Li Baolu took a copy of the Three Character Classic, put Niuniu on the carpet, and sat cross-legged in front of her, shaking his head and reciting the Three Character Classic.

Niu Niu looked at her with sparkling eyes, her expression was extremely serious, when Li Baolu said a word, she also yelled "Ah, ah" in a prolonged voice.

Li Baolu praised, "Niu Niu is so smart, she must speak early in the future."

Gu Jingyun and You Rongyan said, "The children of our Qin family have always been smart."

Although Niu Niu is only three months old, she has already shown extraordinary talent. First of all, her eyeballs move very quickly. When everyone teases her with colored balls, her eyes can turn quickly.

Secondly, this child is very talkative. Since getting up, unless she is sleeping, her mouth has not stopped much. She keeps talking to people with "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The last is the nature of reading. This child likes to listen to people reading. As long as someone holds a book and reads to her in front of her, she can kick her legs excitedly.

Li Baolu felt that she would have a good life in the future based on her current cleverness.

What pleased them most was her body. Since she was full moon, her body has become stronger day by day. Looking at it now, she is much stronger than ordinary children.

"As long as she gets through the teething stage, she won't have to worry about it in the future."

Qin Xinfang has raised children, so she naturally knows that it is very dangerous for children to have teeth. Generally, children need to be more than two years old to have all teeth, but can Zhou Baishu stay until Niuniu is more than two years old?

Qin Xinfang was about to talk to Zhou Baishu, but Gu Jingyun had already interviewed Zhou Baishu, "Baolu said you've been studying the Li family's medical books recently?"

Zhou Baishu lowered his head, blushed and said, "Yes."

This was one of the important reasons why he was willing to stay in the first place. Li Bo's ability is stronger than his master, not to mention that this is the accumulated inheritance of several generations of the Li family?

But the inheritance of medical skills is a very solemn matter, and he did not worship under the Li family's family. He always felt that learning the Li family's medical skills in this way was very uneasy.

"How long does Doctor Zhou think you can learn all the medical books of the Li family?"

Zhou Baishu sighed, "The medical skills are extensive and profound, and the Li family's medical books are the accumulation of several generations of the Li family. Although I study and study it, I can't master it after reading it. I can know three parts of it in three years, and I can understand it in five years." Maybe I can learn five points of it, but if I want to master it completely, maybe I won’t be able to do it in my whole life.”

The medical books of Li's family still mainly record gynecological and pediatric diseases, but there are also many other common diseases, and there are also some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Some have already found out the prescription or treatment method, and some only gave treatment advice but failed to verify it. Because it is the accumulation of several generations, there will often be annotations from the descendants of the Li family. Obviously, some people follow the opinions of their ancestors Tried it, but the effect was not obvious. At least the ancestors of the Li family didn't make a cure plan, and they were obviously still on the way to prove it.

Zhou Baishu likes the research attitude of the ancestors of the Li family very much, so he has to study and practice all the diseases that have been solved or not solved in the medical books. He feels that he may not be able to study thoroughly in his life.

He touched the medical books in his hand and said: "The Li family's medical books are not complete, there should be other manuscripts or books, if there are those, I might learn faster."

Gu Jingyun wished that he would learn more slowly, "Doctor Zhou, my wife doesn't want the efforts of the ancestors of the Li family to go to waste, and your medical ethics and skills are recognized by us, so we want you to carry forward the medical skills of the Li family."

Zhou Baishu was excited and held the medical book in his hand tightly, "Yes, but I can't take the Li family as my teacher."

He is a disciple of Imperial Physician Wang, and he doesn't want to betray his teacher.

Gu Jingyun: "Medical art is the art of life, and the doctor is also the heart of the parents. This should be the most selfless, but the world is so selfish, which makes many skills lost. It is true that things belong to them, but The ancestors of the Li family were not such people, and Li Yuyi was not such a person."

Otherwise, the Wan family would not pass things on to Li Baolu instead of leaving them to Li Hong.

"So Doctor Zhou just study here with peace of mind."

Zhou Baishu's eyes brightened, he got up and saluted, "Master Gu, don't worry, when I practice medicine and accept apprentices in the future, I will definitely use the merits of the Mingli family."

Gu Jingyun didn't refuse, but just nodded and smiled: "Dr. Zhou can stay here with peace of mind. If you want to practice, you can see the nearby villagers for free. This is how my wife's medical skills are practiced."

Zhou Baishu sighed, "With only a few medical books and no teacher to teach it, it is not easy for Miss Li to do this."

"My wife is self-taught, and I don't have a solid foundation. If there is anything I don't understand in the future, I will ask Doctor Zhou to teach me." Gu Jingyun left Zhou Baishu behind, and smiled for his wife.

Zhou Baishu nodded with a serious face, "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I have received great favor from the Li family, and I can't repay it. As long as Miss Li has something she doesn't understand, you can ask me."

Gu Jingyun raised his eyebrows, and said pointedly: "Actually, there are descendants of the Li family besides his wife. It's just that he was entangled in common affairs, and he just started to learn medical skills today. If Dr. Zhou wants to travel, he can go to Sin Village Go to Li's house in the fifth village, maybe there are still manuscripts left by Imperial Doctor Li."

