released by the round shield, violently swayed and swayed.

Wu Tie smiled and looked at the two black men who were curled up under the round shield. They asked leisurely: "The two repairs are strong, and they are real tires, and they are more and more different.狠 戾 戾... I don’t know, what is the origin of the two?”

When the two old people attacked the secret law, they brought great pressure to Wu Tie.

Their merits are extraordinary, but they are not the weak chicken practice of these people in the Dajin Kingdom. Therefore, Wu Tiecai said that they are 'real real-life tires,' and those who live in the family, At most it is a 'castrated version'.

An old man in black looked up and smiled at Wu Tiezhuo: "The kid... We are the guardian of the Great Weis, and you sinned us, you are dead, you are dead..."

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