The court exam is easier than the general exam, and most of the second-class Jinshi with decent family backgrounds will choose to take the exam and stay in the capital.

Because there is an unexplained custom among civil servants that non-jinshi cannot enter the Hanlin, and non-Hanlin is not as good as the cabinet.

Therefore, for the sake of a bright future, everyone will try their best to take the examination of Shujishi.

But there are exceptions.

The Hanlin is noble, and the salaries of the nobles are even less, and they don’t even have the ice and charcoal respect in summer and winter. If the family is not rich, it is too difficult to stay in the capital with that little salary.

Not to mention buying a house, even if it is renting a house, it will cost a lot of living expenses for a month, not to mention that being an official requires entertainment. As a literati, you have to attend several literary fairs a year. In addition, there are rituals such as giving gifts to officials and colleagues during festivals, birthdays, weddings and funerals...

Just thinking about it can make you feel ashamed, so people without family resources will not stay in the capital.

Although the salary of county magistrates is not much, but they are the biggest parental officials in the local area. Even if they don't take bribes or do evil, they can make themselves and their families live well with some conventional gray income.

What's more, county magistrates have Lutian, and they don't have to pay taxes. All the income from the Lutian allocated from the official land is their own.

The Zhao family is not particularly rich, but they are small landlords, and there is only one son in the family, which is more than enough to support him in the capital.

And Zhao Ning didn't waste money, because he didn't have to worry about the future. After making up his mind, he went all out to prepare for the imperial examination.

His results in both the general examination and the palace examination were good, and with Gu Jingyun watching him study, he was ranked first and third, so he was admitted to the Shu Jishi without any suspense.

Shuji scholars have to study in the Imperial Academy for three years, and then enter the Imperial Academy after three years as an official. Of course, during the period, if they have made outstanding contributions or are particularly powerful in the eyes of Shangguan, they can also be awarded officials in advance. For details, see the same class as Gu Jingyun Qi Lekang, he emerged from Shujishi to Hanlin within one year.

Zhao Ning doesn't have such big ambitions. He has already fulfilled the dream of four generations of the Zhao family if he can pass the Jinshi exam. Next, he just wants to buy a small house in the capital, and then bring his grandfather and parents over to live a simple and happy life for the family. Just be together.

So as soon as he got the results of the imperial examination, Zhao Ning immediately prepared to leave for his hometown.

It was already mid-April when Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu sent him out of the city, but Bai Yitang and Qin Wenyin, who had vowed to return to the capital in April, had not moved yet.

Gu Jingyun said that he had already seen through them, so he let them go, anyway, Bai Yitang was not in a hurry to get married, so why should he be anxious for him?

It's just that Li Baolu is a little angry, because the yard she just cleaned seems to be falling to the ground again, and she has to clean it again later.

The family lost four people at once, and it felt a lot quieter, especially the loss of a pregnant woman. Li Baolu had no scruples in acting, so she waved her hand and said to Qu Jingxi and Qu Weizhen: "We won't be at home for dinner today. , go out to eat! After all, where do you want to eat?"

Qu Jingxi immediately raised her hand and said, "I want to eat steamed buns in mutton soup!"

Qu Weizhen also raised her hand, "I want to eat Huang Lao Wu's dry pot pig's trotters."

Li Baolu gave the two of them an appreciative look, "If you have vision, then let's go to Huanglaowu's dry pot pig's trotters at noon, and go to the end of the street to eat mutton soup buns at night."

The two children cheered, turned and ran back to the room, grabbed their schoolbags and ran out. Since they were going out to eat, shopping must be indispensable.

Sure enough, Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu were already holding hands and waiting for them at the gate. When they saw them running, they got into the car directly.

Qu Weizhen took his younger brother and ran over, and also climbed into the carriage.

Dongfeng and Lao Li removed the threshold, and Erlin drove out with a smile, leaving Aunt Sun looking at them sadly. Is going out to eat so happy?

Could it be that her cooking skills have regressed?

Li Baolu looked out the bustling street through the car window, and said happily, "It's still early noon, we can try the little things outside first."

Qu Weizhen and Qu Jingxi nodded repeatedly, swallowing involuntarily.

However, Gu Jingyun not only has a weak spleen and stomach, but he never tires of food and food, but also has some cleanliness. Naturally, he can't speak in such a situation, so he can only pay later with his hands.

Li Baolu and her two disciples were making a hot plan when suddenly the carriage stopped suddenly and the horse neighed. Li Baolu fell forward habitually. Gu Jingyun quickly picked her up, hugged her and leaned back, the back of his head was " With a bang, it hit the wall of the car.

And Qu Weizhen and Qu Jingxi fell to the floor like a headlong onion, rolling into a ball.

Li Baolu stretched out his hand to touch Gu Jingyun's head in distress, and stretched out his hand to pull the two disciples after confirming that there was no bleeding, "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay." Qu Weizhen rubbed her forehead.

Gu Jingyun covered his head and lifted the curtain of the car with a "swish", frowning and looking forward, "What's going on?"

"Master, someone hit the car!"