Zhou Baishu excitedly asked about the address of the Li family, and decided to go to Wucun the next day. He patted his chest and said that he would teach the descendants of the Li family well.

He was always apprehensive about being able to borrow the medical books of the Li family, but now he could teach the descendants of the Li family in return, which he wished for.

No matter how righteous and awe-inspiring Gu Jingyun said, as a member of Xinglin, he knows the privacy of the inheritance of medical skills. It is difficult to learn advanced medical skills unless he is a teacher. To the family nephew.

He briefly flipped through the medical books of the Li family, and there were some diseases in it that he had never seen before. The teacher would never teach him. This kindness is too great, and he has always been anxious and does not know how to repay it.

And as far as he knew, his teacher only had the chance to read the manuscripts left by Imperial Doctor Li during his trip to Qiongzhou, and did not see the medical books of Li's family.

Zhou Baishu felt happy and proud, but also worried.

Just because he was willing to stay and take care of a baby?

Gu Jingyun left Zhou Baishu here excitedly, and as soon as he stepped out of the study, he saw Li Baolu sitting on the railing with his legs slightly bent.

Li Baolu looked away from the sky, looked at Gu Jingyun and smiled, "Are you going to fool Doctor Zhou?"

Gu Jingyun tapped her forehead with his fingers, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Doctor Zhou decided to study medical skills here until he thoroughly studied the Li family's medical books. This process may take five years at least, or infinite at most. "

At that time, don't talk about teeth, I'm afraid Niuniu will grow into a big girl.

With this doctor around, as long as there is no emergency that cannot be cured, it is not difficult for Niuniu to grow up healthy.

Dr. Zhou is not as good as his teacher Wang Taiyi now, but with the Li family's medical books, it will not be far behind in time.

Gu Jingyun held Li Baolu's hand and said with a smile, "This way we can go out with peace of mind."

They will leave Qiongzhou in four months. The exam time is too close this time, and it is impossible for them to return to Qiongzhou within two years.

But when they arrived in the capital, the situation changed rapidly, who knew when they would be able to escape and come back?

Doctor Zhou staying here is equivalent to giving the Qin family a life-saving talisman.

In addition to arranging medical staff for the Qin family, Gu Jingyun also arranged for the forces he managed one by one.

As the battle for the heirloom intensifies, no one knows what will happen.

Once it spreads to Qiongzhou, the Qin family's old, young and weak will take over, and Gu Jingyun has to take care of them.

Zhang Liulang needless to say, he is very loyal to Gu Jingyun, honest and reliable, he will lead the caravan, once the Qin family changes, his caravan can quickly cover for the Qin family.

And Zhang Yiyan has already chatted with Baolai, and he will only contact more people in the future. In addition to the teahouse he runs in the county and the officials he bought in the county, if there is any discrepancy, Zhang Yiyan can receive the news as soon as possible. village.

In the end, the most important thing is Bai Yitang.

The most dangerous thing in the entire exile area, apart from the ocean they faced, was the mountain forest that stretched across the entire island, but for the Qin family, the safest thing was this continuous mountain forest.

Bai Yitang has relied on mountains and mountains for so many years, and no one can compare with him in terms of understanding of mountains and forests.

In case of danger, hiding in the mountains is the best way.

And they need to build a house in the mountains, as well as beds, quilts and various daily necessities. There is always enough food for six people for a year...

These all require money.

Even a noble and desireless person like Gu Jingyun can't help but lament the importance of money, let alone Li Baolu who loves money.

Gu Jingyun took a box from her in the morning, and at night she settled accounts with her abacus, her face full of pain and confusion.

Gu Jingyun couldn't see it, pulled the abacus in her arms and said: "Don't forget it, you have counted back and forth five times, and it is impossible to get an extra penny if you count the money."

"We have to give at least one hundred taels of start-up capital for the cloth shop business, so we have less than fifty taels left in total, and we have to be in Guangzhou in Qiuwei and go to Beijing to catch the exam, which is not enough at all. "As the big manager in charge of property, how can Li Baolu not be in a hurry?

Gu Jingyun was very calm, "There will always be a way?"

"What way?" Li Baolu stared at him closely.

The corner of Gu Jingyun's mouth twitched slightly: "With all my abilities, are you still afraid that I won't be able to support you?"

He stood up proudly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, go to bed quickly, isn't Liu Changfu and the others coming to see the school tomorrow?"

Liu Changfu and the other five thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed to accept apprentices to teach them woodwork.

In addition, they also contracted the work of spinning and weaving machines, and they were extremely busy. Tomorrow was the day when they moved to a village.

However, Li Baolu cleared up several uninhabited houses in the village and used them as schools. Facing the enrollment of children from Sin Village and Xiangshan Village, anyone over the age of eight and under the age of eighteen can sign up for the school. Tuition is free, including For room and board, they only need to work for them for five years after graduation.

Li Baolu clearly told them that the wages would be very low in five years, but there were still many people coming.

Because apprentices are not paid, and they have to pay a lot of respect to their master every year, they don't think there is anything wrong with Li Baolu's regulations.

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