Chicago 1990

Chapter 1408: Luck says bankruptcy

Song Ya received an unprecedented courtesy from the Donkey Party during the National Convention. The House of Representatives took the initiative to greet him, and met privately with the current president and wife, Gore, Lieberman, and a large number of Donkey Party leaders. Talk about topics that politicians and celebrities will talk about, but really talk about elections, economics, and politics.

Not only because he is the future leader of the United States, but also because the Donkey Party is very likely to lose the majority of the House of Representatives this year, so it needs more support. After France made Messier and the old Bronfman bow down, Two more things happened during this time:

First, the first studio album Hybrid Theory in Lincoln Park under Metropolitan Records' music reviews and sales are both super explosive. This is not hip-hop or country music that is difficult to get out of the United States at this stage, but rock and roll, which will be bought all over the world. music.

The global sales of HybridTheory albums are looking at tens of millions of copies. Previously, Song Ya's three albums were used alone, while Jazzy and others' hip-hop music was of little help to the distribution outside the United States. The loss-maintenance Metropolitan distribution network immediately survived, and it will make a 100% turnaround next year. For surplus. And a global record distribution network that can be profitable and functioning well, no matter how small it is, it is worthy of being ranked among the top five second-tier distributors in the record industry. There is no suspense.

Successful classic rock music albums can be sold for a long, long time. This has caused the valuation of the two companies to double and double regardless of Metropolis Release and Metropolis Records.

This was a surprise to Song Ya. He signed Lincoln Park only to win the apocalypse song RememberTheName, who originally sang Mike Xintian. The Lincoln Park band that Mike Xintian and his friends teamed up with... just add to it.

Another great example of the principle of Apocalypse plug-in test uncertainty, although this time the results are biased towards the surprisingly positive side.

Second, Juniper, which has recently invested in A+ venture capital, has recently released new core and edge router products and its market share has rapidly increased to 15%. Hurricane’s share price has just reached 200 dollars, and its market value has risen to 650 against the market. One billion dollars, you know that the company's total revenue last year was only 100 million...

The reason is that it has something to do with the recording industry. In the environment of the previous bull market, operators and wire and cable companies told stories and got financing to expand and build infrastructure wildly. When the stock market crash came, they had to fight price wars to survive and network tariffs. As it becomes cheaper and cheaper, the number of people and traffic on the Internet have naturally risen. The P2P technology developed by Napster to facilitate the sharing of pirated music will create a very large number of concurrent connections in the network environment. Juniper’s routing technology route happens to be faster than the industry leader Cisco’s product with a faster throughput capacity for the number of concurrent connections. .

At the same time, in order to cope with the soaring demand for concurrent connections and increasingly rampant hacking attacks, many network firewall companies that A+ Ventures cast their nets are also booming.

Song Ya did almost nothing. The money lost on websites such as YAHOO was fully compensated by a series of emerging network equipment companies such as Juniper. He was an early investor in Juniper and still owns 5% of its shares. The current value is $3.25 billion.

Coupled with the Vivendi Global War, no one now thinks that he is a "pig on the tuyere" who relies solely on luck. A person who relies solely on luck may be successful for a while, but it is impossible for him to be successful, right? It is enough to bet on the wind once or twice. In the long-term and continuous gambling, apart from the unreliable reason for creating gods in the future, there is only one explanation left: APLUS is indeed capable, skilled, and capable. An all-round genius with a beast-like investment intuition.

And this genius’ net worth has already been squeezed into the ranks of the world’s top richest people. In August, when the editorial department of Fujibee magazine ranked the world’s richest people for two thousand years, no matter how it counted, he had to mess with the wind and set him a 7.3 billion knife. Home, 39th after Fidelity Fund heir Abigail Johnson, officially ranks among the top 40 richest people in the world.

