"My father said that the Flying Man in White has always repaid kindness and revenge. Although his senior brothers and sisters have friendship with him, they have to repay the hatred that caused him. Therefore, even if he knows that this birthday banquet is a round, he must He came back." Chen Zhu sighed, "He is alone, no matter how strong his martial arts skills are, he might not be able to escape, so my father joined forces with a few friends to support him."

Li Baolu lowered her eyes and remained silent. Her master might have been like this before, but in the past few years he has become more peaceful, and he doesn't care so much about the past. Based on her understanding of her master, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't come.

However, it is not certain whether Chen Zhu's father really helped her master, or whether he used the name of helping her master to fish in troubled waters.

Li Baolu glanced at the innocent Chen Zhu and said nothing.

Chen Zhu didn't care, and continued to walk forward with her arms in his arms, and said in a low voice: "My father said that there will be a fight, and he won't let me in. Do you have any good ways to sneak in?"

"No, I don't have an invitation card either. My family will take me back if they find out."

Chen Zhu was rather disappointed, and finally turned his grief and anger into appetite and Li Baolu tasted the whole street's food before giving up.

If it wasn't for Ling Bi's appearance with black lines on her face to carry her back, Li Baolu felt that she might have dragged her to eat until night.

Li Baolu touched her belly, let out a long breath, and walked back slowly.

Ling Bi threw the junior sister to the senior brother, found an excuse to leave, and followed Li Baolu far away.

Li Baolu turned slowly into an alley, Ling Bi waited for a while before following, but found that the alley looked to the end, and there was no one there.

She frowned, and looked down, but found that it was a dead end. She raised her eyes and looked at the houses on both sides. Could it be that they live in this residential house?

But there is no door here...

Ling Bi immediately knew that she had been tricked, her face was a little dignified, she was just trying to confirm the identity of the other party, but she unexpectedly found out.

She is a veteran, and her lightness kungfu is good. If the opponent's kungfu is not far superior to her or has rich experience, she will never be able to find out that she is following her.

And considering Li Baolu's age, she shouldn't be involved in any of them, so she was cheated, it should be said that all of them were cheated.

Ling Bi immediately turned around and went back, she had to ask her junior sister what she had said to her today.

And Li Baolu had already returned to the inn at this time, because she ate too much hot food, Li Baolu drank tea three times in a row before sitting comfortably on the chair, "Have you met Sun Zhifu? How is he?"

"Gentle and refined, humble and generous," Gu Jingyun sipped his tea and said, "When we met for the first time, we just chatted about family background and poems and books, and it is impossible to get close to each other. However, this magistrate Sun has not been in office for a long time, only one year and two months Er, he knew that I came here for the property of the Qin family, so he gave me all the land deeds and deeds that had been sorted out. He said that the yamen had notified the tenants when the holy will came down, that the lease was only for this year, and the lease would not be renewed next year. .”

"It went well."

"Yeah, after all, he hasn't been in office for long." There is no deep interest entanglement with the local area, and Qin Xinfang has a high status now.

"How is your inquiry?"

Li Baolu repeated what Chen Zhu said one by one, frowned and said: "I was very curious about Master when I was young, so I often asked about it, but Master doesn't like to mention things about uncles and aunts. The sect is called Ling Tian Sect, and the most powerful is a set of superb inner strength and lightness skills. Before the ancestor, each generation of Ling Tian Sect had only one disciple, and that disciple was the head of the sect. Ling Tian Sect also had its own ancestral property, but The number is very small, and they can only maintain basic survival. Their full-time job is to steal corrupt officials and murderers. Except for taking 10% of their property, the rest must be returned to the people. If you don’t go out, you can keep it, and if you encounter natural disasters, you can also rescue them.”

"Among the major events of the past dynasties that Master dictated, the one I remember most is Emperor Ai's dike digging." Li Baolu paused and said: "During the war in the previous dynasty, Emperor Ai ordered his soldiers to dig the embankment of the Yellow River in order to prevent the rebels from pursuing, causing the farmland to be destroyed. At that time, countless houses were flooded, and the people suffered heavy casualties. At that time, the imperial court was useless, and the rebel army was short of food and grass, and it was impossible to rescue the victims. Only the famous local gentry contacted merchants, officials, etc. to provide disaster relief. Tianmen took out a lot of money and united with various Jianghu sects to buy a large amount of food, and escorted it from all over the place to the disaster area to relieve the victims, so that the victims did not cause more trouble."

"So the fact that Master has a lot of money is probably true, but the uncle and aunt probably don't know where it is stored. As for the book of war," Li Baolu shook her head slightly, "I have never heard of it from Master."

Gu Jingyun sat up straight, and said with a serious face: "The historical materials of the previous dynasty and the history of the founding of the Yuan Emperor have this passage. It is recorded that the Ling family in the middle of Shu led righteous men from all over the country to raise 480,000 taels of silver, 850,000 shi of grain, and 700,000 shi of medicinal materials. Che rescued the people, but I was taught by the court when I was young, and I memorized the surnames of noble families from all over the country at the age of eight. There is no Ling family in Sichuan. I asked the Hanlin who compiled the history of the previous dynasty before, and he said that this matter is long gone. For nearly two hundred years, all the historical materials left say that the leader was the Ling family, so this Ling family is not the identified surname and family, but the Ling Tianmen?"

