Gu Lekang is a filial piety, and he has to queue up to be an official in the Ministry of Officials. Before he kept his filial piety, he was the magistrate of the fourth rank. According to the usual practice, if he kept his filial piety, he would either be promoted or transferred at the same level, and he would never be demoted.

However, there is too much maneuverability in it. Although the official department will not be demoted, it can hold it down. If there is a position, it will be arranged for others first, and it will be kept for a year or two, or even longer. If there is no vacancy, there is nothing he can do.

That's why management is needed, and that's why the official department is the same fat department as the household department among the six departments. The household department has money, while the official department has power.

Money can be exchanged for power, and power can also be exchanged for money.

Fortunately, the administration of officials is still relatively clear, and Gu Lekang reported his name smoothly without spending any extra money.

The Zhongyonghou Mansion has long since fallen, and Gu Lekang can only inquire about the news through his former colleagues and contemporaries. He doesn't want to stay in the capital, and he doesn't want to achieve nothing in his life.

One of Gu Lekang was working as an official in the Ministry of Officials in the same year, and he took the time to tell him: "I have inquired, your position has been confirmed, and you will be transferred at the same level."

Gu Lekang was surprised, "So fast?"

"According to my officer, it seems that the higher-ups have greeted you and don't want to embarrass you. I said Brother Gu, you are too unkind. You obviously have connections, so why bother to ask me to inquire about it for you?"

Gu Lekang hurriedly got up and saluted, "Brother Xin misunderstood, besides you, I also asked Brother Zhou, and I really didn't find anyone else."

Brother Xin was curious, "Could it be that someone in your family found it? After all, it used to be the home of a prince..."

Gu Lekang shook his head. Since his grandfather passed away, apart from a few honorable families with close contacts, there are not many contacts in the family. His two cousins ​​will also be reinstated, and there is no news yet.

Even if they are officials with little real power, they have to wait for a long time. How could he be so fast?

One must know that he has only applied for less than half a month. Although he has not experienced in the Six Parts, he also knows the rules. Those who are filial piety like him and want to be reinstated usually have to wait for about three months, and half a year is the norm.

"Could it be Brother Zhou?" Brother Xin whispered, "It's impossible, he doesn't have the ability, and if it were him, he would have told you a long time ago."

Gu Lekang bowed his head in deep thought, but couldn't figure out who it was after thinking for a long time.

Within two days, the Ren Shu from the Ministry of Officials came down, and he was going to be transferred to the prefect of Hangzhou. The former prefect of Hangzhou had to keep his filial piety just like him, because his family was in Sichuan, and he didn't even return to the capital, so he just hung up his seal and left.

However, Hangzhou is an important place and it is the spring plowing season, so the time for taking office is very urgent, and the official department only gave him three days to prepare.

He just received the letter of appointment, and Xin Tongke and Zhou Tongke came to practice with him. Xin Tongke took the time to pull him aside and said: "I heard that someone wanted to curry favor with Gu Taifu, and deliberately suppressed your documents. After passing the news to Gu Taifu, Gu Taifu said, "The state's equipment is used for private purposes, bullying the emperor and the people. Many years of books have been read into the dog's belly. The official administration of Dachu is messed up because of these people." Yu Shitai just drafted to impeach him. Therefore, Yushitai can only impeach the Minister of Officials for lax control and ineffective supervision, and asks to investigate and deal with the documents of the Ministry of Officials to see if there are other matters of malfeasance."

This incident was not a big one, only some officials at the upper level knew about it, and he, an official who had no right to go to court, had not heard the complete news until now.

Some time ago, the Ministry of Officials was indeed attacked by the Yushitai, but that was the responsibility of the Yushitai. If they attacked the Ministry of Officials today, they might find fault with the Ministry of Households tomorrow.

Gu Lekang didn't expect to involve himself, he was silent for a while and said: "Thank you, brother Xin, for your reminder, otherwise I would really go to the post in a daze this time, and I wouldn't know that I offended someone behind my back."

"Where, there is no chance in a million that we can get in the same subject, not to mention that we are so close." Xin Tongke said with a smile: "Don't worry about the official affairs, that person has been dismissed, even if he is reinstated, he will be released. He is at the same level as you. If he makes a mistake, he must be demoted. You are over him."

Gu Lekang shook his head and said, "It's hard to guard against villains, but I'm not afraid either."

"Speaking of which, it is thanks to Mr. Gu. If it wasn't for him, you would have been suppressed for a long time. After all, you are a brother. From this point of view, he is not completely ruthless to you. It is better to prepare some gifts to thank you and take the opportunity to improve the relationship. If Mr. Gu is watching over you in the capital, you will have no worries outside."

Gu Lekang smiled calmly and said: "Brother Xin thinks too much, you don't know that Taifu Gu is dedicated to the public, he is not doing this for me, but for His Majesty, for the common people in the world, it's just that I bumped into it."

Xin Tongke saw that he was frank and frank, and he was not moved at all. He sighed slightly, and spurned himself in his heart: After all, it is his own utilitarianism, this is a gentleman.

Gu Lekang didn't go to see Gu Jingyun, and they didn't disturb each other's lives. He took the book and started to pack his things and leave.

