Those who fell into the water were the students of Changfeng Academy Girls' School. After the game, a group of girls stood on the board of the boat to watch the game and wait for the result.

It is normal for the major academies to compete with each other. No matter how friendly the academies and the gentlemen are on the surface, there are always many struggles among the students in private.

This time, I don't know who first brought up the topic that Changfeng Academy is not as good as Songshan and Qingxi Academy, and the girls from the three colleges quarreled on the spot.

Coupled with the rumors that the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager were present to choose the concubine for the Prince Zhi, everyone was already at war with each other, and just when this topic was brought up, a few girls clashed.

The onlookers who had nothing to do with them remained silent, and even advised them to calm down and not be rude.

But during the quarrel, someone pushed away the classmate who came to persuade him first, and almost pushed him down. This was like a drop of water dripping from a frying pan, and it exploded instantly.

The quarreling party took advantage of this to attack, and even the few girls who were persuading others became angry, joined in the denunciation, and then started pushing and shoving.

Even if the girls quarreled, they didn't make any loud noises, so the gentlemen except them didn't have time to notice the abnormality.

In the chaotic pushing and shoving, it is unknown who pushed the girl who was standing in the middle to stop a few people who were advising them into the water.

Because of the large number of people involved, and students from the three major academies in the capital, the gentlemen had to sit together to discuss how to deal with it.

As the representative of Qingxi Academy, Zheng Dan said with a cold face: "The student who fell into the water has been picked up by her family. Although there is no serious problem, we have to give them an explanation. If it wasn't for Mr. Li's quick response at that time, she was taken away. How serious are the consequences if the people on the nearby boat are rescued?"

The gentlemen were silent for a moment, then nodded.

Xia Tian's clothes are thin, and if she falls into the water, she will be embarrassed even if it is impermeable. Even if it is not her fault, she will be criticized by others.

Now the folks have less stringent requirements for women than in previous years, but if she is rescued by a man and hugged wet, her reputation will be damaged. If her family education is stricter, she might even be married off.

It was Li Baolu who moved quickly, picked him up and wrapped him in a cloak, so no one could see clearly, so the parents of the students didn't get to the bottom of it, otherwise there would have been a disturbance in the cabin today.

This matter is beyond what the gentlemen of them can handle.

"All the students involved in the incident will be severely punished," said a gentleman from Songshan Academy with a pale face. "Young and vigorous, full of vigor and rivalry, being so rude in public shows that you haven't read the book well."

The master of Changfeng Academy said he had no objection, "The students who took the lead and the students who pushed people off the boat will be punished more severely. It's also good for them to learn their lessons."

Zheng Dan, "Next year at the Dragon Boat Festival Academy, there will be servants on the boat who are ready to go into the water to rescue those who fell into the water. Don't just wait when people fall into the water like before."

The teacher of Songshan Academy added: "It is best to train the students how to first aid in the water, even if they don't learn how to swim, they can save people."

The three gentlemen quickly took out the charter, and then carried the students involved into the cabin for interrogation individually. After the interrogation, they would know who was the one who made the first move and who pushed them into the water.

After the three of them finished writing their proposals, they submitted them to their respective academies for review. The piano art competition had just ended before the awards were announced, and the academies over there also came down with the results.

As the organizer of the piano art competition area, Zheng Dan will announce the results.

The girls involved were all crying, because the gentlemen dealt too much blows, even the students who were sitting on the sidelines were punished, and their punishment was the third heaviest. On the contrary, the students who mixed in and persuaded each other were given the lightest punishment. , was only punished for copying the first three volumes of "Sun Bin's Art of War".

It is true that the students were punished for copying "Sun Bin's Art of War". The gentlemen did not explain the students' confusion, but only let them think for themselves.

Because this punishment is not heavy, the students obeyed silently.

The most severe punishment was the student who started the attack and the student who pushed the person down. They had to apologize to other classmates and teachers one by one, especially the girl who fell into the water.

Then ten credits will be deducted from each, cleaning the library of the academy for a month, and copying "The Analects of Confucius" ten times.

For the rest, although apologizing is a bit embarrassing, cleaning the library is tiring, and copying "The Analects of Confucius" is boring, but they can bear it, and ten credits can be deducted. The two of them can already foresee their miserable lives in the future.

At the end of the term, if their credits fail, they will be repeated.

And the full score of each subject is 10, and 6 is a pass, and 10 points are deducted from them at once, so they must have at least five subjects that are excellent or above to avoid repeating the grade.

The two girls were really crying now.

Zheng Dan also came from his student days, looked at the two of them and said, "Don't think this punishment is too heavy, think about the consequences of her being rescued by those men."

The two girls felt cold all over and bit their lips tightly in silence.

Zheng Dan handed them the result, and said, "She is in the boat next door, you go and apologize to her."

The two took it with their heads down, and silently passed the wooden plank to the boat next door.

Zheng Dan watched them get on the boat and was about to turn around to find Mr. Li when she felt that someone was watching her.

