Gu Jingyun's crime of bullying the emperor was settled as early as Li Baolu blocked the emperor's arrow with a knife.

After the couple returned to the palace, they were almost confessed. Not only the palace people, but also the guards outside were also friendly to them. The next guard smiled at her very friendly, and reminded her to be careful not to hurt her hands in a warm voice.

Li Baolu was silent for a while, then flew down the wall silently holding two big pears, and said to Gu Jingyun: "It seems that everyone is very optimistic about the prince, when do you think our house arrest will end?"

"Short is today, long is two days." Gu Jingyun frowned and looked at the pear in her arms, and said: "This is sour and not delicious."

"These two are very familiar, I think they must be sweet." Li Baolu tightened his hands holding Li, and immediately changed the topic to the right: "How is the time calculated?"

"Didn't the maid who came to deliver the meal just now say that the empress is here?" Gu Jingyun cocked his lips and said, "The empress was personally chosen by the great-grandfather for His Majesty. The prince has been in a bad situation these years, and she is even under house arrest. In the Kunning Palace, not only is she living well, she has been able to assist Commander Wan in cleaning up the harem within half a year after she came out to take power in the palace, do you think such a queen is easy?"

So she will definitely find a way to lift their confinement, but she doesn't know how sick the emperor is.

Just when Gu Jingyun was thinking about the emperor, the servants in the main hall came to invite Gu Jingyun to meet the emperor.

Li Baolu also wanted to follow, but this time the emperor specially sent a message to the servant that he didn't want to see Li Baolu.

Li Baolu: ...

Li Baolu could only watch helplessly as Gu Jingyun followed the servant and left, her feet were so itchy that she wanted to keep up, but seeing Gu Jingyun's faint gaze, if Li Baolu could control her feet.

When Gu Jingyun arrived at the emperor's main hall, Peng Dan was already waiting with his important officials, and the prince and grandson were also rushing over.

The emperor was still half lying on the couch, not hiding his sickness at all, when he saw Gu Jingyun, he raised his hand and said, "Come here, come here to draft the imperial decree."

Gu Jingyun paused and knelt down on the futon under the couch, picking up the pen on the low table in front of him.

The emperor glanced at all the ministers, and said calmly: "The case of breaking the Yellow River's embankment has been solved."

All the ministers were taken aback. It has been so many years since the Yellow River embankment breach, why are you still talking about it at this time?

The emperor ignored their astonishment, and continued: "Wan Peng has made a clear investigation, and the fourth prince is indeed involved. The Yellow River burst its embankment, damaged farmland, and killed many people downstream. Many victims who have fled because of this have not yet been rescued. The prince should have an unshirkable responsibility, so I decided to put the fourth prince under house arrest beside the ancestral temple, let him atone for his sins, and let him pray for the great Chu community."

Ministers: ...

Your Majesty, you still want to protect the fourth prince, but you are not trying to convict him for treason, but for dereliction of duty and corruption?

The two are different in nature!

Only Wan Peng knew that the emperor did not shield the fourth prince, and that he really did not participate in the assassination of the fourth prince.

Maybe he had this idea, and even revealed it to Concubine Lan Gui, that's why the assassination happened, or maybe it was all Concubine Lan's own idea.

But judging from his trial and the performance of the fourth prince at the scene of the assassination, he did not participate or even know about it.

But Concubine Lan's rebellion was for him, and he also used the manpower trained by the Tatars to assassinate Gu Jingyun. The emperor would not tolerate him anymore just for this.

Banning is a good ending.

But Gu Jingyun didn't think so.

Gu Jingyun thought for a moment and began to draft the imperial decree. He listed the fourth prince as the second opponent, and the first was the emperor. The research on the two of them has never stopped.

He knew the emperor, and naturally he also knew the fourth prince. The fourth prince was conceited, bold and reckless, with an absolutely outgoing personality. Such a person would be locked in a small courtyard all his life.

Gu Jingyun: Hehe

It was more painful than killing him.

However, Gu Jingyun wrote down this edict in a very happy mood.

The emperor went on to the second topic, "Issued a letter of accountability with the Tatars, the border entered pre-war alert, appointed the general of the town as the Marshal of Zhenbei, and was in charge of the thirteen guards in the northern border. If the Tatars went to war, they must be stopped Outside the country."

"Recall Qin Xinfang, and he will be in charge of everything about the Tatars, with the assistance of the Minister of Honglu Temple."

Gu Jingyun's pen tip trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the pen.

He clenched his hands tightly, and it took him a long time to calm down, and the emperor had already explained his diplomatic policy towards the Tatars, trying not to go to war, but once he raised his troops, he would not back down.

Gu Jingyun calmed down and drafted this recall edict. His uncle was rehabilitated, and he wrote this edict himself!

From the corner of the emperor's eyes, he kept watching Gu Jingyun, seeing that his eyes were slightly wet, his hand holding the pen trembled slightly but his face was still sullen, and his depressed mood was finally a little better.

The ministers below have different thoughts, some are sincerely happy for Qin Xinfang, and some are jealous, but Peng Dan's heart is extremely complicated. As a senior brother, he should be happy for Qin Xinfang, but deep down he doesn't want to he comes back.

Just Gu Jingyun was able to summon so many contacts in the Qin family. If Qin Xinfang came back in person, would he still be able to secure his position as the chief assistant of the cabinet?

