Gu Jingyun nodded, "No longer ingesting poison, and careful conditioning, the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather finally had a child from the direct line, but the child would have to take medicine after birth. The old face begged the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital, fearing that the child would not be able to survive the age of three. The old ancestor was very angry and could not get rid of the incident, but his concubine was the main culprit. The concubine could not be dealt with, but he was confinement until death. After the division of the direct branch, the second room where the concubine lived was also suppressed. Qin Chengyu was from a poor family when he was young, and he could not even afford free ethnology. In the end, Zeng Wai The ancestor couldn't see it, and said that the faults of the ancestors should not be borne by the descendants. The subsidies and subsidies that should be given to the second wife by the family were in place. With the help of the great-grandfather, he was able to pass the examination and gradually support the family business. "

Li Baolu sighed, "Great-grandfather was so broad-minded, repaying evil with kindness."

Gu Jingyun sneered, "Yu Erfang, the great-grandfather is indeed a big-hearted person, but it's not enough to say that the direct branch repays grievances with virtue. Why do you think the secondary branch is so afraid of relying on the direct branch?"

"Because of the 800-year inheritance of the Qin family, all the resources of the 800-year-old branch are in the hands of the direct branch. The second room was indeed the mastermind of the incident back then, but none of the side branches at that time were innocent. If they hadn't provoked, fueled the flames, and secretly helped, there would have been There are many things that the second wife can't do. The ancestors couldn't get real evidence, so they could only swallow the loss and pull out the nails on the side branches. But the great-great-great-great-grandfather was not a vegetarian. Although he didn't become an official, But IQ and EQ are not weak, and before his death, he pulled out a lot of side-branch forces, and almost would rather hurt himself than let the side-branch get better."

The genealogy has always been controlled by the direct branch, and these secrets are written on the genealogy, and the children of the direct branch of the Qin family have to memorize the genealogy from the moment they can speak, and the genealogy of the eight hundred years, especially some important events, must be memorized backwards.

Gu Jingyun was taught by Qin Xinfang as a successor, and of course he is familiar with the Qin family tree.

That period of history was the darkest for the Qin family, and its losses were not stingy in a war. At that time, the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather completely disregarded the righteousness of the family, and almost preferred to destroy the clan and suppress the offshoots. That resolute attitude has still made the offshoots tremble.

But the old ancestor at that time did not stop his own son, and completely let him do what he did.

Therefore, when the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather Ying died young, he was only twelve years old, but he was able to support the entire family, because all the offshoots were cleaned up at that time, and it was expected to hit the top family. The Qin family lost a lot of resources and talents, and many outstanding figures in the branch were either suppressed to the point of being unable to hold their heads up or died of depression earlier.

The side branch suffered heavy losses, and the direct branch was also uncomfortable. It has been five generations. No matter how it is maintained, each generation of the direct branch has only one child, and the life span is not long. There are only two accidents during the period. One is Gu Jingyun's great-grandfather Qin Zhengze, who The only one who can live past sixty since the Five Generations; the second is Gu Jingyun’s grandfather, Qin Wentian, who didn’t live long, but he is the only one who can leave two children, one son and one daughter, who envy everyone.

"Since the fifth generation, the direct branch has never forgotten the hatred and lessons of the past. After the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather suppressed the side-branch forces to pieces, the great-great-great-great-grandfather began to withdraw the influence and focus on cultivating loyal servants. Try to keep all the resources in the hands of the direct branch, and let the side branch be cautious. This situation reached its peak during the great-grandfather, perhaps because too many people died in the side branch or they were frightened, and there were few in the later generations. Talented, he was the most conspicuous person in the entire Qin family when he arrived at the great-grandfather. He was the elder of the three dynasties, the chief assistant of the cabinet and the emperor's teacher. The contacts and various resources accumulated over the past dynasties are concentrated in the direct branch, and the direct branch distributes them to the side branches. By the uncle's generation, the side branches have no power to fight back, so my uncle can rest assured that I will come back to handle these matters alone."

"The houses and lands that have been stolen belong to foreign property. These properties will be lost if they are less. It is easy to get them back, but some resources are out of reach. They only recognize the Qin family, but in their view, the Qin family , even the patriarch of the Qin clan cannot replace the Qin clan, only uncles, and only people recognized by uncles can replace the Qin clan."

Li Baolu's eyes sparkled, "So it's very convenient for you to do things after you return to the capital, because you grew up next to your uncle, and everyone guesses that uncle will adopt you, so you can represent uncle."

Gu Jingyun nodded, "It is for this reason that in the eyes of the Runing Qin family, you and I are both guests, but not just guests, because I represent the uncle and their actual head of the family."

"The five generations of the first branch are single-handed, and the blood relationship with the side branch has long been weak. To put it bluntly, everyone is a relative who has already passed the fifth service, and the revenge that should have been avenged back then has been avenged. If the uncle has a son, let the son continue the Qin family. It would be great to go down, but now my uncle only has one daughter." Gu Jingyun said: "Uncle has limited affection for the Qin family, and he will definitely choose Niu Niu between Niu Niu and the Qin family. So in fact, it is more important for Niu Niu to divide the clan or give up the Qin family. Well, as long as I'm still alive, our future child won't be too bad, she will have her natal family to rely on, and she doesn't have to rely on the Qin family." Gu Jingyun lay on the bed, hugging Li Baolu and said in a low voice: "Besides, uncle and aunt won't Let her grow into a weak woman who can only rely on her father and brother, so the Qin family is dispensable to Niuniu."