She couldn't help looking up, but there were boats all around, and there were people on board, and she couldn't tell which one was looking at her.

She frowned, wondering who would pay attention to her.

"What's wrong?" Li Baolu tidied up the pens, ink, papers and inkstones on the table, and took the cloak from her, "Is the matter still unresolved?"

"It's been resolved, thank you Mr. Li for taking the shot."

Li Baolu shook her head slightly, "I am sir, this is what I should do."

Li Baolu squinted her eyes to see the position of the sun, and said with a smile: "It's getting late, I'll leave first."

"There will be a dragon boat race in the afternoon, won't you watch it, sir?"

"It depends on the situation. Didn't you already read it this morning?"

Li Baolu was going to pick up Gu Jingyun's father and daughter for lunch after get off work.

The poetry competition for referee Gu Jingyun had already ended, but he was surrounded by people before he put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table.

Everyone asked him some questions, but he was surrounded and couldn't get out. Fortunately, they were polite, seeing Gu Jingyun with An An, they didn't dare to push too far forward. But a group of people still surrounded his way to death, and he couldn't get out at all.

Looking at his daughter sitting on the chair with wide eyes and curious eyes, Gu Jingyun simply settled down to answer their questions.

Anyway, Baolu will come to pick them up, so they just wait here.

The students felt that Mr. Gu seemed to be in a good mood today. The students who had already asked the questions and wrote down the answers secretly thought that they would not be angry if they mentioned Mr. Gu again?

As soon as the thought flashed through him, he was squeezed out. Looking at the back that quickly filled the vacancy, he ground his teeth and listened to the question and answer inside.

Forget it, let's listen to other people's problems first.

Although there were many people around Gu Jingyun, they were very quiet. After one person asked a question, the rest gathered around with their pens and ink. Some of the questions asked by others were also with them, and some were things they had never thought of. Moreover, the answers Gu Jingyun gave were somewhat ambiguous. It's also different from what they thought. The students wrote it all down and sorted it out for discussion when they got back.

And there are more and more people here, some students from the small academy heard that Gu Jingyun was here to answer questions for the students, and they ran here, and they didn't watch other games at all.

After arriving, all the students wearing the uniforms of Qingxi Academy were squeezed out, and those who remained beside Gu Jingyun were students from other academies.

The students of Qingxi Academy were furious, "This is the gentleman of our academy."

A student squeezed in and turned around, "It's because Mr. Gu is teaching in your academy, so you should give more opportunities to others. You are both in the same academy, when can't you ask for advice?"

The student of Qingxi Academy said angrily: "Do you think it's easy to stop Mr. Gu?"

Mr. Gu is a family-loving person, he will go home when the time comes, and he will not stay too much in the academy at all. They will not be able to find someone after school.

The students of Qingxi Academy were trying their best to squeeze in again, when they saw a figure Shi Shiran approaching with sharp eyes, he was overjoyed instantly, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Mr. Gu, Mr. Li is here!"

The crowd fell silent, looking at the students who were looking at him expectantly, Gu Jingyun closed the brochure he handed over, and said with a smile: "You can find the mansion newspaper in the first ten days of May of the third year of Taihe, there is an article about Dali Temple Master Li's article."

He paused and said, "If you have any questions after reading Mr. Li's article, come to me again."

The student got the solution, and quickly and respectfully took his booklet.

Gu Jingyun turned around and hugged An An, and silently looked at the students in front of him.

The students who hadn't had time to ask questions moved out of the way with tears in their eyes, Gu Jingyun nodded slightly to them, and carried An An out.

Standing outside, Li Baolu pursed her lips and smiled when she saw the father and son.

Seeing her mother, An An immediately became lively, and let her hug her with open arms, "Mother, do you still want to be a referee?"

"No, let's go eat delicious food first, and our family of three will go play by ourselves in the afternoon."

An An cheered, covered her stomach and said, "I've been hungry for a long time, and I can eat a cow now."

Li Baolu nodded her nose funnyly and said, "Who did you learn these words from? Do you know how big a cow is?"

"Yes, it's as big as my cousin's cow."


Gu Jingyun laughed and said, "Brother Fu took An An to ride a bull yesterday."

Li Baolu: "...Doesn't our family have horses?"

Why ride a bull when there are horses?

"Yesterday your daughter went to the kitchen on a whim to grab a chicken and wanted to ride it. Well, maybe she also wanted to ride a sheep, a dog, or a cat..."

Li Baolu: ...The child really has a lot of ideas.

The family of three got off the connected boat, and was about to leave in a boat arranged by the academy, when the boat from Duke Dingguo's mansion jumped in line.

Duke Ding looked at the young couple with a stiff smile on his face, "Master Gu, Mrs. Gu, why don't you take my boat ashore?"

Gu Jingyun raised his eyebrows, thinking about the meaning of Duke Ding's move, Li Baolu took his hand, Gu Jingyun immediately put aside his distracting thoughts, nodded and smiled: "Then please excuse me, Duke Ding."

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