But at this time, no one was concerned about his feelings. Everyone was calculating in their hearts the time it took for the imperial decree and official documents to go to Qiongzhou quickly, and then bring the person back from Qiongzhou, as well as the time it took to send the letter of credence to Tatar and negotiate with Tatar. With the time gap, whether Qin Xinfang can catch up with the first confrontation.

But the imperial decree that the emperor was going to make immediately scared them to forget all of these in an instant.

The emperor said: "The next step is to issue a succession edict."

There was silence in the main hall, and everyone looked at the emperor in bewilderment.

Haven't you been taboo about this, why did you suddenly figure it out?

And is there still a need for a succession edict? Given the current situation, shouldn't the crown prince ascend the throne directly after you die?

The emperor looked at the prince and the grandson, and said complicatedly: "The prince will ascend the throne, and the grandson of the emperor will be the prince."

The prince hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and just as he was about to thank him, the emperor raised his hand and said, "I don't have much time, and we don't need to make those three-cile jokes between father and son, let the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households start preparing for the enthronement." Matters, I'm afraid we won't see the negotiations between Great Chu and Tatars, so the enthronement must not be neglected, after I leave, you must stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, at least not give Tatars an opportunity to take advantage of."

The prince knelt on the ground silently, kowtowed for a long time before thanking him.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction. His son is not good in every way, but this is good. He doesn't do unnecessary things and listens to suggestions.

Having said all this, it is the emperor's specific aftermath.

In fact, emperors are generally not shy about things behind them. After ascending the throne, the emperor has to ask the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Industry to prepare the mausoleum. An emperor's tomb may take more than ten years to build, and he will ask craftsmen to modify it if he thinks about it. Increase and decrease, so the span of the world is very large.

The current mausoleum was built after he reached the crown, and it took seven or eight years to complete it. But later, the emperor became more and more extravagant, and naturally he was not satisfied with the mausoleum built before, so he rebuilt it again. The burial objects brought here, and today's mausoleum are almost comparable to the Taizu emperor of this dynasty.

So the emperor asked Gu Jingyun to write down without hesitation, the things that must be buried with him after his death. In addition to the daily necessities he is used to, there are also books, antiques, jade, porcelain, cloth, and even gold and silver that he likes. .

In addition to these, there are also his favorite foods to be put in. Of course, the main purpose of the emperor's long-winded words is to "cut out a single room in the side room of the main hall for the Lan family to be buried."

The ministers were startled again, and while sympathizing with Concubine Lan Gui, they couldn't help sighing, it seems that the emperor really liked Concubine Lan Gui, and wanted her to be buried with her when she died, but it was a bit pitiful, and she was buried as a slave.

Gu Jingyun, who drafted the imperial edict, twitched his mouth, briskly wrote all the edicts, and then submitted them to the emperor.

The emperor only turned over the burial of Concubine Lan Gui and the letter of credence given to the Tatars, and handed over the rest to Peng Dan for review, and if there was no problem, it would be stamped and issued.

Facts have proved that a genius is a genius. Although Gu Jingyun has never done this job, he is perfect in terms of format, wording and sentence making. Even if Peng Dan tries to find fault, he can't find it.

So Director Su took out the jade seal, stamped it with red clay, held the emperor's hand and gently covered the imperial decree, and the rest was handed over to the Ministry of Rites to proclaim the imperial decree.

The ministers were about to retreat when the emperor suddenly turned his head and said to Peng Dan: "The Kaiping case has been clarified, and the treason that year had nothing to do with Junde, but the final document can only be issued after the Dali Temple sorts out the evidence, so it takes a certain amount of time to rehabilitate the case." Time. But since I want to recall him, I can't let him sleep on the street, I will sort out the Qin Mansion and the Qin family's property that was seized back then and return it to him, and the lost part will be made up from my internal treasury." The emperor said lightly. He said: "You are both the chief assistant and Junde's senior brother, so you can handle this matter."

Peng Dan bowed his head seriously and answered "Yes".

Gu Jingyun glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile, and wanted to retreat with the officials, but the emperor left him behind, "Talk with me."

There was no fluctuation in the hearts of the ministers, and they retreated calmly.

After the people left, the emperor said: "I just saw that you were mocking Peng Dan."

Gu Jingyun said lightly: "Your Majesty is wrong."

"That's why I don't like you," said the emperor, "The Qin family are all honest. If your uncle ridiculed someone, he would not bother to hide it. I can see that you are still lying to me, and there will never be any embarrassment on your face. Like a wooden man."

"I always thought that your majesty liked me very much. After all, you would call him into the palace to play chess and talk every now and then." Gu Jingyun said sharply: "As for your majesty's frankness, I think your majesty will not like it."

"How do you know I don't like it if you don't tell me?"

"I dare not be honest, because I have no foundation in the capital, and my uncle is honest enough, because even if the other party knows that he has been ridiculed by his uncle, he can't do anything. The kid doesn't have such guts."

It means that all this is your fault.

The emperor fell back angrily. For the first time, Director Su looked at Gu Jingyun disapprovingly, and reminded: "Gu Shi said, Your Majesty should not get angry."

Gu Jingyun cupped his hands and said without sincerity: "I know I was wrong."

The emperor felt even more angry.

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