Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 465 The Lord of the Rings Appears

"That's it!?"

Seeing the Philosopher's Stone falling lightly on the Spear of Longinus in Charlotte's hand, and then slowly seeping into and disappearing like water droplets falling on the earth, Charlize couldn't help but feel a little disappointed,

"The process of completing this seal is not cool at all!"

"It's not meant to be cool. This is not a special effect for a movie!"

As a leading film director in Hollywood, Charlotte said words that were totally inconsistent with her status.

"Furthermore, even if I make the light effects extremely gorgeous, it's just to complete the seal. If you wait for a long time, you will feel irritable, right?"

"This is true."

Charlize nodded,

"What will happen next? You said Jack the Ripper ran away. He won't take revenge on you later, right?"

"The possibility exists."

Although it was Charlotte and Cromwell who tricked Jack the Ripper this time, the latter, as the Headless Horseman, has an elusive whereabouts and is very difficult to take revenge.

——Furthermore, it seems that Cromwell is more powerful than Jack the Ripper.

In this case, if Jack the Ripper wants to take revenge, he is more likely to choose Charlotte, who is still alive and whose target is more obvious.

However, Charlotte is not particularly worried——

"Although the Ripper ran away, his injuries this time were not minor - even if he is a ghost, it is normal for him to lie dormant for a year and a half."

"In other words, you don't have to worry about the other party's retaliation in the short term, right?"

Charlize frowned.

"What about the future? It's not your style to just focus on what you're doing right now!"

"Sally, you really know me!"

Charlotte smiled;

"Of course I have a plan once and for all, but it will also take a certain amount of time. The time when Jack the Ripper is injured and dormant is just the right time for me to prepare."


You will have another duel with Jack the Ripper in the future. Now defeating him this time is just a "twenty-year truce"? "

Charlize asked with a bitter look on his face.

"Hey, Sally, no matter what, the fight between Jack the Ripper and I can't be compared to World War I and World War II, right? Your metaphor is too exaggerated!"

Charlotte waved her hands and said,

"Don't worry, if I make another movie or two, I will definitely be able to deal with him!"

"...Why am I not surprised at all when I hear your answer?"

Charlize smiled bitterly and said,

"However, you should teach me some more spells! Although you said there are not that many ghosts in this world, you still feel that there are not many around us."

"That's not true, is it?"

"Do you want me to list them all?"

"...No, no need!"

Facing Charlize's serious gaze, Charlotte had no choice but to raise her hands in surrender.

"To be honest, I don't know whether there are more ghosts in this world, or whether people like us who are related to ghosts instinctively attract ghosts -"

"But, Sally, you are right. It is good to learn more spells to nip problems in the bud. However, the "tuition fees" we agreed on before still have to be "paid"!"


The girl who remembered what "tuition" was, gave Charlotte a charming look...


What happened after that was very simple. After sending Cromwell away, Charlotte and Charlize also left the wall-painted world of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" together.

However, before Cromwell left, he left a whisper in Charlotte's ear, which caused him to worry.

"Watch out girl!"

——It should be said that this is actually what Charlotte is worried about.

He has some special spells of his own. Even if he is not guaranteed to win against Jack the Ripper, he can at least win 50-50.

But for people like Charlize who are related to him, he has no guarantee.

In fact, Charlotte had considered this issue when preparing to deal with Jack the Ripper.

But the problem is, this time Jack the Ripper came to the door, and he really couldn't avoid it.

In this case, the only thing you can do is think about how to kill the opponent cleanly.

Therefore, it was actually a pity for Charlotte that Jack the Ripper finally escaped this time.

Fortunately, after thinking about the movie "Detective Sherlock Holmes", Charlotte had a new plan, but——

"If it is as I guess, then the autobiography of Eileen Wuornos that Charlize has been preparing may also encounter some problems! This is both a trouble and an opportunity!"

Charlotte was worried.

However, he is not sure yet, so he can only tell Charlize again to be careful about Eileen Wuornos' autobiographical movie.

Although Charlize didn't quite understand this, the girl who was used to Charlotte's mysterious style did understand the importance of it.

The pair soon left London for Morocco.

On the one hand, it’s a short vacation.

On the other hand, the filming of "The Mummy" will start soon.

But in London and the United States, the craze set off by "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" has just begun...


"Plot-wise, this is the least suspenseful film Charlotte Booth has ever made, not even close to his earliest film, The Turn - and that's not to say Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It sucks, on the contrary, it’s a very interesting story.”

"It's just that when a movie adaptation completely follows the original work without making any plot changes, it may not be that interesting to people who have carefully read the original work."

"I am just a person who has read the original work, but the problem is, I find this movie extremely interesting!"

——Kenneth Turan's film review this time is very long, in which he praises Charlotte very much,

"This feeling of knowing what the story behind is, but still being able to watch it with gusto, and even wanting to watch it a second or third time after reading it, I have only experienced it in some great works in the past. Like ‘The Godfather,’ like ‘E.T.’”

"When I say this, I am not saying that Charlotte Booth's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" will be as great as "The Godfather" or "E.T." After all, it will need the test of time, but in the future , who knows?”

"It's just through this movie that I discovered that Charlotte Booth's narrative ability is far more powerful than I thought, and excellent narrative ability is a necessary condition for a successful director."

"The filming of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is full of childlike fun, but also full of the charm of a fantasy world. The picture is extremely exquisite. I thought that only Steven Spielberg could achieve this level. , but obviously, reality proves that I was wrong..."

Sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast and reading Kenneth Turan's film review in the newspaper, Peter Jackson couldn't help but sigh,

"I wonder when I will be able to make a movie like this!"

"It'll be quick, honey!"

Sitting across from him, his wife Frances Walsh encouraged her husband.

"Don't forget our new plan. Since J.K. Rowling's works can succeed, there is no reason for the greater Tolkien to fail!"

"you're right!"

Peter Jackson nodded.

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