Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 672 Extra Story Qu Weizhen Sister and Brother (1)

A flash of lightning struck, followed by rumbling thunder. The girl lying on the bed frowned, and a thunder rang in her ears, and she couldn't help jumping up.

Qu Weizhen looked out the window in cold sweat, couldn't help frowning, and didn't know if it was raining at home, and if it rained so heavily, could the elder sister and the others live in the new house.

Her thoughts could not help being immersed in the nightmare just now.

There is also such a heavy rain in her memory. She was only five years old at the time. This may be the earliest thing she can remember. It may be because it is too deep, so the memory is particularly clear.

Although her memory is late, she still remembers that she had to do a lot of things when she was a child. At that time, it rained for several days, and the pigs in the family did not eat.

Her father went out, and her mother drove the three of them to the vegetable garden early in the morning to pick vegetables and bring them back to feed the pigs.

The three of them went out in the rain, and finally came back with two baskets of vegetables. When they entered the door, they met her mother dragging the fourth sister and threw them out.

Daidi was only a little over three years old at the time, and because she was thin, she was about the size of a two-year-old child, so she could be picked up easily.

Mother Qu dragged her collar and pulled it out. When she got to the door, she picked it up and threw it into the yard. The fourth sister was so frightened that she couldn't even cry. She rolled in the mud twice and then lay there. dare not move.

She was only five years old at the time, and she was petrified, thinking that her younger sister was dead, so she stood on the spot with a cold body.

It was the elder sister who was the first to react, she dropped the basket and rushed forward to hug the fourth younger sister.

But her mother rushed forward and slapped the fourth sister into the mud again, angrily insulting her. Only then did they know that Mother Qu went to the kitchen to prepare food, and asked Daidi to watch over the younger brother, but she failed to watch the younger brother and fell off the kang.

Mother Qu was furious, pointing at Daidi, who was dumbfounded, and scolded, "What's the use of having you, you can't even look down on your younger brother, something that loses money, if you knew it was born, you should be buried, so you don't have to eat it no work..."

Dai Di was obviously frightened by her mother, she sat down in the mud and shivered, with a numb expression on her face.

The rain was pouring down on her body, it was icy, and there were thunders in the sky. Qu Weizhen was very afraid of thunder and rain, but at that time, it was her mother who made her more afraid. A biting chill began to emerge from her heart.

She walked up to her mother almost subconsciously and said, "My brother seems to be crying..."

Only then did Mother Qu come back to her senses, she gave Dai Di a hard look, and then went into the room to see her son.

At that time, their family did not build a new house, only an old and low mud room. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Qu Weizhen subconsciously stepped forward and dragged her sister to the kitchen.

The mother was coaxing the younger brother in the house, while the four sisters nestled in the corner of the kitchen and looked at each other, not daring to move.

The water on the body was dripping, and no one dared to go back to the house to change clothes.

In the end, the eldest sister helped everyone wring out some clothes, and then sat on the kitchen floor and watched the heavy rain outside.

Qu Weizhen cautiously stepped forward and hugged the stupid younger sister, coaxing in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, there is a sister."

Dai Di didn't react at all, the eldest sister took a look and said in a low voice: "She was frightened, she has to call her soul."

The second miss said in a low voice: "The calling of the soul requires food, mother will definitely not agree."

Qu Weizhen, who was only five years old, couldn't help crying, and asked in grief and indignation: "Isn't the fourth sister born by her?"

The elder sister and the second elder sister obviously couldn't understand the third younger sister's thoughts, so they answered affirmatively: "Of course it was born by the mother. How can our family support the child we picked up?"

Qu Weizhen couldn't help but hugged the fourth younger sister and wept suppressedly. At that moment, she knew from her heart that not only were they different from her younger brother, but perhaps her mother didn't treat them as blood relatives at all.

On that day, Daidi was beaten again by her parents in the end, and the matter of not watching her younger brother was considered over.

She is about the same age as the fourth sister, and the eldest and second sisters have more work to do, so she usually takes the younger siblings with them.

She clearly knew how much this incident had affected Dai Di, she stayed there for ten days before she slowly recovered, dared to speak, and saw her parents no longer shivering.

But apart from their four sisters, their parents didn't know this because they never paid attention to the situation of their four daughters.

But even if she was willing to speak again, she became very timid, and became clinging to the three sisters all the time, not daring to be alone anymore, let alone being alone with her mother.

It was then that Pandi became enlightened, as if she had suddenly opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and she suddenly grew up a lot.