The positions of the two cousins ​​have not yet come down, but they are not very worried. With the example of Gu Lekang, their positions will not be held for too long.

Moreover, unlike Gu Lekang, Gu Lekang has real power and a real position, and is a governor of a government, but they are living in the capital and waiting to die, and their positions are not important.

According to their grandfather's will, their next step is to take care of general affairs, train the third generation, let Lekang maintain the momentum, and wait for the third generation to have connections when they become officials.

As long as the family is still wealthy and the children in the family can still work hard, Uncle Zhongyong's house can always stand up.

Gu Lekang took his mother, wife and children to take office, and after leaving, he never came back for a long time.

He likes being a local official very much, because he can do practical things, manage the people of one side, and let them live and work in peace and contentment. Although life is still sad, it gets better every year. Looking back after many years, there is a great sense of accomplishment.

He likes it.

Therefore, every time he was transferred, he asked the Ministry of Officials to be released, and he was unwilling to return to Beijing. Gu Lekang's performance is good, and he is excellent in the official assessment every year. Even the emperor can't help but pay attention to him.

Even if he was the child of Gu Huaijin and Fang's, it was difficult for the emperor to feel bad for him after seeing his achievements, so he waved his hand to let him stay in the place.

In the end, when the Fang family passed away, Gu Lekang wrote a letter to resign from office and keep his filial piety, and the emperor wrote a letter to rob his love.

That year was the time when the embankment was being built on the Yellow River. Gu Lekang saw that the embankment was one-third completed, and he gritted his teeth and agreed.

In the end, the embankment of the Yellow River was completed, and he also took root in the two lakes and became the governor of the two lakes.

This has been done for ten years. He felt that it was difficult to make progress in the local area, and the two lakes also needed fresh blood, so he wrote a letter and became an official.

The senior member of the second rank is going to resign, which is considered a major national event, and the Six Departments are deeply impressed by him, one is because they have dealt with him a lot these years;

The emperor rejected it three times very rarely. Gu Lekang simply handed over the government affairs to his subordinates and left with his old wife's seal. He neither returned to the capital nor his hometown, but went directly to Qiongzhou.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty were astounded. It is not that there are no officials who directly hang their seals these days, but there is not one official above the third rank who has done so in this dynasty. What's more, Gu Lekang is generally recognized as stable and restrained, which is different from that kind of willful and romantic celebrity.

It would not be unusual for Gu Jingyun to do this, but it would be too unusual for Gu Lekang to do it.

Standing in the front row, Shi Wei and Zheng Xu looked at each other, and couldn't help but recall Gu Lekang's appearance when he was a teenager, and immediately felt that it was nothing unusual for him to do such a thing.

It's all his fault that he has been so good all these years, steady and introverted, and thoughtful in every aspect, making them almost forget how domineering and domineering he was when he was young. After all, that's his nature, right?

And Gu Lekang, who exposed his true nature, was taking his wife for a walk on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, stepping on the fine sand, he couldn't help curling his lips and said: "Such a beautiful place, he didn't lose money when he was young."

Gu Su was amused, "Then shall we go back?"

Gu Lekang shook his head, "Since they're all here, we can't let down the beautiful scenery, we should have some fun."

Gu Lekang walked along the path of the criminals in exile bit by bit, saw the low-rise houses, and saw the criminals working in the countryside, and gradually had some complicated emotions in his eyes, "It turns out that the criminal village is like this..."

Erxi, who was already old, said in a low voice: "I have inquired about it, and the current sin village is much better than it was decades ago. At least it can support itself, unlike before when there were too many children and they would drown. But they still pay more than twice as much tax as good people, so it's best to leave it like this."

Gu Su sighed, "So don't be a bad person, and don't be a bad official. The bad person is fine. The only one who gets hurt when he commits a crime is himself. If he dies, he will be fine. But when a bad official commits a crime, the whole family will be hurt."

Gu Lekang's face was indifferent, "They are not all innocent, and they have to give something when they enjoy it. Except for the innocent people who have been wronged, the people here don't need too much sympathy from us. Only the brothers and sisters-in-law have feelings for this place, and that's why we put so much energy into it."

Gu Lekang has experienced a lot in these years, and his heart has hardened a lot. Gu Su looked up at him and asked, "Do you want to send them some souvenirs?"

Gu Lekang shook his head, "No need, I'm just here to take a look, not to mention they have people in Qiongzhou, will they be short of Qiongzhou's local products?"

After so many years, Gu Lekang and Gu Jingyun brothers are still not in contact with each other, but Gu Lekang always pays attention to their news. Gu Su is very anxious to see it, thinking that since he cares so much about this brother, why not put down his airs and repair the relationship, even if he can't be as close as other brothers, but he can still walk around as a relative, right?

But Gu Lekang didn't, he knew that Gu Jingyun just didn't hate him, at most he just admired him, but he absolutely didn't want to get involved with him.

That being the case, why should he bother, it would be troublesome instead.

He came to Qiongzhou this time because he was purely curious, wondering if the Qiongzhou written in sister-in-law's book is really as beautiful and interesting as she wrote, like a pearl, but also covered with dust and grievances and sorrows?

After passing through Qiongzhou, he also wanted to visit the place where he worked, especially the small county in the southwest, where his official career started.

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