We must know that this year’s stock market crash has caused almost all of the big tech giants to shrink in their wealth. The richest man Bill Gates lost more than 30 billion a year, Microsoft CEO Ballmer lost 4 billion, and Song Ya was born with Internet stocks. It collapsed and net worth soared by nearly 3 billion.

According to Song Ya's own calculation, how could his net worth be around the tens of billions mark?

The extremely keen political animals in Washington are naturally the first group of people to react. Even the chairman of the California Donkey Party, the chairman of the California Donkey Party, and the Federal Representative Patricia, who had an excellent relationship with the former president of Paramount Pictures, Shirley Lansing, are no longer there. Explosive, only asked a few words about China's views in the conversation to ambush.

Song Ya responded easily with increasingly mature collapse theory and globalization theory.

Since the age of sixteen, he has been a firm and generous investor in Donkey Party politicians, and this year is only twenty-five or six! If nothing happens, he will use ample gold, carrots and sticks to influence the elections and political situation in the United States in the next 50 years.

"Haha, APLUS, this is..."

Underwood embraced him affectionately from beginning to end instead of his wife Claire, and introduced him one by one. He would be happy. Underwood would never let him go today. Many political transactions within the Donkey Party will be completed during the National Convention. , Publicly reiterating his hard-core ally with the world’s top 40 richest people is good for him to bargain with Gore in order to occupy important positions in the U.S. government next year.


I saw a lot of people, and my facial muscles started to sore because they kept smiling. Song Ya rubbed his cheeks tiredly and yawned, "Go to Long Island together?" Julian Robertson and David Geffen had already said goodbye to their personal relationships. Song Ya invited, "I have prepared a small dinner party."

"Long Island?" Underwood wondered.

"Gold Coast, uh... my friend's house."

Song Ya explained: "Ms. Sloan suggested that I don't arrange the dinner in Tribeca. There are too many media during the conference, and the high-rise apartment area over there is crowded... Basically my African-American politician friends are here tonight."

It should be mainly the Manhattan group. Underwood asked his wife Claire for advice, and the couple readily accepted the invitation.

"The African-American group likes the current leader very much. He may have a bad impression of his wife... but Gore? Believe me, our willingness to vote in this year's election will definitely be very low. Gore is not much better than George Jr., why bother Take a trip to the polling station?"

The Manhattan Gang came back from Madison Garden Square one step earlier. Although it showed a unity, some people, such as the chairman of the Inner City Broadcasting Corporation Pierre Sutton, had no cold with Gore in private. He smoked a cigar and complained. : "Even if Mr. APLUS is determined to help the platform endorsement."

Now all black elites in the country are undoubtedly standing on the side of the ethnic hero Song Ya, and the Xiang Party politicians are also the same. The difference is that most of the black Xiang Party politicians are currently worried about nowhere and no way to get in.

"What's the use of saying this, Pierre, let's not vote for Jr. George? There is no suspense about Gore's election."

Jesse Jackson, a black affirmative leader who was born as a pastor and is more consistent with Gore in conservative tendencies, laughed: "Polls don't lie."

"There is a close trend." Ms. Sloan reminded.

"There is not enough time."

At present, Gore's polls are leading the way, Jesse Jackson is very optimistic, "Hey! APLUS!" He brought his precious son today, the Federal Representative Jesse, and when he saw Song Ya walked in the door, he immediately greeted him and called Xiaojie. Xi introduced the black pharaoh, the super gold master.

Jesse’s second district of Illinois is located on the outskirts of Chicago’s South City and to the south. Since the first re-election campaign in 1996, it has received donations from the Susie Foundation and the Love Where Foundation. This takes money, but Song Ya and Jessie have hardly ever dealt with each other.


Little Jessie was only ten years older than herself. Song Ya, who hurried back, exchanged greetings with the guests one by one, apologizing for being late as the host, "I'm sorry to arrange the dinner here. Is it easy to find?" he asked.

"Haha, we won't miss the wrong door, such a big manor house!"