"The Sixth Uncle may really be thinking about his uncle, but he may not have plans for the Qin Clan. After all, most of the resources of the Qin Clan are in the hands of the Dizhi. If the Dizhi has no successors or leaves, the Qin Clan will suffer heavy losses. "Gu Jingyun said softly: "And branching is the most unacceptable result for the side branch, because where there is an uncle, it is the direct branch of the Qin family, that is, the Qin family. In a branch, the hidden resources that leave with the uncle can at least occupy Up to 50%. It is not so much the uncle's distribution, as it is the uncle's distribution of the entire Qin family's lineage, dividing the entire Runing Qin family into two."

Li Baolu understood that now the Qin family is the most prominent family in Runing, a first-class family in Da Chu, but if Uncle Qin splits the clan, it is equivalent to dividing Runing into two, and the first-class family may be reduced to nothing. For a second-class family.

For this kind of family that has been passed down for more than 800 years, this is tantamount to killing with a blunt knife.

So cruel!

"So we don't have to get involved in this muddy water. We don't have to consider Sixth Uncle's suggestion. Now it's the Qin clan who is chasing Uncle, not Uncle who is in love with Qin Clan. It's best for them to accept Niuniu, and they can't and don't try to hurt Niuniu Otherwise, this trick alone will make the Qin family into chaos." Gu Jingyun sighed again, "The blood relationship between the direct branch and the side branch is too far, and the relationship is not very deep."

Therefore, Uncle Qin would not consider too much the interests of side branches, and it would be difficult for side branches to become Niu Niu's reliance.

In fact, if there were no fifteen years of exile, Uncle Qin would take the Qin family as his responsibility even if he had no children.

But in the past fifteen years, he has suffered too much, he has tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and his feelings for side branches have become weaker, so naturally he will not wrong his daughter for Qin's sake.

At the same time, many Qin clan members who couldn't sleep were also lamenting, "The blood relationship between the direct branch and the collateral branch is too far away. The root cause is that there are too few children in the direct branch."

If the direct branch is also prosperous, the involvement with the family will only be deeper. Unlike now, they have five generations of single inheritance, and only one bloodline survives. It is too easy to withdraw and leave, and there are too few concerns.

"Be more polite when you go to see Mrs. Li tomorrow. You'd better inquire about Uncle Jiu's daughter. It would be great if that girl could marry back to Runing."

The wives who were told: Hehe, a girl who is only over two years old is still from the direct branch of the Qin family, who dares to make a decision so early? Who has the ability to decide?

"Let's hit the Li family again. The Qin family must be inherited by our Qin family. Gu Jingyun's surname is Gu. What's the matter with the adoption to the first branch? It's best to let them retreat."

"Sixth Uncle is also true. No one has mentioned that matter for many years, but he still remembers that he really wants to adopt. There are so many people in our Qin family, which house can't we choose? We must adopt a person with a foreign surname."

This night was destined to be a sleepless night for many people, and Qin Chengyu even drank all night. When the sun first rose the next day, he dropped the flagon and opened the door staggeringly.

Looking directly at the round sun in the sky, tears flowed from his eyes because of being stimulated, he covered his eyes and let the tears flow, but he finally made up his mind.

What happened to the fifth generation of the Qin family must not be repeated again. Erfang has already been a sinner once and cannot do it again, so even if his heart bleeds, he has to grit his teeth and make concessions to Qin Xinfang and Gu Jingyun.

As long as it doesn't allow outsiders to take power, even if Niuniu is the head of the family, he will recognize it!

It was rare for Gu Jingyun to get up early and sit cross-legged on the rockery with Li Baolu, facing the rising sun, meditating, and they waited until the sun jumped out of the top of the mountain before closing their eyes and opening their eyes.

Ziluo and Zishan stood at the foot of the rockery and stared at them blankly, apparently not quite understanding what they were doing.

The young couple did not explain, and they did not jump directly from the rockery as before, but walked down the rockery with mutual support.

Only then did Ziluo come back to her senses, she was anxious to go up to help them, Li Baolu waved her hand, "Don't come up, this path is enough for two people to stand, if you come up, we won't be able to leave."

Only then did Ziluo stop, staring at them nervously, for fear that they would fall, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they stood on the ground.

Li Baolu looked back at the big rockery behind her, and said with a smile: "I heard that some people built mountains in their gardens, with strange stones piled up, deep caves, and all kinds of exotic flowers and trees planted on them, people can't see it from a distance. From the interior, it can be seen that the rockery is only majestic."

Zi Luo smiled and said: "Our Qin family has a rockery like this, Mrs. Biao would like to turn around and lead you to have a look."

"Is it in the big garden?" Li Baolu asked curiously.

Ziluo nodded, "Yes, the rockery was built in the northerly corner, so my cousin didn't see it last time."

"It was built by the ancestors of the Qin family. It is said that the rockery piled up was transported from Taihu Lake. A luxury."

Qin Chengyu, who just came over after drinking hangover soup, just heard this passage, and his face changed slightly. Even his family has only heard rumors about this kind of family history a long time ago. How could Gu Jingyun know so clearly?


Gu Jingyun must have memorized Qin's family tree!

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