She began to pay attention to the words and deeds of her parents, and then looked at the words and deeds of other adults in the village, and then silently compared them in her heart. She had many questions in her mind, she was very curious, the adults in their village had so many differences, so what about the adults outside?

Like her parents, they will use the girl as a livestock, and then raise them or marry them for a bride price or sell them to others as a girl? Or will it be the same as the old aunt's house next door, where the daughter can eat the same food as her mother when eating, or even better; when it rains, I would rather go to hunt pig dishes by myself than drive my daughter there?

Or is it like Uncle Zhang's family at the end of the village, who gave birth to a daughter and drowned herself, and then gave birth to a son?

Pandi is very curious about the outside world, but she can't go out, even her father will go to the city once in a long time, and she wants to go with her many times, but unfortunately she dare not mention it, because she knows that after mentioning it, except for one If you fight, she may not get anything.

So she held back, holding all the words in her heart, and then opened her eyes and looked around curiously, absorbing all the knowledge she could get from this limited resource.

So she especially likes to go to the village to sit with the old people and listen to all kinds of gossip.

She can learn a lot.

For example, it is better to spread fertilizer to nourish the soil when the field is plowed for the second time than to spread fertilizer after planting; she also knows that they can't grow vegetables around the spring equinox in their land, so they can only hoe the vegetable field first to raise it. Because during that period of time, it may be cold in spring, and the vegetable seeds will freeze to death, otherwise there will be a lot of rain, and the roots will rot...

In addition to the work in the field, she also knows that there are landlords and officials in the outside world, and the daughters of those rich families are called young ladies. I heard that they can eat rice every day without having to work in the fields;

She also learned to count from some old people in the village who often went out. She memorized them after reading it once, counting from one to ten, and then learned arithmetic from them. bigger numbers...

Many people in the village can't count numbers beyond ten, let alone do arithmetic. But she learned it. At first, she counted with her fingers and toes. After she learned that method, she used sticks and stones instead.

She memorized all the calculated numbers, and over time, she could quickly memorize the results when someone mentioned it.

Pandi is very proud of this, and feels that she can become a capable person in the future, even if she is sold out by her parents, life will not be too sad.

And four years later, she met the teacher who came here to stay overnight, and only then did she know that there are people like teachers in the world besides them and the young ladies that the old people said.

At that time, she only felt that the teacher was very knowledgeable, and she wanted to learn some skills from her, such as more advanced arithmetic, so she followed closely beside her younger brother.

In fact, she didn't dare to ask the teacher to be her teacher. She just wanted to learn more from her and inquire about the outside world while she was staying overnight.

But when the teacher's eyes of admiration fell on her, she couldn't help but behave better, and even better, there was an expectation in her heart that kept taking root and sprouting, wanting to burst her heart out.

She felt that this was wrong, because at the age of nine, she already knew that no matter how much she expected, she would fall badly in the end.

But she didn't expect that God would favor her so much, and it really made the teacher fall in love with her.

At that time, she had only one thought, no matter how much she paid, she would leave with the teacher. If she left here, she might have a completely different life.

Now, she has left there and indeed has a different life. She feels very lucky, but also very painful.

The difference between the current life and the previous one is too great, as if she was split in two, she felt that the previous life was a nightmare, although it was real, it seemed to be far away from her;

But I feel that the current life is a dream, and the previous life is real. It seems that just now she was living in Qujia Village, bowing her back to hunt pigweed, and this dream may wake up at any time .

She used to think that people all over the world were the same as those in her village, except that the rich were richer than the village chief, and the poor were poorer than her family.

But after she walked out of that village, she realized how big the difference was, and only then did she realize how low her previous vision was.

She doesn't know what her future is like, so she can only work hard to learn the knowledge she can get in touch with every day, thinking that even if she wakes up from her dream one day, as long as she can remember the knowledge she learned in her dream is enough.

The teacher said that it is better to rely on oneself than others in this world. Knowledge can only be acquired in one's own mind, and this is something that no one can take away or plunder.

Qu Weizhen listened to the heavy rain outside, moved her numb hands and feet a little, but still couldn't help getting up to look through the box she stuffed in the closet.

The box contained the money she and her brother had saved.

She and her younger brother have two taels of silver every month. They live and eat at the teacher's house, and try not to spend a penny indiscriminately, and save all the money.

Because the money is just food and toys for them now, but for the sisters in the family, it may be their life-saving money.

She didn't think her parents would find them a good home, so she had to prepare money to "buy" them from her parents.

She is doing well now, and she hopes they will be better off in the future.

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