Jesse Jackson laughed heartily, "I like the cross-shaped window at the gate. Is it Catholic?"

"Yes it is."

Of course, this is a French-style villa. Hayden is very experienced and very careful in buying a house. He chose this place to take care of the beliefs of Shakira's family. "I will introduce you to you." Song Ya hugged and greeted him. Mistress, "Shakira..."

"Haha, we all know each other."

"Then Congressman Underwood, you also know him, this is his wife Claire."

Song Ya also introduced Underwood, his closest politician. He could not take the initiative to establish direct contact between Underwood and the Manhattan Gang, but Underwood has already gained his absolute trust in the attack on the Vivendi Global Incident. After ten years of running-in, the two can finally deliver their backs to each other with confidence.

And there is still business today, that is, the JefJam record false accounting case sent to Wall Street Detective Spitzer, generally known as the Lyle Cohen case, has not yet been resolved.

"Let’s go inside and chat alone for a while, don’t bring other people in, especially Estefan and the others." Song Ya whispered to Shakira, Estefan and the members of the Latin gang were quite familiar with Harley’s stocks. The energy of the time makes him very annoying.

"Well, go ahead."

Shakira happily replied that her new English book this year was met with cold reception by the market, and she had a lot of free time.

"According to internal sources, Lyle Cohen slyly recruited Spitzer for some of the operations that Daniel and I did at DefJam Records that year. Daniel was the president of Sony Columbia Records, who owned half of DefJam. He indirectly contributed to the deal that year. Yes, he and I also involved the holding of a certain income..."

Entering the small room with Underwood, Ms. Sloan, Sutton and his son, and former New York Mayor Dingkins, they are all trustworthy people. Song Ya generously explained the inside information of some suspected illegal transactions at the beginning, "There is not much money. It looks like millions."

"What role did Lyle Cohen play at the time?" Underwood asked.

"Me and Daniel's ally, he was responsible for threading the needle. We jointly drove out Russell Simmons, the largest individual shareholder of DefJam." Song Ya replied.

The relationship between Sutton and Russell Simmons is also OK, knowing some inside information, "Your lawyer was Hamlin at the time, right?" Passy Sutton asked.

Song Ya nodded, "Yes, he is still in jail."

"Lyle Cohen bites like this... not afraid..." Pierre Sutton said half a word.

"No one cares about him now."

Song Ya had contacted Universal Music President Doug Morris through Daniel. Doug Morris hinted that Vivendi Universal CEO Messier had taken a laissez-faire attitude towards Lyle Cohen, not saving or contacting him. Doug Morris did it for It is inconvenient to intervene in self-preservation, and Lyle Cohen is like a headless fly now.

Because Doug Morris’s former peer colleague Ron Meyer will soon be the new president of Universal Entertainment, and as the former founder of CAA Brokerage, Ron Meyer is a guy who knows the entertainment industry very well. Gmorris could no longer play tricks like he did with Little Bronfman, and he has very little room for maneuver.

"Spitzer is good in public relations." Sloan said: "This kind of old-fashioned small case... Actually, you don't need to bother the New York State Attorney General."

"But Spitzer is about what happened last time..." Underwood didn't say He felt a bit resentful towards us, APLUS. "

"I know." Song Ya nodded and looked at Sutton and Dingkins.

In New York State, the Manhattan Gang still has some influence. "We will say hello to David. David and Spitzer have a good personal relationship." Pierre Sutton said.

David Patterson, Future Hope of the Manhattan Gang, Senator of the New York State Legislature.

"That's it for the time being, Spitzer is very conceited. The more pressure we put on, the more we might get things done. David should be able to do it," Dingkins said.


Song Ya nodded, and an illegal incident that could make him jump in the past is now settled.

"By the way, APLUS, when will the Seagram wine industry be auctioned?" After the short meeting, Pierre Sutton stood up and asked smoothly.

"It's almost the end of the month." Song Ya glanced at the date on the watch.

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