"Lingtianmen is in Yazhou, in the middle of Sichuan." Li Baolu said softly, "Master, the old man told us to go back and have a look when we have time."

Gu Jingyun was silent for a long time, "Master may indeed have Zhang's book of war in his hand," he said: "The matter of Zhang Boying is recorded in detail in the archives of Dali Temple. After the evidence was collected, Zhang Boying was impeached, and at the same time, the evidence was transferred to Dali Temple, because the palace also received a copy, the late emperor was furious, and ordered the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple officials to go to Datong Mansion for a thorough investigation."

"The first emperor turned a blind eye to many corrupt officials. Zhang Boying's reputation for amassing wealth has long been known to the whole of Chu. The first emperor also knew that he occupied land and plundered it. But as long as he doesn't make trouble in front of him, he can't see it. Master I don't know whether it was on purpose or by accident, but he threw the letters between Zhang Boying and the Tatars into the palace." Gu Jingyun said with a sarcasm, "That man hated the Tatars the most in his life, and naturally he would not allow officials to collude with the Tatars. That’s why a thorough investigation was ordered.”

Gu Jingyun took a sip of tea, he had done a lot of homework, his uncle, Li's family and Bai Yitang were all people he wanted to catch, except for the Li family's case file, which he had never read, his uncle's and Bai Yitang's case file He has read it several times with Li Shilu's convenience, and he has almost memorized it by heart, so he knows more than those outsiders.

From Chen Zhu's point of view, Zhang Boying accidentally offended Bai Yitang, and Bai Yitang went to deal with him, but in Gu Jingyun's eyes, it was a completely different matter.

"The Zhang family can also be regarded as the founding father of the country, and the Zhang family was originally a gentry, and its heritage is deeper than that of the Gu family. However, in terms of credit, he is not enough to be a marquis and a nobleman. However, after several generations of management, and Zhang's descendants are prosperous Twenty years ago, its power was not even weaker than that of Dingguo Gong Wan." Gu Jingyun pointed at the table and said: "Zhang Boying is the eldest son of the eldest family, and also the patriarch of the Zhang family. He was the commander of Datong at that time and a famous general who resisted the Tatars One, he did not collude with the Tatar army to betray the country, and those letters are all evidence of communication with the Tatar caravan."

Li Baolu stared, "Is he smuggling?"

Gu Jingyun nodded, "Smuggle Dachu's salt tea to Tatar, and then exchange horses and medicinal materials with the merchants there, he can make a lot of money once and for all, this person loves money so much that he almost plucks his hair. Withholding the army's rations and eating empty rations are trivial things. The most vicious thing he has ever done is to enclose the field, bring a team of cavalry to enclose the field he likes, and force the owner of the field to hand over the title deed. Lease the land to them, and if someone refuses, he will order soldiers to pretend to be Tatar soldiers to attack Caogu to clear the village, or simply decapitate them as Tatars and report to the public.”

Li Baolu was trembling with anger, "Is there no one in the imperial court?"

Gu Jingyun sighed and said: "Yes, there was a censor who impeached him, and the late emperor sent Dali Temple officials to investigate, but the entire Datong Mansion was under his control, and it happened that the border was unstable, so the court did not dare to make too much of a move , for fear of turning him back."

"After my uncle entered the cabinet, he began to send people to collect his criminal evidence, but your master gave them away before he got the evidence," Gu Jingyun said with a smile, "otherwise, why do you think uncle and your master are so close?"

"At that time, Zhang Boying had more than one million mu of fertile land, and the annual land rent was more than 600,000 shi, not to mention real estate, shops and various smuggling businesses. It can be said that he was richer than the treasury. According to the records, Dali The officials from the Temple and the Ministry of Punishment had just arrived in Datong before they had time to start an investigation. Zhang’s mansion caused a thieves. At that time, they also arrived at the scene of the crime immediately, so the records were particularly detailed. Half of the books in Zhang Boying’s small study room disappeared. The gold and silver belongings also disappeared overnight."

Gu Jingyun smiled slightly, "Since Zhang's study was stolen, Zhang Boying has strengthened the guards. Unexpectedly, it was stolen again, and so many books, so many gold and silver treasures were removed, they didn't hear a single movement, you Are you saying it's strange?"

Li Baolu nodded sharply, "Strange!"

"Zhang Boying suffered such a big loss. He loves money the most in his life. He lost so much money and the art of war inherited by the Zhang family for no reason. He almost lost his mind. I don't know how he found out about Master. Anyway, he soon The master was arrested and brought to justice, and because of his loss of sanity, the marble officials took the opportunity to verify what he had committed, so he arrested the master and was arrested and sent to prison." Gu Jingyun said: "Master and Zhang Boying were escorted back to Beijing for trial at the same time. The master returned the stolen money, but the military books were not there, and the situation was chaotic at that time, so no one thought of those books."

"Then Zhang's family was implicated and ransacked, Zhang Boying was beheaded, and Master was exiled." Gu Jingyun said with a smile, "It was also Master's luck. I look down on Master, but I also feel that what Master has done is not a heinous crime. With the leadership of my uncle, everyone pleaded with the late emperor together, and then they were sentenced to exile. Otherwise, based on the record of so many crimes committed by Master..."

Gu Jingyun shook his head slightly, and Li Baolu also understood that his master was indeed very lucky to survive.

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