"Mr. Gu? Help me, Mr. Gu!" Xibao was startled at first, thinking he was going to be killed, but when he looked up, he saw Gu Jingyun. As if he had met a savior, he walked up to his knees and raised his head, saying, "Gu Sir, my young master is your student Lan Tong, and I beg Mr. Gu to save my young master."

Gu Jingyun frowned, "What's wrong with Lantong?"

"The wife wants to beat the young master and lock the young master in the ancestral hall. The young master is only nine years old. How can he be punished with a cane? Please help my young master!"

"Where's your master?"

"Master went to Zhuangzi outside the city yesterday and didn't come back. The housekeeper has already sent someone to invite..."

Gu Jingyun put down the curtain with a cold face, and said in a deep voice, "Get in the car, Erlin, and go to the Blue House in Mao'er Hutong."

Now that he has already gone to invite Lan Hua, but he still comes to beg him, it can be seen that he is ignorant of the calamity caused by Lan Tong, and the calamity is not small, otherwise the family scandal cannot be publicized, and this young man will not come to beg him, the master of the academy .

Although he didn't want to go into this muddy water, but thinking of Lan Tong who was a little timid and cowardly, Gu Jingyun still let Erlin go to Lan's house.

He rubbed his forehead with a headache, it was really terrible, when did he become so soft-hearted?

Li Baolu didn't think much about it. She naturally knew all of Gu Jingyun's students, so she couldn't help worrying about Lan Tong, "That kid is a little shy, and only active in front of familiar people. What trouble can he cause?"

Gu Jingyun looked directly at the happy news kneeling by the car door, frowned and asked, "Shouldn't you say it soon?"

Xi Bao trembled, his face paled, and he knew the seriousness, so he just bit his lips and said: "Young Master, Young Master played ghosts with several young masters in his class, and somehow frightened Madam, Madam was frightened There was a miscarriage, and a well-formed boy was conceived, the wife was furious, and someone arrested the young master to beat him with a board, but the young master was not at home, and the younger one was afraid that the young master would be punished with the cane."

Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu looked at each other.

Gu Jingyun asked in detail: "Your young master pretended to be a ghost to scare your wife on purpose? Where did you scare him? Who was there at the time?"

Xi Bao looked bewildered, and said with a bitter face: "The young master and several classmates did it in private together, keeping it from all of us, so I don't know anything about it. I only know that the place where the accident happened was at the old lady's house." In the yard, sister Xianglian from the old lady's yard was also scared along with my wife."

Gu Jingyun couldn't help but think of the ghost thing that Lan Tong mentioned at the beginning of the school year. Someone in the Lan family wanted to harm Lan Tong. But he can protect him for a while, but can't protect him forever, so not only did he not do it himself, but he also asked Lan Tong's father, Lan Hua, to not do it for the time being. This matter should be used as a training for Lan Tong.

Since Lan Tong is afraid of ghosts and suspects that there are ghosts in the world, he will teach the students "how ghosts form and move" and let them experience ghosts for themselves, so that they will no longer be afraid of ghosts.

Then teach them some methods of detection and concealment. It is up to Lan Tong himself whether he can catch the culprit.

Gu Jingyun didn't take this matter too seriously. In his opinion, it was just a small matter that his student experienced in his long life, and it was easy to solve. As long as you overcome the fear of ghosts in your heart, this is just a small trick in the back house.

So after he made sure that the students would no longer have any suspicion of ghosts in the world because of some visions, he gave up and let them investigate and collect evidence by themselves.

It's just that now it seems that they have found the person pretending to be a ghost, but accidentally caused trouble.

Gu Jingyun lowered his eyes and rubbed his fingers. He only hoped that this matter had something to do with Lan Hua's current wife and Lan Tong's stepmother. Otherwise, even if Lan Tong could escape punishment, it would not be very easy in the future.

While thinking about it, the carriage soon arrived at the Blue Mansion, Xibao looked anxious, wanting to urge but dare not speak.

Gu Jingyun got out of the carriage, pondered for a moment, and then said to Baolu: "Lan Hua is not here, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the inner house, let's do things separately. I'll pick up Lantong, and you go to visit Mrs. Lan. As for the two of you, follow along." me."

Qu Weizhen and Qu Jingxi hurriedly got off the carriage and stood behind Gu Jingyun when they heard the words, Gu Jingyun turned his head to look at Xibao.

Xi Bao hurriedly said: "The little one also listens to Mr. Gu's arrangement."

"Where is the young master who got into trouble with your young master?"

"They were all arranged in the guest room. Since they are not from our family, the wives dare not do anything."

Gu Jingyun nodded slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up: "Then you run again and invite the family members of those young masters. They have already stayed in the blue mansion for a day. Since Mrs. Lan is not feeling well, they are not well." keep interrupting."

Xibao's eyes lit up, he immediately responded, turned around and was about to run.

Gu Jingyun stopped him disgustedly and said, "Let Erlin take you there."

The student is stupid, but I didn't expect the student's servant to be stupid too. No wonder he was frightened by an illusory ghost and caused so many troubles.

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